Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 438 Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 438 Aircraft Carrier
Zheng Zhilong, who had just set foot on the deck of a new-style warship, was surprised when he heard it, and immediately asked curiously: "This powerful warship is just a transitional ship?"

Song Yingxing waved to the crew members on the ship who greeted him, signaling them to return to their posts, then turned his head and introduced to Zheng Zhilong with a smile: "That's right, Your Majesty said that this kind of paddle wheel is the driving method of this ship's wheel. , the limitation is very large, and it is easy to be attacked by the enemy. Even if it is protected by an iron shell, it is not very appropriate. Your Majesty said that there is a kind of propeller warship, which hides the propulsion power underwater and is not easy to be destroyed. It’s the next generation of warships.”

Zheng Zhilong was very surprised when he heard it. If he had heard about this a few years ago, he would not have believed it at all.

But now, what Emperor Chongzhen has done is obvious to all, and the authority of his speech is beyond doubt.After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong asked curiously, "What is that like?"

Song Yingxing heard it, and immediately smiled and said: "Your Majesty didn't say it, and I don't know."

After a pause, he stepped on the boat under his feet a little harder, and then said: "Your Majesty said, first test the paddle steamer of Daming, and after it has been remodeled, we will talk about the propeller-type warship later. This paddle steamer , Whether it is a warship or a civilian ship, it is urgently needed. Not to mention anything else, it can be used in many places without taking into account the wind direction and water flow!"

Of course Zheng Zhilong knew it, and immediately responded with emotion: "Yes, with this steam engine paddle steamer, there will be great changes in the sea or waterways of Daming!"

While speaking, Song Yingxing had already arrived at the cabin, and Song Yingxing signaled, "Go, let's go and see the steam engine!"

This is the most core thing of this kind of warship. Of course Zheng Zhilong is interested, so he immediately followed and got down from the cabin to have a look.

"Huh?" Zheng Zhilong said in surprise after seeing the steam engine, "Is this different from the steam engine on the steam train?"

"Of course!" Song Yingxing nodded and said, "Actually, Daming's first steam engine was not used for the locomotive. This steam engine is rather common, much smaller than those used by trains. We are still experimenting now to see how big the steam engine can meet the needs of the sea, and try to reduce the volume of the steam engine a little."

Zheng Zhilong listened, nodded, then looked at a pipe extending from above through the deck, and asked curiously: "What is this for?"

"It's for passing orders!" Song Yingxing heard this, walked over with a smile, patted the pipe and said, "It leads to the captain's cabin."

After finishing speaking, he motioned Zheng Zhilong to look down and said, "The foot switch here is a device for disconnecting the paddle wheel and steam engine outside the ship. There are two on the left and right sides. This way the steering can be realized."

Speaking of this, after a pause, he said regretfully: "However, judging from the current experiments, the ship disconnects when the speed is fast, which is not very easy to control, and the arc of the turn is still relatively large, and even the speed is too high. Quick, it will also affect the crew being thrown out."

Listening to the introduction, Zheng Zhilong looked down at the switch on his side, and tried to step on it with his foot. It took a lot of force, and the gear connected to the steam engine was released.As soon as the foot is released, the gears are engaged again.

Seeing him trying, Song Yingxing pointed at the gear again and said, "If you turn too much, you will loosen and close it too much, and the gear will be more expensive. I plan to have more spare parts on board for replacement in the future!"

Although Song Yingxing was introducing the shortcomings of this ship, Zheng Zhilong already felt that this ship was very powerful.Even if it was him, there was a look of envy on his face.

If during the naval battle of Luowan back then, his subordinates were all steam paddle-wheeled warships like this, then what kind of order would be issued, and a reward would be offered to all the forces in the rivers and lakes to help him fight the coalition forces of Hongyi and Liuxiang pirates.

"The places near this computer room are all for coal storage." Song Yingxing didn't know Zheng Zhilong's feelings, and still introduced him, "In the future, supply points will be set up along the coast of Daming, not only to replenish fresh water supplies, but also to supply This coal will work. This coal will be used more and more!"

Having said that, he went to another place. When Zheng Zhilong saw it, he reluctantly looked at everything in the computer room before following.

"This floor is where the artillery is deployed." Song Yingxing introduced, "For the time being, don't we have as many artillery as the Xiyi ship?"

Seeing this, Zheng Zhilong nodded immediately and said, "Yes, they do have more cannons on board than this."

Speaking of this, he added: "It's because our Ming's ship is different from their Xiyi's ship. Relatively speaking, they are going to sail in the ocean, while we are only using it in the near sea. If they have fewer artillery , It is estimated that it will not be able to reach such a far place!"

Song Yingxing nodded and said: "Your Majesty said that there is no need to compare the number of artillery with them for the time being, and we need to use the existing warships for transformation. In the future, we will build battleships, which are larger and have more artillery. As for aircraft carriers, we can only Wait until the prince or the future emperor to talk about it!"

Zheng Zhilong was very surprised when he heard it, and asked quickly: "What is a battleship and what is an aircraft carrier?"

This name sounds a bit strange, but his intuition told him that this kind of ship must be very powerful.

Song Yingxing heard this, and immediately said with a smile: "I don't know, I asked His Majesty at the time, but His Majesty didn't say anything, but I can see that His Majesty seems to be very eager to own this battleship and aircraft carrier."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong's mind flashed, and he immediately felt that he knew the truth: This must be something unique to the heavens. Today, the emperor knew about such a good thing through Emperor Taizu, it is absolutely true!
Thinking about it this way, he subconsciously became even more in awe of Emperor Chongzhen.

People in the world, no matter how powerful they are, can they be more powerful than the emperor with the help of Emperor Taizu?
While talking, Song Yingxing took Zheng Zhilong back to the deck, and then told the captain who was following him: "Can you shoot?"

After hearing this, the captain pointed to a small boat floating on the sea in the distance and said, "It's ready!"

"Okay, let's demonstrate it!" Song Yingxing listened, and after giving instructions, he turned his head to look at Zheng Zhilong, pointed to the boat in the distance and said, "Let me show you the situation of the artillery."

When Zheng Zhilong visited just now, he found that those cannons were not copper cannons, but made of fine steel, so he looked forward to it with great interest.

The steam warship slowly drove out of the dock again. At the beginning, it felt that the speed was not fast.

Zheng Zhilong was watching, when he suddenly heard the sound of "boom boom boom", which startled him immediately.

It wasn't that he hadn't heard the sound of cannons. In fact, the sound of cannons was quite normal to him.

The reason why he was startled was because he subconsciously believed that the ship would not be able to fire until it had traveled a certain distance.This point is still too far away from that boat.

So, he was taken aback suddenly.

What surprised him was that even though the cannon fired from such a long distance beyond what he knew did not hit the small boat, the landing points of the shells were all near the small boat.

Among other things, the fact that the artillery can shoot so far is enough to shock him.

"Hold on firmly!" After a while from the captain's room, the ship began to turn.

Zheng Zhilong was born as a pirate, so he didn't have to grab anything, as his feet could be firmly nailed to the deck.

After a while, as the ship turned, it got a lot closer to the small boat.

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery on the other side also roared, but unfortunately, this time, it still missed the boat.However, the impact point was still near the boat.

Zheng Zhilong saw it, but still said with emotion: "At this distance, although it missed the boat, it is already very powerful. The artillery and the artillery are powerful enough!"

Song Yingxing heard this, turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile: "You don't know, our artillery bombardment can't aim at that small boat. If anyone hits it, it will be a mistake!"

"..." Zheng Zhilong was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

Song Yingxing saw it, and said with a smile: "There is no way, the court is poor, and the funds are all saved."

"..." Zheng Zhilong was speechless again after hearing this.

When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help feeling even more envious, and once again expressed to Song Yingxing how powerful the artillery was, as well as how powerful the artillery was.

Song Yingxing listened, but nodded as a matter of course and said: "Our steel smelting level has been greatly improved, and the quality of cast artillery is better, which is also reasonable. Also, the gunpowder is also under His Majesty's guidance. , improved and better than the original powdered gunpowder."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zheng Zhilong with a surprised expression and said: "These artillerymen have all learned the artillery shooting method taught by His Majesty. Naturally, it is easier for ordinary people to master how to shoot artillery accurately!"

"Your Majesty taught you how to shoot?" Zheng Zhilong confirmed with even more surprise after hearing this.

In his cognition, as far as the ability to fire cannons is concerned, Xiyi is the best.However, he saw that the artillery skills on this ship would definitely not be inferior to Xiyi's!Possibly even better!
This kind of ability was taught by Emperor Chongzhen, which really shocked him.

"Yeah, what is it called ballistics!" Song Yingxing nodded and said with a thumbs up, "There is also this simple measurement method. Anyway, I have never heard of it before."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zheng Zhilong and said, "If you stay in the capital for a while, you will know how powerful your majesty is!"

"That's it, that's it!" Zheng Zhilong responded quickly, but his heart sank.

Because he knew that he was afraid that he didn't have any cards in his hole. He could only do what the emperor said.

I just don't know, how will the emperor treat him?
With this heavy question in mind, Zheng Zhilong took the steam train back to the capital again after visiting the new warships.

(End of this chapter)

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