Chapter 444
This is tantamount to letting his son Xu Wenjue preside over it, and among the people present are Baoguo Gong Zhang Guobi, Longping Marquis Zhang Gongri, Linhuai Marquis Li Zushu, and Xin Chengbo Zhao Zhilong.Generally speaking, Xu Wenjue does not have this qualification.

However, everyone could tell that Xu Hongji was seriously ill, and he might die soon!And Xu Wenjue, as the son of the Duke of Wei, will naturally inherit the Duke of Wei in the future.

Based on this, no one said anything.

Therefore, Xu Wenjue began to preside over such small-scale discussions.It can be seen that Xu Hongji should have mentioned something beforehand. He spoke fairly well about the situation this time, so that these nobles of the Ming Dynasty could follow his way of thinking to discuss.

After about an hour, this discussion is considered to be over.

During this period, there were many disputes among the nobles, but they were all settled in the end.Stand up one by one, expressing that they will talk to other people they are close to, and deal with it according to the regulations just now.


In mid-December of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, less than half a month before Chinese New Year, Fengyang Governor Ma Shiying led troops across the Yangtze River and entered Yingtian Mansion to guard Yingtian Mansion to prevent thieves from attacking Ying Tian Mansion.

Because of the lack of ferries in Nanjing, it took Ma Shiying's army almost half a month to complete the crossing of the river.

Of course, Ma Shiying himself had already entered Nanjing City.

He is the governor of Fengyang, and at the same time he also has the title of imperial envoy. All the officials in Nanjing City want to welcome him and wash him away.Among them, those who are particularly enthusiastic are those nobles from Nanjing.

Even if Ma Shiying wanted to settle the army first and defend Yingtian Mansion under the excuse that he was busy with military affairs, he could not stop the enthusiasm of the civil servants in Nanjing.

"Report, my lord's friend, xxx, Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, is here to visit!"

"Report, my lord's old friend, Nanjing Ministry of Criminal Affairs Shangshu xxx is here to visit!"


Thinking about it before, Ma Shiying was punished and exiled, so no one treated him, only Ruan Dacheng didn't despise him.As a result, when I came to Nanjing this time, there were a lot of old friends in official circles like close friends.

This made Ma Shiying very emotional, and he didn't see anything about it.

But even so, those who knew that they would not see Ma Shiying still came to visit and left name cards.It was as if he was afraid that Ma Shiying would check the famous posts afterwards, and would record those who didn't come.

All of a sudden, at the gate of the Imperial Envoy Governor's Mansion, there was a lot of traffic and it was very lively.

In addition to these civil officials, nobles and generals also came.

They didn't dare to go with the civil servants, they came after the number of civil servants was a little less.

Relatively speaking, Wufu is more direct.When visiting, it is best if you can see Ma Shiying. If you don't see him, I will leave some gift slips.

And among these gift lists, the most important ones are the nobles from Nanjing.

Of course, there are many names, some are laborers, and some represent the hearts of all the people in Yingtian Mansion.In short, on the surface, there is no hint of bribery.

As for whether Ma Shiying will take it for themselves as they thought, so as to achieve the real purpose of bribery, they are still worried.For example, this kind of gift-giving is done quietly, as if doing good deeds without leaving a name, just to make it easier for Ma Shiying to keep the money in his own pocket.

This is the first move those nobles came up with: give benefits, drag them down, if it can be done, that's the best.

In the words of later generations, it is sugar-coated cannonballs!

What made them a little regretful was that no matter how valuable the gift list to the past was, Ma Shiying still disappeared at all.

In this regard, it is a bit unclear whether this gift will be useful or not.

You said whether Ma Shiying was busy or not, he was indeed busy!
When he first arrived in Nanjing, the cave of dragons and tigers, he had many things to do.

Ma Shiying did not miss anyone, at least he met Lu Jiude, the eunuch in charge of Nanjing, as soon as he arrived in Nanjing.

Lu Jiude used to be the supervisor of the Yongwei Battalion, and with Huang Degong around, it was equivalent to having a friendship with Ma Shiying.

Of course, the more important thing is that Ma Shiying came here by order, and Lu Jiude, as the eunuch guarding Nanjing, naturally did not dare to neglect, and cooperated immediately.

No, he looked at Ma Shiying's left and right sides, Li Ruolian, commander of the Jinyi Guard, sitting on one side, and Wang Dehua, Admiral of the East Factory, sitting on the other side, and he felt a little nervous.

Although he is one of the three powerful figures in Nanjing, he is still an eunuch and the emperor's domestic slave in the final analysis.If he offended the few people in front of him, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

I saw him talking over and over again: "...the thieves from the Eight Great Kings' Department, the nearest to Nanjing is the Zhang Nengqi's Department who invaded Chizhou Mansion, and they have reached the vicinity of Mount Jiuhua. But these days, it seems that they have not moved eastward any more. The Taiping Mansion and Ningguo Mansion, which are separated from Ying Tian Mansion, have already gathered heavy troops and are on strict alert. It is unlikely that the rogues will attack Ying Tian Mansion! These are the basic conditions of the current rogues."

After talking about the latest battle situation in one breath, Lu Jiude felt that his mouth was a little dry, so he took a sip of the tea on the coffee table beside him to moisten his throat.

After hearing this, Ma Shiying nodded and said: "The bandits are still a little far away from Yingtian Mansion, so I can have more time to deploy. Later, I will send troops to station in various places, and I hope that Eunuch Lu will cooperate!"

When Lu Jiude heard this, he quickly put down his teacup and responded, "It's all for the Lord Long Live, it should be, it should be!"

Speaking of this, he tentatively asked: "The post of Nanjing's defense is now vacant. I don't know if Long Live Lord has a new purpose?"

The original Xin Chengbo, Zhao Zhilong, was kicked out, and the reason was actually reluctant.It is said that the thieves are weak, but the nearest thieves are still far away from Ying Tianfu.If one really wants to be held accountable, those in the local area should be held accountable the most, but in fact only Xin Chengbo has been dealt with.

As a member of the palace, Lu Jiude was regarded as an eunuch trusted by the emperor, so he naturally knew what Emperor Chongzhen was going to do?
Although it is said that Ma Shiying brought an elite army over, the original army belongs to the Nanjing garrison, and this position is not good and there will always be a shortage.

Hearing his words, Ma Shiying nodded and said, "Your Majesty has decreed that Uncle Ning Yuan will take over the post of Nanjing's garrison temporarily."

"Ah?" When Lu Jiude heard this, he couldn't help being so surprised that he lost his voice, and immediately turned his head to look at Uncle Ning Yuan Li Dingguo who was sitting diagonally across from him, with a look of disbelief.

Generally speaking, the post of Nanjing garrison is held after the founding honor or the Jingnan honor.This point, nearly three hundred years after the founding of the country, has not changed.

However, today's son has a weird temper, and he can't act with common sense.Lu Jiude estimated in his heart that it is possible that the new Nanjing defense may be selected from among the new nobles who have been in the limelight in the past two years.

Among them, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong and Sun Yingyuan are most likely to be involved.While Zhou Yuji was still in Guanning, and Sun Yingyuan was under the command of Sun Chuanting in Huguang, Huang Degong followed Ma Shiying to Nanjing. It was probably Huang Degong.

In the end, he never expected that Ma Shiying told him that the new Nanjing garrison, even if it was only a temporary garrison of Nanjing, would be Uncle Ningyuan who was just released because of Ningyuan's great victory!

This Uncle Ning Yuan, Li Dingguo, was born as a traitor, and he was also a member of the traitors under the command of the Eight Great Kings.To let him take the temporary post of Nanjing's garrison, how much trust does it take to have this appointment?
To be honest, Lu Jiude couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

In fact, don't talk about him, including Ma Shiying, I can't figure out why the emperor didn't use Huang Degong, but instead used Li Dingguo to temporarily take the post of Nanjing's defense.

He didn't understand this doubt until he saw the emperor's secret decree.

His real purpose in coming to Nanjing was to rectify Yingtian Mansion, the most important state capital in the south of the Yangtze River, in the name of thieves.If Yingtian Mansion can be rectified smoothly, then there will basically be no problems in other parts of the country.

Based on this purpose, Li Dingguo was born as a bandit, and has the least possible relationship with the honorable squires of Yingtian Mansion. It can even be said that these bandits are used to killing officials, and it is even more impossible for them to be killed by honorable squires. To buy.

In this way, Li Dingguo's temporary role as Nanjing's garrison will be the best way to help him straighten out the place.

Ma Shiying could see from it that Emperor Chongzhen's determination to rectify the place was really great!
But at this time, he would not tell Lu Jiude about these things.After all, Lu Jiude is very cooperative on the surface. Who knows if he has been in the same league with those nobles and squires during his time as the guardian eunuch in Nanjing?
At this time, after Lu Jiude knew that Li Dingguo was temporarily defending Nanjing, he immediately bowed his hands and congratulated Li Dingguo: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, young hero. With a brave general like Ning Yuanbo in the imperial court, the day of peace in the world must be just around the corner!"

Li Dingguo listened, politely and modestly, and didn't say much.

When Ma Shiying saw him, he said with a smile: "The ones who crossed the Yangtze River this time are the soldiers under Uncle Ning Yuan. Please help Mr. Lu, and let Uncle Ning Yuan take over the post of Nanjing's garrison first. If there is any problem, please feel free to Open your mouth!"

Hearing this, Lu Jiude hesitated for a while, took a peek at Wang Dehua, and then said to Ma Shiying: "Uncle Ning Yuan took over the defense of Nanjing, I'm afraid he will encounter many problems."

Speaking of this, he was afraid that some people present would misunderstand him, so he quickly explained: "The soldiers and horses in Nanzhili have always been in the hands of Nanjing nobles, and most of the generals in the army are their disciples. Now Ningyuan Uncle is a foreigner, it may not be so easy to make them behave and obey!"

Having said that, he glanced at Li Dingguo, but said nothing.

In fact, the implication is also very obvious, it depends on whether Li Dingguo has this ability, those are old fritters, not so easy to control.

But who knows, after Ma Shiying heard his words, he smiled and said: "Your Majesty thought of this, so that Uncle Ning Yuan led his subordinates to take office. And I am also sitting here, I want to see, who is there?" Want to fight against the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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