Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 391 Infighting

Chapter 391 Infighting
Ma Shiying sits at the head position, and all the generals leading troops are below.Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong and the earl were with them, so they stood at the front.

It was the first time that Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu participated in the discussion on military affairs to suppress bandits as officers and soldiers.The two of them, looking at each other, always felt a little weird.

At this time, I heard Ma Shiying's introduction, mainly to explain the news received so far to the newcomer Zhou Yuji.

"Master Sun is currently stationed in Xiangyang Mansion, and his troops are deployed on the front lines of Xunyang Mansion, Xiangyang Mansion, and De'an Mansion, maintaining a momentum of pressing southward." Just listen to Ma Shiying's introduction, "According to the latest military report, Lord Du, the governor of the three sides, has already taken the lead. The soldiers put down Zuo Liangyu's rebel army who entered Sichuan, not only captured Zuo Liangyu alive, but also sent the navy and part of the army out of Sichuan to wait for Master Sun's dispatch!"

Then, after a pause, he continued: "As for our side, Fengyang Mansion is the main one, covering Henan Runing Mansion in the west, and Chuzhou in the southeast. We have formed a situation to encircle and suppress the thieves in the Huguang area!"

Having said that, he looked at Huang Degong and told him, "Tell me about the situation of the thief!"

"The last general obeys!" Huang Degong responded immediately after hearing this, and then looked at Zhou Yuji and said, "The rogues under the Eight Great Kings were originally entrenched in the northern part of Huguang, but the rogues under King Chuang went south under the force of Lord Sun. There was a conflict with the bandits under the Eight Great Kings, and now the bandits under the King Chuang have occupied the Jingzhou Mansion, Chengtian Mansion, and Yuezhou Mansion, while the bandits under the Eight Great Kings have retreated to the southeast, and currently occupy Wuchang Mansion, Huangzhou Mansion, Luzhou Mansion and Anqing Mansion in South Zhili. According to unconfirmed information, there are bandits in Changsha Mansion, including the areas to the south, and some areas in Jiangxi, and they seem to continue to flee south.”

Speaking of this, he paused and then introduced: "The rogues under King Chuang are mainly cavalry and infantry, and there are almost no sailors, but relatively speaking, there are more cavalry, about [-]. The force is relatively stronger, but it faces Lord Sun's side directly. Our side is dominated by the bandits under the Eight Great Kings, with many naval forces, and the waterways in the south of the Yangtze River are criss-crossed, which is not conducive to encirclement and suppression!"

When he had finished speaking, he clenched his fist at Ma Shiying and backed away.

When Zhou Yuji saw it, he stepped out of the line, and he said: "When you left the capital, Your Majesty has already explained that the eight kings' thieves focus on attacking their hearts. This matter is left to Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu. Stubborn If it doesn't work, if you refuse to surrender, you don't have to think about recruiting security anymore!"

Hearing this, Ma Shiying and the generals present couldn't help turning their heads to look at Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu.

At this time, they already knew that these two people were originally named Zhang Dingguo and Zhang Wenxiu, and they were the second of the four adopted sons of the Eight Great Kings.I didn't expect to be a colleague now, it's really unpredictable!

Thinking of this, Ma Shiying asked, "Are you two sure about recruiting security?"

After hearing this, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu both came out, and then Li Dingguo reported to Ma Shiying: "My lord, if it is the old troops of the last two generals, there is a [-]% to [-]% certainty that they can be recruited. Others, there should be only five or five." number."

This confidence is already very high.But Ma Shiying is not surprised, because these two are two of the four pillars of the bandits under the Eight Great Kings.They all surrendered to the imperial court and accepted the recruitment. After the news spread, it must have a great impact on the morale of the bandits. There is no doubt about it.

Liu Wenxiu also followed up and said: "I'm afraid the old department will know nothing about the matter of the last general waiting for the two of you. But once the news is sent back, the Eight Great Kings will definitely attack the old department of the two generals, let alone break up, and there may even be some brothers." They will also be poisoned. Therefore, the sooner the recruitment is done, the better!"

The matter between the two of them, it can be said, was really a coincidence, very unexpected.

Liu Wenxiu was ordered by Zhang Xianzhong to lure the Fifth Gezuo Battalion, but he happened to meet Yuan Zhuangfei who went to recruit the Fifth Gezuo Battalion and treated him as a meeting gift.

And Li Dingguo was even more outrageous. He ran to inquire about the news, but was bumped into by Liu Wenxiu.

In this war-torn era, the transmission of news is slow, especially for Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo. For the vast majority of people, they don't even know who they are.Among a bunch of military generals in the imperial court, he is also not well-known, and he is not an official at the level of the general army, so naturally he is even less noticeable.

Half a year has passed, and Zhang Xianzhong has not received any news, which is normal.

However, as Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu followed Zhou Yuji to lead troops southward, after a long time, news of them would spread.

Because of this, they had discussed before that once they arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, they would start recruiting security as soon as possible.

At this time, Ma Shiying can understand.

Although local rectification is still going on, the army still needs to guard it.However, it is no problem to mobilize part of the troops.

Therefore, he made a decision on the spot, and immediately collected information from the thieves, especially where Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu's old troops were stationed, and then acted.


In Tianshou Mansion, that is, in Daxi Wangfu in Wuchang, Daxi Wang Zhang Xianzhong was angry: "Li Zicheng's mother is too deceitful, I really think I am a muddleheaded man!"

"His Royal Highness, calm down!" military advisor Xu Yixian saw it, and quickly persuaded, "It's nothing to lose Chengtian Mansion. I think this is our chance!"

When Zhang Xianzhong heard this, he was stunned. Li Zicheng annexed so much of his territory, but it turned out to be his opportunity. He couldn't figure it out.

Before that, his strength was not as good as Li Zicheng's.Unexpectedly, Gezuo Fifth Battalion suddenly left his side. According to the news heard later, he was recruited by the court!
Moreover, there are two major generals under him, Zhang Dingguo and Zhang Wenxiu, who have not heard from him, which is also a blow to him.

On Li Zicheng's side, it was the people who annexed Luo Rucai, and their power became stronger and stronger.

Therefore, Li Zicheng suddenly invaded his territory from Xiangyang, and was taken away by two mansions in a row. Now even Chengtian Mansion, which is the closest to Tianshou Mansion, has been taken away by Li Zicheng, and he even sent someone to say that he wants to join forces with Zhang Xianzhong. , but taking him as Li Zicheng's respect, this really made Zhang Xianzhong very angry.

Don't say if you really want to do this, let alone whether Zhang Xianzhong will follow Luo Rucai's back, his subordinates alone may be difficult to appease.

After all, if he wanted to respect Li Zicheng, his subordinates would naturally be a head lower than Li Zicheng's.Who wants to be a servant!After that, will he still be the Great Western King?Can there be a bunch of generals, prime ministers and so on at the bottom?
However, if he didn't agree to Li Zicheng's words, judging by his posture, he would really hit Tianshu Mansion.

Zhang Xianzhong thought that he had finally defeated the imperial court army, established a foothold in Huguang, and established Daxi Kingdom, entrusted his subordinates, opened courses to recruit scholars, and set up local governments to govern.

If it is possible, he doesn't want to be a bandit. He can have his own fixed territory, collect food and soldiers, slowly expand outward, and follow the path of Zhu Yuanzhang back then.
However, before the imperial court's army made a big attack, he, Li Zicheng, came to seize the territory instead, so it's no wonder that Zhang Xianzhong is still not angry!

At this time, after hearing Xu Yixian's words, Zhang Xianzhong came back to his senses and asked suspiciously: "What is our chance, what do you mean?"

The territory has shrunk significantly, and the loss of troops is an opportunity instead?Anyway, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't figure it out.

After Xu Yixian heard this, he quickly explained to Zhang Xianzhong: "Your Highness, Li Zicheng's troops have many cavalry, but few sailors. But the few mansions we lost are full of waterways, especially the big lakes like Dongting Lake, which are completely ours. The naval forces rule the world. Once Li Zicheng's troops are dispersed, we will surely turn defeat into victory if we attack from the waterway!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately agreed with Xu Yixian's statement.

He has been operating in Huguang for about two years, and naturally he has gained a lot.One of the biggest gains is to have a huge navy.

If it was in the original history, he relied on this huge navy to go upstream and capture Sichuan.

In Huguang Province, the Yangtze River is extremely tributary, which is very suitable for naval operations.

Don't be too convenient for transporting troops, food and grass.

And if Li Zicheng wanted to own a navy, he couldn't do it in a short time.Not to mention, he has almost all the ships under control. What does Li Zicheng use to build a navy?
Therefore, the navy is Zhang Xianzhong's biggest advantage!

He was thinking about it, but Xu Yixian was still analyzing to him: "Although Li Zicheng's troops are much larger than ours, but many of them are Luo Rucai's original troops. His subordinates estimated that he never killed him." Luo Rucai started later, and probably didn't have time to appease these people. Therefore, the subordinates feel that we can still send people to contact Luo Rucai's old department, and there is a lot to gain!"

Luo Rucai's unit originally fought with Zhang Xianzhong's unit, but they parted ways later, and Luo Rucai went north to find Li Zicheng.

But now, it has been proved that Li Zicheng is a ruthless person, even Luo Rucai can kill someone who has been kind to him, let alone other people.Once offended Li Zicheng, who would not worry about their own lives?

From this point of view, at least Zhang Xianzhong did not attack his own people.

Hearing this, Zhang Xianzhong immediately turned his anger into joy, and immediately said to Xu Yixian: "That's right, that's right, it makes sense! The navy and Luo Rucai's team is our chance!"

Damn, if he defeats Li Zicheng, kills him, and annexes his troops, then he will really be able to secure his place in Huguang and become the real Daxi King!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked Xu Yixian again: "Then, in the opinion of the military advisor, what should we do next?"

Li Zicheng is aggressive towards him, and although there are many imperial court officers and soldiers around, they don't attack and are content with the status quo, so his eyes are on Li Zicheng!

Xu Yixian didn't hesitate after hearing this, obviously he had already thought about it beforehand, so he answered him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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