Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 385 Too Many Changes

Chapter 385 Too Many Changes

Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, came to his senses first, and immediately looked at Emperor Chongzhen with surprise in his eyes.

He was a Jinshi in the fourth year of Chongzhen. He first became an official at the local level, and then went to Beijing to serve as a household secretary in the [-]th year of Chongzhen.Over the years, he has been watching how the emperor has been doing, so he naturally knows it well.

If you want to say that the emperor was wise in the past, it can only be flattery.

If it is really wise, the world will be in chaos?Will there be constant party disputes in the court?

It is obvious that the princes of the court are making fun of the emperor. He has no power of the emperor, but he has become a tool of party struggle for the princes of the court!

Who is afraid of him?

Everyone treats him as a display!

For their own selfishness, anyone who can fool him will fool him!
However, after the [-]th year of Chongzhen, that is, after the emperor Taizu appeared, the emperor sent him to Beijing in a hurry for eight hundred miles.

Punching and kicking, no matter if it was Shoufu, Shangshu or Guogong, all the big tigers were picked out without mercy, those who should be killed and those who should be exiled.

Including the rectification of the inner palace, and the execution of the original favorites, such as Wang Zhixin and others.

He also tried his best to oversee the rectification of the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp. In just half a year, he became a strong army, won the Battle of Jizhou, and wiped out hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops.

This kind of thing, in the past, is simply unimaginable!
The emperor's courage and methods seemed to be reborn all at once, as if Emperor Taizu had possessed a body.

No, regarding today's imperial meeting, if it was the former Emperor Chongzhen, how could he have such unimaginable means of killing and beating a court lady as a third-rank civil servant, and it turned out to be courtiers like himself? Suggestions, and the emperor obeys the matter!

This kind of method, if it was the former emperor, Zuo Maodi would not believe it even if he was beaten to death!
But now, like the emperor in front of him, he can eat the courtiers to death and control the imperial meeting. Only the emperor Taizu can do it, or under the guidance of the emperor Taizu, can he do it?

As he was thinking about it, the chief assistant, He Fengsheng, had come to his senses.Seeing that Chen Yuanyuan had received an order to thank her, she became anxious immediately.

He is the chief assistant, and such absurd thing happened during his tenure, what will be written in the history books?
Therefore, He Fengsheng hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it's not right, it's not right. This palace...Chen Yuanyuan has no fame, but he was directly appointed as the deputy political envoy of the third rank. There is no precedent in the ancestral system!"

The emperor is the biggest, but no matter how big the emperor is, it is not as big as the ancestral system.Therefore, if he wanted to dissuade him, he could only talk about the ancestral system.

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty, Chen Yuanyuan has no fame, so this is not an appropriate move!" Ni Yuanlu immediately agreed after hearing this, "If this is the case, the officialdom will be messed up. Who will study hard in the future?"

When the others listened and wanted to speak, they heard Emperor Chongzhen immediately say indifferently: "You are right, so let Chen Yuanyuan be born as a Jinshi!"

"..." Upon hearing this, He Fengsheng and the others were dumbfounded.

Is it okay for the emperor to give him a Jinshi background?
Of course it is possible, and there has indeed been such a thing in history.

But the key point is that the person who was born as a Jinshi is a woman. This has never happened before, and this is not right!
Thinking of this, Liu Zongzhou also hurriedly came out and said: "What the Minister of the Household Department said is very true. If your majesty directly confers the same family background as a Jinshi, and is only a court lady, and other women follow suit, what will other scholars think? Study hard again?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said without hesitation: "Now is an extraordinary period. If I want to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, I must take extraordinary actions. As for the future, women's subjects can be opened, and women allowed to participate in the imperial examination. Once hired, they can enter the imperial examination. The Department of Political Science and Communications and the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty hold posts in the yamen. In this way, a woman who becomes an official is also a student who studied hard in the cold window!"

"..." Liu Zongzhou and others were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, after persuading the emperor for a long time, I originally wanted to persuade the emperor to take back his life, but it turned out to be a good thing. After the persuasion, he actually persuaded another female subject!
Since the birth of the imperial examination, there have been various subjects such as Xiucai, Mingjing, Junshi, Jinshi, Mingfa (law), Mingzi, and Mingshu (mathematics).

The imperial examinations in the Song Dynasty had Jinshi and Mingjing subjects, and the examination content included posting scriptures, Moyi and poetry.

In the Ming Dynasty, the imperial examination became an examination of eight-legged essays.

If there is a women's department, it will be something that has never happened before!

Therefore, He Fengsheng hurriedly began to play: "Your Majesty, there has never been a precedent in women's department, and it is inappropriate to implement it rashly!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen sneered and said, "Is there a precedent for the imperial examination before the Sui Dynasty?"

"..." Everyone in Wenhua Hall was speechless.

How can you refute the emperor's words?

Indeed, there is a precedent for everything, and if there is no before, it does not mean that there will be no future!

The Department of Political Affairs, no, it didn't exist before, it was newly established by the current emperor!
There is also Jiangnan Procurement Yamen, which was not there before, but now it also exists!
Not to mention the Department of Political Affairs and Communications, just the procurement of Yamen in the south of the Yangtze River has played a very important role in the stability of the court, which is obvious to all!
Not to mention the yamen, but the words of officials, and the first assistant did not exist in previous dynasties.Not even during the period of Emperor Hongwu, it came later.

The establishment of new official positions and yamen itself is the power of the emperor.If you have it now, it will become a precedent, and you can have it in the future.

They were thinking about it, but they heard Emperor Chongzhen say with a serious expression: "Furthermore, what's wrong with a woman being an official? How many people in the Ming Dynasty can compare with Zhongzhenhou? Also, Chen Yuanyuan's Talent is also here, as far as the position of the Political and Communications Secretary is concerned, whoever refuses to accept it, you can compete with Chen Yuanyuan on the spot!"

"..." These people in the Wenhua Palace were once again speechless.

Speaking of it, this Ming Dynasty is also a strange thing!

There was actually a Qin Liangyu. As a woman, she has made countless achievements in battle and is famous. She has fought for the country since the Wanli period. Among all the veterans, there is no man who can compare to her!

Even the martial arts where men can best suppress women have been given prominence by women.In terms of literary affairs, who dares to say that he must overwhelm women, if he really wants to compete in the content of the position of the Secretary of Political Affairs, he will probably be slapped in the face by a woman!
Thinking about it this way, none of the group of people who were playing the concert just now dared to come forward to compare with Chen Yuanyuan.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced coldly at these courtiers, and saw that none of them dared to step forward to compete with Chen Yuanyuan, so he said loudly: "I have set a precedent for this, and not only set up a women's department, but whoever can strengthen the country and enrich the people, rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, and let the world know how to do it." If the people live a good life, there will be no more wars, hunger, or cold, and they will be able to eat and clothe themselves, enjoy peace, live a stable life, and live a good life, I will do it!"

"Absolution of low status, opening of women's department, promotion of scientific methods, application of steam trains, steamships in the future, and lights as bright as day, clairvoyance, wind ears and other unprecedented things will all be realized."

When it came to later, Emperor Chongzhen's voice became louder and more determined, and he said it firmly!
The officials below became more and more astonished when they heard it, so that they were all dumbfounded in the end.

If a steam train comes out, it will be earth-shattering and will change the feat of Ming Dynasty.Listening to the emperor now, there are still many things like steam trains that can change the world?

Even talking about a lamp as bright as day, clairvoyance, and wind ears, these are all legendary fairy arts, can the emperor realize it?

If that's the case, what's the point of setting up a women's department?
If it was said that they had never seen a steam train, then the Emperor Chongzhen said something out of the sky at this time, and they would think that the emperor was bragging.

However, steam trains, something that could never have been dreamed of before, have come true, and they have even sat on it themselves.

With the steam train, it took several days to travel from Tianjin to the capital.The result is that now it is time to sleep and wake up, and it is here!
Not to mention anything else, it is food transportation. I don't know how much it will consume on the road. With this steam train, the consumption on the road can almost be ignored!
There are many such things, and there are many more, and listening to the emperor's tone, they can all be realized.

Then Ming Dynasty will have a big change like a world-changing world. Under such circumstances, what is it for a woman to be an official and set up a women's department?
At this moment, it can be said that everyone present was shocked by the grand blueprint of Emperor Chongzhen!
He Fengsheng, who was the chief assistant of Ming Dynasty, came back to his senses, and immediately asked excitedly: "Your Majesty, can this really be done?"

If these can be achieved, the Chongzhen Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty will inevitably become the most glorious era in history.And in the most glorious period of this era, as the head of all officials, the first assistant of Ming Dynasty, that is, He Fengsheng, will definitely leave a big mark in the history books!
If he can really assist the emperor to create a brand-new Ming Dynasty, it will be no less than Qin Shihuang's creation of the monarchy and achieve great unification, and even to some extent, he may be more valued by future generations than Qin Shihuang!
Hearing Shoufu's excited question, the others immediately thought of it too.

Just as He Fengsheng was the Chief Assistant, they are also the most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty in this major change. Participating in this great change will surely be the same as this era, and all of them will be recorded in the history books and be praised by later generations.

Such a good opportunity, who wouldn't want to seize it?

Compared with this, the things that were disputed just now feel a little insignificant!
Of course, the premise is that Daming will really change as the emperor said, like another day!Only in this way can history be remembered more than the change of dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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