Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 409 The Ming Army is still the former Ming Army

Chapter 409 The Ming Army is still the former Ming Army

When Du Yinxi heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. If he could keep the [-] cavalry army, it would be much easier to fight Jinzhou.

And if the [-] cavalry troops can be wiped out, the Jianlu army will suffer another major blow!
Yes, this time, we must fight an annihilation battle!

Thinking of this, he immediately held a military meeting and announced on the spot: "The [-] Jianlu cavalry army will be led by Aixinjueluo Azige, Prince of Heshuoying. Looting caused great losses in the pass. If anyone can capture this person alive and offer it to the capital, it will be a great contribution, and His Majesty will reward you!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately turned to look at Yan Yingyuan.This Uncle Jiangyin captured Jianlu coach Aixinjueluo Abate alive during the Battle of Jizhou!

Among the slave chieftains of Jianlu, the status of this Azig was even higher than that of Abate.If someone could capture him alive...

Thinking of this, many people immediately became jealous.Especially Li Dingguo and others who participated in the Battle of Jizhou.

In their eyes, Jianlu is definitely different from those armies that have not been reorganized. They are all military achievements!Especially with Azig's greatest military exploits!
Du Yinxi said this to boost morale.Then, he looked at Zhongzhen Hou Qin Liangyu and asked: "Your white-armed army is all in the chariot battalion, might it block Jianlu?"

Qin Liangyu's [-]-odd white-armed army had all been changed.Hearing this question, he immediately replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, my lord, unless Jianlu steps on the corpses of all the white pole soldiers, he will never pass!"

Du Yinxi felt Qin Liangyu's determination, and thought that there was Che Ying, so it should be fine.

But he thought more about it, and said to Qin Liangyu: "I will give you another military order, and I can send the soldiers of Ningyuan City to assist in the defense, and you will command it!"

"The general obeys orders!" Qin Liangyu naturally wouldn't say no when he heard this.On the battlefield, it's not a child's play. For her age, she knows it better than anyone else.

Therefore, Du Yinxi turned his head to look at Zheng Hongkui, and asked seriously: "The fleet will set off immediately, how long will it take to reach Ningyuan?"

At this time, Zheng Hongkui had obviously done his homework, and instead of the same as last time, he immediately replied: "I will observe, unless the wind changes suddenly and the waves are too big to sail, otherwise I will guarantee that I will arrive in Ningyuan one day and night, and only It will be sooner, not later."

Shanhaiguan is about [-] miles away from Ningyuan, and the sea ships at this time are about seven or eight knots, because although the ships are all sea ships, they are of different sizes, and they are improvised. Zheng Hongkui estimated in Gaoli, A day and a night were given.

After hearing this, Du Yinxi thought for a while, then turned his head and said to Qin Liangyu: "It's also evening now, and your department set off overnight. In the morning of the day after tomorrow, you must build an intercepting position. In the morning of the day after tomorrow, I will launch a general offensive. How about ?”

In this era, with the backwardness in communication, this method can only be agreed in advance.

In the Battle of Saerhu in the last year of Wanli, the Ming army actually divided its troops into five groups to attack Jianlu, and the meeting place was also agreed in advance.As a result, due to various reasons, people from all walks of life did not march according to the previously agreed route.As a result, they couldn't cooperate with each other, and were eventually defeated by Jianlu one by one, thus leading to the rise of Jianlu.

In addition, Zeng Yinghui, a famous general in Central Sichuan, died in battle because of the difference in cooperation between the army and the navy, and the navy arrived at the destination too early;

Also, in the original history, Liu Wenxiu led troops to attack Changde, which was occupied by Jianlu. It was also because of inconvenient communication that the land and water coalition forces could not cooperate. In the end, he died in battle, and the Battle of Changde ended in failure.

It was precisely because of such inconveniences that Du Yinxi did not give an order directly, but instead consulted Qin Liangyu's opinion on the timing of the general attack.

Qin Liangyu is a veteran, so he naturally understood the importance of it. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "The last general obeys!"

The meaning of this sentence is that there is no problem!
The time was agreed, Qin Liangyu received Du Yinxi's military order, and together with Zheng Hongkui gave Du Yinxi a fistful salute, then turned around and left the lobby, facing the sunset, striding away.

The Baigan Army had already ordered to leave at any time before, and Cheying's vans and artillery had not been unloaded from the ship, and they could set off soon.

Thinking about this, Du Yinxi no longer managed the waterway, but said with a serious expression: "The rest of the ministries, prepare for battle immediately, and launch a general attack in the early morning of the next day, chasing Jianlu all the time, and don't let Jianlu have a chance to breathe. , until it is wiped out in Ningyuan!"

"The last general obeys!" All the generals present immediately stepped out upon hearing the sound, clasped their fists and responded loudly.

In other words, the army at Shanhaiguan is scheduled to leave in the early morning of the day after tomorrow.That is to say, the Guangning Qiantunwei side will withstand Jianlu until the day after tomorrow.Among them, at most two days, it should be no problem.

At least according to Du Yinxi, he thinks so.

However, sometimes, the more you think there is no problem, the more likely it is that something will go wrong.

From Du Yinxi's point of view, there was no problem at all in Guangning Zhongqian, it was still behind Qiantunwei, and there was a problem in the afternoon of the next day.

Du Yinxi has also been cleaned up, ready to move forward, sit in Ningyuan City, and prepare for the next attack on Jinzhou.

As a result, he was looking at the map and making final calculations, when suddenly his personal guards hurried in and reported to him: "My lord, the commander-in-chief of the Guangning Zhongqian Institute, Huang, has fled back, and the Zhongqian Institute was captured by Jianlu." Already!"

"What?" Du Yinxi was taken aback when he heard it, and couldn't believe his ears: all the Zhongqian all fell?

So, he immediately turned out of the front office, ready to ask for clarification in person.

In the lobby of the governor's yamen, the yellow helmet was gone. In such a cold winter, he was sweating profusely and looked terrified.

Seeing a civil servant in a scarlet robe coming out from the back office, he quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Excellency, Jianlu is coming fiercely..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

who is thisWhere is Mr. Xie Xuelong?Why, the governor has changed, why didn't he know?
Du Yinxi ignored him, sat on the main seat, stared at Huang He immediately and asked, "What's going on?"

When asked by him, Huang came back to his senses, and regardless of why the Governor changed, he hastily reported: "My lord, the army of Jianlu is coming, the city in Zhongqian is small, it can't stop Jian Captives, therefore...therefore, the last general has no choice but to retreat!"

"How many Jianlu troops?" Du Yinxi frowned when he heard this, and immediately asked, "When will we arrive, and how is the battle going? Report in detail!"

When Huang heard this, he didn't dare not answer, but he stammered and said: "Jianlu probably came with three thousand riders... no, no, no... at least five thousand riders, and there must be more in the future. This fierce Jianlu Ji, trying to encircle the front of the dead, the loss of the last general...the last general sees the opportunity quickly, otherwise...or else there is no way to report the enemy's situation to the governor!"

As soon as Du Yinxi heard it, he immediately heard another meaning of his words, and immediately became angry, and immediately shouted sharply: "So, you ran away before fighting?"

"No, no, no!" Huang Huang immediately denied it when he heard it, "The last general is...he wants to report the military situation to the Lord!"

This explanation is equivalent to no explanation.Without a military order, the general cannot leave the station without permission.Even if you report the military situation, can't you send other people to report it?

Du Yinxi was not a fool, he was very angry in his heart, and asked again: "Where is Qiantunwei, how is the situation?"

" no must have been destroyed by the Jianlu!" Huang Huang was a little flustered when he heard this, and stammered.

After hearing this, Du Yinxi knew that he couldn't ask anything, so he slapped the table and shouted sharply: "As the commander-in-chief of the Central Front, you are responsible for defending the land, but you run away first when you encounter the enemy. How can you know the power of military law?"

After asking this question, without waiting for Huang's answer, he immediately ordered: "Come on, drag it out and hit the [-] army sticks hard, then hang it at the gate of the city to show the public, and when the battle is over, escort the capital for questioning!"

Upon hearing this, the guards standing by the side immediately stepped forward, dragged Huang and left.

"My lord...give me another chance, my lord..."

Du Yinxi naturally wouldn't give another chance, but frowned.He didn't expect that the generals outside the pass would be so timid and run away after hearing the news!
But fortunately, the general attack will start tomorrow morning, let Jianlu be proud first!

Early the next morning, Huang, who was drowsy from being hung, was suddenly awakened by some movement, and hurriedly looked up.Suddenly, he was dumbfounded.

I saw groups of soldiers driving neatly towards the gate of the city.One look at this appearance, you know it's elite.

Isn't there only the white pole army stationed here in Shanhaiguan?Where did this come from?Which way is it?

Yellow is dumbfounded!
Then, he saw the banner, it was Uncle Zhongwu!

At this moment, he knew that this was the arrival of imperial reinforcements!
Coming to this conclusion, his intestines are full of regret!If he sticks to it, the reinforcements will arrive the next day, why did he end up in such a state!
The soldiers of the Ming army who passed by the city gate looked at this hanging general with disdain, and went out one by one with their heads held high and their chests held high, earning military merits!

Besides, the Guangning Qiantunwei here, the Jianlu army did not capture here.However, Azig, the slave chief, didn't care at all, instead he was full of ambition!

He led the troops to come, and when he passed Ningyuan, he saw the defenders at the head of Ningyuan shrank in the city, trembling in awe.When he arrived at the former Tunwei, before he attacked, he heard that the Ming army killed and wounded his Tanma at night, so he divided his troops to take revenge.

Unexpectedly, there were only two thousand forwards led by Turge. As soon as they arrived at Zhongqian, the famous generals there ran away when they heard the news. Turger caught up with them and killed them all. Only a few escaped.The Zhongqian Institute is effortless and available at your fingertips!
This Ming army is still the same as before!
Can Azig be unhappy!

(End of this chapter)

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