Chapter 383
In fact, as far as the Ming Dynasty is concerned, there were actually women who were officials in the outer court.For example, Qin Liangyu and her daughter-in-law are generals who lead troops in battle.

However, what Qin Liangyu does is actually special.

When her husband Ma Qiancheng died, her son Ma Xianglin was too young to handle chieftain affairs, so she took charge of Shizhu chieftain affairs.

At this time, a large-scale war broke out.The chieftain is obliged to send troops to help the court fight.Just like that, Qin Liangyu embarked on the road of leading the army to fight.

Relying on the military merits and reputation accumulated through continuous victories, after Ma Xianglin took over the affairs of the chieftain of Shizhu as an adult, she still had to lead the army to fight.

However, from the beginning to the end, she was always leading the soldiers to fight, instead of being entrusted by the imperial court as a general of a certain place.

To some extent, Qin Liangyu was actually outside the system of civil and military officials of the imperial court.

But now, Emperor Chongzhen wants to appoint a woman as the deputy envoy of the Political Department, from the third-rank civil official.This had never happened in the Ming Dynasty, and because of this, Tian Guifei, Chen Yuanyuan and others were very surprised.

At this time, after Emperor Chongzhen made a decision, he ordered Chen Yuanyuan to say: "These days, Qing will stay in the palace and continue to do these things well. After a few days, I will set off for Fengyang Mansion. When I come back, I will continue to do these things." Reward Qing with a house outside the palace. Right now, follow me to the Wenhua Palace to discuss matters!"

Chen Yuanyuan was surprised again when she heard that, and asked herself to go to the Wenhua Palace to discuss matters?

Subconsciously, she was a little timid.

When Tian Guifei saw it, she immediately smiled and encouraged her: "Go, you represent us women, don't let others look down on you, you have His Majesty backing you, so what are you afraid of!"

What she said made Chen Yuanyuan's face blush.But she is actually a person who has experienced many scenes.Think about it, it's very common in front of the emperor and the imperial concubine, so what about those officials?

Thinking of this, she looked at Concubine Tian Gui, nodded her head vigorously and said, "Slave... I obey!"


In the Wenhua Palace, all the bigwigs in the court who came here by order were waiting for the emperor to arrive.

They thought that Emperor Chongzhen summoned them to discuss the matter because of the revision of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty".

It has been two months, and the first draft has not been completed yet. The emperor has asked several times. This time, maybe he is a little impatient.

However, almost every article of the revision of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" involves the interests of various parties. Once it is finalized, it must be followed and implemented in the future, which is no joke.Although they also want to finish it quickly, under the dispute, there must be a unified opinion.

If there is such a powerful chief minister as Zhang Juzheng, then basically he can speak his mind, and the chief minister has the final say, so there can't be many disputes, and the draft can be finalized quickly.

But in today's court, there is no one who promises as much as Zhang Juzheng.If there is one, it can only be the emperor.

No matter whether it is the first assistant, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, or the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, etc., no one can convince anyone, including the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The reason for this is also because the current emperor has become wise and powerful, balancing the power in the court.

Therefore, when Emperor Chongzhen did not make a decision, it was inevitable that debates in all aspects would take time.

At this time, they were thinking about their own opinions one by one, and were going to state their opinions when the emperor asked, and if they could convince the emperor, they would be the winners.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't keep them waiting long, and they arrived soon.No one cared about Chen Yuanyuan who was following her.After all, it is normal for the emperor to be accompanied by court ladies.

After they saw the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to talk nonsense, so he said directly: "Have you read the memorial of Fengyang Governor Ma Shiying? I think Ma Qing did a good job."

This is not to ask the opinions of the courtiers, but to characterize it directly.

Chief Assistant He Fengsheng and others heard it, and it turned out that the emperor was not asking about the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", but about rectifying the place.

This rectification of the place has already been done in the north.Including Sun Chuanting's side, they have been doing it all the time.

Now, Emperor Chongzhen said that Ma Shiying did a good job, so he did a good job.The focus of their attention is still on revising the "Law of the Ming Dynasty".

So, they echoed it and expressed their opinions one after another, thinking that Ma Shiying did a good job, after all, there was no civil uprising.

Moreover, the squires in Fengyang Mansion have not entrusted anyone to come to them to oppose this matter.

In fact, even if someone really has such energy, if someone comes to them, there is nothing they can do.

Today's emperor is not the emperor of Chongzhen fifteen years ago. At that time, the opponents were colleagues, and a group of entangled people. If they can win the fight, then they can have the final say.The emperor is almost a puppet, just a flicker.

But at this time, after the emperor Taizu appeared, the current emperor was wise and powerful, and those who exercised power in the court for their own selfishness were basically ransacked.There have even been times when all yamen were shut down.

Also, the current emperor not only rectified Jinyiwei and the East Factory, but even added an additional West Factory.Whoever wants to speak up for the local squire for money at this time may end up ransacking his home later!

Under such a background, it is normal that these bigwigs present did not object.

Regarding their reaction, Emperor Chongzhen had known for a long time, and knew that this was definitely no problem.

So, he went on to say: "Ma Qing can do things smoothly, I think Ruan Dacheng has done a good job and publicized the imperial court's national policy very well. Therefore, he is capable enough to serve as a political envoy!"

The meaning of these words is that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to appoint Ruan Dacheng as a political envoy.

Liu Zong, Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate heard it on Monday, his complexion changed, he immediately coughed, stepped out and said: "Your Majesty, Ruan Dacheng is a repeat offender in the case of Wei Ni, and he cannot be used!"

Before Ruan Dacheng tried his best to think and operate, he wanted to become an official again, and he was one of the main obstacles.Now that he heard what Emperor Chongzhen wanted, he naturally stood up to stop him.

Emperor Chongzhen knew that someone would object, so he stared at Liu Zongzhou and said, "No one is perfect, don't you know? If you were guilty in the past, it doesn't mean you are guilty now! Those who have committed serious crimes should be killed and their homes should be ransacked. Just do it according to the law! Now that he has talent, can contribute to the country and share my worries, isn't it normal for me to get up and recover him?"

When the others heard this, they immediately stopped talking.

Now it's not like before, the emperor's heart is as clear as a mirror, and it is not possible to persuade the emperor to change his mind with great principles.

The decision of who to use as an official and who cannot be an official rests in the hands of the emperor.Being a courtier is at best a suggestion.

Now the emperor has obviously decided, you still have to go, no, the emperor's face is not good-looking!

You Liu Zongzhou is Qingliu, you stare, awesome!
Based on this idea, other people look at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, and become a clay bodhisattva.

When Liu Zongzhou heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, he still wanted to argue, but for a while, he didn't know how to argue.

Because he himself has actually been severely punished by Emperor Chongzhen, and now he has been revived again.Of course, he thought he was wronged, the emperor had listened to the slander of treacherous ministers, how could Ruan Dacheng compare with him.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at him, and said directly: "I just said that he is qualified to be a political envoy, so I let him be a political envoy. Just like I think Qing can be a good Zuodu censor, I let Qing be a Zuodu censor." Du Yushi! Is there a problem?"

Hearing this, Liu Zongzhou became anxious, and blurted out: "This man's character is bad, your Majesty will use it as an example for others, if he doesn't practice virtue, his morality will be corrupted, and people's hearts will not be ancient!"

The implication is that the emperor must use Ruan Dacheng's words, and everyone else will learn from him, which will bring down the atmosphere and corrupt the world.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked him: "Ruan Dacheng has been an official for a few years, right? This chaos in the world is related to him? What I want is peace in the world and the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty! As long as someone can do things and help me do what I want I will use it for things. If his personal morality is detrimental and damages public affairs, what are you doing for the procuratorate?"

"..." Liu Zong was speechless when he heard it on Monday.

He was not a fool, so he could tell that Emperor Chongzhen had made up his mind to use Ruan Dacheng, and he couldn't stop it.If you have an opinion, you can stare at Ruan Dacheng.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the others, and found that they were all acting like clay bodhisattvas, so he couldn't help feeling angry, so he ignored it.

If it was the past, he probably would disdain to be an official with Ruan Dacheng in the same dynasty. If your Emperor Chongzhen wants to use Ruan Dacheng, then he will leave and fight against it.

However, since he was revived this time, being the censor of Zuodu is not as tiring as before, and he is still comfortable, and seeing that the chaotic court situation has stabilized and is gradually improving.Now the north is more stable, and there are signs of great rule in the world.

Also, it is still a critical time to rebuild the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", and every article must be debated.If you leave the court at this time, you will definitely have a lot of regrets.

Thinking of this, Liu Zongzhou retreated to the queue.Having made up his mind, he turned his head and stared at Ruan Dacheng, and impeached him immediately if he made a mistake.

Seeing him retreating, Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that many people would object.Therefore, he had already planned that if there were too many objections from the subordinates, he would directly issue an order to appoint Ruan Dacheng as a political envoy.

I believe that with Ruan Dacheng's eagerness to be an official, he will never fail to accept the order.

But now, it would be better if Ruan Dacheng was not appointed in the form of Zhongzhi.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen's complexion improved a lot, he smiled, and said to his courtiers: "There are a few pieces of music that I think are very good, and you should listen to them too!"

After speaking, he looked at Chen Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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