Chapter 370
Ma Shixiu was on the first boat, looking at his subordinates, telling them to be careful and not make any big noises, otherwise, once other subordinates find out that they have escaped, they will definitely break their morale.

As a result, as soon as he got out of the water gate, he vaguely found that there seemed to be groups of blurred shadows on the river ahead.

"What's the situation?" Ma Shixiu thought in his heart, and tried to open his eyes wide to see.

It looks like a few boats?
Just when I had this thought, I suddenly heard a voice: "Shoot the arrow!"

"Bang bang bang..."

As a veteran, he is most familiar with the sound of bowstrings.

As soon as you hear it, you know it's not good, enemy attack!

However, it was too close, and there was no time to react. The arrow had arrived almost as soon as it heard the movement.

"Ah ah ah..."

Continuous screams suddenly sounded, and many people on the deck were shot by arrows at once, and then fell into the water, making a "plop" sound.

Ma Shixiu was also shot in the arms and chest.It's just that the chest was protected by armor, and it didn't penetrate into the flesh. However, the arm was actually hit by several arrows.

"Bang bang bang..."

The sound of bowstrings was still ringing, and it was obvious that they could shoot arrows continuously in the dark, or it might be because there were too many people.

In short, under the rain of arrows, the rebel ships had no way to fight back.


When the ships collided with each other, a tall figure in the darkness suddenly shouted, and then jumped onto the rebel ship, cutting anyone he saw.

The boat behind began to light up torches and shoot rockets.

Other boats continued to row forward, passed behind the fighting boats, and entered the water gate.

In addition, some boats stopped at the water gate and had no time to get in. They threw out their flying claws and climbed directly to the top of the city.

Obviously, these ships have a division of labor in advance, otherwise, it would be impossible to be so agile.

Zuo Liangyu at the back of the fleet turned pale when he heard the movement ahead.He didn't have to look outside to know what was going on.

During the day, I didn’t see any boats from the imperial navy, so I thought they hadn’t arrived, but they must have already arrived, this is the main force to steal the city!

It's over, the city is about to fall, the water gate is blocked again, and it's a turtle in a urn!
The treacherous and cunning Zuo Liangyu couldn't think of a way out all of a sudden!
"Father, what should I do? I don't know how to water! Father..."

Hearing the crying and howling, Zuo Liangyu came back to his senses.

My son doesn't know how to water, and he doesn't know how to water either!

And it's just that this black light is blind, so what if he knows water, can he escape?
"Dock, hurry, dock!" Zuo Liangyu still had the mood and time to take care of his son, and hurriedly shouted, wanting the boat to dock back to the pier.

However, by this time, it was too late.

More and more boats have rushed into the water gate, greeted by bows and arrows, throwing axes and the like.

On the side of the rebels who had not prepared for battle in advance, they suffered heavy casualties every time they met.


The defenders on the top of the city had already been transferred by Li Guoying, just to make it easier for them to leave the city. As a result, the imperial army made a surprise attack. Without the support from the top of the city, they became a lone army instead.

When they saw the torches lit up at the water gate, the court navy warships waiting in the distance immediately set sail and rushed over for reinforcements.

The entire city of Kuizhou, the city walls on both sides of the water and land, were full of shouts and killings.

The time for stealing the city was chosen to be the darkest time before dawn. Not long after the fight, the sky in the east was pale, and the morning sun shone on the earth, ushering in the light!

At this time, the imperial army had already controlled the city gate, and a large number of soldiers were rushing in from the city gate.

Du Yinxi was already watching the battle when the battle started. Hearing the movements in the city and the reports from his subordinates, he knew that most of the rebels had put down their resistance and Kuizhou Mansion had been captured.

So, he moved to the top of the city of Kuizhou Mansion, and watched the situation in the city from the top of the city.

There are fires in many places, but they are generally controllable.In various parts of the city, some sporadic shouts of killing could still be heard. The court officers and soldiers were everywhere, either hunting for more rebels, or escorting the rebel prisoners out of the city.

Seeing the Governor's banner on the top of the city, generals from all over the place came to report the results of the battle.

"I will see the governor at the end..."

Zeng Ying, who came with big strides, didn't have time to finish, Du Yinxi hurried forward, supported him, and looked at him worriedly: "How is it, how is the injury?"

I saw a lot of arrows hanging from Zeng Ying's body, some were broken by him and some were not. There was a lot of blood on his body, as if he had been drenched in a rain of blood.

While Du Yinxi was speaking, he turned his head to look at the group of people behind him, and asked with the same worry: "How are your injuries?"

Behind Zeng Ying, Dong Qiongying, Li Zhanchun, Yu Dahai and others were all similar to Zeng Ying, which made him very worried.

Zeng Ying said with a smile: "Thanks to the armor given by the lord, the general only suffered some minor injuries, it's not a big deal!"

"Yes, my lord, I didn't expect that this armor is not only light, but also stronger. It's really easy to use!"

"Thanks to the armor, we were able to withstand the counterattack of the rebels when we first entered the city!"


Listening to the chattering voices and hearing them all full of anger, Du Yinxi smiled gratifiedly, and immediately said: "It's fine, it's fine, I'll give you credit later!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled again and said, "These new armors were made by His Majesty, and they will be the standard armors in the army in the future. In the Battle of Jizhou, hundreds of thousands of Jianlu were defeated, thanks to these armors!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be amazed. Such an easy-to-use armor was actually made by the emperor?

Really amazing!

The current emperor is much stronger than the previous emperor!At least this blacksmith's job is much more useful than carpentry's job!

Everyone was surprised for a while, and then Zeng Ying said with some regret: "The last general has been attacking the Yamen, but the traitor Zuo Liangyu has not been found. I don't know where he is hiding!"

"It's okay, under the siege, he can't escape with his wings!" Hearing this, Du Yinxi was not at ease, but comforted them, "Dig the ground three feet, and sooner or later he will be dug out."

While they were talking, they heard footsteps coming again, and at the same time, there were shouts: "Hurry up, be honest!"

Everyone heard the sound and looked, but they saw a group of people approaching from another direction on the top of the city. The one at the head was tall and could be recognized from a long distance. It was the familiar fellow Yang Zhan.

I saw that they came here with a group of people under escort, and they kept yelling at the group of people who were tied up as they walked.

Seeing the governor looking over, Yang Zhan immediately left them behind, took a few steps quickly, and walked up to Du Yinxi first, and said with a smile on his face: "My lord, when I was about to attack the water gate, I happened to meet the left thief fleeing." , has been captured alive by the last general, and seized three ships of property by the way!"

Upon hearing this, Du Yinxi was overjoyed and caught Zuo Liangyu, then this time's counter-insurgency would be perfect!Since then, the imperial court has gone to a serious trouble!
When Zeng Ying and the others heard this, they couldn't help being very surprised.Didn't expect Yang Zhan to be so lucky, Zuo Liangyu bumped into Yang Zhan's arms with his belongings?
This credit, it can even be said, is greater than his side who fought life and death, and was the first to attack the city!
Thinking of this, Zeng Ying cupped her fists without envy, and congratulated Yang Zhan: "Congratulations, brother Yang, for your great achievement!"

The others followed suit to congratulate.

When Yang Zhan heard this, he saw the bloodstains on their bodies, like a hedgehog, and hurriedly clasped his fists back and said, "It's all thanks to everyone, I'm just lucky!"

This is really not polite.Looking at Zeng Ying and the others, one could tell that it had been a bloody battle.If it wasn't for the fierce attack from this side, Zuo Liangyu might not have escaped, and she would not have been bumped into by herself!
Du Yinxi was in a good mood. Hearing what they said, he immediately laughed and said: "You have all made great contributions this time, and I should ask for the credit for you!"

While speaking, Zuo Liangyu and the others had already been escorted in front of them.

"Kneel down!" The escorting soldiers shouted and forced the rebel leaders to kneel down.

"My lord, the last general has always been loyal to the imperial court!" Zuo Liangyu didn't have any injuries on his body. He knelt down and cried to Du Yinxi, "The last general has been fighting for the imperial court all his life, suppressing thieves, Now the imperial court wants to question the general, and the general refuses to accept it!"

"I don't accept it, we don't accept it..." Zuo Menggeng knelt beside him, his body was wet, he probably fell into the water, there was no scar on his body, and he also yelled after his father.

On the other hand, the others had more or less injuries, among which Ma Shixiu's injury should be the most serious.

Du Yinxi looked at them, and said with a sneer: "Your crimes have already been announced by the imperial court. Don't you have any idea about the facts? How many times beheading you is not enough to pay for your crimes!"

"Come on!" Du Yinxi didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, so he immediately ordered, "Go down and escort the capital back."

"My lord, I've been wronged..." Zuo Liangyu yelled unwillingly while being taken down.

Just at this time, a group of generals went to the top of the city and met them head-on.

Zuo Liangyu recognized at a glance that the leader was He Renlong, known as the madman He, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother He, brother He, for our sake, please help me to intercede!"

If he was taken directly to the capital, he would have known well that he would probably die without a life.Unless Du Yinxi, the emperor's confidant, can protect him, there is hope for him to live.

Is He Renlong in a good mood?Not only did he fail to make the first contribution in this attack on Fucheng, but he also heard that the Shu people captured Zuo Liangyu and others. , it is estimated that there is no play.

While walking, he heard movement, looked up, he naturally recognized it, this is the person he most wanted to catch, Zuo Liangyu.

Seeing him tied up now, the credit must belong to someone else.Under the new and old hatred, he was immediately annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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