Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 396 Changes in the situation

Chapter 396 Changes in the situation
"Oh?" Sun Chuanting asked, "Who is it?"

"Wang Jigui, the Juren of Jin!" Li Yan immediately replied after hearing the question, "He is Luo Rucai's mastermind. The reason why Luo Ru was able to live well among the thieves is because of this person. His The subordinates also admire him."

Among those who initially rebelled, the bones of Wang Jiayin, Wang Ziyong, Gao Yingxiang and others were already cold.Only Luo Rucai has been in the world.If it hadn't been for Li Zicheng's annihilation, it is estimated that he could continue to be at ease.

The reason why this is possible is that Luo Rucai himself is indeed talented and resourceful, and the other is because of his mastermind, Wang Jigui.

This Wang Jigui is so low-key that most people don't know him.

It was also because Li Yan was a juren himself that he noticed that there was another one in Luo Rucai's army who was similar to him.

He continued to explain to Sun Chuanting: "In Li's army, Niu Jinxing is jealous. Song Xiance has already made him regret it. It is absolutely impossible for Li to use Wang Jigui again. Therefore, the subordinates think that this person can be said Its return should be seventy to eighty percent sure!"

It would be the best if it could be done like this. Sun Chuanting agreed to Li Yan's suggestion after thinking about it.

In order to cooperate with Li Yan as a lobbyist, Sun Chuanting also specially deployed troops, went south to suppress the border, and put pressure on the thieves in front of him, and then let Li Yan go as an envoy.


The city of Chengtian Mansion is an important town directly facing Xiangyang. Li Zicheng sent to the north to garrison, and the main force to defend against Sun Chuanting is here.

Needless to say, Wang Jigui is also here.

On this day, he was worrying about Sun Chuanting's overbearing behavior, when suddenly he heard his subordinates say that an old friend came to visit.

What an old friend, he doesn't believe it at all!
You know, at the beginning, Luo Rucai waited for the bandits to attack Jin, he was coerced, and then he has been among the bandits.And he has always kept a low profile, it would be strange for an old friend to know that he is here!

But he also knew that someone must be looking for him, and he also wanted to see who wanted to see him.

Not long after, the old friend was brought before him.

"You are?" Wang Jigui felt a little familiar when he saw the person coming. After thinking about it for a while, he immediately remembered, "Okay, if you dare to come here, aren't you afraid that I will dedicate you to the general?"

Although Li Yan is also relatively low-key, as Li Zicheng's counselor, and with the name of Hong Niangzi, Wang Jigui has paid attention to him.Therefore, he can still recognize it.

When Li Yan saw it, he wasn't scared at all, he just said with a smile: "Since I dare to come, why would I worry about this and that!"

Seeing him like this, Wang Jigui waved his hand and made his subordinates retreat.

"Ming people don't speak dark words!" Li Yan said straight to the point, "I came here to give Brother Wang a chance to return home in good clothes!"

After a pause, before Wang Jigui could express his opinion, he continued to add: "You and I are both born in Juren, and have studied hard for so many years. For what? To be a thief? To shame the ancestors? No! It's just forced by the world. It’s just helpless! Now the opportunity to return to the hometown, and even to honor the ancestors, is in front of you. I persuaded you to accept the recruitment, and you brought so many people to accept the recruitment, it is a credit!"

When smart people talk to each other, they don't need to beat around the bush and try to figure it out. Basically, they can guess what they want to do.

After hearing this, Wang Jigui didn't speak immediately, but frowned slightly thinking about it.

Even if he knows the reason for coming, it is impossible for me to decide such an important matter as soon as you speak.

When Li Yan saw it, he continued: "You know the situation on your side, I know it, and Lord Sun knows it too. But now, the strength of the imperial army is far from what it was a few years ago. Hundreds of thousands of Jianlu, It will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed. I am not talking big, the demise of the bandit is only a matter of time. The reason why I have not done anything is because Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Peigong!"

Hearing this, Wang Jigui looked at Li Yan and asked tentatively: "Then if I bring someone down to the imperial court, how will the imperial court treat me?"

Obviously, he was moved and just wanted to negotiate a condition.

After Li Yan heard this, he just replied: "You are the same as me. Only after the bandits and thieves are over, Mr. Sun will perform his meritorious service to the court. Before that, he worked under Mr. Sun's command and contributed to the pacification of the bandits. After all Both of us are familiar with thieves, and it is easier to make achievements, I wonder what Brother Wang thinks?"

When Wang Jigui heard this, he frowned, and for a while, he didn't speak.

Of course he hoped that if he surrendered, the imperial court would promise to give him some kind of official position!
But listening to what Li Yan said, he didn't have an official, but just became Sun Chuanting's staff.

If he is not a smart person, he will be angry at this time.Not being an official, but asking him to surrender, how can there be such a cheap thing!
However, he is smart.He knew that if the imperial court really wanted to fool him, they could actually agree to give him some kind of official position. After the surrender, cross the river and demolish the bridge, and find any crime, he could be dismissed from office, or even punished.At that time, he had no choice but to let the court slaughter him!
Li Yan's answer, in Wang Jigui's view, was indeed reasonable.

If the imperial court puts down the rebellion, then he can contribute, which is also his advantage over others.

When the rebellion is settled, and rewards are given for meritorious deeds, it doesn't mean that it can't be done.Maybe if they were rewarded like that, the officials they got would be even bigger, and they would be more honorable when they returned home.

Thinking of this, he asked Li Yan, "What about my brothers, they definitely want a title!"

Civil servants and military commanders are treated differently. He can wait, but his brothers can't wait. They are all fighting in battle, and the court doesn't give them names. If they die on the battlefield, isn't it a waste of time?
After hearing this, Li Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately said: "Recruiting thieves is treated the same way. First accept the reorganization of the court. After the reorganization, the guerrilla will start and be promoted based on subsequent military achievements! The later you are recruited, the lower your military rank will be. !"

Speaking of this, after a pause, he added: "The same is true for the Fifth Gezuo Battalion. All departments have been reorganized. Your brothers must also be reorganized before accepting recruitment."

After hearing this, Wang Jigui still thought about it for a while, and then said to Li Yan: "Brother Li is so trustworthy that he didn't hesitate to come here to give a way out. How could the younger brother be ignorant? Here's the arrangement, give Brother Li a Confess!"

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that he was not welcome in Li Zicheng's army and was guarded by Li Zicheng.But today's imperial army is indeed elite, especially the recruitment of Gezuo Fifth Battalion, which has strengthened the strength of the imperial army.

In addition, he already knew at this time that Zuo Liangyu's troops who rushed into Sichuan had been wiped out by the imperial army, and the Sichuan army had already left Sichuan to fight.

On Chengtian Mansion's side, he was more of a cannon fodder used by Li Zicheng to fend off the imperial army, as a buffer.

As a Juren, a planner, and a thinking literati, he can see the situation of the world more clearly than others.

Now responding to Li Yan's call for security and submitting to the imperial court is the best way out for him and Luo Rucai's subordinates.

That's it, two smart people, after discussing for a while, reached an agreement.

Later, Li Yan stayed behind the scenes, and Wang Jigui summoned Luo Rucai's generals to discuss matters.With his good analysis, and in the eyes of Luo Rucai's subordinates, he was a smart person.

Finally, five days later, Li Yan led Wang Jigui to go north in person to meet Sun Chuanting and express his intention to submit to the court.

Sun Chuanting was naturally happy, and quickly made deployments. With the cooperation of Wang Jigui, the army suddenly went south, took control of Chengtian Mansion, and most of Jingzhou Mansion, and took a big step southward, directly threatening Wuchang Mansion, Zhang Xianzhong's old lair. where.


The situation in the west has changed suddenly, and the situation in the east is similar.

In the seemingly calm eastern part, the situation in Luzhou Mansion suddenly changed suddenly.

Zhou Yuji, Hu Dawei, Wu Sangui and other ministries suddenly attacked Luzhou Mansion. Wu Sansheng and others were invincible.

Bai Wenxuan hurriedly asked Zhang Xianzhong for help, and at the same time prepared to unite with Wu Sansheng and others to resist the pursuit of the imperial army.

Tongcheng in the north of Anqing Mansion is an important town from Luzhou Mansion to Anqing Mansion. Bai Wenxuan led the troops here and joined Wu Sansheng and others who had retreated.Afterwards, a military meeting was held immediately to discuss the matter of resisting the imperial army.

In fact, for the current situation, Bai Wenxuan actually knew it well.

The court officials hoarded heavy troops in Fengyang Mansion, and they were all elites, and they kept attracting them all the time. This is definitely a problem!
It's just that they, including Zhang Xianzhong himself, all have the potential to be an ostrich. Although they know it, they should pretend they don't know it. It's best to stick to it like this.

Of course, it can also be said in other words, facing the heavy imperial troops on Fengyang Mansion's side, Zhang Xianzhong's side actually has no way to solve it at all.

Therefore, we can only hope that the court officers and soldiers will take the wrong medicine and stay in the Fengyang mansion for protection.

Unexpectedly, at the time of the autumn harvest, the imperial army moved, and this move was like a thunderbolt. Wu Sansheng didn't have any resistance at all, and he was defeated and fled immediately.

At this time, Bai Wenxuan was also worried!

Wu Sansheng can still escape, but he has no way to escape. Behind him is Zhang Xianzhong's lair Wuchang!

Worried, he led his generals out of the yamen to meet Wu Sansheng and his party who rushed over.

"The soldiers of the imperial court are pressing down on the border, how is the battle going on at the front?" Bai Wenxuan asked anxiously as soon as they met.

Wu Sanxing heard this, but said to him: "Go, let's talk inside!"

"Yes, please!" When Bai Wenxuan heard this, he felt that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly welcomed Wu Sansheng and his party in.

But as soon as he entered the lobby, he felt something was wrong.

Wu Sansheng and his group blocked the door of the lobby, and then stepped aside one after another, revealing a person behind.

 It will be recommended tomorrow, and it will be updated. The update will start at two o'clock in the afternoon. It is expected that there will be four changes tomorrow and four changes the day after tomorrow. There will only be more and no less than this number.


(End of this chapter)

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