Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 384 This thing is a bit messy

Chapter 384 This thing is a bit messy

When He Fengsheng and the others heard this, they couldn't help but glance at each other. This is a discussion in the Wenhua Palace. Why did the emperor let the maids sing here?

But this thought is just that.

The emperor is the biggest, he wants people to sing here, so let's sing!
I just hope it won't be too long, I have to go back to discuss and revise the "Law of the Ming Dynasty"!

The vast majority of people thought this way and waited quietly.

And Chen Yuanyuan got a signal from the emperor, looked at the large group of scarlet robes in front of her, and felt a little timid in her heart.

However, she quickly adjusted her mentality. After walking forward, she gave a blessing, and then began to sing.

The few songs that were sung to Emperor Chongzhen before rang in this Wenhua Hall.

Chen Yuanyuan's opening immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This kind of humming method, even if these people present are well-educated, they have never heard of it.

The lyrics are easy to understand and the tune is catchy.As long as you listen to it once, you can basically hum a few words along with it!
The people present were all good people. After listening to these songs, they understood why the emperor would let him sing in the Wenhua Palace.

After Chen Yuanyuan finished singing, Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the courtiers below and asked them, "What do you think of these songs?"

These songs teach people to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism, civil servants don't love money, generals don't hesitate to die, and paying taxes is a matter of course.

Therefore, after Emperor Chongzhen asked, He Fengsheng, the chief assistant of all the officials, hurriedly played back: "Your Majesty, these songs are fresh to hear, and they are sung very well."

Everyone else agreed, and no one dared to say anything bad.

However, Emperor Chongzhen was not very satisfied after hearing this.

So, he just took a glance at the line of chief inspectors.

Wang Chengen, who had been silent for a long time, received the signal without any prior explanation from Emperor Chongzhen, and immediately played: "Your Majesty, these songs are all singing the most basic principles. The slaves thought that someone in the court had forgotten these basic principles. The truth is, it’s better for everyone to be able to sing. Civil officials should sing civil officials’ songs, military commanders should sing military commanders’ songs, let everyone always remember, this truth can’t be forgotten!”

When He Fengsheng and the others heard this, they couldn't help being a little stunned. They turned their heads to look at Wang Chengen, and they probably wanted to eat Wang Chengen in their hearts.

However, when Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he said with a smile: "Civilian officials don't love money, and generals don't hesitate to die. Why is the world not peaceful? Over the years, the world has been in chaos. Some people, no, many people have forgotten this basic principle. The truth. I think what Wang Daban said is very reasonable, let's play!"

"..." He Fengsheng and the others were a little dumbfounded when they heard this.

This Wang Cheng'en, it's fine if he flatters himself, but he still engages in such a place, what's the matter?

Ni Yuanlu thought about it, so she went out first and played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, I think these songs are a bit strange, shallow, and don't fit any tunes. What a shame!"

"Your Majesty, I'm seconding the proposal!" Liu Zongzhou listened, and followed suit, "Who doesn't understand these simple truths, who doesn't know? All civil and military officials can sing, there is no need for that. Anyone who doesn't abide by it will naturally have a slight problem." The minister is watching, impeach him!"

After hearing this, Zuo Maodi was ready to go out and speak.

But at this moment, Wang Chengen yelled first and asked loudly: "Why, do you adults have ghosts in your heart, are you afraid of singing this kind of song?"

The former eunuch Wang Dehua, who was in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, had a good relationship with the foreign court. This was a lesson Wang Chengen kept in mind.Therefore, he is not afraid of offending these chief assistants, ministers and so on.If you feel the emperor's mind, you will directly shoot these foreign court officials to death!

No, upon hearing his words, all the officials of the foreign court were furious, obviously very angry at his words.

Then Liu Zongzhou shouted to Wang Cheng'en immediately: "Grandpa Wang, we are just discussing the matter, don't wear a human hat!"

For these eunuchs, as the leader of Qingliu, he is quite disgusted, and he naturally does his part.

"Then why do you want to find a reason to object?" Wang Chengen listened, but did not give in at all, and immediately asked, "Long Live Lord has promised to play, Master Liu didn't hear it?"

"You..." Listening to Liu Zong on Monday, he immediately blew his beard and stared, but was helpless for a while.Because Wang Chengen is talking about the emperor, he can't be said to be bigger than the emperor, and he has to overthrow the emperor's decision, right?

No, it was said in the song I just sang, there is a truth that does not need to be said, a person should be loyal to the emperor and serve the country!
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen spoke at the right time and shouted: "Enough!"

Hearing this, Wang Cheng'en, who was still yelling at Liu Zongzhou, immediately lowered his eyebrows and retreated to his position.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at He Fengsheng, and said in a cold voice: "These songs should be easy to understand and easy to sing, so that everyone who can't sing well can sing. Keep the words in your heart, remember your own duty, and be careful. Don't get lost in the face of power and money!"

In fact, at this time in the Ming Dynasty, folk ditties were already rich in content. Although good and bad were mixed, their influence was so wide that "everyone, regardless of gender", "learned it".One example is that Feng Menglong also compiled the book "Folk Songs".

However, what Chen Yuanyuan sang this time was a method they had never heard of before, and they, the scholar-bureaucrats, were clearly ordered to sing these basic principles, so they instinctively wanted to object.

But once it is really confirmed, they are not unacceptable.In particular, Emperor Chongzhen used great principles to suppress them.

Therefore, after Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, He Fengsheng and others took the lead and had to bow down to receive the order.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw him, he had a smile on his face, and he said to them again: "Actually, things like this are what the Department of Political Affairs and Communications should do, publicize national policies, advocate these basic principles, and let people remember their duties. Get lost!"

Since He Fengsheng and the others have already agreed, they will naturally stop embarrassing the emperor and themselves, so they are right to flatter the emperor!
Even Liu Zongzhou and others, who were originally disgusted by the political messenger Ruan Dacheng, started to belittle Ruan Dacheng's play on a whim, praising these songs as better and easier to publicize, etc.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard what they said, he didn't know that they were actually talking bad about Ruan Dacheng. He felt amused, so he pointed Chen Yuanyuan with his finger and said, "She made up these tunes within two hours. I thought, Your praise is indeed justified, and I appreciate her talent very much!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Zongzhou rolled his eyes and immediately played: "Your Majesty, there are indeed not as many dramas as these songs! According to what I see, it is better to have someone more talented in charge of the Department of Political Affairs. Can play the role of the Political Department!"

What he meant was to say, look, Ruan Dacheng is not even as good as a woman, so if he were to be in charge of the political department, it would be deceiving no one in Ming Dynasty!
Anyway, if we can mess up Ruan Dacheng's affairs as a political envoy, that would be the most welcome!
He Fengshengxin understood, and he was not willing to have Ruan Dacheng as his colleague, so he said: "What Zuodu Censor said is very true, the old minister seconded it!"

Others listened, and others seconded.In short, Ruan Dacheng's interpersonal relationship is really bad!
Emperor Chongzhen felt happy when he heard it, and said to them: "Qing and others are right. Since Qing and others think that these songs are better than that drama, that means Chen Yuanyuan is more talented than Ruan Dacheng? Qing and others What do you mean, that is to let Chen Yuanyuan be the political envoy?"

"..." He Fengsheng and the others never expected that Emperor Chongzhen would come to such an unimaginable conclusion based on their words, and they were stunned for a moment.

Among the talented people they said, naturally women are not included!
When they came back to their senses and were about to speak, they saw that Emperor Chongzhen had already said to them: "But Chen Yuanyuan is a woman, and she is being asked to be a political envoy. This is inappropriate, and I cannot agree to your request!"

"..." In the Wenhua Hall, a group of people were waiting, but they were all speechless.

Let's not talk about how unreliable it is for a woman to be a political envoy. Besides, they never said that Chen Yuanyuan would be a political envoy. How could such a ridiculous thing be brought up by them!
Thinking of this, Liu Zongzhou immediately came out, and when he wanted to explain, he heard Emperor Chongzhen speak first again: "But what you said is very reasonable. The tunes compiled by Chen Yuanyuan are indeed suitable for the duties of the Department of Political Affairs. If If she works in the Department of Political Communications, she will indeed be able to use her strengths. That's good, I will create a new deputy envoy of Political Communications, from the rank of third rank, and let Chen Yuanyuan use her strengths to serve the country!"

"..." Liu Zongzhou and others were quite speechless when they heard that, they didn't mean that at all!

Even Chen Yuanyuan was stunned.

Earlier, the emperor had already mentioned this matter, saying that she would appoint a new deputy envoy for political communication.

However, after coming to the Wenhua Palace, after listening to the whole story, it turned out that these princes of the court asked the emperor, and then the emperor agreed to set up the position of deputy political envoy for her!

How is this going?

She was in a daze, and Wang Chengen was also a little dazed.However, he was the first to come back to his senses, and he immediately understood what this matter was about after looking at Emperor Chongzhen's expression.

So, he immediately said to Chen Yuanyuan: "Long live the emperor's kindness is mighty, don't you want to receive the decree to thank you?"

After being urged by him like this, Chen Yuanyuan came back to her senses, and quickly knelt down to kowtow to Emperor Chongzhen to thank him!

Looking at this scene, He Fengsheng and the others felt a little unreal.

How to say, this maid suddenly became the deputy envoy of Zhengtong from the third rank?
What's going on with this matter?Was it suggested by people like yourself?

No, it's a bit messy, so I need to sort it out!
(End of this chapter)

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