Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 369 1 Everything is under control

Chapter 369 Everything is under control
The time went back to just after nightfall, and after the defense was deployed, Zuo Liangyu called his subordinates for a meeting at the former magistrate's yamen.

His first sentence was to warn his subordinates: "The emperor has already announced to the world that I, and you, are all unforgivable. Think about it for yourself, how many lives are in your hands, so don't look forward to it. The imperial court will let us go!"

After a pause, Zuo Liangyu glanced at the faces of these generals, and then continued: "Abandon illusions, don't be naive, this battle, for us, is a dead end, either we die, or kill the enemy in front of us, Occupy the entire Shu area, and drink hot and delicious food!"

"The enemies outside the city are all chasing us here. There must be a problem with food and grass! As long as we can hold on, we will have the last laugh!"

Speaking of this, he found that the morale of his subordinates was not very high, so he showed a mysterious look, and said to these generals: "I can tell you the truth. After standing firmly in Kuizhou Mansion, I have secretly sent someone to talk to Li Zicheng. Negotiations are over, he is under a lot of pressure from Officer Sun Dog, and he has a strong tendency to join us in fighting against the imperial court!"

Hearing this, the generals of the rebel army in the lobby were immediately refreshed.If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, this is good news!

"In the current situation, I have decided to take a step back and share the land of Sichuan with Li Zicheng." Zuo Liangyu raised his voice and said, "Then Li Zicheng will definitely join forces with us! In other words, we are not alone in defending the isolated city." , reinforcements will arrive soon!"

Listening to him talking, Zuo Menggeng couldn't help being puzzled, he was always by his father's side, when did he send someone to contact Li Zicheng?How come I don't know at all?Could it be that it was time for him to lead the army to go to Chongqing?
It's still Dad Yingming, who has long thought of a way out!Thinking about this, Zuo Menggeng couldn't help looking at Zuo Liangyu, with little stars in his eyes: every time there is a crisis, his father can save the day!

In the lobby, many people obviously had the same idea as Zuo Menggeng, and their spirits immediately cheered up.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the city.

Hearing this movement, Zuo Menggeng quickly reminded: "Father, the officers and soldiers want to steal the city!"

After hearing this, Zuo Liangyu immediately led the generals to the top of the city, but when they arrived, the imperial army had already retreated.

Listening to the report from the guard on the top of the city, it means that the imperial army really wanted to steal the city, but when they were discovered, they retreated!
Now that there was nothing wrong with the city, Zuo Liangyu led his men back to the lobby of the former magistrate, and continued to discuss matters.

As a result, it didn't take long before they heard noises coming from outside the city.

This time, Zuo Liangyu did not rush over, but ordered Li Guoying to check the situation.

Not long after, Li Guoying returned to the yamen lobby and reported to Zuo Liangyu: "Marshal, the court officers and soldiers tried to steal the city again, and retreated after being discovered!"

"Oh?" Zuo Liangyu listened, and after a little thought, he showed a trace of sarcasm, "This is playing hard to get, my commander asserts that the imperial court officers and soldiers are deliberately exposing, exhausting the guards at the top of the city, and waiting until late at night , is when it really steals the city!"

Li Guoying listened, nodded, and said with admiration: "The commander is wise, the last general thinks so too!"

After hearing this, other people in the hall also praised Zuo Liangyu for being wise and powerful.

Therefore, Zuo Liangyu began to dispatch troops and generals to deal with stealing the city in the middle of the night.

After everything was deployed, he said with confidence: "We have the whole city as a threat, and the imperial army will not dare to attack in the daytime. As long as their possibility of stealing the city is thwarted, then there will be nothing they can do about us. That's it. If the stalemate continues, the imperial court will be short of food and grass, and we have Li Zicheng's reinforcements, sooner or later Shu will be ours again!"

After describing the prospects, he announced the end of the military discussion, but left Ma Shixiu and Li Guoying among a few confidantes to continue discussing the military situation, and the others left.

After those who should go have left and those who should stay have stayed, Zuo Liangyu turned to look at Li Guoying and said to him: "The water gate you are in charge of has fewer torches and darker ones, so it is convenient to do things. ,understand?"

"The general understands!" Li Guoying immediately replied with cupped fists upon hearing this.

Then, Zuo Liangyu turned his head to look at Ma Shixiu again, and told him: "On your side, keep the movement as small as possible, don't disturb other people, secretly, you know?"

"The end general knows!" Ma Shixiu heard this, and quickly responded with cupped fists.

Zuo Menggeng was confused and didn't know what they were talking about, so he interjected and asked, "Father, what are you doing? Are we going to steal the camp from Shuimen?"

When Zuo Liangyu heard this, he felt a little displeased. This son is not clever at all.

But he knew that this was not the time to reprimand his son, so he whispered, "What camp are you stealing? Just like before, you can't stay here for long, you have to go!"

"Ah!" Zuo Menggeng was very surprised when he heard it, and said a little expectantly: "Just now...didn't dad just say... about stealing the city, and that...the reinforcements..."

Although he followed Zuo Liangyu before, it's not like he didn't run away.However, just now Zuo Liangyu dispatched troops with confidence, as if the victory must belong to his side, but in the blink of an eye, he was about to run away, and he couldn't turn around.

Seeing his son like this, Zuo Liangyu really didn't want to get angry, but in the end he got angry anyway, and shouted in a low voice: "Are you a pig's brain? Haven't you seen how the morale of the army is like? This city cannot be defended [-]% of the time." Live, don’t you have any eyesight?”

Originally, he wanted to explain in detail, if it wasn't because he lost this way, and Zuo Menggeng also lost this way, and he lost badly, then maybe he really still has the strength to fight.

However, now that the two armies have retreated after being defeated, with the loss of soldiers and generals, where is the morale of the army?During the day, he was bewitched by the governors of the three sides again, and the soldiers under him were even more demoralized.

Based on his experience, he could tell right away that it would be strange if the city could be held!

Since you can't keep it, of course you have to run away!
With property, confidants, generals and personal guards, there is a chance to make a comeback!
It's not like he hasn't experienced this kind of situation.And Li Zicheng, who was beaten down to only eighteen riders, now has more than two hundred thousand horses!

In troubled times, as long as you don't die, you are an opportunity; if you die, you have nothing!
Zuo Liangyu thought about this very clearly!
While speaking, there was another commotion outside the city.It didn't take long before it became quiet again.

For this, Zuo Liangyu disdains it very much, this kind of trick can be seen through at a glance, so just play it slowly!

In fact, he had already thought of the speculation that the imperial army might steal the city.

It can even be said that he actually forced the governor to do this.

Because he knew that after he threatened the people of the city, generally speaking, civil servants would consider the consequences and weigh whether the opponents in the DPRK and China would make a fuss about it, and would definitely not attack unless it was absolutely necessary. All the people in the city followed suit!
In this way, it will either be besieged all the time, or it will be outsmarted.

And if the siege continues, with so many troops outside the city, the daily consumption of food and grass will not be known.Normally, no commander would not consider the cost of this long-term siege.

As for outsmarting, it sounds good to say, but in fact, there are not many choices!

Night attack, stealing the city is a possibility that comes to mind naturally!
For these, Zuo Liangyu would not play with him, what he had to do was to sneak away while the morale of the army was still available.Once the morale of the army is obviously not good, he will not be able to leave if he wants to.

He prepared a total of five ships, three for transporting property, and two for him, his cronies and personal guards.Just waiting for the imperial court officers and soldiers to really start to steal the city and start fighting in the middle of the night, they sneaked away.

Before Zuo Liangyu said that someone was sent to talk to Li Zicheng, this was not a lie.

He did send people to investigate the situation downstream and found that Li Zicheng's troops seemed to have withdrawn.It's just that the imperial army was in a hurry to chase him, so he couldn't continue to inquire about the situation in Huguang downstream.

In the immediate situation, we can only talk about escaping from the dangerous place first.

Time passed slowly, and the night was getting darker and darker. Just as Zuo Liangyu expected, the imperial army outside the city slowly became silent.This just shows that the court officers and soldiers are preparing to attack in the second half of the night.

Only a fool would believe that the imperial army would steal the city in the first half of the night, when the city was still asleep. Wouldn't that increase the difficulty of stealing the city so that more defenders could reinforce it in time?

While Zuo Liangyu despised the IQ of the court officers and soldiers outside the city, he rested for a while, and waited for the court officers and soldiers to really steal the city, and when they attracted everyone's attention, they could run away.

Just in the big courtyard of the government office, boxes of belongings have been prepared, and the guards are resting, accumulating energy, and waiting for the signal.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, the shouts of killing suddenly sounded, and then the noise became louder and louder, attracting more and more people's attention. The defenders in many areas followed Zuo Liangyu's previous deployment and immediately led Bing reinforcements.

But at this time, Zuo Liangyu hurried to the water gate with his son, his cronies and belongings.

He arranged for Li Guoying to be on duty here, and after meeting up smoothly, he immediately moved everything to the ship.

Everything went well, no one noticed, and everyone was paying attention to Stealing City.

"Look, as I said, the morale of the army is no longer usable, and the hips are stretched!" Zuo Liangyu looked at the situation in the distance for a while, listened to the movement, and then shook his head and said, "Under my targeted deployment, They were all successfully stolen by the imperial army!"

Of course, the reason why the imperial court officers and soldiers succeeded in stealing the city also has something to do with him taking away all his confidantes and subordinates.Those left behind are all his abandoned pawns. Obviously, their abilities are definitely not very good, so it is not a pity to abandon them!

Thinking of this, Zuo Liangyu didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately ordered the water gate to be opened, taking advantage of this opportunity to sneak away!
(End of this chapter)

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