Chapter 397
Bai Wenxuan and the others looked a little strangely, wondering what Wu Sanxing and the others were up to?
I saw the person behind, wearing the clothes of an ordinary bodyguard, but when I looked closely at that person, I found that this person was very familiar.

In just a moment, they realized who this person was!

"Captain?" Bai Wenxuan called out in surprise.

Compared to him, other people, Liu Wenxiu's subordinates, such as Lu Mingchen and Wang Xianming, shouted in surprise: "Captain!"

Although they are both called "Captain", but obviously, the feelings are different!
This governor is not Li Dingguo, but Liu Wenxiu who has also been missing for a long time and has no news.

Hearing the shout, Liu Wenxiu did not answer, but just strode forward, came to the middle of the hall, then looked at the old department in front of him, as well as Bai Wenxuan and others, and said: "I have accepted the imperial court's offer, and I will come to Come and bring the brothers to accept the imperial court’s recruitment together, and you can return to your hometown in good clothes in the future!”

When he said it so straight to the point, Bai Wenxuan and the others were stunned.

Although, they had secretly speculated about Liu Wenxiu's possible surrender to the imperial court.However, Liu Wenxiu's first words in this meeting still shocked them.

Especially Bai Wenxuan, he is Sun Kewang's subordinate, after all, he is separated from Liu Wenxiu.

At this moment, he came back to his senses, he was not surprised to see Wu Sansheng and others, they all crowded behind Liu Wenxiu, just staring at them.

Obviously, Wu Sansheng and others knew about it, and they must have accepted the imperial court's offer.

If someone here disagrees, judging by their posture, they will probably be ruthless!Anyway, these people present probably couldn't get out of this lobby.

Liu Wenxiu didn't wait for them to make a decision, and continued: "Dingguo and I are both generals in the Beijing camp, and I can tell you clearly that the current army of the imperial court does not owe wages, has excellent armaments, and even less armor. Say. Not to mention the Jingying and Yongwei battalions, even other armies, after reorganization, their combat effectiveness is far from comparable to before. Once there is a battle, there will be no accidents. Our brothers have lived and died together for so many years. I hope you can be together, From now on, when you return to your hometown in fine clothes, when you get old, you will bring your children and grandchildren to flee the house together, enjoying the peace of the world, and don't live this life of blood on the edge of the knife!"

After hearing this, Lu Mingchen, Wang Xianming and others from Liu Wenxiu's former department started talking.

"Captain, we listen to you!"

"Yes, Commander, you go there, where shall we go!"

"The governor is doing this for our own good, we all know it!"


Facing the strong pressure from the imperial court and the army, these people knew that they could not resist.And Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo have similar styles of leading troops, and his subordinates also like to follow him.

In fact, even Bai Wenxuan, in the original history, between Sun Kewang and Liu Wenxiu, he finally chose Liu Wenxiu's side.

At this time, seeing Liu Wenxiu's old department, they all expressed their willingness to accept recruitment. Bai Wenxuan immediately smiled wryly, looked at Liu Wenxiu who was staring at him and asked, "Can I still have a choice?"

When Liu Wenxiu heard this, he laughed, and then said: "Brother Bai, it's right not to choose something else. Your majesty is wise enough to give us a chance to be good, and it's no problem to return home in good clothes."

After hearing this, Bai Wenxuan smiled, then nodded and said, "Then I will listen to the governor!"

This is the best way, when Liu Wenxiu saw her, Dang even smiled, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and then patted the shoulders of others.

Then, he announced the countermeasures that he had discussed before, that is, how to act next!

Needless to say, the next step is to act.

Liu Wenxiu still didn't show up, Bai Wenxuan was sent to Wu Sansheng's headquarters, and couldn't resist the imperial court's offensive, so he retreated all the way to Huguang. Zhou Yuji, Wu Sangui and others led their troops to pursue them.

The front-line military newspaper had just arrived at Zhang Xianzhong's side, and the two groups of troops were about to retreat to Huguang territory.

"Damn it, what are they doing for food?" Zhang Xianzhong heard the news, he didn't care about his status as Daxi King, and immediately cursed, "It's impossible for a group of pigs to lose so quickly!"

The defeat was really too fast, and it was too late for him to react!
Moreover, at this moment, Zhang Xianzhong had a lot of bad things on his mind, and he was worrying about it!
Originally, he used the navy to win several battles and recruited some of Luo Rucai's troops, which made him very happy.

Unexpectedly, Li Zicheng used his cavalry advantage to maneuver at high speed to grab his food in the territory he controlled.

On the other hand, he had a head-on confrontation with Li Zicheng on land, but he couldn't compete.Because he doesn't have so many cavalry, and there are not as many old soldiers as Li Zicheng.Only rely on city defense and water reinforcements.

However, the grain grows outside the city, not in the water.Once Li Zicheng's cavalry moved, he couldn't beat Li Zicheng's side at all.

That is all the food that he regards as something in his pocket, and he expects to harvest this food to recruit more people and strengthen his strength!

Li Zicheng's move was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to order to harvest the places that had not been harmed by Li Zicheng's cavalry without waiting for the grain to be ripe.In this way, he will lose a lot of food.

As a result, the west side is in chaos, and the tone has not yet come out. The east side is even more noisy than the west side. Under the attack of the imperial army, the lost city and land are the kind that lose a lot of land after sleeping for one night.

If Zhang Xianzhong at this time can still maintain his demeanor and not get angry or annoyed, then he is not Zhang Xianzhong!

It can be said that under the pressure of Li Zicheng in the west and the imperial army in the east, the base area that Zhang Xianzhong worked so hard to manage is already in jeopardy!

At this time, after losing his temper for a while, he immediately asked his military adviser Xu Yixian, "What should we do now?"

Xu Yixian listened, but made a bitter face, and didn't answer.

When Zhang Xianzhong saw it, he became angry again, and immediately shouted: "What's the matter, you're dumb? At this time, it's time for you to come up with an idea, so you should say it!"

Hearing this, Xu Yixian couldn't help but feel a little helpless, so he could only answer Zhang Xianzhong: "Your Highness, the west side is actually okay. I have some clues, so I should be able to deal with it. But, on the east side, all we know is that our troops have traveled all the way. The retreat is still so fast, and I don't know the specific military situation, so I can't deal with it!"

Speaking of this, he thought for a while and added: "At least I must understand the situation so that I can give His Highness an idea. Otherwise, I will just come up with a blind idea and harm His Highness instead!"

When Zhang Xianzhong heard it, as a person who was used to fighting, he naturally understood that what he said made sense.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became angry again: "Usually, I never thought that Wu Sansheng and Bai Wenxuan would be so bad, but they have suffered a complete defeat! Damn, I was wrong before, so it turns out that they are so careless. !"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help sighing again and said: "If Dingguo and Wenxiu were here, the Eastern Front would be so hip!"

If he knew that the reason why the Eastern Front was defeated so quickly was actually because of the presence of Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu, he would probably be really angry and vomit blood!
At this time, he regretted that he lost two capable generals!

However, Zhang Xianzhong was a man who had gone through a lot of storms. He was defeated and had nowhere to go. He tried to surrender and defected to Li Zicheng.And now this situation is at least better than those.

Therefore, he was decisive, and immediately said: "The Huangzhou Mansion must be defended, otherwise, we will have to abandon the Tianshou Mansion!"

The implication is that the Huangzhou Prefecture in the east must be increased, and it cannot be lost.

After Xu Yixian heard this, he shook his head and said, "Your Highness, I'm afraid this is not a good idea!"

"Huh?" Zhang Xianzhong immediately asked when he heard it, "How do you say it?"

Just listen to Xu Yixian's analysis to him: "Wu Sansheng and Bai Wenxuan's two teams lost too quickly, there must be something hidden in it. If you don't find out what is the reason why these two teams lost so quickly , I am afraid that the Huangzhou government will still be unable to stop the imperial court army!"

What he said was indeed reasonable, but Zhang Xianzhong showed a helpless expression and said: "How do you figure it out? Did you send someone there? If you haven't arrived yet, you may have already retreated to Huangzhou Mansion!"

After hearing this, Xu Yixian was silent for a moment, and then said in a cold voice: "Then pass down the military order, those who retreat into the Huangzhou Mansion, kill them! Tell them to be stable, so that they can figure out what's going on and have time to dispatch troops to deal with it in the future." !"

Generally speaking, whether it is Zhang Xianzhong or Li Zicheng, they have fought and lost countless battles.Therefore, in their view, it is not normal to run away if you can't fight.

As Xu Yixian said, it is rare to issue strict orders to make the front line fight recklessly.

However, at the moment, it is true that the defeated army cannot be allowed to retreat all the way to Huangzhou Mansion.Because once something happens to the Huangzhou Mansion, the Shifu Mansion will face the imperial court and the army that day.

When Zhang Xianzhong weighed it in his heart, Xu Yixian continued: "In addition, Your Highness must be prepared for the eventuality. If you really can't stop the imperial army, you must be able to get away in time."

Speaking of this, he solemnly emphasized: "If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood!"

Zhang Xianzhong felt a little helpless when he heard this, but he also knew that what Xu Yixian said was old-fashioned, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then do everything according to the military advisor's wishes!"

Now that we are ready to go, the gold, silver, wealth, food, supplies, etc. must be packed first, and they must be transported to where they should be transported first. The fight between the west and Li Zicheng must be done accordingly. deployment.

Also, if you want to go, where to go, how to go, who will open the way, etc., there are a lot of things.

While Zhang Xianzhong was busy with these things, according to Xu Yixian's suggestion, let the eastern front resist on the spot, and the military order not to retreat into Huangzhou Mansion was also sent out on a fast horse.

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(End of this chapter)

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