Chapter 417 End
The next day, the main force of the Ming army on Ningyuan's side began to move.

The large-scale cavalry army set off for Jinzhou by land; the light infantry followed closely behind, and also set off by land.

Grain, supplies, and heavy artillery were transported onto the ship, which was transported to the mouth of the Xiaoling River, and then transported to Jinzhou through the Xiaoling River.If it comes to November or December, the river will probably freeze up, making it impossible for boats to sail.

The entire Ningyuan area suddenly became very lively.

The more than [-] batches of war horses just seized are equivalent to more than [-] mounted infantry, which greatly enhanced the mobility of the original infantry. Of course, the consumption of food and grass also increased a lot.

Seeing all this, Du Yinxi felt a little emotional, but he didn't have to worry about the logistics supply, as there was an emperor!
So, he immediately ordered and prepared to go to Jinzhou.

Judging from the current situation of the enemy and ourselves, there will definitely be no problem in taking Jinzhou years ago. It can be regarded as the best New Year gift to the emperor this year!
However, what he didn't expect was that when he just left the city, a fast horse came to report.

"Report, Jinzhou has been burned by the Jianlu, and the Jianlu probably started to evacuate the day before yesterday."

"What?" Du Yinxi was very surprised when he heard it, and quickly reconfirmed, "Jinzhou Jianlu has run away?"

"From the signs of Jinzhou's burning, it is speculated that Jianlu had withdrawn from Jinzhou the day before yesterday, and Wu Shen is currently chasing in the direction of Haizhou to investigate Jianlu's movements!"

The news was confirmed, Du Yinxi was both unexpected and expected.

The reason why it was unexpected was that he didn't expect Jianlu to escape!
This is the first time in history that the imperial court and the Jianlu have fought. Is this the Jianlu who heard the news and fled?
This means that since then, the mentality of fighting between the imperial court and the Jianlu has been completely different from before.From then on, Jianlu will no longer have a psychological advantage when facing the imperial army!

The reason why Du Yinxi felt that it was expected was because after the end of the Ningyuan war, the imperial army had already formed an advantage over Jinzhou Jianlu. It can be said that the capture of Jinzhou is very sure.

From the point of view of Jianlu, it is very difficult for Jianlu to defend Jinzhou.

Jianlu's reinforcements will also come from Haizhou recently, and the distance from Haizhou to Jinzhou is at least [-] miles, which is almost as far as the distance from Shanhaiguan to Jinzhou.

Once the war in Jinzhou broke out, Jianlu might not have enough reinforcements in Haizhou. He had to mobilize reinforcements from other places, raise food and supplies, etc. By the time the reinforcements arrived, Jinzhou might have already fallen.

In the face of such a battle that must be defeated, it is unlikely that Jianlu will stick to it!
Of course, the leading Jianlu, the man named Aixinjue Luozierhalang, was also courageous, and he obviously made the decision to evacuate on his own.After returning, it is unknown whether he will be attacked by other slave chieftains.

The reason why Yuan Shangren's Yebushou was chased back by Jianlu Tanma was probably when Jianlu was about to evacuate.If you don't block the spying that the imperial court doesn't accept at night, once it is discovered that the Jinzhou Jian captive is about to escape, then Ningyuan will send cavalry to contain it no matter what.

This Jierhalang can be so decisive, he can be regarded as a character!
Du Yinxi thought so in his heart, so he remembered this slave chief in his heart.

He then ordered the army to halt its advance.

Since Jianlu had withdrawn to Haizhou two days earlier, it would be meaningless to chase after him.As for attacking Haizhou, it is not the goal of this war. The most important thing is that Haizhou is too far away from Shanhaiguan, and the logistics supply is too inconvenient. It is not advisable to force a war without making preparations in advance.

And Jinzhou was burned by Jianlu, and it was no longer necessary to send a large army there.After all, it is troublesome to transport food and grass supplies.

If you send troops to garrison there, you also need to consider whether Jianlu will come back to retaliate, and it won't work if you don't have enough troops.

The ultimate purpose of initiating this Battle of Ningjin is to deal a heavy blow to Jianlu, so that they can calm down and not affect the imperial court's rectification of the pass.

After all these, Du Yinxi decided that the war was over.

There is a small team stationed in Jinzhou, which is mainly used for early warning.In the short term, there will be no more large-scale offensives against Liaodong Jianlu.

After making this decision, the next step is to write a good report to Emperor Chongzhen.If you want to offer prisoners, ask for credit, how to deal with the temporarily recruited fleet, etc., you must be judged by Emperor Chongzhen!At least a few years ago, some were busy!


Tala Yingerdai, Minister of the Ministry of Jianluhu, was called by the Koreans with a big keel, and he was regarded as the Supreme Emperor of North Korea.Because Jinzhou was preparing to launch a war, in order to coordinate the front line, Yingerdai was ordered to sit in Haizhou and support Jinzhou.

In the first few months, the news from Jinzhou was that everything was going well, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it is not easy to be the Minister of the Ministry of Households in the Qing Dynasty!Especially the disastrous defeat of the army that entered the customs last year. They had to grab enough population and supplies, and even paid tens of thousands of young and strong.In the entire Shengjing City, it can be said that every family has funerals, and the consumption of supplies and population is really a major blow to the Qing Dynasty.

Standing on the head of Haizhou City, Ying Erdai was not afraid of the howling north wind, looking outside the city where there was nothing, still thinking about these things in the Qing Dynasty.

It has to be said that Hong Chengchou, the descendant of the Ming Dynasty, still had some ability, and gave suggestions to plunder materials from North Korea's Liangbanna and treat the untouchables in North Korea a little bit, thus effectively winning North Korea's resources in terms of population and materials.

The people of North Korea are also considered sad, because their founding king Li Chenggui favored his side concubine, which caused his son to usurp the throne and established a strict class hierarchy.

Li Fangyuan divided all Koreans into three major classes for management. These three classes have express regulations. Unless there are special circumstances, no one can go beyond, so as not to be punished. In addition, there are untouchables, such as craftsmen and handymen. Slaves and maidservants have no household registration and do not belong to class.

How outrageous this kind of grading is, let me give you an example.What North Korea realized is "following the mother's law" and "one is cheap, one is cheap". The father is two classes of nobles, and the mother is a commoner. The children born to the mother are the same as the mother.

Basically, it can be said that North Koreans determine their status and destiny from the moment they are born.

In this way, more and more people at the bottom are definitely not willing to be ruled by the two classes, and they can't survive, so it is only reasonable to rebel.

In the past, Jianlu did not distinguish between North Korean classes, they just robbed money, robbed food, killed people, and robbed goods.So, that sparked a collective boycott by North Koreans.The official army in North Korea was corrupt, and the main body resisting Jianlu became the rebel army.

But now, under Hong Chengchou's proposal, Jianlu gave resources to the North Korean untouchables a little bit, and immediately won the support of the North Korean untouchables, and the effect was obvious.

"This Hong Chengchou is really capable!" Thinking about these things, Ying Erdai sighed in his heart, "It is good to govern the country and even lead troops to fight. It is the faction of the Ming Dynasty, who dragged him down Many, otherwise, we might not be able to win the battle of Songjin before!"

He thought about this, and suddenly felt dark again.

The court of the Ming Dynasty had problems, but didn't the court of the Qing Dynasty also have problems!
Now the emperor of the Qing Dynasty is seriously ill and is often unable to govern. The important affairs of the court are mainly discussed and dealt with by Prince He Shuoli and Prince He Shuorui.Once the emperor dies, what will happen to the situation in the Qing Dynasty is really unpredictable!
Logically speaking, since the emperor is no longer the Great Khan, the new emperor must be the son of the old emperor.

However, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty did not establish a prince for a long time, this is definitely a problem!
Thinking of this, two faces flashed in Ying Erdai's mind: Hauge and Dorgon!
Among the ruling and opposition parties, in fact, since the Qing emperor had been seriously ill for so long, there was already an undercurrent.

Everyone knows that Hauge wants to be emperor; Dorgon also wants to occupy the position of Ninth Five-Year Lord, which is also Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.

Unless the Qing emperor made a clear decree to elect a new emperor, would it be Dorgon or Hauge?Otherwise, internal fighting may be unavoidable!

Thinking of this, Ying Erdai sighed again.

It stands to reason that Hauge should be the next emperor.But why didn't the emperor of the Qing Dynasty make it clear?

Dorgon is very powerful. He has two brothers of the same father and mother, Duoduo and Azig, who are very powerful!
However, Prince Li and Prince Zheng are equally powerful, and their words carry weight, and their opinions are also very important...

Thinking of this, Ying Erdai couldn't help but sighed again.He just shook his head slightly, not wanting to think about these bad things, after all, it's beyond his control to talk lightly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking in the direction of Jinzhou, thinking again in his heart, what will happen over there?
According to the previous situation, it must be chaotic inside the pass of the Ming Dynasty, so their army has never been reinforced outside the pass.

By the way, is that army really strong?
In this regard, Erdai is also a little puzzled.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he believes Hong Chengchou's performance even more, and he believes that the so-called strong army does not actually exist.

However, it is also true that the Qing army was defeated in the battle of Jizhou.

Judging from the current temptation, it still has to be biased towards Hong Chengchou's estimate.

When he was thinking, suddenly, he seemed to see something in front of him, so he quickly looked again, but saw a horse galloping towards him.You can tell at a glance that they are from Jinzhou.

"Is this another news?" Ying Erdai saw it, and she was not nervous. Every few days, there would be a flying ride report.Even this time, it seems to be two days late, that's normal.

Just as he was thinking, Kuaiqi was getting closer and closer, and he could clearly see Kuaiqi's face.

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(End of this chapter)

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