Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 367: Joining Teachers

Chapter 367: Joining Teachers
What is Zuo Menggeng's greatest confidence?
It was his father Zuo Liangyu!
I was defeated and retreated back to Kuizhou Mansion, and his father was still there, so go back and kill the pursuers and go back!

However, at this time, the messenger's words made him really unbelievable.

Therefore, he opened his eyes wide and confirmed again: "My father also fled back to Kuizhou Mansion?"

Didn't you say that Chuanzhong's military equipment is relaxed?

Zuo Menggeng stood there stupidly, but Ma Shixiu immediately asked: "Do you know who is the enemy of the commander-in-chief?"

"Qin Bing!" The messenger immediately replied, "The governor of the three sides leads Qin Bing personally, at least [-] horses, chasing the general, and will soon kill Kuizhou Mansion! Especially that lunatic He in the Qin army, I don't know why, it's not the banner of the general army, the pursuit is the tightest! Now the forward has passed Kaixian County, and is heading straight for Kuizhou Prefecture..."

The mission of the messenger was to inform Zuo Menggeng to withdraw troops as soon as possible under Zuo Liangyu's order, because facing the Qin soldiers led by the governors of the three sides, it was definitely going to be a tough battle.Gather troops and avoid being defeated by the imperial court officers and troops one by one, so as to counter the Qin soldiers.

However, the messenger saw that the army on Zuo Menggeng's side was defeated even worse than the commander's side, so he had nothing to say!

At this time, when Ma Shixiu heard the messenger's words, he suddenly felt bad.

As far as Daming is concerned, if you don't count the Qi family army back then, the best source of soldiers is Qin soldiers.

Now the governors of the three sides lead the army here in person, and they still lead [-] troops!

If my side had just seized Kuizhou Mansion, they might still have the power to fight, but now they have already been defeated under the division of troops. How can this battle be fought under the joint attack of Qin soldiers and Shu soldiers?

"If there are those who fight, they will still be able to fight!" Zuo Liangyu, who had just fled back in the lobby of the magistrate's yamen in Kuizhou Prefecture and couldn't care less about rest, immediately held a military meeting, and said to the generals under his command, "Qin Bing was in a hurry to chase, and the team stretched too long. Now I have urgently sent messengers to Chongqing. Regardless of whether Chongqing can be defeated there, we will return to the division and intercept the Qin Army halfway. This is our chance!"

Speaking of this, he paused and then added: "Chongqing has mobilized more than half of our elite, and I have strictly ordered Menggeng not to interfere with Shixiu's command. In this way, we will surely turn defeat into victory!"

Li Guoying listened, nodded and said: "The commander-in-chief is right, now we have no way out, the commander-in-chief's move, there should be a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

The reason why they say that there is no way out is because they have entered Shu, and if they want to leave Sichuan, they must kill Li Zicheng's troops who are blocking the way.However, with their current strength, they basically have no chance of winning.

In this way, it can only be a battle to the death!
Fortunately, Qin Bing pulled his hips. Judging from last year's war, Qin Jun, including the lunatic He, had learned to bully the weak and fear the hard.

As long as Qin Jun realizes his determination to fight to the death here, then Crazy He will stop working hard, and maybe he will trap another governor here in eastern Sichuan!

Afterwards, they began to calculate the strength of the troops, thinking about how to cooperate with Zuo Menggeng's army to defeat the Qin soldiers. When one of Zuo Liangyu's personal guards hurried in, he said in a panic, "Commander, The Young Marshal is less than five miles away from the city..."

When Zuo Liangyu heard it, his expression changed immediately, and he shouted sharply: "What's the matter, didn't they make a detour to intercept halfway, did they not understand my words, or did they dare to disobey my military order..."

The personal guard unexpectedly interrupted Zuo Liangyu's angry shouting, hurriedly picked up the interrupted words by Zuo Liangyu in a panic and said: "Report to the commander, the young commander...he escaped back!"

"The one who escaped?" Zuo Liangyu was stunned when he heard this, and asked subconsciously, "What escaped? Didn't you say that the journey was smooth and that Chongqing was about to be taken?"

When Zuo Menggeng marched, of course he would send someone to contact Kuizhou Mansion.Therefore, after Zuo Liangyu fled back, he first asked Zuo Menggeng about the situation there, and then made a plan for Zuo Menggeng to return to the division to attack the Qin army.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu's personal guards were unable to answer Zuo Liangyu's questions.

When Zuo Liangyu saw it, she was also anxious, and immediately strode out to the top of the city to see the situation.

When Li Guoying and the others saw it, they all had serious faces, so they quickly followed.

When they first arrived at the top of the city, they could already see figures in the distance.

The leading group of people was riding a horse, but the horse probably couldn't run anymore, and couldn't get away from the large group of infantry behind them.

Just looking at it, Zuo Liangyu's face was gloomy and it was about to rain.

After getting closer, Zuo Liangyu recognized at a glance that the one riding in front was his son Zuo Menggeng.Accompanying his son was his lieutenant Ma Shixiu.

Looking at them like that, they are really in as much embarrassment as they want!

No, Zuo Menggeng rushed to the top of the city immediately after seeing his father, and asked out of breath, "Father, why are you..."

He hadn't finished speaking when he saw a slap on the ear.

There was a "snap", very loud and crisp!
Zuo Menggeng was almost knocked to the ground by this slap, covered his face in a daze for a long time and said, "Why did you hit me?"

"I allocated most of the elite troops to you!" Zuo Liangyu blushed with anger, pointing at the remnants of the defeated soldiers outside the city, and shouted sharply, "It's fine if you can't win, and you can just give it to me." I call back such a small number of people?"

If you can't win, you can escape, that is also a skill, at least Zuo Liangyu himself often does this!

However, now his son has defeated all his troops. This is the basis for his high hopes to turn defeat into victory!

Of course, if the east Sichuan exit was not blocked by Li Zicheng's men and horses, and the Kuizhou government could not fight and could not gain a foothold, he would not be so angry if he escaped from the Shu area, and he would be able to pull up another army when he turned around.This kind of thing has happened to him before, and he is no stranger to it.

But the point is, now he is in a desperate situation!It's not a question of whether they can make a comeback, but a question of whether they can escape or not!
If he had known that his son was such a prodigal, he would not have assigned the elite of the army to Zuo Menggeng.

What I met was Qin Bing led by the governor of the three sides, that's all, at least Qin Bing's reputation was once very famous.However, on his son's side, they were all dead soldiers in Sichuan. He decided to enter Sichuan after he detected that the military equipment in Sichuan was loose.Just like that, he even defeated his elite army!
At this moment, Zuo Liangyu really had the urge to kill this unfilial son.

Zuo Menggeng has never seen his father lose such a big temper. Zuo Menggeng immediately became cowardly, not daring to confront his father again, and hurriedly said to his father according to what Ma Shixiu taught him before: "It's a white pole!" Army, the White Pole Army is going to rescue Chongqing!"

"White Pole Army?" Zuo Liangyu frowned when he heard this.

The Qin army is already hard to deal with. Among the chasing soldiers here, there are also white pole soldiers. This is really adding fuel to the fire and adding frost to the snow!
So, he suppressed his temper and began to carefully study the course of the Chongqing battle.

After listening to Zuo Menggeng's description and Ma Shixiu's supplement, Zuo Liangyu had a clear idea.

It is true that Chuanzhong's armaments are loose, so that he will be vulnerable in the early stage.

However, it is obvious that the imperial court had prepared in advance, so there was the appearance of the Qin army and the reinforcements of the white pole army.

This situation can be seen from the fact that among the Chongqing reinforcements, there are even reinforcements like bandits.

That must have been assembled temporarily, and that's the same. The leading general will fight desperately, because the mob fights with one breath. If the general doesn't rush to the front, it is impossible for the mob to beat him at all. of the elite.

Among the chasing soldiers in Chongqing, the white pole army is the most troublesome.The other one is the sailor.

The naval warships on the side of Kuizhou Mansion have all been harmed by his son. Whether it is the infantry or the navy, they are obviously at a disadvantage.

The next battle will definitely be difficult.

How to do?
What's next?
For a while, Zuo Liangyu, who had always been cunning and cunning, also lost his mind.

Before he could discuss with his subordinates and come to any conclusion, He Renlong's army arrived.

In order to regain the position of chief soldier, and also to prove the value of He Renlong, he really fought hard this time, and he was the first to kill him to the city of Kuizhou.

Almost at the same time, Zeng Ying's troops also rushed to Kuizhou's prefecture.

Then, there is the Navy Division Yang Zhan's department, and the White Pole Army!
On the third day, Du Yinxi, the governor of the three sides, led the main force of the Qin army to arrive. In total, there were more than [-] imperial court troops, and they formally encircled the city of Kuizhou. This time, Zuo Liangyu was not allowed to escape.

Regarding this, Du Yinxi was in a good mood. When he met Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and others again, and heard about their battle, he couldn't help laughing and boasting.In recognition of their valor in battle, and the fact that they spent their wealth on official business.

For this, he also secretly admired Emperor Chongzhen, who used the trick of the Shu people to save Shu. Otherwise, even if they were willing to fight for the country, they might not use their family wealth as military resources.

But no matter what, even if it is protecting the family, isn't it also defending the country?Such people are still rare after all.

No, they took out their family wealth, and Lu Daqi also asked his elders in his hometown to contribute money and food.As the richest king of Shu in the Shu region, he is penniless. This is a stark contrast!

Looking at these heroic Shu people in front of him, Du Yinxi admired them very much.But now Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and others are subordinates of Sichuan governor Lu Daqi, so he didn't go over Lu Daqi to promote them.

He was discussing matters, and when he was about to take down Kuizhou Prefecture, Gao Jie, the officer on duty, entered and reported to Du Yinxi: "My lord, the left thief said that he wants to see you, and it concerns the safety of the people in the city!"

Hearing this, Du Yinxi was furious and jumped up against the case!

(End of this chapter)

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