Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 394 Chaos in the court

Chapter 394 Chaos in the court
After Li Dingguo finished speaking, the lobby was unusually quiet!
Everyone showed incredible eyes, just looking at Li Dingguo!
One foot away?Only a foot away?how can that be?

If we were to be this close, a hundred emperors would not be enough to kill!

After a long time, Wu Sansheng came back to his senses, and immediately said with a smile: "Commander, you are exaggerating, one zhang away, it's just so close, it's impossible to be so close at any time! Those imperial troops, what are you? , Dongchang fanzi and so on, they are not vegetarians either!"

When he said this, Wang Zhibang also followed behind him, and said to Li Dingguo with a smile: "Captain, long time no see, you can already make jokes! You were not like this before!"

"Blind, it's better that the governor is like this!" Wu Zisheng said happily, "Anyway, I like it!"


Hearing them laughing and chattering, Li Dingguo didn't smile, and said seriously again: "I never joke!"

Upon hearing this, the laughter and laughter in the lobby suddenly disappeared as if someone had strangled the neck.

Afterwards, Wang Zhibang said in embarrassment: "Then... how is that possible? Just this... how far away is this!"

While talking, he compared the distance between himself and Li Dingguo with his hands.

The others nodded their heads when they saw it. It was very strange why Li Dingguo didn't even know how far a foot away?If it's really not a joke!

Anyway, when they were killed, they never thought about the other possibility!
Thinking about it, the emperor is so high above, and he is still staying in the Forbidden City, how could he see it!
Seeing Wang Zhibang like this, Li Dingguo felt a little funny in his heart, did he really think he was a three-year-old?Also use him to indicate how far is Yizhangyuan?
Thinking of this, he said earnestly again: "Don't talk too far away, Your Majesty and I have talked face to face!"

Hearing this, Wang Zhibang and the others smiled and wanted to refute again.But suddenly, when they realized something, they were all dumbfounded. They immediately stared at Li Dingguo's face, wondering if things were really as they thought!

It wasn't until this time that they came back to their senses. It seemed that Li Dingguo was talking about His Majesty. When had they heard of this before?
Seeing them like this, Li Dingguo knew that they finally understood, so he said to them: "I was recognized when I first entered the capital. I went to the capital camp to watch the training in the capital that day, and then my majesty personally summoned me to seal the capital. The battalion general belongs to Uncle Zhongwu. He also learned the way of science from His Majesty and gained a lot of knowledge."


In the lobby, every face was full of shock and astonishment.

It was as if a bolt from the blue struck their foreheads, shaking them out of their bodies, and they couldn't recover for a long time!

This is their captain, who has rebelled with the Eight Great Kings since he was ten years old!Why was he recruited!There was no sign at all beforehand!

By the way, the governor was recognized as soon as he entered the capital?This is impossible!
Don't talk about the capital, just in my own army, if the governor changes into his usual clothes and goes out, not everyone will know him.

In the previous announcement of the imperial court offering rewards, the painting in the portrait is facing the governor, so I'm afraid I can't recognize it!
How is this possible!
Also, although the governor is indeed capable of fighting and is famous, he should not be so famous that the emperor immediately summoned him when he heard that the governor was arrested, right?
When was it so easy to meet the emperor?
Not to mention, what kind of Taoism did you learn from the emperor to gain insight?
It's a mess, my mind is in a mess, what's going on?

Wu Sansheng and others are all so stupid, they really are the kind who are so stupid!
When Li Dingguo saw him, he knew in his heart that his experience was really unbelievable!
There is one thing that he himself has never been able to understand!Why did the emperor attach great importance to him?Although he was only sealed as a general, he knew for sure that the emperor definitely attached great importance to him, and he could feel it!
Can't figure it out!
But right now, he was not thinking about this, so he took out a waist card from his pocket, threw it on the table, and said to the brothers below: "This is my general's waist card, you can use it yourself." Come and see!"

Hearing this, Wu Sansheng, who was standing at the front, stepped forward involuntarily, picked up the waist card on the case table, and looked through it.

When Wang Zhibang and others saw it, they also gathered around to see if the waist card was real or not, even if they couldn't tell whether the waist card was real or not, they also gathered around to watch.

After seeing the unidentified waist badge, Li Dingguo with a serious face, and the series of words he said just now, Wu Sansheng finally believed it a little bit.

However, in this way, he was also very shocked!

The rest of the people who finished reading the badges were similar, they all looked at Li Dingguo, and the look of shock still appeared on their faces.

No one was filled with righteous indignation, no one questioned Li Dingguo, and no one shouted that Li Dingguo was a traitor.

Li Dingguo saw that it was almost done, and said seriously: "I have always treated you as brothers, and this time I came back because of brotherhood. You don't need to talk about it, wait until I finish talking!"

After finishing speaking, he shared what he had seen and heard in the capital, including the current situation of the capital camp, from training to equipment, etc., as well as the specific situation of the Battle of Jizhou, the current situation in the north, and the application of scientific methods, etc. Wait, it's all explained in detail.

It's been talking for a long time, but no one interrupted, and everyone's expressions kept changing with Li Dingguo's description.

Although they found it unbelievable, the words came from Li Dingguo's mouth, and they didn't question them, they just listened.

After Li Dingguo finished speaking, he said earnestly: "The imperial court is no longer what it used to be, and Your Majesty is even more wise and powerful. The people yearn for a peaceful life. If there were no wars, the Ming Dynasty would be prosperous, and the people would live and work in peace and contentment, and even live better than ever before. Everything is fine! The most important thing is..."

Speaking of this, he paused and then raised his voice and said: "The rebellion has no future, the new army of the imperial court has been trained, well-equipped and well-trained, and hundreds of thousands of prisoners have been beaten to almost annihilation! The reorganized army is now stationed around Fengyang Mansion. Once an offensive is launched, we have no resistance."

"I think about my brothers in my heart, and I think that brothers who were born and died together will have a good result. Not to mention being a marquis and worshiping a general, even if I can return to my hometown one day with a full family of children and grandchildren, then I will be very happy. It is also the reason, His Majesty let us go south, give the brothers a chance, accept the recruitment, and end the war as soon as possible!"

After he finished speaking, the hall fell silent.

Many people had complex expressions. For a while, no one spoke, only some breathing sounds could be heard.

After a long while, Wu Sanxing suddenly asked: "Since the imperial army is so sure, why don't they garrison or advance and fight over?"

After Li Dingguo disappeared, he has been in charge of military affairs.For this reason, this question has been annoying him for many months, and there has been no answer!
He really wanted to know, why?
You know, sometimes, he would wake up from a dream, and the surrounding court troops suddenly invaded Luzhou Mansion!

As soon as he opened his mouth, the others immediately looked at Li Dingguo, wanting to hear any explanation?
After hearing this, Li Dingguo replied without any hesitation: "Don't you know what's going on in Fengyang Mansion? The reason why the army doesn't move is actually to guard the local area, assist the local area to check out hidden households, and re-measure the land."

Speaking of this, after a pause, he added: "I have heard your majesty say that the chaos in the court lies in the administration of officials and the lack of money. .Jiangnan is dead, and the government is unstable. Therefore, taking this opportunity, rectifying the Jiangnan area is the key point."

"Do you know where the money for the imperial court's reorganization of the army has come from in recent years?" Li Dingguo glanced at the people below, and said seriously: "It is corrupt officials who ransacked their homes, and profiteers, etc. We hate those. If we accept the recruitment, Your Majesty will have more I have the confidence to attack these people. It is meaningless to rebel, only to harm others and ourselves!"

After he finished speaking, there was only a moment of silence in the hall, and Wu Sansheng first said loudly: "Captain, I will obey you, I will go with you!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhibang immediately followed up and said loudly: "I don't believe in the imperial court, but I believe in the governor, and I will go with the governor!"

Hearing his words, others followed suit.

"Yes, I don't trust the imperial court either, but the governor!"

"That's right, we can all see the general's normal behavior, follow the governor, and keep it right!"

"Follow the governor, the governor is for our own good!"


In the lobby, no one expressed a different opinion, and they all shouted that they all wanted to talk to Li Dingguo.

Obviously, Li Dingguo's prestige in the army is very high!

Of course, this is also the prestige he has slowly accumulated for being tolerant and kind to his subordinates, and being the first to fight against the enemy!
Seeing this scene, Li Dingguo couldn't help but smiled in relief: Good brother, forever!

"Okay!" After a while, he said forcefully, "Brothers are trustworthy, I am very happy! It is the same as before, the blessings are shared and the difficulties are shared!"

"Blessings and hardships together..." Wu Sanxing and the others shouted excitedly after hearing this.

After a while, the voice slowly lowered down.

Then Wu Sansheng asked on behalf of the brothers: "Captain, what should we do next?"

"Yeah, what should we do next?" The others listened and asked in agreement.

After hearing this, Li Dingguo said with a faint smile: "We have to wait for one person first. After he arrives, we will discuss the next move!"

"Who?" Wu Sanxing asked immediately after hearing this, a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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