Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 432 Electricity

Chapter 432 Electricity

"No, no, no, don't be joking!" Liu Weichao listened, but said repeatedly, "Of course you have to write! Also, those famous people, including Sun Chuanting and Li Dingguo, when they get old and retire, they will return home. When you have to let them write, I want to!"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, but then he nodded with interest and said, "Well, I will let them write it when they are all going to live their lives!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately asked Liu Weichao: "I'm building a cement bridge here, and I need to cross the train. Is there any problem?"

The application of cement was already in use in the Ming Dynasty.Building roads, building houses, etc. Of course, steel is still a controlled product, with priority for military use and those that are widely used by civilians, such as steel shovels, steel hoes, and plowshares, etc. Building houses is still a luxury, that is, Emperor Chongzhen I held down my thoughts, and didn't think about building the tallest building in Daming first.

From Tongzhou to Shanhaiguan, there are several rivers to cross. Although they are not as big as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, there are quite a few.The stone bridges built in the past were used for people to walk by horse-drawn carriages, etc., and the bridges for steam trains must be newly built.

From what Emperor Chongzhen already knew, building bridges with cement and steel bars should be cheaper than building bridges with stones in their era. For this reason, he had this question.

For the ancients, there was no problem in building bridges other than big rivers like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.Liu Weichao has watched animation demonstrations on the Internet, and he was very moved by the wisdom of the ancients at that time.

At this time, when he heard Emperor Chongzhen's question, he immediately smiled and said: "Of course it's no problem, but it needs steel and cement to make it firmer."

For this answer, Emperor Chongzhen obviously had an answer, but it was finally confirmed.Immediately afterwards, he brought up another topic: "By the way, you have been talking about electricity, and now there are many people graduating from the Academy of Sciences here at the end of the year, so they should be assigned to electricity. Look, can we start now?"

Electricity is a very important source of energy, and it has been said for a long time before. Seeing Emperor Chongzhen ask at this time, Liu Weichao did not procrastinate, and immediately said with a smile: "Since you have someone who can use it, and until now, there are certain With the pre-foundation, it’s no problem to start using electricity.”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed. He had long envied Liu Weichao's application of electricity in that world.

But obviously, Liu Weichao also knew what he was thinking, and hit him directly: "However, your technological foundation is limited after all, and the application of electricity is still limited at the beginning, and the effect cannot be compared with mine at this time!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen became a little depressed.Think about it, Liu Weichao did not have a special introduction, but just saw it through the video, so many surprises!Now it seems that I still can't achieve it here!
But after thinking about it, with Liu Weichao's help, these things that shouldn't exist in this world can be created by myself.No matter what, this is always a progress, and it can be left in history!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen became happy again, and immediately said: "It's okay, it's okay, I know that rice needs to be eaten bite by bite!"

"It's best if you think like this!" Liu Weichao said with a smile after hearing this, "It's actually very simple to generate electricity, but you still need to make some meters first, such as electric meters, and you need multiple departments. It is the cooperation of different craftsmen, let me briefly talk to you first!"

"Say it!" Emperor Chongzhen hurriedly urged, "Say it!"

Therefore, Liu Weichao introduced to Emperor Chongzhen: "Electricity is generated through electromagnetic induction. This principle has been introduced in the physics book I gave you before. Now there is a steam engine, which can be powered by the steam engine. Kinetic energy cuts magnetic field lines, that is to say, you can start thermal power generation, which is much simpler than hydropower generation, and it is not easily affected by climate change."

The concept of electromagnetic induction is very mysterious, but it is also easy to remember. When Emperor Chongzhen got the physics book, he had already memorized it.At this time, what Liu Weichao said, including thermal power generation and hydropower generation, can understand the principle, so he nodded directly to signal Liu Weichao to continue.

I only heard Liu Weichao continue to say: "The most intuitive application of electricity is the application of electric lights. As for the glass factory, you have been running it for more than a year, and it is no problem to ask them to make light bulbs. Then, there is the filament , that is, the problem of the object that emits light.”

"My side is full of LED lamps and the like. The original ones are tungsten filaments, but you can't extract tungsten elements, but you can use carbon filaments instead. Although the effect is not as good, it is still okay. But in Among them, there is another problem!"

Emperor Chongzhen listened attentively, because he had been looking forward to this for a long time, so he was naturally very focused.

"Carbon filaments generate heat, and if there is oxygen, the service life will be very short, and the cost of electric lamps will be too high." Liu Weichao talked there, "So there are two solutions, one is vacuum, which is to put all the air inside. Take it out, this is the longest lifespan, you can do it at this time..."

At this time in ancient times, if you create a vacuum, you can't actually make a real vacuum, but it's just close to a vacuum. The operation is very simple, that is, first pour water into it, and then pump the water clean.On this point, in this era in the West, there is already an experiment, which is the famous hemispheric experiment.

When Liu Weichao talked about this, he thought that Emperor Chongzhen actually had a hobby of showing his sage, so he told him about the situation with a smile: "You can let them try, how many horses can be used to move two people who are close to a vacuum?" Pull the hemisphere away!"

"The attitude of science is to practice!" Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile after hearing this, "As a preacher of scientific knowledge, I naturally have to do it!"

As expected, Liu Weichao thought in his heart, then retracted the topic and continued: "Let me talk about the light bulb again. According to the development of history, it has been proved that using mercury instead of water to pump the vacuum will have a better effect!"

Edison's light bulb is to replace water with mercury, and practice has proved that carbon filaments last longer.

You don't need to grope, you can come to a conclusion, which is the most powerful part of Emperor Chongzhen's golden finger.

No, when Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he said with a smile: "What else do you need to say, just use mercury!"

"Listen to me first, don't worry!" Liu Weichao was speechless, and quickly said to him, "The vacuum bulb does last longer, but there is a possibility of explosion and injury, which is dangerous."

"Ah..." Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very surprised when he heard it, and then said a little dejectedly, "Then what should we do?"

Liu Weichao heard this, and immediately said to him: "You can use it on certain occasions, even if it explodes, it will not hurt anyone, such as an open space far away from people, street lights and so on."

Speaking of this, seeing Emperor Chongzhen nodding, he continued: "Therefore, another solution is not to use a vacuum. Anyway, as long as there is no oxygen in the bulb, our method for later generations is to fill it with nitrogen, but you don't have it, just A similar move can be accomplished in a simple way."

"Huh?" Emperor Chongzhen immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard the simple solution, and he was very concerned.

"Put all the light bulbs in a large glass cover, and then ignite the fire inside. As long as the fire goes out, it means that the oxygen inside is almost consumed. Sealing it and using it is the easiest and most effective way for you at this time!" Liu Weichao introduced with a smile, "As for the improvement, we can talk about it after the technology advances in the future."

"Yes, yes, this is fine!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately beamed with joy when he heard this, and said repeatedly.

When Liu Weichao saw him, he said to him again: "Your currency has been changed to metal denomination currency on a large scale. Compared with the original metal currency, it can save a lot of copper. Therefore, this copper has good conductivity and is the best way to carry electricity. It is a good conductor, drawn into copper wire and painted with green paint on the outside for insulation, it is also possible. But if it is outdoors, it is best to put the wires in bamboo tubes or ceramic tubes. This will increase your electricity cost, but it is also There is no way, no way!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked a little curiously: "Then I have seen the video you gave. It seems that there are no bamboo or ceramic pipes in the wires in the wild!"

"..." Liu Weichao said a little speechlessly when he heard this, "Please, my technology here is not comparable to yours, how could it be so primitive!"

This remark made Emperor Chongzhen blush.

However, Liu Weichao then changed the subject, which made Emperor Chongzhen overjoyed immediately, only to hear him say: "But the rubber we use already existed in your time, and you can use it too."

"Haha, that's good, that's good!" Emperor Chongzhen burst out laughing when he heard this.

It's okay to be ridiculed by Liu Weichao, as long as you can have it.

Of course, he is an emperor, and he won't mind if he is teased by Liu Weichao from another world.If it's someone else, try to tease him on his territory?
Liu Weichao saw him smiling so happily, so he hit him and said, "But this kind of rubber doesn't exist in Daming, and it's still in South America now!"

"..." The happy Emperor Chongzhen was dumbfounded when he heard this.

He already had a map of the world, so he knew where South America was.

It can be said that this is something far away in the sky!

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen like this, Liu Weichao became serious, and said to him: "Tang Monk can travel thousands of miles to learn Buddhist scriptures. You can send people to learn from Tang Monk and go to South America to collect rubber tree seeds and seedlings to plant in Daming, can't you?"

After a pause, Liu Weichao also emphasized: "And let me tell you, this rubber has a wide range of uses, and it can even be said to be more important than gold!"

He knew that when something was compared with gold, Emperor Chongzhen would understand its importance.

(End of this chapter)

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