Chapter 424 Miracles
After getting on the train and seeing the comfort level inside the carriage, Azig couldn't help but sneered and said, "You guys know how to enjoy a good carriage. If there are so many of them in Qing Dynasty Manpower and material resources have long been invincible in the world!"

Li Dingguo didn't want to argue with this kind of captive, the defeated general, feel free!

However, he found that the slave chief was actually a "clear dog". He heard it harshly, so he turned his head to look at Turge, and ordered in a cold voice: "You go and slap him until he knows the rules!"

If it is an ordinary general, he may think that this slave chieftain is an important captive to be dedicated to the emperor, so some preferential treatment will be given on the way.Otherwise, he might be impeached by those censors.

However, due to Li Dingguo's background, he had no scruples in this regard at all. At this moment, he felt angry when he heard this, so he gave this order.

For him, as long as he doesn't kill this slave chief, it's fine!
Turge was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at Azig, thinking in his heart, really want to fight Prince He Shuoying by himself?

"How dare you?" Azig was furious when he heard this, and immediately cursed, "You damned traitor, what does the Ming dog say, what do you do, you are really a Ming dog!"

"My lord, let the villain fight!" Kong Youde listened at the side, but he said flatteringly to Li Dingguo, "The villain and Jianlu have a sworn feud, and I have long wanted to beat him!"

Li Dingguo nodded after hearing this, but he didn't let the embarrassed Turg go, and said in a cold voice: "You two fight together until he gets rid of his bad mouth! As long as you don't kill him, it's fine!"

"Cha!" Kong Youde was delighted to hear it, and quickly responded, but he immediately came to his senses, so his face changed, and he immediately changed his words, "I obey!"

Seeing him like this, Turge was a little scared, because he was afraid that he would not be active. Looking back, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty thought that he did not sincerely surrender and would still execute him, so he quickly followed Kong Youde and said: "The villain obeys orders!" !"

Azige's expression changed immediately, and seeing Kong Youde and Turge pushing forward, he immediately shouted: "How dare you? This king is the prince of Qing Dynasty and Shuoying, as you..."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Youde was the most active, walked over in a few steps, grabbed Azig's arm, swung the other hand, and shouted at the same time: "I beat you, it's you!" Daqing and Prince Shuoying! I have wanted to fight for a long time..."

Azig's hands were tied, and he was slapped by Kong Youde. Suddenly, there was a "slap" sound in the carriage, and he was really slapped.

Turge glanced back at Li Dingguo secretly, and saw that Li Dingguo had already sat down under the service of his personal guards, with double hot tea in his hand, drinking tea while watching them.

So, he didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily grabbed Azig's other arm, slapped it, and shouted at the same time: "Make your mouth stink, make your mouth stink..."

Azig was beaten to death by the two of them, but his hands were tied up helplessly. Unwilling to reconcile, he hit Turg with his shoulder hard.

Kong Youde is a Han Chinese, and he used to be Mao Wenlong's subordinate. He came from the enemy, so he could just beat him; this Turge dared to really beat him, it's just against the sky.

Therefore, he hated Turg the most. When he bumped so hard, Turg was unprepared, and was immediately knocked to the ground by Azig, and hit the seat in the car, causing a mess.

Turge's hands and feet are free, so naturally he won't be pressed by Azig all the time. With the help of Kong Youde, he hurriedly got up, and he didn't keep his hands anymore. Together with Kong Youde, he pressed Azig to the ground. One left and one right, you slap me, and I slap you.

Li Dingguo watched this scene with cold eyes, drinking a sip of hot tea to warm up his body from time to time, as if he was watching a monkey show.

Suddenly, another long "beep" sounded, and then the carriage moved.

After Kong Youde and Azig sensed it, they quickly looked out, and they found that the car seemed to be moving.


There was another long, strange sound, and then a lot of fog began to fill.

At the same time, Kong Youde and Turge heard a strange noise coming from outside again: "Empty...Empty...Empty..."

As the sound became faster, they felt that the speed of the car was increasing.

How is this going?

These sounds are weird!

At this time, Azig had been beaten until his mouth was covered with blood, and both sides of his face were swollen, so naturally he couldn't swear.

Seeing this, Turge reported to Li Dingguo: "My lord, I have already taught him a lesson, do you want to continue?"

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Li Dingguo would misunderstand him to excuse Azig, so he quickly added: "The villain is afraid that if he continues to fight, he will not be able to see Emperor Ming with this face!"

"Oh..." Azig seemed to want to say something more, but he couldn't speak normally, he just spit out blood from his mouth.

When Li Dingguo saw it, he waved his hand, it was all right.

Kong Youde was a bit regretful, but his attention had already shifted at this time. Seeing that Li Dingguo was no longer allowed to fight, he curiously leaned close to the window of the carriage to look.

However, he couldn't see the situation in front of the vehicle, he just saw that the speed of the car was getting faster and faster.

So Kong Youde became very curious, and immediately turned his head, looked at Li Dingguo, and asked curiously, "My lord, how many horses are needed to pull such a heavy cart?"

Li Dingguo was taken aback for a while, then he came back to his senses, and said with a faint smile: "Go to the car door and see for yourself!"

Such a heavy car is still so stable. To be honest, Kong Youde was really curious, so he hurried to the car door, and after opening the door, regardless of the cold wind blowing outside, he stretched his head to look at the situation in front of the car.

As a result, after seeing this, he was immediately dumbfounded.The neck stretched even longer, and the whole person almost fell out, and finally retracted his head and closed the car door with an expression of disbelief.

Seeing his expression, Turge asked curiously, "There shouldn't be hundreds of horse-drawn carts?"

When Li Dingguo's personal guards heard this, they immediately burst out laughing: Barbarians are barbarians after all, they have no knowledge at all!
But he immediately came back to his senses, thinking that when he saw the steam train for the first time, it was actually the same, so he stopped laughing.

On Kong Youde's side, when he heard Turge's question, he looked up at him and shook his head.

"There aren't hundreds of horses?" Seeing Turge, he said strangely: "That's impossible, this cart is definitely very heavy, and there must be a lot of horses pulling the cart!"

Hearing this, Kong Youde said in that unbelievable tone: "I didn't see a single horse!"

"What?" Turger was also surprised when he heard it, "There is not a single horse. Could it be that they are all pulled by oxen?"

"No!" Kong Youde shook his head and said, "I didn't pull anything, it just moved by itself, I... I saw a ghost!"

"What?" Turger was shocked again when he heard it, and asked in disbelief, "Did you pull anything?"

Even Azig, who had just been beaten, forgot the pain on his face for a moment, and looked at Kong Youde with an expression of disbelief.

"Go and see for yourself!" Kong Youde said to Turge without any excuse, "Open the door and you can see the front of the car!"

After hearing this, Turge even forgot to ask Li Dingguo for instructions, and hurried to the car door, opened the car door, and looked in the direction of the front of the car regardless of the cold wind.

After a while, he turned back to the car, and even forgot to close the door, it was Li Dingguo's personal guard who closed the door.

"How is this possible, how is this possible..." Turger muttered to himself, with a look of horror on his face.

He really saw clearly just now that there was really nothing on the front of the cart, no horses, cows, or even donkeys.However, the car is moving, and the speed is still very fast.

It's so simple!

Having grown so big, he has fought countless battles, but this time, he was stunned!

Seeing Turg's expression, Azig was also a little dumbfounded. Could it be that the car was really pulled by no livestock?
But how is this possible?
He wanted to see it himself, but he didn't have the convenience of Kong Youde and Turge.

At this time, Kong Youde had recovered first, looked at Li Dingguo immediately, and asked Li Dingguo in that very surprised tone: "My lord, what's going on? Why is there nothing to pull such a heavy car? Can you run by yourself?"

Before Li Dingguo could answer, he was shocked and guessed to himself: "Could it be that something invisible is pulling the cart with such great strength, is it a ghost or something?"

Li Dingguo smiled after hearing this, he knew very well that everyone who saw the train for the first time must have thought so.No one knew that it turned out that there was so much strength to boil the fire and boil the water!

Thinking of it this way, he was not in a hurry to explain, and he took a sip of hot tea comfortably, just let you be shocked.

Kong Youde, who was waiting for an answer, suddenly remembered that there had been rumors in the pass that the Ming army had become so powerful because of the manifestation of Emperor Taizu!
Then since Emperor Taizu appeared, such an incomprehensible thing seems to be understandable!

Therefore, Kong Youde quickly confirmed: "Could it not be, this is also related to the appearance of Emperor Taizu, is it really a miracle?"

Hearing this, Li Dingguo remembered that it seemed that there was indeed such a thing as the emperor Taizu appearing, and taught the current emperor about science and technology, so the steam train appeared.

Thinking of this, Li Dingguo nodded and said, "That's right, this is indeed related to Emperor Taizu's apparition. It is His Majesty who invented this steam train!"

Upon hearing this, the three people in the carriage, Kong Youde, Turge and Azige, were all stunned.

Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty appeared, no wonder the Ming army became so strong all of a sudden, and this unbelievable car also appeared!
This is not something that exists in the world at all!
Then how did the Qing Dynasty fight the Ming Dynasty?

 I feel sad when I think of going to work the day after tomorrow, so I ask for a monthly ticket to comfort me!

(End of this chapter)

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