Chapter 440 Map
Seeing Zheng Zhilong's attitude, Emperor Chongzhen felt a little more satisfied, and his tone became more gentle. He said to Zheng Zhilong: "For the time being, you must first defeat or recruit the North Korean navy to assist in the reconstruction of Dongjiang Town. The first important thing for the Dudu Mansion is to reorganize all the navy divisions of the Ming Dynasty into a navy, imitating the reorganization of the army, the factory guards must participate, and the relevant equipment, including warships, artillery, etc., will be refitted by the imperial court."

Having said that, after he paused, he said emphatically with some pride: "Afterwards, we will show our prestige to the outside world. According to the requirements given by me, we will expand the territory, protect the business road, and suppress overseas anti-Ming aliens!"

Is this the true meaning of the presence of Ming warships wherever there are oceans?

Zheng Zhilong listened, thinking so in his heart.To be honest, he is not optimistic about such a scene, he just thinks about it.

The reason is that Huaxia has never done this since the past dynasties.

The most likely time is the time of Chengzu. At that time, it was really the most glorious time on the sea.But it didn't last long. After Emperor Chengzu disappeared, everything disappeared at once.

Zheng Zhilong, as a businessman who was born as a pirate, or someone who wandered along the coast of Daming, naturally respected that era very much.As for the current emperor, it may be short-lived if he wants to regain his original glory, but since he is living in this era, if he doesn't participate, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Is it possible that I just listened to those juniors saying where they went, what kind of customs do they have in foreign lands, and I just listened from the sidelines?

Thinking of this, the first thing that popped up in Zheng Zhilong's mind was his son Zheng Sen.

Thinking that this kid will be a little bit in the future, and might be embarrassed in front of him, Zheng Zhilong couldn't hold back even if he had a city mansion.

Therefore, he immediately played to Emperor Chongzhen: "The last general will lead the decree, and he must do his best to fulfill the decree of His Majesty!"

Zheng Zhilong knew very well in his heart that from the moment he was noticed by the emperor, it was impossible for him to return to the way he used to be in the southeast coast of Ming Dynasty, making a fortune silently.It is impossible for any emperor to ignore this kind of thing.

That being the case, then follow the road pointed out by the emperor and work hard, it might be a different kind of life!
Guangzong Yaozu, sealed his wife and son, and left his name in history with the emperor!
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong didn't know it, he seemed to stand up straighter and more energetic.

Emperor Chongzhen could feel it, and he was more satisfied immediately, so he said with a smile: "In addition, there is one more thing that needs to be entrusted to Qing to do. This matter is extremely important to Daming!"

"Your Majesty, please issue an order!" Now that Zheng Zhilong has made a decision, he will no longer be coy and unhappy.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen ordered him: "Qing sent a reliable fleet to South America, which should now be ruled by the Frangji people, looking for a kind of tree called a rubber tree, whether it is a living tree or not. , or seedlings or seeds, as long as they can be transplanted to my Ming Dynasty and survive, that is a great achievement, and I will treat them with the title of knighthood!"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't understand, but based on the emperor's words, this matter is very important, and he will be awarded a title, so he quickly asked: "Your Majesty, where is this South America?"

After a pause, he said with some doubts: "From the general's humble opinion, since it's the place where Frangji people are, wouldn't it be better to let them bring them to Daming? It's nothing more than negotiating the terms. Or go talk to them!"

This is a matter of fact, not a rejection. Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen did not look annoyed, on the contrary, this is the time to show his knowledge.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said: "South America is on the other side of the ocean, and there are North and South Americas over there. The rubber tree I want is in the Americas in the south."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being surprised and said: "Your Majesty, only the Spaniards in Luzon know about crossing the ocean now. Even the Frangji people, they all came from India. This... If you want to find that rubber tree from South America, I'm afraid...I'm afraid you have to be Spaniards!"

Speaking of this, he was afraid that Emperor Chongzhen would misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "Your Majesty, it is not enough to have a boat to cross the ocean. You must be familiar with the ocean and know when there will be more hurricanes. It is not suitable to travel, and the wind direction, Wait for the direction of the water flow!"

As Zheng Zhilong said, he remembered something, and added in one breath: "Even if there is a steam ship, you don't have to worry about the wind direction, but the ocean is too big, and the steam ship relies on burning coal, so the coal will definitely not be enough. Anyway... ..."

He wanted to try his best to explain to Emperor Chongzhen that sailing on the ocean was definitely different from that on land, and it was full of various problems. It didn't mean that he didn't want to go, just making excuses.

However, before he could explain clearly, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to say much, since I want you to send someone, I must have thought about these things."

After finishing speaking, before Zheng Zhilong recovered from his astonishment, he turned his head and told Gao Shiyue, the eunuch on duty, "Push out the screen!"

"Slave obeys the decree!" Gao Shiyue, who has always been like a mud bodhisattva, heard a movement immediately, and immediately received the decree, commanded two servants, lifted a screen from the side hall, and placed it on Zheng Zhilong's side before.

Zheng Zhilong was a little curious. He looked at a huge map hanging on the screen.He had never seen this map before, but with just one glance, he couldn't recognize what it was?
While staring at the map curiously, he saw that Emperor Chongzhen had already stepped down and came to the screen.

This frightened Zheng Zhilong to take two steps back quickly, not daring to run into the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen pointed to the map, and said to Zheng Zhilong, "This map is the world map. The North and South Americas I mentioned just now are here..."

Zheng Zhilong was very curious when he heard it, and watched the emperor pointing at the map while talking.

"When did the emperor even understand the situation on the other side of the ocean so clearly?" He was shocked in his heart at this time. As the number one person in Daming Sea, he knew very well that if he wanted to get such a map , I am afraid that it will take a poor generation, or even the energy of several generations, to make it.

Even Zheng Zhilong thought of a possibility. Could it be that Emperor Chengzu started doing this at that time and passed it down slowly?

After all, Emperor Chengzu only went west at that time, and never went east.

Those represent a dot of ink on the ocean, which is a huge island.However, the ocean is so big that it may be a coincidence to know that there is such an island.However, there are so many points on the map, this is definitely not a coincidence that can be explained.In other words, the ancestors traveled all over the ocean and paid countless lives to get such a map, right?

At this moment, Zheng Zhilong was even more shocked than when he saw the steamship.Because he knows that such a map is definitely a priceless treasure!
"Let me tell you about the basic situation in America first!" Emperor Chongzhen saw the shocked look on Zheng Zhilong's face, and he was happy, so he continued to say to Zheng Zhilong, "This is the Spanish colony, that is, they occupied the place. Drive the local people to help them summon wealth, and then transport it back to the mainland, and here is the territory of the Frangji people..."

On the map, they are marked with different colors, which are easy to distinguish.

After listening to the introduction, Zheng Zhilong immediately understood the situation in America.I even know that this side is the Pacific Ocean and the other side is the Atlantic Ocean.Relatively speaking, the distance from Xiyi's home country to America through the Atlantic Ocean will be closer than that of Ming Dynasty.

But even though he knew the situation in America, Zheng Zhilong still felt embarrassed.Because the most important thing is not the Western Yi in the Americas. After all, in his eyes, as long as it is the Western Yi, there is a possibility of trading, and the goal can be achieved without force.The most important thing is, how to cross the Pacific Ocean, and how to come back?

Perhaps Emperor Chongzhen guessed what he was thinking, and he gestured to the long lines in the Pacific Ocean with his hand, and said to Zheng Zhilong: "See, this is the Pacific Ocean current, and it flows in the direction of the arrow. From here, go to the Pacific Ocean." , and come back from here, it will be much easier. That's what the Spaniards in Luzon do!"

When Zheng Zhilong heard this, he was shocked again.He understood what the emperor meant, that is, the lines with arrows on the Pacific Ocean turned out to be in the direction of the current. This is definitely the most important news for navigation!

When did the imperial court touch all these waters?So many, it is really unimaginable, absolutely unimaginable!

At this moment, Zheng Zhilong suddenly overturned his previous thoughts. It is impossible to get so much news about any plan that started from Emperor Chengzu's time!
This is definitely the map obtained by the emperor Taizu's spirit, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to explain the details of this map!

He was shocked, but Emperor Chongzhen continued to show off, so he said to Zheng Zhilong: "As for the hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean, they are probably regular. I will give you a detailed report. You may even follow the route I gave you. Sailing, I will give you some information about the local situation. No matter what, I asked you to choose people to go to South America, so that they can come back safely."

Speaking of this, his expression became a little more serious, and he said to Zheng Zhilong: "The reason why I didn't leave this matter to Frangji is because this matter is not only important to Daming, the sooner you get the rubber tree, the better you will be." Alright, and, for the matter of crossing the Pacific Ocean, someone needs to go and verify it in person, so as to prepare for Da Ming's large-scale trip to America in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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