Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 425 I'll be somewhat relieved

Chapter 425 I'll be somewhat relieved
As night fell, it was impossible to see anything outside.

However, the steam train was still moving forward smoothly, with a rhythmic "clang...clang" sound, basically there was no bump like a carriage.For people in this era, it is really not too comfortable!

Whether it's Kong Youde, Turge, or Azig with a swollen face, it seems that shortly after boarding the train, they have become brides to be married and become very quiet.

Li Dingguo didn't care about them, as night fell, he would go to bed after dinner.As for whether they still sit stupidly or sleep, that's up to them!
The next morning, at dawn, Li Dingguo woke up.

Then, he was surprised to find that the three of them didn't even sleep, but just stared out of the window blankly.

Stretching, Li Dingguo turned over and sat up, and the personal guards stepped forward to help clean up, wash his face with hot water, breakfast and so on.

Seeing this movement, Kong Youde turned his head to look at Li Dingguo, and confirmed with surprise: "My lord, you have passed Tongzhou just now, are you going to the capital soon?"

He couldn't recognize it anymore, but the town he passed just now looked a bit like Tongzhou, but he didn't dare to confirm it, and thought it was impossible, so he had to wait for Li Dingguo to get up and ask questions.

After hearing this, Li Dingguo looked at the guards on duty, who immediately nodded and said, "It is true that we have already passed Tongzhou, and we will arrive at the capital in about half an hour!"

Hearing this, Kong Youde and Turge glanced at each other, they were already a little numb with shock.

Basically, from Tianjin Wei to the capital, after sleeping, it is almost there.If this matter were changed to before, if someone told them this, they would never believe it.

But now, they have personally experienced it!However, in their minds, they still felt a little unbelievable!

It is at least three hundred miles from Tianjin Wei to the capital, right?Can you get there after a night of sleep?
This world is really a bit abnormal!
If they knew that after they arrived in the later life, it would only be three hundred miles, and it would only take more than an hour or half an hour to drive, and they would probably hit their heads against the wall: Fake, fake, they must be dreaming!

After staring blankly for a while, Kong Youde suddenly became surprised again, pointed to the outside and said to Turg: "Look, look, what road is this?"

After Turger heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked out the window. He saw that the road parallel to them was very flat. It was hard to see what was used to pave it. dirt road.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and there were already carriages and the like running away, without any traces left.

This is another rare event, refreshing their cognition!

Azig was a little numb, he didn't want to look at the good things of the Ming Dynasty, but in the end, he still couldn't help but secretly glanced out the window to see what the road was that surprised those two dog legs?

"My lord, what kind of road is this? Why is it so flat, without any car marks, maybe it won't be muddy even if it rains?" Kong Youde couldn't bear it, and turned to Li Dingguo again.

After hearing this, Li Dingguo explained indifferently: "This is called a cement road. This cement can not only build roads, but also build houses. It is not invaded by water and fire. It was also invented by His Majesty!"

For some reason, Li Dingguo felt a little refreshed when he saw their surprise and shock, and he was willing to answer.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Kong Youde, Turge and others were shocked again.

If we say how bad their impression of Emperor Ming was before, then how shocked they are now!

The change of a person can be so great, if it is not for the help of gods and ghosts, even killing them would not believe it!
And remembering that today's Da Ming has the help of gods and ghosts, does Da Qing still have to fight?
For this answer, you can see that Azig is so obedient and doesn't talk about it at all.

The train arrived at the capital not long after, and it was already morning. With the prosperity of the capital, even though it was already a cold wind, the area around the train station was still full of people coming and going, which was very lively.

On the capital side, there is no longer martial law.

Li Dingguo escorted Azige and others, and after getting off the train, he escorted the prisoners into the city under the escort of his personal guards, and locked them in the prison of the Criminal Ministry first, waiting for His Majesty's order.

Kong Youde had never been to the capital, but Turge and Azige had been to the capital at the end of the second year of Chongzhen.At that time, outside the capital city, there were straw huts and the like, places where refugees lived.

But now, they couldn't believe their eyes. This is outside the capital city, at least outside the city wall, and it's so prosperous?

At this time, if the Qing soldiers came to the city, they would be able to grab a lot of wealth just outside the city, right?

How did the Ming Dynasty achieve such a big change in just a few years after entering the customs?

At this moment, Turge, Azig and the others had truly seen the huge manpower, material resources and wealth of the Ming Dynasty. Thinking of the poverty of Liaodong, their sense of powerlessness became stronger in their hearts!

The Ming Kingdom has been defeated for so many years, but it is still so prosperous, and it can achieve repeated defeats and repeated battles!

But for the Qing Dynasty, if it was defeated once, it would hurt its muscles and bones, and if it was defeated twice, it would be full of wailing. I am afraid that it will become more and more sad in the days to come.

Once the vitality is injured, it will be difficult to recover!
Pedestrians quickly noticed Li Dingguo and his group, and recognized them from the banner with sharp eyes.

"Are these the imperial officers and soldiers of Ningyuan Great Victory?"

"Needless to say, it must be. You see, the group of prisoners here are prisoners, right?"

"Who is that face swollen like a pig's head?"

"Looking at his clothes, he looks like a slave chief. Could it be Jianlu's Prince He Shuoying, Aixinjueluo Azig?"


The good news had already been passed to the capital, so the people in the capital probably knew the situation. Looking at Li Dingguo and his party at this time, they guessed that they were very close.

After recognizing these captives, especially the leader, who was still a slave chief who had a higher status than the previous Abate, the passers-by in the capital became angry.

At the beginning, Azige led the army to plunder the pass, which brought disaster to the people in the pass, and here was the capital, and soon there were enemies, who wanted to attack Azige.

However, it is impossible to jump over if there are soldiers blocking it.

Azige looked at all this and sneered in his heart. He was the Prince of Qing Dynasty and Shuoying. Even if he was captured by Minggou, he would still be given the highest treatment. The more people hate him, the greater his achievements at the beginning!
However, when he was thinking about this, he heard someone persuading him: "He has just been escorted to the capital, so you can't kill him!"

"Yeah, if you have a deep hatred, wait for him to be hacked into pieces, and then grab some meat to pay homage to your loved ones!"

"If you want me to say, this kind of thing is also a small one. I really want to hate it. I will talk about it later when I capture that false emperor Jianlu!"

"That's right, this time only [-] Jianlu were killed, but last time it was more than a hundred thousand! This kind of Prince He Shuoying probably doesn't have much ability, and there are not as many people under him as last time!"


Hearing this, Azig became angry. That Abatai brought a motley army, okay? He and Prince Shuoying brought [-] cavalry from the Qing Dynasty!Then Abate, how can you compare yourself with yourself?

Not even a county king, just a Dorobele, I am the Prince of Heshuo, do you understand, the Prince of Heshuo!

In the eyes of Ming Gou, he was not as good as Abate, which made Azig a little bit intolerable.

However, he couldn't yell even if he wanted to, his face was swollen by Kong Youde and Turge, and he couldn't speak normally.

I really didn't expect that after becoming a prisoner, I would still be so aggrieved, being compared to a mere Abate, it is really unreasonable!

He didn't know that Abate was indeed much more famous in the pass than him.

There is no other reason, because Abate is the first Jianlu coach captured alive, and his surname is Aixinjueluo.

Presumably Abate knows something in hell, so it will be a little bit gratifying!
He couldn't compare to Azig during his lifetime, but his fame after death was greater than Azig's!

The news of Li Dingguo escorting the prisoners was quickly reported to Emperor Chongzhen, which made Emperor Chongzhen very happy.

It's the Chinese New Year, so you can still have a slave chief who built a captive as a New Year's sacrifice!

In a good mood, he made a video call to Liu Weichao.

After connecting, seeing that Liu Weichao should be in his room, the Emperor Chongzhen explained the situation, and then said with a little emotion: "You said, this Li Dingguo's luck is really good, it turned out that he captured this prisoner alive Prince He Shuoying, I plan to give him a knighthood as well!"

Naturally, Liu Weichao would not have any opinion on this, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay! Maybe there is a divine will in the dark, and his achievements in the original history are gone, but God rewarded him and let him be captured alive Azig!"

"That's what I mean!" Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile when he heard it, "He is the last Optimus Prime of Ming Dynasty, unyielding until death, no matter what, I always think of this matter, and feel that I can't treat someone like him badly." People. However, things in that world can’t be said, I didn’t expect to capture a slave chief alive, so I can take the opportunity to reward him.”

After a pause, he then added: "Yan Yingyuan is the same, his achievements in the original history are not humane, but that Abate went to him, and I named him Uncle Jiangyin by the way. The same is true for Li Dingguo now, so I am going to make him Uncle Ningyuan!"

"Well done, I agree!" Liu Weichao immediately nodded in agreement.

Emperor Chongzhen was no longer surprised by Liu Weichao's praise, so he went on to say: "There are also Kong Youde and... Turge who surrendered, how do you think about these two people?"

(End of this chapter)

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