Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 376 The way of science is the way for all people

Chapter 376 The way of science is the way for all people

At this time, King Dehua of Dongchang Factory finally arrived at Fengyang Mansion.

Therefore, under the recommendation of Ma Shiying, Ruan Dacheng took his script to visit Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, respectively, and begged the two to make corrections, and said that after their two pointers, the script was a combination of the three of them. Write.

For the grasp of Emperor Chongzhen's mind, at least in Fengyang Mansion, absolutely no one can surpass Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian.When the two of them saw Ruan Dacheng's script, they immediately guessed that it would definitely be welcomed by Emperor Chongzhen.

As a result, the two of them almost coincided with each other, and their attitude towards Ruan Dacheng became better.

Compared to others, the two of them didn't care about Ruan Dacheng's reputation at all.As long as it can please the emperor, they welcome it.

However, neither Wang Dehua nor Li Ruolian asked Ruan Dacheng to write their names in the script.

Because they also knew in their hearts that the current Emperor Chongzhen, who is wise and powerful, would not know what the two of them are capable of, and how could they be the material for the script.

But no matter what, after such an interaction, the relationship between the two parties has improved.

After Wang Dehua arrived, the investigation of hidden households began.

Soldiers were drawn from the army, and together with the local government servants, under the supervision of Dongchang Fanzi, they began to check every household.Just check it against the roster kept in the state government office. Anyone who is not registered, regardless of gender, age or age, is a suspected thief.

Those who can give a reasonable explanation, such as those who have just been born and are too late to register, or admit that they are just sheltering from a wealthy family and become a hermit, can also remove the suspicion of thieves and give them a chance to re-register.

In the end, those who did not have a reasonable explanation will be ignored, and they will be dealt with as thieves and spies.

In this way, everyone can see that Governor Fengyang's sudden arrival is not for the sake of thieves and spies, but for the purpose of tracking down hidden households.

Because even if you are a traitor, as long as you say that you came from a hidden household, you can register and make a book, and there is no way to cure the traitor.

On Fengyang Mansion's side, those rich and powerful families were naturally unhappy.They immediately gathered together secretly to discuss how to solve it?

Hard bar, definitely dare not be hard bar.The imperial court has an army, and they are all elites. It can be said that there is a large army gathered. Who dares to fight hard?
Therefore, the road of inciting civil uprisings is simply unworkable!

However, even if the imperial court did not punish them, it would definitely hurt them just to watch hermits being cleared out.

So, in the end, they instigated Taizu's son and grandson of the dragon to come forward in a local county king to resist this barbaric behavior of the court.

That's right, since some people will make donations to the local rich and powerful families, there will naturally be some people who will make donations to the clan of the vassal king.

The investigation of hidden households initiated by Fengyang Mansion also damaged the interests of the feudal king's clan.

As a result, what they never expected was that even the county king was useless at all.Yamen servants didn't dare to break in, but Dongchang fan servants took the lead in breaking in, whoever stopped whoever!

The army followed up, drove everyone out, and then called them one by one, and checked the hidden households!
As for the county king, Wang Dehua just mentioned to his face that the imperial mausoleum seemed to lack guardians, so he didn't dare to make trouble anymore.

The reputation of Wang Dehua has spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River.

There are people behind the top ten salt merchants.As soon as he came, he did what he said and ransacked the house directly; and when he was in the capital before, he was also ruthless, the chief assistant, the minister of the Ministry of war, etc., they also took the Dongchang fan servants to ransack the house.

Seeing this scene, the rich and powerful families in other places were dumbfounded.

Even the county palace can be so reckless, so what are they?
At the same time, on Ruan Dacheng's side, the theater troupe he raised couldn't be brought to Fengyang Mansion, so he found a local Fengyue place. Go into battle yourself.

Afterwards, the performance was held in Fengyang Mansion, and all the rich and powerful families in the area were invited to watch it.

Don't look at it, that's not enough!
Because the one who sent the invitation was not Ruan Dacheng, but the Dongchang fanboy!

This show, just so straightforward, naturally made those local rich and powerful very angry.They dare not offend Dongchang, but, you Ruan Dacheng, they have nothing to fear.

Ever since, during the whole performance, booing and booing sounded from time to time.Some even threw things on the stage, even Ruan Dacheng was smashed.His scene was forced to be interrupted shortly after the opening.

Needless to say, under such circumstances, Ruan Dacheng had no choice but to urgently seek help from him and Ma Shiying.

In this regard, Ma Shiying immediately visited Dongchang Changgong, explained the situation to Wang Dehua, and said: "Wang Gonggong, this scene is very exciting inside and outside the city, Wang Gonggong, would you like to go and watch it? If the performance is good, the next official I thought that maybe we could go to Beijing for a tour, and His Majesty would like it too!"

The implication is to let Wang Dehua sit in charge.

When Wang Dehua heard what he said, he was quite happy.Emperor Chongzhen knew whether he liked this drama or not.Since Ma Shiying said that he would arrange for this drama to be performed in the capital, it is estimated that the emperor would definitely like to watch this type of drama.

Now, he doesn't care about offending those wealthy and powerful families anymore. Anyway, he has already embarked on the road of no return, and this is the only way to go to the end.

Therefore, Wang Dehua readily agreed immediately.

He brought a group of Dongchang fans to the theater in a mighty manner, and just sat there, and suddenly, there was no sound at all!

The show goes on!

Wang Dehua kowtowed the melon seeds, and after looking at them for a while, he praised the word "good" from time to time.

At the beginning, he was the only one in the audience applauding.

But then, the Dongchang fanboys he brought with them started to stare at the rich and powerful audience with their fierce eyes.

As long as they are being targeted, no matter how arrogant they were before, they will obediently say "yes" to Wang Dehua in the end!
Later, Wang Dehua didn't need to applaud anymore, those rich and powerful families burst into applause from time to time.

If people who don't know see it, they can really think that they like this drama very much.

Ruan Dacheng, who was performing on stage, was very moved by the huge contrast between the front and back!
This also made him secretly decide that he must have power, must be an official, and must be a high-ranking official!
Otherwise, Ruan Dacheng is really a dog, anyone can come up and scold him!

So, those science books that he couldn't chew at first, he started to read them at night, more seriously than anyone else.Just like studying hard in the cold window back then, it was for the purpose of becoming an official, and now, it is also for the purpose of becoming an official.

It's really hard to live, Ruan Dacheng does have a foundation, even if his foundation is Confucianism, it will be absorbed faster than a real piece of white paper.

Soon, he wrote an article called "The Way of Science is the Way for All Peoples".

He wrote this article in simplified Chinese characters, and still wrote from left to right and top to bottom.

After finishing writing, he showed it to Ma Shiying first.

Ma Shiying looked at it for a long time, and then said with a wry smile: "Brother Ji, this thing, I really have a headache. To be honest, I don't understand it."

Speaking of this, he paused and then said: "However, if you don't look at the specifics, just the overall idea, Brother Yu thinks, the writing is good. If your majesty reads it, he will definitely like it!"

In this article, Ruan Dacheng used examples to explain the way of science, which benefits the country and the people, is the way of all people. If everyone came to learn this science, Ming Dynasty would be extremely powerful, and its national power would far surpass that of Han and Tang.

In short, his writing style is also placed there, and the article is written according to this idea.Although Ma Shiying couldn't understand the specific content, it was obviously flattering the emperor, and the direction was definitely right.

Ruan Dacheng was very happy when he heard this, and immediately stroked his gray beard and said: "To be honest, my brother has really put in all his energy for learning these days, and finally wrote an article, but it must be able to be submitted. It's good to be in front of the imperial court."

Hearing this, Ma Shiying thought for a while, then smiled and said: "It's okay, I just do it. I just wrote a memorial for what Fengyang Mansion did. By the way, I will take this article of yours, and That script came with it."

Doing so is more or less related.However, even if those censors know about the content of flattering the emperor, they may be impeached, but the emperor himself will definitely not hate it.

Just like before, it's not just offering auspiciousness to the emperor, it's actually the same, there's no difference.

At this time, Ruan Dacheng was very grateful when he heard Ma Shiying's words, and immediately said sincerely: "In my life, as a brother, everyone who meets people is a traitor, or a person with a good face. Selfish and unscrupulous. Only when you meet a virtuous brother, is your life not in vain. With a bosom friend, my life is enough!"

In the original history, there is another theory about Ruan Dacheng's death.It means that after he surrendered to Jianlu, after hearing the news of Ma Shiying's heroic death, he jumped off a cliff and died, and then was flogged by Jianlu.

From this point of view, the friendship between him and Ma Shiying is indeed very deep.

Hearing his words, Ma Shiying said with the same emotion: "I, Ma Shiying, can be here today because of brother Ji's recommendation. I should remember it for the rest of my life. Doing something for brother Ji is the duty of a foolish brother!"

Afterwards, he immediately wrote a memorial, and then attached Ruan Dacheng's script and this article, and let Li Ruolian and Wang Dehua have a look at it first. After the two factory guard leaders had no objections, he immediately rushed Sent to the capital.

Of course Li Ruolian and Wang Dehua have no objection, because in Ma Shiying's memorial, they both boasted without any trace, saying that the current situation in Fengyang Mansion is thanks to them and so on.

They didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen really paid more attention to the situation in Fengyang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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