Chapter 416 Surrender
An acquaintance was Kong Youde. Seeing him standing there, Azig knew that he must have surrendered to the Ming army, and he was not tied up or detained.

The same is true, he suddenly realized why the Ming cavalry caught up so quickly!
Thinking of this, Azig immediately shouted to Kong Youde angrily: "If you dare to betray the Qing Dynasty, will you not kill your children?"

When Kong Youde heard this, he immediately yelled angrily: "I am originally from the Han Dynasty in Liaodong. Many people in my hometown, my father, my mother, and my brothers were killed by you. I have a mortal enmity with you Jian captives. !"

Speaking of this, he took a sneak peek at Du Yinxi, and then quickly added: "It was only when I was forced to have no choice but to take refuge in your Jianlu temporarily. If there is a chance, I and your Jianlu have different mortal enemies." , I have turned against you long ago. Now that I have the opportunity, even if it will bring disaster to my children, I will seize the opportunity to turn against you Jianlu, in order to avenge my vengeance!"

When he spoke, it was righteous words, as if he took refuge in Jianlu and did things for Jianlu, it was really just a pretend.

However, Du Yinxi is a scholar, and he is very clear about the flamboyance of these warriors.

He reckoned that at the beginning, Kong Youde did follow Mao Wenlong and Jianlu because of the hatred of the country and the family. Even though the conditions were difficult, he did not say that he would surrender to the enemy.

It was only later that he was indeed forced. When faced with the threat of death, he finally chose to join the enemy.

But this time, he was regarded as an abandoned son by Jianlu. If he really had to do what Jianlu arranged, then he would surely die.

Therefore, Kong Youde became afraid again, even if his children's lives were threatened, in his opinion, he couldn't care less.He immediately contacted the imperial court and told about Azig's escape.Because of this, the imperial cavalry was able to pursue immediately.

In short, it was Kong Youde himself who was greedy for life and afraid of death, that's why he was like this!
However, Du Yinxi did not expose Kong Youde's righteous words.

Compared with other Ming officials, his vision is higher.In the war against the captives, he focused on the entire Liaodong war situation.

Firstly, Kong Youde took the initiative to contact him and betrayed Azig and others, and he was indeed credited.

Second, and more importantly, Kong Youde's surrender will help Du Yinxi understand the internal situation of Jianlu in Liaodong, and he can use him as a horse bone to divide the forces of Jianlu.

Once this matter spread to Jianlu in Liaodong, Jianlu would definitely be suspicious of those Han people who surrendered;

In short, accepting a Kong Youde can make Jianlu no longer twisted into a single rope, which is the result Du Yinxi wants.

Moreover, Emperor Chongzhen had decreed that among the Han people in Eastern Liaodong, only one Hong Chengchou would not be pardoned.There is also a person called Fan Wencheng, who has never heard of it, and he will not be forgiven.

Regardless of Fan Wencheng, let's talk about Hong Chengchou. Du Yinxi probably guessed that the reason why Emperor Chongzhen did not pardon Hong Chengchou was probably because the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

After Hong Chengchou's defeat, even if he didn't die for the country, he learned from Su Wu to herd sheep. If this matter was reported back to the pass, Emperor Chongzhen would feel that he was right about Hong Chengchou.

However, Hong Chengchou surrendered to Jianlu without any integrity.

Emperor Chongzhen could forgive Wufu who surrendered to build captives. After all, everyone thought that Wufu was vulgar and did not understand etiquette; The book of sages is really disappointing!

Du Yinxi was thinking about it, but heard that Azig had ignored Kong Youde, looked at another person, and shouted angrily: "He, Kong Youde, has enmity with our Qing Dynasty, and you, your motherfucker is Niu Hulu ·Turge, I am the eighth son of Er Yidu, the head of the five founding ministers of the Qing Dynasty, and you also surrendered to the Ming Dynasty?"

Azig's second acquaintance was Turge who was guarding the Guangning Central Front Office under his military order.

At this time, hearing Azig's angry shout, Turge lowered his head, red as a monkey's butt, and dared not answer Azige's question.

His background, that is the real root Zheng Miaohong, so there is no reason similar to Kong Youde, there is only one reason: fear of death!

When Du Yinxi heard this, he didn't even need to ask, he already knew that the one in front of him was undoubtedly Aixinjueluo Azig.

So, when he was about to speak, suddenly, he saw Turge, who had lowered his head, suddenly raised his head, looked at Azige and persuaded him: "Your Highness, I have seen the Ming army's soldiers during the battle of Jizhou." Powerful; although I am still a little unconvinced, but this time, I can already be sure that it is impossible for our Qing Dynasty to defeat the Ming army. Rather than being wiped out by the Ming army, it is better to surrender to the Ming army as soon as possible! I advise you, Let’s drop it too!”

"Bah!" Azig was furious when he heard this, and spit at Turg.

At this moment, in his eyes, Turge was the kind that drove him crazy even more than Kong Youde, the one who gritted his teeth with hatred.

Gu Shan Ezhen, a man of the Qing Dynasty, even dared to persuade him to surrender in the name of protecting the ethnic group, not to mention surrendering to the Ming army!
Seeing this scene, Du Yinxi waved for people to take Azig down, and when he was about to speak, suddenly Yuan Shangren, the guard of Ningyuan, hurried over and told him: "The last general's men don't accept them at night. Jianlu, who can't fight against Jinzhou, is looking for horses, I implore you to send some cavalry to support!"

When the Ningyuan sniper battle took place, there was a lot of movement. The Jianlu from Jinzhou sent horses to Ningyuan to investigate.

On the other hand, the cavalry on the Daming side set off from Shanhaiguan, marched in full gear, and arrived at Qiantunwei one day, but did not have a good rest;

It is a total of more than two hundred miles, and both people and horses need to rest.If people are relatively more resistant to fatigue, if they can actually endure it, then the war horse must rest after being used in this way.Otherwise, so many war horses would be easily scrapped.

Therefore, at the end of the Battle of Ningyuan, the Ming cavalry rested in Ningyuan and did not set off for Jinzhou.

Another reason is to wait for the infantry to catch up, so that Jinzhou can be attacked.

Under such circumstances, Yebushou, the guard of Ningyuan Yuan Shangren, was responsible for expelling Jianlu from Jinzhou to spy on the movement of Jianlu in Jinzhou.

As a result, in less than three days, Yuan Shangren's subordinates were unable to resist Jinzhou Jianlu's probing horses without taking them in at night, and even made their commander-in-chief faceless and asked the governor for help.

It can be seen from this that either Yuan Shangren's Yebushou is too weak, or Jinzhou Jianlu's Tanma is too strong!
After hearing this, Du Yinxi thought for a while and asked, "What's the situation with Jinzhou Jianlu now?"

Yuan Shangren was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and after hesitating for a while, he replied to Du Yinxi, "Jianlu was too powerful in spying on horses. Not only did Ye Bushou, the last general, not spy on the situation in Jinzhou, but he is still here today. Jianlu's scouting horse suddenly went crazy, and he forced the last general's subordinates not to take him in at night, so he had to retreat to the center and left area of ​​Ningyuan, so they didn't dare to chase any more!"

Between Ningyuan and Jinzhou, there were originally two guards and one post station; Ningyuan Zhongzuo Station, Xingshan Station, and the Guangning Central Station closest to Jinzhou, which is Songshan Fort.

Jianlu's scouts all went to Ningyuan's middle left office, which was actually very close to Ningyuan.

When Du Yinxi heard this, he couldn't help but stare at Yuan Shangren for a while, until he could not help lowering his head, then Du Yinxi suddenly said: "Forget it, you are all ready to accept the reorganization, and you don't have to fight for the time being!"

At this moment, he understood that the army that had not been reorganized by the imperial court was really helpless.

"The last general obeys orders!" Yuan Shangren was a little unwilling to hear what the governor said, but he also responded helplessly.

Even if the imperial court's strong army is here, even if it is waving the flag and shouting, such as the previous battle of Ningyuan, it is somewhat creditable.

After that, we will fight Jinzhou.Judging from the strength of the imperial court's strong army in Ningyuan, Yuan Shangren felt that it would not be difficult to take down Jinzhou.

In this way, if he waved the flag and shouted at the side again, he would probably be able to drink some soup again.

Unexpectedly, after a scouting battle, his old background was revealed.

Although it is said that he no longer needs to fight Jianlu and accept reorganization, his combat power will increase a lot, but in the future, he will not have the final say in the army, and it is estimated that he will not be able to drink the soup of the Battle of Jinzhou.

To be honest, Yuan Shangren at this time is really a little tangled in his heart.

Du Yinxi ignored him, turned his head to look at Zhou Yuji, his most trusted general said: "Now the cavalry must have almost rested. You will send Ye Buchao to drive Jianlu's scouts back to Jinzhou. Tomorrow the cavalry will set off first, followed by the infantry and fleet, and after capturing Jinzhou, have a good year!"

It is now the end of October, and there is not much time until the New Year.Taking down Jinzhou happens to be a New Year gift that can be dedicated to the emperor!
Zhou Yuji naturally knew about Du Yinxi's intentions, and he was the one who proposed the idea of ​​attacking Jinzhou at that time.

Therefore, without saying a word, Zhou Yuji immediately clasped his fists and responded, "The general will obey!"

Afterwards, Du Yinxi formally held another military meeting regarding the upcoming Battle of Jinzhou.Among them, he asked Kong Youde and Turge, who also answered every question, and Kong Youde even took the initiative to add a lot.

Therefore, although Yebushou did not spy on Jinzhou's military situation, Du Yinxi knew a lot about the situation in Jinzhou.

There are still about [-] Jianlu in Jinzhou, but most of these are infantry, and there are also some craftsmen, coats, etc. accompanying the army.Most of the cavalry was given to Azig, but it is gone now.

With such an enemy, it is basically impossible to defend Jinzhou!
After the military discussion was over, all ministries prepared to fight the next battle in accordance with the military meeting: the Battle of Jinzhou!

 happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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