Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 410 Are You Crazy

Chapter 410 Are You Crazy

"Where are you talking about the Ming army?" Azig looked at Turg who came back to report to him, and couldn't help asking, "Where is it?"

After hearing this, Turge felt a little dazed.

The Ming army is still the same Ming army, still has the same taste, no, that feeling, when you encounter the Qing army, you will run away when you hear the news!
This kind can't be counterfeit, not to mention the lost city and land, the population and supplies are all discarded!If it is a fraudulent defeat, it is basically impossible!

If it wasn't for that famous general who was shameless enough to let his subordinates resist desperately, he was able to escape, otherwise, even that famous general was taken down!
But, the battle of Jizhou!

To be honest, when he thought of the battle of Jizhou last year, there was still fear in his bones.The pursuit of the Ming army made them, who had always been accustomed to winning wars, feel like a frightened bird.If there is a little trouble, just continue to run for your life!

If Abatai hadn't played the banner of the coach to attract the Ming army to chase him, Turge and others might have escaped from the pass with their lives!

Thinking of this, Turge replied a little embarrassingly: "It is estimated that the pass is too chaotic, and the strong army from the Ming Dynasty has not come yet!"

"Hehe!" Azig sneered when he heard it, "How much time has passed, the so-called strong army you mentioned, no matter how far it is from Shanhaiguan, it should be brought back by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. ? But, what about people?"

"..." Turge was speechless when he heard that.

Calculated in terms of time, it is indeed as Azig said, the strong army of the Ming Dynasty should also appear?

However, now that the Ming army has lost the city and territory outside the pass, there will soon be only one city left in Ningyuan.There is no need to fight, and if you send troops to stop it for another half a year, the food in Ningyuan City will be exhausted, and it will be destroyed by itself!

Could it be that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty didn't care about these things?
This is impossible!
When Jinzhou was first attacked, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty also mobilized powerful troops from all over the country to support Shanhaiguan!
He was wondering, and Azig said there again: "You can never say that the rogues in the pass are also strong troops, so the strong army of the Ming Dynasty court and the strong army of the rogues are at a stalemate, or simply, they are exiled in the pass. Has the strong army of thieves been wiped out? Otherwise, where is your so-called strong army?"

At this time, of course he didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen didn't even think about eliminating the thieves immediately, but wanted to use the thieves to rectify the place.

Of course Turg didn't know either. Hearing Azig's words, he was speechless again.

In Azig's eyes, he understood it.The so-called strong army of the Ming Dynasty refers to the battle in Jizhou, where Turge and others exaggerated the strength of the Ming army because they were completely defeated, so as to excuse themselves!
Of course, to defeat Abate's army, at least that Ming army would not be as weak as these Ming armies outside the pass!However, being strong is also limited!

Thinking of this, he had already said something to Turg, and then ordered him in a cold voice: "Go and escort all the Ming dogs from the Zhongqian Institute to the front guard, and in addition, send troops to garrison the Zhongqian Institute!"

Although Azig still looks down on the Ming army, but after all the fighting for so many years, the basic things will not be left behind.

When Zhongqian was captured intact, he sent people to garrison, which could serve as an early warning for the army.Even if Shanhaiguan sent troops, they would have to attack Zhongqian first.

Since all the front and center were taken down without bloodshed, he also wanted to take down the former guards without bloodshed.Because if the former Tunwei was bombarded, it would have to be repaired after it was broken.

At this time, he already regarded Qiantunwei as his possession!
Turg took the order and led his men away again.

On the side of Qiantunwei, all the Jianlu are resting and reorganizing, encircling Qiantunwei without attacking.

Not only Azig, but also his subordinate Jianlu, because the Ming army they encountered was still the Ming army in their impression, which relieved their tense nerves.Just like they used to travel outside the pass, they all rest at will, in order to show the strength of the Qing Dynasty, humiliate the Ming army in the city, and hit the morale of the Ming army.


Let's talk about Ningyuan City, the time went back to yesterday evening, under the howling north wind, the defenders on the top of the city were all huddled in the corner, and their morale was low.

"Do you think the imperial court will come to reinforce the army?" A soldier couldn't help but asked his comrades beside him.

"Will it come? Didn't the court win the battle of Jizhou?"

"But why haven't you come after so long? You see, the Jianlu outside the city are still so arrogant and don't take us seriously."

"Yeah, this time, Jianlu passed by at least [-] cavalry, and he didn't care about us at all, and went to Shanhaiguan. This must be to attack Shanhaiguan, right? He also brought Hongyi cannons!"

"Shanhaiguan may be difficult to fight, but those guard cities are dangerous!"

"In this way, isn't our Ningyuan City also in danger?"


It can be heard from their whispered discussions that they have no confidence at all and are worried about their future.

This is not only the case among ordinary soldiers, but also Yuan Shangren, the commander-in-chief stationed in Ningyuan, is also similar.

At this time, the morale of Ningyuan City is low, and it is not much different from a dead city!
In fact, since Jinzhou was taken by Jianlu, the situation of Ningyuan City has already been decided.

It was also because of this that Wu Sangui, who was originally the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, thought of a way to transfer away from Ningyuan City after the Battle of Songjin.

Amidst the howling wind, someone suddenly shouted in surprise, "Look, there are boats! There are boats, so many boats!"

The soldiers of the Ming army who heard the shouts immediately stood up and looked towards the sea.

Sure enough, I saw a lot of boats gliding along. There were all kinds of boats coming to Ningyuan. The first boat was even on the shore, and some soldiers of the Ming army were already disembarking.

Seeing this, all the guards on the top of the city were suddenly excited.

"Haha, the reinforcements are here, everyone, come and see, the reinforcements are here!"

"A lot of people have come, now Ning Yuan is saved!"


Amidst the elation, some smart people discovered something was wrong.

I heard them ask suspiciously: "Why did the reinforcements come by boat?"

"Could it be that he couldn't beat the Jianlu cavalry, so he came here by boat?"

"That must be the case. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient to advance directly by land?"

"Ah, is this the one who came here to defend the city with Ningyuan? Jianlu is still invincible in the field. After Jianlu blocks the seaside, we will still be alone!"

"That's right, wait two more months, the sea will freeze over, and there is no need to blockade the sea, and the ship will not be able to come. What about the supplies?"


As soon as these smart soldiers said it, the city, which was still lively just now, suddenly became quiet as if someone had poured cold water on it.

Almost all the soldiers lost their joy, because they thought, what kind of ending should it be, and what kind of ending it will be in the end!

Even Yuan Shangren, the general soldier, was not interested when he heard about it, and he didn't even go to the top of the city to watch the movement.

Soon, on the coastline, a few soldiers of the Ming Army trotted all the way to Ningyuan City. When they reached the base of the city, they shouted loudly to the top of the city: "Loyalty Marquis is here to help, where are you soldiers, come out and speak!"

I heard that it was the white pole army who came, and the defenders on the top of the city had more morale.After all, the white pole army was fighting to the death against Jianlu, and their reputation was there.

So, someone immediately went to report to the commander-in-chief again.

In the meantime, Qin Liangyu had also disembarked and soon came to the city of Ningyuan.However, she frowned when she found that the gate of Ningyuan City was still closed.

After she arrived for a while, Yuan Shangren appeared at the top of the city.

Daming only had one female general leading the army, and she was still old, and she was outside the customs. Even if she didn't know Qin Liangyu, she would definitely know that she was the loyal Marquis Qin Liangyu!

For Qin Liangyu, even Yuan Shangren respected him.It is unique for a heroine to be able to do what Qin Liangyu does without letting her eyebrows down!
"Come on, quickly open the city gate and let the Marquis Zhongzhen enter the city!" Yuan Shangren shouted as soon as he saw Qin Liangyu.

Qin Liangyu heard this, but replied loudly: "I was ordered by the governor to come to Ningyuan to intercept Jianlu. The soldiers of Ningyuan will also be dispatched by me. You immediately call a thousand soldiers, bring shovels and other things, and go out of the city to help!"

"..." Upon hearing her words, everyone was dumbfounded.

They thought they had heard it wrong!
Get them out of town to help?What's the meaning?Do not defend the city?

Marquis Zhongzhen was right, did he intercept Jianlu?You won't go to the wild to intercept it, will you?Is this crazy?
After a while, Yuan Shangren came back to his senses, and reconfirmed in disbelief: "Go... go outside the city to intercept... intercept the Jianlu cavalry?"

There was still half a sentence behind, but he didn't say it: Are you crazy?
Qin Liangyu frowned when he heard this, and immediately replied: "Time is running out, don't delay, otherwise military law will be used!"

She understood that these court officers and soldiers were all frightened by Jianlu.Instead of explaining to them here, it is better to do it first.

Afterwards, he immediately rode away to check the interception position selected in advance.

Some of the officers and soldiers of the Baigan Army who had already landed immediately moved towards Qin Liangyu's direction, while others stayed on the shore to help Che Ying push the van to the shore.

The entire coastline was crowded with people everywhere, and there was a feeling of enthusiasm, which made the defenders on the top of the city dumbfounded.

Seeing that the Baigan army didn't appear to have entered the city at all, Yuan Shangren didn't dare to be negligent. He quickly ordered more than a thousand non-direct soldiers to leave the city with shovels and other things to listen to the Baigan army. command of the army.

As for himself, he was still hiding in the city, and even closed the city gate tightly, as if those outside the city were not friendly troops, but Jianren.

(End of this chapter)

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