Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 441 There is no way out

Chapter 441 There is no way out
After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he played back solemnly: "Your Majesty, since this matter is so important, we will arrange for the last general's fifth younger brother Zheng Zhibao to go to America!"

Hearing that he let his brother go, it was enough to show that he attached great importance to this matter.

You know, no matter how well prepared you are, there is a high probability that you will encounter various unexpected things when you cross the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen said seriously: "Okay, Qing, let's make arrangements. Before leaving, let him come to the capital again. I will show him what the things that need to be brought back look like."

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong asked Emperor Chongzhen for an order: "Your Majesty, at the end of the day, I want to go to Haojingao and ask for a letter from Folangji over there, so that after arriving in South America, let the people over there If the Fulang robot can cooperate, things will be much more convenient!"

"It's no problem, Qing can go on behalf of the imperial court!" Emperor Chongzhen said without thinking about it, "If they dare not agree, they don't have to stay in Daming!"

With this decree, Zheng Zhilong was more confident. Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen had no other explanations, he reluctantly read the world map before leaving.

Emperor Chongzhen watched him leave, and suddenly sighed.

Although just now, he was talking eloquently on the surface, it seemed that everything in the future was under control.But in fact, he has to worry about money again.

Everything is empty talk without the support of money and food.

When talking with Zheng Zhilong just now, Emperor Chongzhen had several impulses, thinking that you have earned so much, can you take some out.

Fortunately, in the end, he suppressed this thought.If you want to use Zheng Zhilong, you can't squeeze him too much.

Forget it, let's find another way!
Emperor Chongzhen didn't know that Zheng Zhilong actually had a bottom line.

If he coveted Zheng Zhilong's money just now and wanted Zheng Zhilong to take out all the money he earned, maybe he would really force Zheng Zhilong to turn against him.


The weather was getting colder and colder, and when the [-]th year of Chongzhen was about to pass, the heavy snow finally fell, and the land of Gyeonggi was suddenly covered with snow.

All of a sudden, the field was covered in silver and white.

The snow on the road is also thick, and people's ankles can be lost, resulting in the disappearance of pedestrians and cars on the road.

Under such circumstances, in previous years, unless there was something very important, no one would travel in such heavy snow.

However, this year is different from previous years.

Such snow can affect carriage travel, but it cannot affect the operation of steam trains.

Generally speaking, the impact of snow accumulation on trains is mainly the turnouts, that is, the different scheduling of train tracks.

However, at this time in Daming, the railway consisted of two lines, one back and forth, and there were no other complicated lines at all, so there was no such thing as a turnout.

As far as ordinary railways are concerned, whether it’s snow or ice, the weight of the train, and the speed of the trains in this period are not fast, so it doesn’t affect anything at all.

As a result, the train station is lively.

All the people who want to travel, as long as they can take the train on the way, all gather at the train station, and it is hard to find a train ticket.

So, naturally, those who have money will pay more to buy; those who have connections will seek connections, and the Railway Department has become the most popular government office in a flash.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he got the reward.

Because the railway department, which has not existed since ancient times, was created by him.

For this reason, he made a plan to build several more steel plants in various places next year, and at the same time supply the railway track needs of the surrounding state capitals.In the way that each state capital is responsible for it, connect the railway to the capital as soon as possible.

In the past, the construction of the railway had already started.However, a lot of captives have been consumed, and the common people can't use them to death, they will rebel.Therefore, the progress of the project is not as fast as the construction of the Tongzhou-Tianjin railway!
However, no matter what, by next year, there will definitely be more than one.It should be possible to go to Ludi along the official road, and the Central Plains, that is, Kaifeng and Luoyang.

But the Yellow River can't do anything, you have to get off the train to cross the river first, and then continue to take the train on the other side.

If we say that before, the wealthy people in Daming were only enthusiastic about the railway, but after traveling in snowy weather and seeing the advantages of the railway, they became fanatics about the railway.

It can be predicted that when the construction of the railway continues next year, the speed will definitely be accelerated.

However, there are also people who are very repulsed by this new thing.

It's not that they think the railway is inconvenient, but the new thing of the railway represents a new concept and new knowledge!

There is no other reason for rejection, only a conflict of interest!

Starting from the capital, new concepts and knowledge spread in all directions.

At the beginning, no one may pay attention to it.However, under the persistent promotion of Emperor Chongzhen, the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences was established, and various new gadgets were launched;

Nowadays, in the official circles of Ming Dynasty and various folk banquets, if you don't know what science is, you must be outdated.

This kind of ethos, needless to say, the most influential one is the Confucius family in Qufu!

At first, Kong Yinzhi, the contemporary Yansheng Gong, didn't care.

The Kong family has been ups and downs for so many years, even after a change of dynasty, it is different!

Anyway, as long as there are scholars around, who read the way of Confucianism, then his status as the Confucian family is unshakable!
However, later on, this scientific method became more and more intense, and finally attracted Kong Yinzhi's attention and attention, and even later, he began to fidget!

What is the root of the Kong family?
Confucianism!The way of Confucius and Mencius, even in the Ming Dynasty, only followed Confucius!
Although, at the beginning, it was said that the way of science was Gewuxue, it still originated from Confucianism.

However, since this is the case, why is it not called Gewu, but what science does it have to be called?
Emperor Chongzhen probably didn't know. The name he kept calling from Liu Weichao didn't think much about it. He changed it to Gewuxue, which was adapted to the common sense of the Ming Dynasty, but it caused great panic to the Kong family.

For this kind of thing, if Emperor Chongzhen was not the emperor, he might consider a name more suitable for the present; however, he is the Emperor of Ming!That requires so much consideration!

Moreover, in Emperor Chongzhen's mind, he actually envied Liu Weichao's world very much.Therefore, in the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen, he felt that Liu Weichao's side was good.

So, naturally, he followed Liu Weichao and said it was science!

Science, Confucianism!
Thinking of this name, Kong Yinzhi guessed that the meaning of today's son should be to pay equal attention to these two, right?
You see, the names are almost the same!
And according to the current trend, this science is likely to replace Confucianism, how can this be!

If it was an ordinary person, then Kong Yinzhi wouldn't be so worried!

After all, scholars all over the world have followed Confucianism for thousands of years.Who has such a great ability, and can create a new knowledge to replace Confucianism?

That is simply impossible!
Even if it is the emperor, that is impossible!

First, the emperor simply didn't have the time and energy to do learning, what kind of learning could he do?

Second, the emperor has no need to make a new study at all!

Third, Confucianism can be said to have been perfected by the sages of the past dynasties. Why does your emperor have a higher level of learning than the sages of the past dynasties?This is impossible!
Anyway, with all these things, even the emperor, it is impossible to do something to replace Confucianism!
However, today, today, science is suddenly invented, and this science is still used in practice, which really changes the world upside down!Both the government and the opposition are talking about science.

And this year there is a decree to add scientific examinations to the imperial examinations, and to set up women's subjects, etc. All these things have had an impact on the status of Confucianism.In other words, it has had an impact on the future of the Kong family!
For Kong Yinzhi, or the Kong family, even if the world is in chaos, even if the dynasty changes, it will not prevent them from continuing to enjoy the glory and wealth of the Kong family!

Because they know very well in their hearts that if any dynasty wants to win the hearts of scholars all over the world, it must treat the Confucius family well.Of course, the premise is that the Confucian family recognizes the new dynasty.

As for acknowledging the new dynasty, is it difficult?It's not difficult at all, as long as you have a copy of the Form.

Whoever is the emperor is not the one!
However, today's riots and what kind of science they engage in have seriously affected the interests of the Confucian family. How can this be possible!

However, at this time, this science was newly created by the emperor, which made Kong Yinzhi troubled.

If it is an ordinary person, if he wants to object, there are plenty of ways.

However, this is the emperor, so it is very difficult!

However, this is a matter that touches the fundamental interests of the Kong family, and it cannot be compromised. If there is no way, just find a way!
At the beginning, Kong Yinzhi gathered the core disciples of the clan, who were intelligent and talented, and looked for this scientific book, trying to find some problems from it, and then refuted this science.

However, it hurts my brain to see it, but I can't think of anything to refute this kind of science!

When they think about it, it's all about human lips anyway, and a touch of upper and lower lips can reverse black and white.

But this scientific thing is not about the great way.Its conclusions are all derived from the facts.

Seeing is believing. How can it turn black and white?

This era is not an era where they can do whatever they want, and they can treat a deer as a horse!
All of a sudden, these Kong family members were dumbfounded!

Under normal circumstances, they might shrink back!

However, as mentioned earlier, in their view, science and Confucianism are two different theories, a conflict of fundamental interests.

If science is allowed to rise, if the status of Confucianism is shaken, the status of the Confucian family since the Song Dynasty may be lost, and there is no way out!
(End of this chapter)

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