Chapter 423

Emperor Chongzhen was of course very happy to receive this good news.But to be honest, this joy did not have the feeling of ecstasy like the battle of Jizhou.

He is like this, so are all civil and military officials, even the people of the capital, after the baptism of the Jizhou victory, they feel that this Ningyuan victory is enough to be happy for a while.

Haha, Jianlu suffered another defeat!
That's all!

At this time, the entire Beijing Normal University, from civil and military officials, royal relatives and dignitaries, down to traffickers and pawns, and ordinary people, are actually concerned about the revised version of "Law of the Ming Dynasty".

There are already rumors that the draft will definitely be finished before the end of the year.This is related to the daily life of everyone in Daming and so on.

Not to mention anything else, just the revision of the overriding system will affect many people.

Therefore, the people in the capital at this time did not cause a sensation in the city like the first time when the prisoners were escorted.

Regarding this point, as the parties concerned, Daqing and Prince Shuoying, Aixinjueluo Azig have different ideas.

He felt that, in his capacity, being captured by a Ming dog must be taken very seriously.Even if it is full of malicious attention to him, it is also a manifestation of identity.

For this reason, on the boat to Tianjin Port, he tried his best to maintain his pride as Prince Heshuo of the Qing Dynasty. He either despised Turge and Kong Youde who were with him, or scolded them both.

In this regard, the soldiers of the Ming army on board did not bother to care.

"Ming Gou's sword is just a slant this time, and he even used a boat to transport the white pole army to block the queen's back. Otherwise, Ming Gou will not gain any benefit in this battle!"

"Don't think that Minggou is very powerful just for this battle! This king tells you that Liaodong is still the Liaodong of the Qing Dynasty. Once Minggou wants to attack the hinterland of Liaodong, he will never return!"

"When the conditions were so bad, Xianhan still defeated Minggou. Now that Qing is ten times stronger than before, how could he lose to Minggou?"

"Not to mention anything else, if Minggou really dares to attack the hinterland of Liaodong, my Qing Dynasty will definitely cut off his food supply and let him go without returning!"

"You are blind, how will the king see you going back to Liaodong in the future?"


Listening to Azig's endless scolding, at first, Turge and Kong Youde wanted to talk back, but later, the two of them stopped talking.

They are also battle-tested generals who are used to fighting.For the Ningyuan battle that has passed, if they think about the outcome carefully now, they basically know the key.

The most important thing in Ningyuan's battle is that they still don't know the details of the Ming army, and they don't know how many troops the Ming army has come.Due to the influence of the Battle of Jizhou, Azig made the decision to withdraw his troops overnight.Otherwise, it may not be powerless to fight.

If the elite of the Qing cavalry army under Azige waited for work with leisure, and fought to the death with the Ming army in the front guard, at least the Ming army would inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Second, it was unexpected that the Ming army had already transported the white-armed soldiers to Ningyuan by sea, and built an interception position to block the retreating Azig troops.

Third, it is natural to attack from front to back, and the Qing army has no organizational system, so it will be defeated.

As Azig said, if this Ming army really wanted to attack the hinterland of Liaodong, it would be too much!
It was the home court of the Qing Dynasty. If the Ming army wanted to attack, they had to hoard military supplies in Ningyuan or Jinzhou first.Otherwise, and leave enough troops to keep the food roads in the rear safe, otherwise, no matter how strong the combat power is, without food and materials, and Liaodong is a barren land, the end can be imagined.

But while they agree with most of Azig's views, the drop will come.Because if you don't surrender, you will only die!

I just don't know how the Emperor Ming will deal with the two of them in the end!

Along the way, both Turge and Kong Youde felt flustered.

That's it, this situation didn't change until they got off the boat.

"This... is this Tianjin?" Kong Youde got off the boat and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Although there are many soldiers on the pier, it is already under martial law.

However, it can be seen with the naked eye that this Tianjin is definitely not the former Tianjin.

In order to commemorate the "Land of Longxing" where he started to send troops, Zhu Di named "Zhigu" Tianjin. "Tian" means Son of Heaven, and "Jin" means ferry, hence the name Tianjin.

At the beginning, Tianjin City was just an earthen city. This earthen city has a circumference of more than 9 miles, a height of 3 feet 5 feet, and a width of 2 feet 5 feet. The shape of the city is long from east to west and short from north to south, much like an abacus. So people also called it "Abacus City" at that time.

Whether it was Kong Youde, Turge, or Azig, they had all been to Tianjinwei before. It was just a small city, and it was one of the many unremarkable acropolises in the Ming Pass.

Unexpectedly, what they saw now was that the outside of the city wall was full of houses, and they were not temporary huts or the like, but real houses that stretched far away.

Just looking at the port side, you can see that the scale of today's Tianjin Acropolis, if you don't pay attention to the city walls, is probably about the same size as cities like the state capital!

How long has passed, how did Tianjin Wei become so prosperous?

Thanks to the previous time, all the ships in Tianjin Port were confiscated by the imperial court.When ships from other places heard about it, they didn't dare to come, and they were afraid of being recruited.Otherwise, just the densely packed ships in the port can blind their eyes.

The prosperity of Daming, or the prosperity that can be gathered in a short period of time, is beyond the imagination of Liaodong people who come from a vast land and few people!

When they were staring dumbfounded, suddenly, a loud "beep" sounded, bringing them back to their senses.

"What's this sound?" Turge had never heard such a sound before, and he was a little frightened instinctively, so he asked Kong Youde.

Kong Youde also shook his head when he heard this, and replied, "I can't hear it!"

After he finished speaking, he happened to see Li Dingguo landed next to him on another boat, so he hurried over and asked flatteringly, "My lord, what made that noise just now? That sounds weird!"

Li Dingguo, as the general who captured Azig alive, was sent by Du Yinxi to the capital to offer prisoners as a matter of course.

Of course he knew about Kong Youde.Knowing that the fake Tartar in front of him was a general of Dongjiang Town before, when he went to reinforce the Ningyuan war, he was forced to rebel by two chickens, and finally took refuge in Jianlu.

In this regard, if the regular army, such as Zhou Yuji, still disagrees, Li Dingguo, who was born as a bandit and was originally a rebel general recruiting security, would not have much prejudice against Kong Youde.Hearing Kong Youde's question at this moment, he truthfully explained: "That's the sound of a steam train!"

"The main wife's car?" When Kong Youde heard this, a series of question marks popped up on his forehead.

What is the real wife's car?This means that the main wife of a big family, the cart she rides in, the donkeys and horses she pulls make noises?

No, it doesn't sound like that at all!
Seeing his puzzled face, Li Dingguo knew that he didn't understand.In fact, it is true that if you have never seen it, you want to explain it. Even if the explanation is very clear, you will still be very confused.Because this thing has never existed in the world.

Describe such a thing, even if you can describe it clearly, not many people can understand it clearly.

Thinking of this, Li Dingguo smiled and said: "We just want to go back in this car, you can understand it at a glance!"

Understand at a glance?
Kong Youde heard it, thought about it, and he understood it after reading it. If he asked more now, he was afraid of offending this lucky general, so he decided not to ask.

So, he gestured to Turg, saying that he would know when he looked back.

Before Turge could say anything, Azig looked at them with disdain, and said in a cold voice: "The worthless thing, after all, was a senior military officer in the Qing Dynasty, why haven't you seen it? What's the fuss about? "

Needless to say, Turge and Kong Youde behaved like this, in fact, they really had the idea of ​​pleasing the famous general.Showing it like this can make the general feel superior. This is an invisible flattery!
At this time, they were called out by Azig, and the two of them had thick skins, so they pretended they didn't hear it.

Li Dingguo didn't care about the verbal dispute between them. Seeing that the officials who were greeted here had come, he led them there, and then walked to the railway station near the port.

This area is naturally under martial law, and there are no people there.

Turning a corner, you can see the whole picture of the train station.

Kong Youde and Turge followed behind Li Dingguo, and when they saw the train station, they were stunned.

They had never seen a train stop there before, with the steaming front, the long body, or the carriage after carriage, so long.

what car is this?How can there be such a car?
Zheng wife live car?Steam locomotive?
Seeing the two of them standing there stupidly, Azig saw the steam train just as he was about to yell and yell again, so he forgot to yell and yell for a while, and was shocked by the never-before-seen vehicle in front of him.

But he quickly came to his senses, and immediately shouted in a cold voice: "Isn't it just an extended carriage? What's so strange? More horses pull the cart. As long as there are enough horses, it can be pulled up differently. What's so strange about it? of?"

It seems reasonable to say that as long as there are enough horse-drawn carts, many carriages can indeed be pulled up.

But the point is, these carriages seem to be made of iron, right?Also, what about the horses, you don’t see many horses?

Turge and Kong Youde glanced at each other with doubts in their eyes.Instinctively, they felt that Azig's conjecture might be wrong!
Li Dingguo didn't care about them, he strode over immediately and got into the passenger compartment.

Of course, the important criminals also had to be personally guarded, so they boarded the same carriage with him, and one carriage was big enough anyway.

 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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