Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 393 You Have Been Lied To

Chapter 393 You Have Been Lied To
"The governor? Is the governor back?" Wu Zisheng, who was standing at the side of the door, listened for a while, then turned his head to the people in the lobby, guessing in a very surprised tone.





Upon hearing his words, all the people in the lobby suddenly confirmed in surprise.

Zhang Xianzhong established Daxi Kingdom in Wuchang, and set up the governor's office of the Five Armies. Li Dingguo was one of the governors.

Wang Zhibang couldn't even wait, and regardless of the fact that the military discussion was going on right now, he strode outside.

When the others saw it, they all rushed out.

Wu Sansheng, who was on the main seat, saw him without any delay, and immediately bypassed the case table, took three steps in parallel, and hurried out.

As soon as the people in the lobby walked out of the lobby, they saw a group of people walking into the courtyard in front of the hall, surrounded by a tall man in casual clothes.

Even if they haven't seen the face clearly, everyone can confirm who this person is!

Needless to say, this person is naturally Li Dingguo.

So, they became excited immediately, rushed forward one after another, and shouted excitedly at the same time: "Captain, Commander, Commander..."

Obviously, they all admired Li Dingguo very much.

Because Li Dingguo was tolerant and kind in the army, he was famous for his tolerance and kindness, but he took the lead in battle and was extremely heroic. He was called "Little Weichi" or "The Enemy of Thousands of People". He was a wise and brave general in Zhang Xianzhong's army.

Seeing that his main brothers were all there, Li Dingguo smiled and said, "Go, let's talk inside!"

The crowd that greeted them immediately made way for Li Dingguo to enter.And they all had excited expressions, as if they wanted to say a thousand words, but they held back because Li Dingguo had already spoken, and they talked inside.

Li Dingguo did his part, and after entering the lobby, he went to sit in the main seat.

Wu Sansheng and Wang Zhibang took the lead, and immediately stepped forward with the others, cupped their fists to salute Li Dingguo, and at the same time asked questions in a hurry.

"Captain, where have you been?"

"Yes, Commander, where have you been?"

"It will be great if the governor comes back, we will have confidence!"

"Captain, we are all worried. We are afraid that we will never see the governor again!"


Zhang Xianzhong naturally explained to them that Li Dingguo was sent to carry out a secret mission.

He didn't say what the specific task was, if he did, the news leaked out, and the court arrested Li Dingguo wantonly, I'm afraid it would be dangerous!

As for when to come back, Zhang Xianzhong himself wanted to know, how could he answer this question, at most he would answer these generals under Li Dingguo saying "soon, soon".

It's been half a year and they still haven't come back. In this turbulent era, most people think that Li Dingguo is probably gone!

Therefore, it was a great surprise to see Li Dingguo appearing in front of them all of a sudden!
Facing the greetings from these subordinate brothers, Li Dingguo was actually very emotional in his heart.

I didn't arrive first and was ordered to inquire about the news, but in the end so many things happened.At first, I thought that I would never see these brothers again.

Looking at the familiar and kind faces in front of him, Li Dingguo made up his mind that he must give them a good future!
Because these are his brothers who live and die together!

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to signal for his brothers to be quiet.

Needless to say, when he reached out his hand to signal, the lobby immediately fell silent.

Everyone looked at Li Dingguo happily, waiting for him to speak.

Li Dingguo scanned the faces below, and then glanced at the door, everyone recognized him as his good brother.

So, he said: "I was ordered to go to the north to inquire about the news of the imperial court, and finally went to the capital."

Hearing this, the people in the hall suddenly realized what they were saying.

It turns out that the governor ran to a place as far away as the capital, no wonder there has been no news!
But when they came to their senses, they were still a little puzzled. Logically speaking, no matter how far away, it wouldn't be so long without news, right?

"Where, I saw a steam train as powerful as a cow, no, a steam train stronger than dozens of cows, and..."

Before Li Dingguo finished speaking, Wu Sansheng couldn't help asking in surprise: "Captain, what is this steam train? It's stronger than dozens of cows?"

As soon as he asked, the others immediately followed suit.

They knew that the governor never lied, but they couldn't even think of what the governor described. What kind of thing was it?It is stronger than dozens of cows!What kind of monster is this?

Li Dingguo knew that they would be very surprised, so he smiled and explained: "It's a bit like a carriage, but there are many carriages, and it's a big carriage, a long one. But it's not a horse, but a steam engine, from Tongzhou to the capital. , it doesn’t take an hour, from Tianjin to the capital, just sleep in the car for one night..."

It was fine if he didn't explain, but as soon as he explained, his brothers had more questions.

"Captain, where is this chicken? Why have I never heard of such a powerful chicken?"

"Captain, where is Tianjin? Is it far from the capital?"


When his words were interrupted, Li Dingguo didn't look angry at all, but was still smiling.He knew that his brothers would definitely have doubts of one kind or another.Just like when I saw the steam engine with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it!

So, after they finished talking for a while, Li Dingguo explained again: "This is not a chicken of a rooster and a hen, but a machine. It is a machine invented by His Majesty! It can pull a lot of goods at a time, and it is very fast. It's the same if you pull people. If the road can be repaired to reach the Central Plains, such as Kaifeng, it will take two days to get there."

His explanation was so detailed that it caused more doubts.

In short, needless to say, these subordinates of Li Dingguo were shocked as well as shocked when they heard these words.

Wu Sansheng, however, clearly noticed an anomaly in these words: the governor just said Your Majesty?This refers to the current emperor?
Therefore, after the other people's doubtful voices were slightly lowered, he immediately asked: "Captain, is this invented by the current emperor?"

There is still a question that has not been asked, that is: Is the current emperor so powerful?

Upon hearing this, other people realized, yes, the governor just said that this is something invented by the emperor, how is it possible?

Li Dingguo listened, nodded and said: "That's right, it was invented by His Majesty. And not only this, there are many more, all invented by His Majesty. The reason why Your Majesty became so powerful is because Emperor Taizu appeared, How can it not be powerful for the emperor Taizu to guide the current emperor?"

"..." Wu Sanxing and the others were dumbfounded or speechless when they heard this.

Naturally, they have heard some rumors about the capital.However, it is naturally impossible for them to believe these words.Unexpectedly, the governor they trusted the most told them that it was all true!
You know, in their eyes, none of these can be true!
In this way, they couldn't bear it all at once, and it's normal to be stunned!

After a while, Wang Zhibang came back to his senses and said, "Captain, this is impossible, where did you hear that?"

Upon hearing this, the others came back to their senses and joined in one after another.

"Yes, Dudu, have you been deceived?"

"The imperial court is the best at deceiving people, how is this possible?"

"Captain, today's emperors are all played around by treacherous ministers. It's impossible to think that they can be so powerful!"


Hearing their doubts, Li Dingguo suddenly said: "I have seen these with my own eyes. The treasures bestowed by Emperor Taizu hang on His Majesty's chest!"

"..." As soon as he finished speaking, the hall suddenly became quiet again.

Everyone showed disbelief in their eyes, just looking at Li Dingguo!
When did the governor learn how to joke around!

He wasn't like this before!
Wu Sansheng, who came back to his senses, immediately explained to Li Dingguo himself: "The governor is standing too far away, can't you see clearly?"

When they thought about it, there was only one way that Li Dingguo could see the emperor, and that was when the emperor left the palace. Then Li Dingguo could only see a vague shadow when he looked far away from the cordon.

By the way, maybe when the emperor leaves the palace, everyone will have to kneel down to greet him, and the governor will see it even more unrealistically!

Upon hearing his words, the others suddenly realized that this must be the case, so they all breathed a sigh of relief and started chattering again.

"I said, how could it be possible that the Emperor Taizu really appeared, so let's make a fart!"

"That's right, if Emperor Taizu manifests his spirit, there will only be one result!"

"This must be a lie by the old emperor. If you hang that thing around your neck, who would know!"

"That's right, court officials like to deceive people the most, and it's not surprising that the emperor's old man deceives people!"

"If you want me to say, this is the emperor's old man jumping over the wall in a hurry, and brought out the emperor Taizu to fool people!"


Listening to their discussion, Li Dingguo actually knew that this kind of thing, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, would be unbelievable!
If Emperor Taizu really had to watch from the sky, would he have burned the Fengyang Imperial Mausoleum back then?

Yes, it's strange to say, why didn't Emperor Taizu appear earlier?

Li Dingguo thought so in his heart, but he just couldn't figure it out, but he didn't question it, because he had seen the emperor's treasure and heard a human voice coming from it.

At this time, when he heard his brothers talking there, he stretched out his hand to signal them to be quiet, and then said seriously: "I am less than ten feet away from Your Majesty, what I see before my eyes, how could it be false? "

(End of this chapter)

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