Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 433 Very Popular With Women

Chapter 433 Very Popular With Women

"Really?" Emperor Chongzhen immediately confirmed with his eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Of course!" Liu Weichao listened, and said without thinking, "Rubber is very versatile, as long as you can think of it, basically you can use it. Flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, running on the ground, as large as weapon research and development , as small as daily wear, even things between men and women, will be made of rubber..."

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was stunned when he heard it. The wide range of uses of this rubber was obviously beyond his comprehension.

However, Liu Weichao still whetted his appetite and said: "Not to mention anything else, there is only one application, which is to make stockings. At least in my world, this thing is very low in cost, but it is very popular with women. The profit that makes money is absolutely very high!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't figure out why silk stockings were so popular, but it didn't prevent him from knowing how much money this rubber made, so he immediately made a decision and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for Zheng Zhilong to arrive in the capital. Let him send someone to South America to get this rubber!"

"Oh?" Liu Weichao was a little surprised when he heard it, "Zheng Zhilong is coming to the capital?"

Hearing this question, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and explained: "Isn't it necessary to rebuild Dongjiang Town? Without a navy...the navy can't do it. Now I don't have many ships here. The ships that transported troops to Ning Yuan before, They were all recruited by me temporarily. Therefore, an order was sent to Zheng Zhilong to come to the capital to discuss the matter of the Denglai Navy!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao suggested to Emperor Chongzhen: "To Zheng Zhilong, I feel that we should show both kindness and power. We cannot make him feel that Ming's navy can't do without him. At least let him realize that even without him, or that he is an enemy of the court, , the imperial court can also destroy him. Under such a premise, he will follow your arrangement very well."

When he said this, he added with a smile: "Of course, I guessed this by myself. How about it, you can figure it out yourself!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen approved, "Exercising kindness and strength together has always been an effective way to control your subordinates. Now, in terms of the army, I already have a strong army. However, in terms of the navy, even the preparation of a Denglai navy has to be done." Discuss with Zheng Zhilong. Moreover, in the short term, the court will spend money and food on the army and people's livelihood. Even if we take a step back, warships will not be built in a short time."

Speaking of this, he said to Liu Weichao a little helplessly: "How can I do both kindness and power, I still have to think about it carefully!"

The implication is that on the sea, Emperor Chongzhen doesn't have much bargaining chips!
Liu Weichao laughed when he heard it, and immediately said to Emperor Chongzhen: "That's simple! That Zheng Zhilong is obviously a smart man, you don't even need to really own the navy to threaten Zheng Zhilong, as long as you tell him about the plan , tell him about the steamship, and show him the power of the artillery made of steel. He naturally knows that even if he feels that the sea power is stronger than the imperial court in a short time, he must understand that in the future, the sea power of Ming Dynasty Only the imperial navy exists!"

"He is not so much a pirate king as he is a sea merchant. I feel that after Zheng Zhilong understands his situation, he will sell it for a good price when the court still needs him, so as not to be settled by you in the future!"

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing when he heard this, nodded immediately and said, "That's right, what you said makes sense!"

"That's right!" Liu Weichao suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Emperor Chongzhen, "In your era, how to travel across the Pacific Ocean from America to Asia, and how to return from Asia to America, this route is currently only in the hands of the Spaniards. But With me here, I can give you the location of the ocean current, and when you give it to Zheng Zhilong, it will also reduce his worries and shock him by the way!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, a familiar smile appeared on his face, and he immediately responded to Liu Weichao: "Hey, I got it!"

After finishing speaking, the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

After a while, Liu Weichao first said to Emperor Chongzhen: "In fact, there are better applications of electricity than electric lights, such as wired telegraphs, telephones, etc. However, your wires cannot be pulled in the wild for long distances. For such a problem, in the short term, the cost is too high. And your income and expenditure are not balanced now, with limited manpower, material and financial resources, I do not recommend using them in places that cannot be used temporarily."

Emperor Chongzhen felt a little regretful when he heard this.But he also admitted that Liu Weichao had a point.

As far as he is concerned, the most important thing now is to reorganize the fiscal revenue of the imperial court, that is, to rectify the localities so that the tax system can be re-established.

The second is to calm the rebellion, at least to make sure that there will be no more wars in the pass, so that people's livelihood can be restored.

The third is to recuperate, so that the world after the chaos can recover.

On the basis of these three things, we will go to recover Liaodong, and at the same time expand outward and expand the territory.

It is also on the basis of these three things, and under the premise of spare capacity, use technology to improve productivity.

Otherwise, without even the foundation, how can we use technology to improve productivity?
At this time, Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen agreed with his point of view, so he said to him again: "I have compiled a document about the application of power generation and electric lights, most of which are what I just said. You can read it first. , You can ask me if you don’t understand anything in the future.”

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "By the way, I'm going to take the postgraduate entrance examination in January, and it's critical time to review. The phone has been turned to silent. You can contact me. If I don't answer for a while, Don't worry, I'll call you back when I see it later!"

"January? It's coming soon, it's only two months!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately when he heard this, and said, "I know!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and said, "I'm talking about the Gregorian calendar, but you're talking about the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar is one month later than the Gregorian calendar. I have to take the exam next month!"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it.

In fact, ancient China also had a Gregorian calendar, and Liu Weichao was familiar with the Western calendar, also known as the Gregorian calendar, which was learned and promoted by the ancient Romans from the Egyptians.

For these, Liu Weichao did not intend to explain.

In fact, if he wanted to explain it, he had to search for information on the Internet.The reason why he was able to talk eloquently about the matter of electricity just now was because he had done his homework before.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary person be so clear about these things.

Emperor Chongzhen wanted to ask again, but he saw that Liu Weichao didn't seem to be interested in what he said. At the same time, he felt that he had talked with Liu Weichao for so long just now, and he had already learned a lot, and he had to digest it. Therefore, he didn't ask any more in the end.

This conversation is over.

After the video communication ended, Emperor Chongzhen received the document sent by Liu Weichao, and immediately opened it to read it.

After roughly reading it, he couldn't help but be very happy.

In this document, Liu Weichao designed a lighting system for the Forbidden City for him.

It is thermal power generation, which is sent to the electric lights of various yamen for lighting at night.

According to how much electricity consumption, back to determine the power of thermal power generation.

After everything is stabilized, you can even connect people outside the palace with electricity. Of course, if you want to connect to the power grid, you will have to pay a fee. This price is definitely not cheap!
However, as Liu Weichao said, it is just such a lighting system, which involves many aspects.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to delay, and immediately sent an order to Song Yingxing, the scientific and technological uncle, as well as master craftsmen in glass, machinery, paint, etc., to visit Wenhua Hall.

Song Yingxing was not in the military battle bureau, but at the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences. When he arrived at the Wenhua Hall, he found those master craftsmen, that is, skilled craftsmen, and immediately knew that the emperor had something good. I am very happy!
When Emperor Chongzhen arrived and announced the situation, seeing Song Yingxing's happy face, he poured cold water on it and said, "This matter is easy to say, but there are still many problems in realizing it!"

As he said that, his expression became serious, and he looked at the technical talents below and said: "First of all, as conductive copper, there should be no impurities as much as possible, and the copper wire should be as uniform in thickness as possible, and it must be able to pull wires on a large scale. .”

"It can be painted with green paint for insulation, but it needs to be waterproofed. Ceramic pipes are used in the palace. In addition, you can also try jute asphalt instead. This should be the best so far."

"Carbonized bamboo filaments should be used for carbon filaments. There is no bamboo in the north, so people have to transport some to the south."

"In the imperial palace, light bulbs should be made by burning fire to remove oxygen. You can also make some mercury vacuums, but remember that this kind of light bulbs are dangerous."

"The base of the electric light should be made of ceramics, and it must be confirmed!"


Emperor Chongzhen raised many points in one breath. Of course, Liu Weichao had reminded them in the document, otherwise, he would not have been able to find so many points that need attention after reading the document.

However, from the ears of Song Yingxing and others, Emperor Chongzhen was quite familiar with the application of this electricity, and he could be called a master, and everyone admired it.

In the end, Emperor Chongzhen said to them: "I will not give you a deadline for this matter, do it first, test all aspects, and figure it out, and then go back and remodel the Forbidden City!"

"The humble minister leads the decree!" Song Yingxing was very excited when he heard it, and eager to try, he quickly took the lead and shouted the decree.

Afterwards, he was eager to study this new good thing.

As a result, Emperor Chongzhen stopped him again and told those master craftsmen to step down first. Obviously, there was something else he wanted to talk to Song Yingxing about.

(End of this chapter)

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