Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 377 What do you think of this person

Chapter 377 What do you think of this person

In fact, the investigation of hidden households and re-measurement of land carried out in Fengyang Mansion have already been done in the north.

The land of Gyeonggi began after the victory of the Battle of Jizhou; the Central Plains began when Sun Chuanting led the army to sit in Kaifeng.

Also, on the Qin side, the reason why Du Yinxi, the governor of the three sides, did not lead troops out of Sichuan to reinforce the battle in the south of the Yangtze River was also because he wanted to sit in Qin and Shu and carry out military and political reforms, which included checking out hidden households and measuring land .

These places have one thing in common, they are either ravaged by bandits or ravaged by Jian captives. Due to natural disasters and man-made disasters, the population has been greatly reduced.Don't talk about ordinary people, even local gentry, I don't know how many of them died.

Therefore, it is much easier to carry out the work of checking hidden households and measuring land in these places.

Sun Chuanting was stationed in Kaifeng, lined up his troops from west to east, and advanced steadily to the south. He also wanted to ensure that the governance of the local area could be carried out in an orderly manner.

Compared with the north, the south, especially the Jiangnan area, was relatively less ravaged by exile bandits, let alone plundered by Jianlu.

The local gentry and the clan system are relatively complete.And because of the powerful imperial examinations, there are quite a few officials in almost all the larger prefectures and counties. It is said that there are families with officials in their ancestors.

It is definitely much more difficult to carry out the national policy of checking out hidden households and measuring land in these places than in the north.

Under the suggestion of Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen let the thieves continue to wreak havoc in the south. One of the most important purposes was actually to weaken the strength of the local tyrants in the south through the thieves.

No, after Emperor Chongzhen completed the reorganization of several armies under the command of the Governor of Baoding, he sent them to Fengyang Mansion to escort them to investigate hidden households and measure land.

As for the results, Emperor Chongzhen had no idea, and therefore, he was very concerned about the governance of Fengyang Mansion.

As for why Fengyang Mansion was chosen as a pilot for Jiangnan governance, it was mainly determined by the current situation of suppressing bandits.

The selected location should not be far away from the bandits, nor too close to the bandits.

If it is far away, the reason for using the excuse of thieves to rectify the place will seem far-fetched; if it is close, maybe the local tyrants will lure the thieves to make trouble when they jump over the wall in a hurry.

As for the candidates, they were mainly in the hands of Emperor Chongzhen, and there were no trusted civil servants to dispatch.Du Yinxi, Sun Chuanting and others have all been sent out by him.

Ma Shiying happened to meet him, and he also left a strong mark in the original history of Nanming.

Liu Weichao had analyzed it for Emperor Chongzhen. Although Ma Shiying's reputation in the history books was not good, he felt that the most important thing was to analyze this person through what he did.

For example, Ma Shiying definitely has a vision. Compared with people like Shi Kefa, King Fu would not have been able to become emperor in the first place. It was because Ma Shiying first recruited the general soldiers of the four towns and had the support of the army that he could stand out.

In addition, Ma Shiying refused to surrender even when the emperor surrendered to Jianlu, and finally died for the country.Just for this point, his integrity is definitely better than most people.

Judging from his previous work, the Xuan Mansion is the territory of the eight major Shanxi merchants. He was impeached within a month and lost his post, or it can be seen that at least he is not popular with the eight major Shanxi merchants.

With all these things, Emperor Chongzhen asked Ma Shiying to try it first.Of course, there is still some worry, that's why the commander of Jinyiwei and the admiral of Dongchang were sent to Fengyang Mansion together.

On this day, when he received Ma Shiying's memorial, he immediately read it first.

Seeing this made him very happy.I think Ma Shiying is right, he is a person who can do things.

What surprised him the most was the script attached to the memorial and the article "The Way of Science Is the Way of All Peoples".

The first is the script, which is the first time Emperor Chongzhen has seen such a naked propaganda of the necessity of paying taxes.

Talented, the imperial court needs such talents!
If he had such a high level of awareness, there would be fewer tax evaders and non-payers, and Emperor Chongzhen would not have to worry about lack of money!

After looking at the screenwriter, Ruan Dacheng, to be honest, he doesn't have much impression.

After all, Ruan Dacheng has only been an official for a total of three years, basically during the reign of Tianqi, and he did not do anything earth-shattering. It would be strange if Emperor Chongzhen had an impression!

Later, he saw that the article was written by this Ruan Dacheng again.This is the first scholar who was born as a Jinshi, and he came to praise him, and he praised him quite thoroughly.

This article is written from left to right and top to bottom, and simplified characters are still used.What surprised Emperor Chongzhen was that he only read it once, and there were no typos in his impression!
This person really has a heart!

Emperor Chongzhen understood the content of this article better than Ma Shiying.

Generally speaking, Ruan Dacheng cited some examples from those textbooks to illustrate that it is closely related to the lives of the people. If changes are made, the lives of the people will be greatly changed, and the people’s prosperity will make the country strong. The final argument is that This way of science is the way of all peoples.

From Emperor Chongzhen's point of view, he felt that Ruan Dacheng's understanding of science, especially chemistry, was actually quite incomprehensible.But his writing is really good, and he speaks in an orderly manner.

As far as the whole article is concerned, Emperor Chongzhen has seen it. Apart from him, there is no one of the best articles related to science.

Of course, if Song Yingxing wrote it, it would definitely be better than this Ruan Dacheng.After all, no one can compare Song Yingxing's understanding and absorption of science.

However, the key problem is that Song Yingxing has no time to write such articles at all, and has been busy on the front line, even rarely staying in the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences.

In this way, Emperor Chongzhen became very interested in this Ruan Dacheng.

So, he immediately asked the eunuch on duty to find out information about Ruan Dacheng for him.

As a result, just looking at it like this, Emperor Chongzhen frowned again.

Judging from the recorded information, this Ruan Dacheng's reputation is quite bad!It belongs to seeing profit and forgetting righteousness, double-faced and three-handed, in short, he is not a good person.

Of course, the current Emperor Chongzhen is different from the previous Emperor Chongzhen.

If the former Emperor Chongzhen saw that Ruan Dacheng was Wei Nizhong's criminal, he would definitely put it aside and would not even think about it.

However, since Emperor Chongzhen contacted Liu Weichao, under Liu Weichao's training, he has realized that in the past, whether it was the Donglin Party or Wei Ni, they were all fighting for power and profit, and used him as a fool.

The so-called Qingliu does not necessarily mean good officials and ministers; the so-called eunuch party does not necessarily mean that they are all evil and a model of treacherous officials!

But, no matter what, the information about Ruan Dacheng still made Emperor Chongzhen hesitate a bit.

After thinking about it for a while, in the end, it is his habit to find Wei Chao when everything is in doubt!
Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen immediately sent a video request to Liu Weichao.

After a while, the video was connected, and Liu Weichao appeared on the phone.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he smiled and said, "How about your postgraduate exam?"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he also smiled and replied: "I just checked the information and found that there is a postgraduate category of ancient Chinese history. I will apply for this later. What do you think?"

This was actually mentioned before, so Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately after hearing this, "No problem!"

"By the way, why are you looking for me?" Liu Weichao actually just answered casually. Knowing that Emperor Chongzhen contacted him during the day, there must be something wrong, so he immediately asked, "What is your need for me?" ?”

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately replied: "Wait a minute, I will show you two articles!"

When Liu Weichao heard this, his head hurt suddenly.

To be honest, he really didn't like to read those ancient articles.From top to bottom, from right to left, and there are no punctuation marks, and there are so many traditional characters, it is hard to read!

However, since Emperor Chongzhen wanted him to read it, there must be something wrong, and he thought that he would take an examination of ancient Chinese history in the future, and it would be necessary to deal with ancient articles, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then send it over!"

After Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he hung up the video communication first, and took photos of the drama and the article "The Way of Science, the Way of All Peoples" and sent them over. It was very easy.

Afterwards, he sent a voice over and said: "You read it first, and then contact me after reading it!"

Liu Weichao received the information here, clicked on the picture to see, and was a little surprised.

It's not that he hasn't read the content yet, but that the layout format is all modern.

As a result, Liu Weichao's interest immediately came up, and he immediately started watching without replying to Emperor Chongzhen's words.

After reading it, he probably knew what Emperor Chongzhen wanted to say to him, so he immediately contacted Emperor Chongzhen via video.

Emperor Chongzhen had been waiting here for a long time, and as soon as he saw the video communication request, he immediately connected.

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen appearing on the phone screen, Liu Weichao asked with a smile, "Do you want to discuss with me whether this Ruan Dacheng is available?"

"Yes, that's what I mean, I'm a little uncertain!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately replied after hearing this.

Afterwards, he told Liu Weichao the information he had seen about Ruan Dacheng, and also bluntly expressed his own thoughts to Liu Weichao.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen also despised people like Ruan Dacheng.

At the end, he asked Liu Weichao: "Help me find out, what was this person like in the original history?"

This is almost the question that Emperor Chongzhen would ask Liu Weichao before employing people.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded immediately and said, "Okay, then wait a moment, I'll check all the information on this Ruan Dacheng, and I'll contact you later!"

(End of this chapter)

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