Chapter 439
This time, Zheng Zhilong didn't wait too long, and Emperor Chongzhen quickly summoned him in the Wuying Hall.

It's a bit different from what Zheng Zhilong thought. Emperor Chongzhen didn't give him a slap in the face and kill him at the beginning. Instead, after he finished saluting, he said to him with a smile: "Zheng Qing is a smart man, and it's okay to speak like this." It's simple, then I'll cut to the chase!"

When Zheng Zhilong heard this, he felt even more disturbed.Because he didn't even guess the emperor's prediction, and the matter was completely out of his control.

So, he hurriedly played back respectfully: "The last general dare not dare, but listen to His Majesty's instruction!"

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's humility, Emperor Chongzhen still had a sense of accomplishment in his heart, knowing that his previous arrangements had an impact.

Thinking of this, he said to Zheng Zhilong: "The court can have such a good situation today, and it is inseparable from the supply of materials, grain and grass by the Jiangnan procurement office. No one else knows that the Jiangnan procurement office can have such a great ability." However, I know that it is all due to Qing. I have also seen Qing's active efforts in this regard, so I will not blame Qing for what happened in the past."

Zheng Zhilong was afraid that the emperor would see everything clearly, because in this way, the power and strength in the hands of the two sides were not equal, leaving him no room to play, and he could only be what he was.

Hearing the words of Emperor Chongzhen at this time, he still pleaded guilty: "The general will be convicted!"

The emperor pardoned and said that the past should not be blamed, but he can't really feel that way. He still needs to have the attitude he should have. Zheng Zhilong has always been good at this kind of dealing with people.

No, seeing his attitude, Emperor Chongzhen obviously felt much better about him, so he continued to say with a pleasant face: "I believe I summoned Qing to the capital for the purpose, and Qing should know the main purpose."

After a pause, without waiting for Zheng Zhilong to answer, he said directly: "The strength of the Denglai Navy may not be able to fight against the North Korean navy. To rebuild Dongjiang Town, what is needed is to have absolute command of the sea. The warship went to Dongjiang Town to destroy the North Korean navy, of course, it would be best if it could be incorporated. What do you think?"

From a general point of view, Zheng Zhilong's subordinates are the imperial court's Fujian navy, and they must obey the imperial court's dispatch.

The other one, when he helped his son before, he had already decided to have a certain degree of effectiveness for the court.

And this time Zheng Zhilong was able to come to the capital, which further clarified his own attitude.If he didn't want to cooperate, he wouldn't dare to come to the capital to meet him.

Now after he visited the Tianjin shipyard, although the imperial court didn't even have a practical steam-wheeled warship, the only one he saw was still under experimentation.However, he saw the power of the imperial warships in the future.Knowing that if he provokes the court, at most it will cause the court to have certain troubles in the short term, but in the end, his troubles will definitely be the biggest!
Zheng Zhilong is a smart man, after hearing what Emperor Chongzhen said, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately replied: "The last general obeys the order!"

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's cooperation so that the reconstruction of Dongjiang Town can proceed smoothly, Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied, so he smiled and said directly: "I am very satisfied with your attitude. I plan to vigorously build the navy after the rebellion is put down. Its ability matches the strength of the army. Not to mention, there are at least tens of thousands of large warships alone. Of course, this will be implemented in stages. My goal is that wherever there is an ocean, you can see the Ming Dynasty warship!"

"..." Zheng Zhilong never expected that Emperor Chongzhen would say such a thing, and he was dumbfounded.

Tens of thousands of large warships?

How much will it cost?
Does the imperial court have this money?
Also, wherever there is an ocean, you can see Ming's warships?

This... this... the emperor wants to learn from Xiyi and send out Ming's warships everywhere?Want to send them to the mother country of Xiyi?

Can this beat them?

That's right, if they are all steam warships and artillery, then they must be able to beat them!
However, long-distance voyages are not just a matter of ship artillery, there are many things to do!If you really want to see the warships of Ming Dynasty wherever there is an ocean, why do you think this is empty talk, big talk, impossible!

That's not right, Xiyi can go to Daming, isn't it normal for Daming to go to Xiyi?


All of a sudden, Zheng Zhilong was stunned when he thought about this and that!

In the land of Daming, who ever had such a big ambition?

Most importantly, this is still the emperor's ambition!

If it was before, it might be empty talk, big talk!But now, having seen all kinds of unimaginable things about the emperor in front of him, it seems that it shouldn't be said if it is empty talk or big talk!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen saw that Zheng Zhilong was shocked by himself, and he was very pleased with it, so he continued to say to Zheng Zhilong: "For this reason, I decided to restructure the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies and change it to the Du Du Mansion of the Three Armies, respectively. The Governor’s Mansion and the Air Force’s Governor’s Mansion. Although the Air Force doesn’t exist yet, there will definitely be one in the future. The Yamen will be established first. Preparations for the Navy’s Governor’s Mansion are now under way. How about serving as the governor of the Navy's Governor's Mansion first, and temporarily leading the affairs of the Navy's Governor's Mansion?"

According to the official system of the Dudufu of the Five Armies, each has a left and right governor, who is the first rank;

Emperor Chongzhen's words meant that Zheng Zhilong was the number one member of the Ming Navy.

Taking Zheng Zhilong's life experience, or his sophistication as an example, such as writing a bad check, no matter what you say, he can't be persuaded by you.

However, it was not the first time that Emperor Chongzhen said this at this time, but he was gradually implementing it.

The first time he heard about it, it was from his son that the emperor wanted to change the three armies, not the front army, the middle army, and the rear army, but the army, navy, and air force.

When he heard it at the time, he was very surprised by this new theory of the three armed forces.However, at that time, he was actually just listening to it, and didn't take it seriously.

Later, the Denglai Navy was renamed the Denglai Navy, even though there were no warships, but the name change was announced to the world, which is not a child's play.

From this point of view, the emperor really wanted to change the navy.That is to say, there is indeed such a thing as the new three armies mentioned by the emperor!

But now, in front of him, the emperor Jinkou Yuyan said that he would change the governor's mansion of the five armies to the governor's mansion of the three armies, including the governor's mansion of the navy, and let him serve as the governor's office, which is tantamount to the affairs of the navy and has moved forward A big step.

Combined with the emperor's vision for the navy just now, there are at least tens of thousands of large warships, and wherever there is an ocean, there are Ming warships. For the Ming Navy, the entire plan is in place.

If such a set of things is to be fully realized, there must still be many problems and difficulties.However, this idea, or the hugeness of the goal, shocked Zheng Zhilong, who thought he had very broad knowledge.

Imagine that in the future, he would be the number one member of the Ming Navy, and the Guangzong Yaozu of the Zheng family would not be his son Zheng Sen, but himself!

Thinking of this, even Zheng Zhilong felt a little excited.

However, he still maintained his rationality, and hurriedly played to Emperor Chongzhen: "I am afraid that the final general is not capable enough, and I am afraid that he will fail His Majesty's entrustment!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but smiled and said: "Nowadays in terms of sea, you Zheng Zhilong dare not be the number one, so who can be the number one? The understanding of the sea, the connections and relationships at sea, the familiarity with sea battles, etc. , Qing doesn't need to be modest, I know it all!"

"However, it's unprecedented for the navy to change into the navy and directly catch up with the army!" Zheng Zhilong said hesitantly after hearing this.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little unhappy when he heard his words, and he was not happy at all, so he smiled and said: "Then I will be replaced by Zheng Hongkui, or what about Zheng Sen?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Zheng Zhilong to speak, but he said with a little coldness: "The navy of the Ming Dynasty is the navy of the Ming Dynasty. When the navy is changed to the navy, it should include all the naval forces of the Ming Dynasty. Anyone who refuses to accept it will be wiped out. Although you, Zheng Zhilong, are the most powerful in the Ming Dynasty today, try to rebel? I can let you go back, at most let me spend more time and hands and feet, is it possible that you can turn the world upside down?"

"The last general is guilty!" Feeling Longyan's fury, Zheng Zhilong's spine felt cold, and he knelt down to plead guilty, "The last general is ordered!"

He also knew very well in his heart that what the emperor said was right, even if he rebelled, it would only cause more trouble for the court at most, and he never dreamed of succeeding in the rebellion!
After Emperor Chongzhen saw that he was angry, Zheng Zhilong softened immediately, and calmed down his anger, but said in a cold tone: "Qing is a smart person, so you should do smart things. Only in this way can you protect the wealth and glory of the Zheng family! I can also make your Zheng family go down in history with me!"

Zheng Zhilong felt underestimated in front of Emperor Chongzhen at this time.Just as he thought when he was about to come to have an audience, he had no cards to negotiate with Emperor Chongzhen!
Everyone has said that if you are not satisfied, you will be asked to fight against it. It will only cause him trouble for a while, but the result is doomed.

Today's general situation in the world can basically be seen. It will be a matter of time before the court puts down the thieves, and the appearance of new warships will completely rewrite the power of the sea. What else can Zheng Zhilong do?
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong quickly defended himself: "The general is only worried about the new creation of the navy. The general does not know what to do, so as to live up to His Majesty's entrustment, he definitely does not want to take on the role!"

(End of this chapter)

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