Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 431 Horse Leather Shroud

Chapter 431 Horse Leather Shroud
Generally speaking, to be granted the title of duke is still a very rare duke, that would be absolutely ecstatic, very happy, and would refuse the reason.

Therefore, when Emperor Chongzhen saw that Qin Liangyu was awarded the award, he wanted to decline it politely, and couldn't help feeling even more emotional in his heart.

So, with a serious expression on his face, he said seriously to Qin Liangyu: "The title I bestowed on Qing is not just because of Ning Yuan's great victory..."

Qin Liangyu was taken aback when he heard that, not only because of Ning Yuan's great victory, but also because of his other achievements, right?

As she was thinking about it, she heard Emperor Chongzhen say to her a little emotionally: "Qing is already sixty-nine, right? Looking at Qing's life, it can be said that he has fought for Ming Dynasty all his life. Not only that, but also taught the people around him , Not only brothers, sons, daughter-in-law, etc., are the pillars of the country, many of them died in battle. And watching the military generals in recent years, fleeing in battle, mutilating the people, embezzling military pay, and all kinds of illegal things, it is even more rare for you! "

Speaking of this, he said with a little emotion: "If all the military generals of the Ming Dynasty are like Qing, why would the Ming Dynasty be in chaos? Why can't the mere chaos of the Liaodong barbarians be put down? Not only the military generals, but also those civil servants, if there are Qing If half of the people are high-spirited and upright, how can the situation in the world be so difficult for the people?"

When Qin Liangyu heard this, he finally understood that what Emperor Chongzhen said was not just the result of Ningyuan's great victory.But she seemed to want to say something, but when she wanted to speak, she saw that Emperor Chongzhen was still talking, so she didn't speak, and listened respectfully.

I only heard Emperor Chongzhen sigh with emotion: "As Qing is so loyal to the emperor and serves the country, looking at the dynasties and dynasties, there is almost no such thing. Not to mention, Qing is still a daughter. I named him a duke. In my opinion, it is not Too much."

Having said that, he stared at Qin Liangyu, and with a very serious expression, he said firmly: "Qing, you are my pride! You are also the pride of the Ming Dynasty! I also believe that Qing is the pride of all women in the world, or in other words, is the pride of the Ming Dynasty! The pride of my sons and daughters of China!"

When Qin Liangyu heard this, she couldn't help being very moved. She never expected that she would be so highly evaluated in the eyes of today's emperor, so she knelt down and bowed her head, and said excitedly: "The general just did what he should do, and he can't do it. Such a compliment!"

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he got up immediately, walked over to help Qin Liangyu himself, and said a little excitedly, "Your words should shame the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty!"

While saying this, he remembered that in the original history, he had accused the Manchu Dynasty that both civil and military officials could be killed.If they have a little bit of Qin Liangyu's attitude, it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to perish!

Seeing Qin Liangyu's excited look, Emperor Chongzhen continued sincerely: "I made Qing a Duke, and I also want to show others that they can follow Qing as an example!"

When Qin Liangyu heard this, he knew that the emperor had made a decision that could not be refused.

However, thinking that it was unprecedented for her to be made a duke, she immediately played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Now that the bandits are still alive and the Jian captives are raging in Liaodong, I beg your Majesty to allow me to go to war to kill the thieves. I will die in the Bian Ye, with the body wrapped in horse leather and the ears buried, how can you lie on the bed and let the thieves wreak havoc in the hands of your sons and daughters?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being moved again!

Qin Liangyu is already sixty-nine, and will soon be seventy, and he still can't forget the suppression of captives and bandits, and the shroud in horse leather!

I really have to be ashamed to kill too many people!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen flatly refused: "Qing is nearly seventy years old, there is no need to fight any more, and what I want to see is to take care of the rest of the world."

When Qin Liangyu heard this, he immediately held his head high and said, "Your Majesty, the last general is not old. He mounts and shoots, and dismounts to fight on foot. He does not let the young and strong. Why do you underestimate the young general!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen shook his head with a smile and said: "You are wrong, I have never underestimated Qing! On the contrary, I value Qing more than ever before. You have no shame for Daming, and I will have no shame for you!"

Seeing that Qin Liangyu still wanted to speak, he stretched out his hand to stop her from speaking, and then he continued, "Nowadays, the general situation in the world has changed, and the generals in the army have many younger generations. You have fought for Ming Dynasty all your life, and I hope that you will grow old Afterwards, when I have time, I can see what kind of situation is in Daming, which Qing defended desperately, and what kind of situation it is now? You can also go to the Royal Military Academy of Daming to give lectures, and bring more loyal ministers like Qing to me!"

Hearing this, Qin Liangyu's expression was no longer so determined.

"Also, there will be a lot of changing things happening in Daming today, including in the future. The steam train is just one of them, and there are more good things. I hope Qing can live a long life. Look at the Daming that Qing guards, How prosperous it will be in the future!" Emperor Chongzhen said here, sincerely said, "I hope that I and Qing, and officials like Qing, can know each other and live forever; Qing and others can enjoy their old age in peace, so Live up to your protection!"

Qin Liangyu felt Emperor Chongzhen's love for her, and imagined what Emperor Chongzhen had described. Even though she fought countless battles, she didn't cry at the most difficult time, but at this time, she was crying.But it is smiling, with gratification and longing.

Who doesn't want to be at ease, who doesn't want to live a comfortable life?
However, in the past, the world was in chaos, and there was no way to be at ease, the only way to lead the army to quell the chaos!

Now, all the hard work has paid off, are you happy?
Absolutely gratified!
Does Qin Liangyu look forward to the future described by Emperor Chongzhen?

It is definitely a dream!
Because, Qin Liangyu is also a human being, flesh and blood, and a woman. If it is possible, for example, if the world is peaceful, then she will not be able to lead the army to fight like a man, disregarding life and death!

Seeing Qin Liangyu excited there, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said: "You don't know, the world is waiting for prosperity, my best friend put forward a slogan for me, it is for women to hold up half the sky, and I want you to use women's power Use it to build a home together. I think it makes sense, and Qing is a banner among women and a role model for countless people! Qing can play a greater role in the capital. Qing's deeds have made many Everyone admires her, but I dare not use Qing to death, otherwise I will be criticized by others!"

Qin Liangyu couldn't understand these words.The emperor's best friend?Women hold up half the sky?

Of course, the general meaning is still understandable.Anyway, I still praise her.

As a result, Qin Liangyu's mood recovered from the excitement.

"Well, Qing, stand up first, and I'll take a picture of you!" Suddenly, Emperor Chongzhen asked her.

For a moment, Qin Liangyu was a little confused, so he quickly stood up straight, and immediately showed the heroic posture of a soldier.

Emperor Chongzhen looked okay, so he took out his mobile phone from the sachet on his chest, found the distance, and took a photo of Qin Liangyu.

The last time Qin Liangyu made Zhongzhenhou, Emperor Chongzhen made a video.However, Liu Weichao was not satisfied, and said that it would be best to have a photo of Qin Liangyu, and later he would print it out and hang it on the wall, and he could also photoshop it to make a group photo.

Although Emperor Chongzhen didn't know what Pi Aisi was, he still remembered it.Therefore, there is this requirement.

Qin Liangyu couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Emperor Chongzhen's actions.

Isn't this a treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu?Your Majesty took it out, what are you going to do?
She was still thinking about it, when suddenly she heard Emperor Chongzhen say it was all right.She didn't understand until she left the Forbidden City, what did Emperor Chongzhen do just now?
As for Emperor Chongzhen, he sent Qin Liangyu's photo to Liu Weichao.Later, he was recording the voice and was about to send a photo description to Liu Weichao, when he saw Liu Weichao initiated a video communication with him, so he clicked the "Connect" button.

Liu Weichao, who appeared on the phone, said with a surprised expression: "This is Qin Liangyu's photo, did it just take it?"

"Yes, I remember what you mentioned before. When Qin Qing met with her, I took a picture of her for you!" Emperor Chongzhen said with emotion, "You don't know, Qin Qing is really useless. Said, not only did not want to accept the title, but also wanted to shroud the body in horse leather, so I was persuaded to do so."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao hurriedly said to him: "Yes, yes, yes, Qin Liangyu is such a good person, but she must be given a good death, and she must not let her bleed and cry!"

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was used to Liu Weichao calling him by his first name, knowing that this was not an offense, but that the habits of the two worlds were different.

"Of course, that's what I said." Emperor Chongzhen said, and then said to Liu Weichao, "By the way, I'm going to ask the Secretary of Political Affairs to set up a biography for Qin Qing, and compile her deeds into operas, tunes, etc. Sing it all over the world!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately nodded in agreement.

But suddenly, he thought of an idea, and quickly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "By the way, can you ask Qin Liangyu to write an autobiography, and then send it to me, in detail!"

"Huh?" Emperor Chongzhen would definitely agree to Liu Weichao's request, but he didn't understand what Liu Weichao meant.

Liu Weichao saw him, knew his doubts, and explained with a smile: "The autobiography of a celebrity is definitely worth collecting! By the way, when I have more money, I will hire another writer to write an online novel and adapt Qin Liangyu's autobiography. , make it into a movie, TV series or something like that.”

"Why would someone who wrote an online novel adapt it?" Emperor Chongzhen said with some doubts when he heard it.

When Liu Weichao heard it, he said without thinking: "You don't know, I don't have many good screenwriters and directors at this time, the plots are all shit, and it's still reliable to write online novels. Let them be adapted into movies and TV series, it must be good. !"

"Oh, remember to pass on a copy to me after the filming comes out?" Emperor Chongzhen said, and suddenly said to Liu Weichao, "Then I will write an autobiography later on, okay?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he laughed and said, "I'm just kidding, I still have something to discuss with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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