Chapter 392 Worry
I only heard Xu Yixian say: "The counterattack against Li Zicheng must be fierce in the first battle, and we can win it. Only in this way can we get rid of Li Zicheng's coveting heart for us, so that he will not dare to attack us casually in the future. Therefore, we must mobilize elite troops to strengthen General, and look for the weak points of Li Zicheng's subordinates!"

Speaking of this, he paused, and then added: "Dongting Lake is big enough, and it is very convenient for our navy to go to various shores, but Li Zicheng's troops have to go around a long way if they want to go back and forth for reinforcements. We can first pretend to attack the south. Li Guo's troops, when they mobilize surrounding troops to deal with them, they will take ships to attack Huarong and Anxiang, and cut off the connection between Li Guo's troops and the main force of Li Zicheng's troops."

Naturally, Zhang Xianzhong knew the whole situation between the enemy and ourselves, and when he heard it, he was overjoyed and said, "And Luo Rucai's subordinates are stationed here. Under the pressure of a strong enemy, it is easier to break without attack!"

"Your Highness is wise!" Xu Yixian heard this, and immediately flattered him.

Zhang Xianzhong saw that he and the military adviser had the same opinion, so he didn't hesitate any more, and immediately said: "In the isolated moment, we must mobilize two groups of people who are promising and capable, and we must make Li Zicheng look good!"

After he finished speaking, he thought of the missing Zhang Wenxiu and Zhang Dingguo who had no news, and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Zhang Xianzhong knew in his heart that Zhang Wenxiu was probably gone, or was killed by the imperial army, or was locked somewhere by the imperial army?In short, it is basically impossible to come back.

It was Zhang Dingguo. For some reason, he went to the north to inquire about news. Now Sun Chuanting has gone south in a big way, but Zhang Dingguo has no news at all. Could it be that he was blacked out on the road and disappeared?
In this turbulent age, any accident can happen!
It is possible to lose two capable generals under his command, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but glance at the military adviser in front of him, feeling somewhat dissatisfied in his heart.It was only after listening to his suggestion that I might lose these two capable men!

But now it's useless to complain about Xu Yixian, he can only hide this resentment in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Xianzhong made a decision, and the counterattack against Li Zicheng began immediately.

Just like how he played when he was a thief, the first contact with the enemy was cannon fodder to consume the enemy, and then the elite attacked.

Zhang Xianzhong's overall deployment is also to deploy the miscellaneous troops on the periphery, while the elite are mainly concentrated in the Tianshou Mansion and its surrounding areas.

Therefore, although Li Zicheng suddenly attacked him and seized a lot of his territory at once, his strength is basically still there. He mobilized troops from the Tianshou Mansion and quickly completed the adjustment. Yangtze River, all the way into Dongting Lake.

It may be that Xu Yixian's strategy is really effective, or it may be that Li Zicheng's troops have never encountered a large-scale navy before. At the beginning of the war, as Xu Yixian estimated, he successfully mobilized Li Guo's troops, and then Zhang Xianzhong's navy shot a feint, and soon crossed Dongting Lake by boat, and took Huarong, Anxiang and other places in one fell swoop. Luo Rucai's original force of more than [-] people basically surrendered to Zhang Xianzhong without much fighting.

When the news reached Tianshou Mansion, Zhang Xianzhong laughed heartily.The first battle against Li Zicheng, won!
This made him more confident, and he began to discuss with Xu Yixian and others, planning to use the navy's maneuvers to launch a war to retake Jingzhou Mansion.

Once the Jingzhou Mansion can be regained, Li Zicheng's part can be divided into two parts, which will greatly weaken Li Zicheng's strength.At that time, the strength of both sides will change, and Li Zicheng will worry about being annexed!
If the court knew about this situation, they would probably sit on the sidelines and watch the tigers fight. Let Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong fight to the death first, and then wait until the two thieves are exhausted before making a big move.

It's just a pity that communication in this era is backward, and it is not easy to grasp such dynamics in time.

No, although Sun Chuanting's troops on the thin line are still fighting steadily, the war on the eastern front has already begun.

Luzhou Mansion was originally the site of the Fifth Gezuo Battalion, but when the Fifth Gezuo Battalion withdrew northward, the troops under Ma Shiying were weak, and it was impossible to enter Luzhou Mansion before it was too late to defend Fengyang.In the end, this Luzhou mansion was acquired by Zhang Xianzhong.

On the side of Luzhou Mansion, there is Chaohu Lake, and the surrounding area is not only a land of fish and rice, but also a very important strategic place where Fengyang, the central capital of the imperial court, and Yingtian Mansion, the accompanying capital, can be explored and threatened.

And Liu Wenxiu disappeared here, so Zhang Xianzhong's deployment here was originally Zhang Dingguo's men, led by Zhang Dingguo's powerful general Wu Sanxing.

This Wu Sansheng is a subordinate that Li Dingguo trusts very much.In the original history, following Li Dingguo in the South and North Wars, he went through many battles, including the battle of the two famous kings, and even escorted Li Dingguo's wife and children to find Li Dingguo when the situation was critical. deeds.

However, he became famous in history after Li Dingguo died for his country.

At that time, Jianlu was powerful, and his former comrades-in-arms surrendered to Jianlu one after another. With the righteousness of the nation, he persuaded him if he could, and fought if he couldn't persuade him. If he couldn't, he pretended to surrender, and then fought again. , Even Li Dingguo's son surrendered to Jianlu, but he still resolutely refused to surrender. In the end, after the death of Emperor Yongli, he supported Zhu Hongzhen, a descendant of the imperial family, as King of Daming, named Hongxing in Jiannian, and continued to fight Jianlu.

Until the thirteenth year of Hongxing, that is, in March 1674, Wu Sansheng took advantage of Wu Sangui's rebellion to launch the Northern Expedition. As a result, he was ambushed by the surrounding chieftain army and died in battle with a poisoned arrow.

At this time, he received the news of the horse scouting, knowing that the imperial court reinforcements had come to aid Fengyang Mansion, so he began to shrink his troops, focusing on defending several important military towns such as Luzhou and Lu'an.If the situation is not right, it will be withdrawn into Huguang as planned, or it can be withdrawn along the waterway.

But then, to his relief, the imperial army showed no signs of launching an attack, and they still focused on defending Fengyang Mansion.According to the detailed report, it was said that the imperial court and the army were actually fighting the landlord, which made him very surprised for a while.

Of course, he didn't dare to relax his vigilance when the enemy was at hand.

Wu Sansheng estimated that with so many imperial troops assembled in Fengyang Mansion, they would invade Luzhou Mansion sooner or later.Therefore, he estimated that it is likely to wait until the autumn harvest before the imperial army will launch a war.

And the autumn harvest, the time for grain harvest, is not far away.

When Wu Sansheng was worried, suddenly the detailed report came back: "Fengyang Mansion has imperial reinforcements again, and they are under the command of Uncle Zhongwu Zhou Yuji."

Hearing this news, Wu Sansheng became worried, and hurriedly called his subordinates for a military meeting.

His subordinates are naturally also Li Dingguo's subordinates.

At the beginning of the military discussion, Wu Sansheng said worriedly: "There are already enough court officers and troops in Luzhou Prefecture, and the court is still sending reinforcements, and it is a powerful general like Zhou Yuji. What is the court going to do?"

Logically speaking, to deal with them, the original imperial army is enough, they cannot resist it, and there is no need to send reinforcements at all.

However, there has been no movement from the imperial court for a long time, and reinforcements are still being made, which makes him confused!

"It's not going to launch a general attack on us, even the Heavenly Mansion, right?" Wang Zhibang, another general under Li Dingguo, guessed anxiously.

With so many court officials and troops, the target is definitely not just them, it is likely to be the entire Eight Great Kings.

When he said this, the others also nodded. Apart from this, they couldn't think of any reason why the imperial court sent so many troops.After all, the mobilization of the army will consume more money and food, and it is impossible to mobilize so many troops if nothing happens!
Therefore, Wu Sansheng nodded and said: "On the west side, there is Sun Chuanting, and now we have so many imperial troops, not only Fengyang Mansion, but even Runing Mansion are also stationed by imperial troops. The imperial court must be playing a big game of chess!"

After talking about his guess, he frowned and asked, "You guys say, how should we fight the next battle?"

After a pause, Wu Sansheng added: "I guess, when the autumn harvest comes, it will be the time for the court officials and soldiers to take action!"

The grain in the fields outside the city is already golden, and it will be the harvest season soon.His worries became more and more serious.

Liu Zhisuo, who had a lower status, heard this, and suggested, "Why don't we collect the grain first, and then withdraw?"

"But the grain is not yet fully cooked. If we harvest now, we will lose a lot of grain." Wu Zisheng reminded immediately after hearing this.

In troubled times, food is the most important material, if it can not be lost, then no one wants to lose food.

Wang Zhibang listened, thought for a while, and asked another question: "You say, are we a little worried? If the imperial army wants to make military achievements, they can do it a long time ago. After all, if they want to attack the Tianshou Mansion, It’s not bad for Zhou Yuji’s team, right? But he hasn’t moved in Fengyang Mansion for a long time, and instead attacked those rich and powerful households, checked the hidden households, and re-measured the land. I feel, is that Xiang Yu’s sword dance? "

Hearing that he proposed a new possibility, several generals in the hall immediately echoed.

However, more people still think that the imperial army is just waiting for a good time to send troops, that is, when the grain is harvested.

The opinions of the two parties were at a stalemate. Anyway, given the current situation of the imperial court and the army, the opinions could not be concentrated.

At this time, many people thought of Li Dingguo.If he is here, he can make a final decision, and he can do whatever he wants!

However, when Li Dingguo was not around, their opinions were often inconsistent, and no one could completely convince the other.

There was an argument in the lobby, when suddenly a pleasant voice came from outside, followed by chaotic footsteps coming towards the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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