Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 445 Night Pearl

Chapter 445 Night Pearl

"That's it, that's it!" Lu Jiude immediately echoed when he heard that.

But in his heart, he didn't think so.Because in his opinion, Nanjing is a place that has been operated by nobles for hundreds of years, so how can it be so easy to deal with?
The so-called strong dragon can't beat the local snake refers to the present!
However, he has already reminded that he is in the limelight, if he says anything else, to pour cold water on him, it will be considered uncooperative!

Afterwards, he didn't think about staying too long, and almost got it. Anyway, he had already expressed his willingness to cooperate. With that one around, he felt uncomfortable staying here.

So, Lu Jiude exchanged some more greetings, and then left quickly.

Before he came, he didn't know that the commander of Jinyiwei and the admiral of Dongchang were both there.Because in the public information, there are no these two.

Forget about Li Ruolian, the key is that this Wang Dehua is also from the palace, he used to be the eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies, the first person in the palace to come, his status is much higher than him.

Although there is no eunuch in the hands of the chief inspector of ceremonies, it seems that he is not so trusted by the emperor, but he is still the admiral of the East Factory after all, and he ransacked ten salt merchants in Yangzhou alone, and he knew it without any punishment. The emperor's mad dog!
Although he is the eunuch guarding Nanjing, he is also an eunuch trusted by the emperor.But after all, it is released to the outside world, and it is far less likely to influence the emperor than the people around the emperor.Not to mention, the heads of the two major factory guards are here, and some things are obvious.

Because of this, when Lu Jiude discovered that the commander of Jinyiwei and the admiral of the East Factory were quietly following the imperial envoy, his attitude immediately became more low-key and obedient.

Otherwise, believe it or not, a foreign minister like Ma Shiying would not be able to make him, the eunuch in charge of Nanjing, so talkative.

At this time, as soon as he left, Ma Shiying looked at the people present and said: "It seems that Ying Tianfu is facing a tough battle here, and it must be fought well!"

Among those present, besides Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian, there were also Li Dingguo, Huang Degong, interim envoy Ruan Dacheng and deputy envoy Chen Yuanyuan.

All of them are very clear that the focus of the trip to Nanjing is not to suppress thieves, but to rectify the place.

Hearing Ma Shiying's words at this time, everyone was thinking about it.

Among them, I heard Li Ruolian answer his words: "That's right, the people here are no more powerful than the squires in Fengyang Mansion. Just half a month before we came, Jin Yiwei had already detected that Nanjing Many nobles have found excuses to gather at Duke Wei’s mansion, although I don’t know what they said, but I can assure you that it must have something to do with our purpose!”

When the factory guards went to the south of the Yangtze River, he and the Dongchang side had secretly deployed many people everywhere. This was based on basic operations.

As soon as they arrived in Nanjing City, Jin Yiwei's secret agents first came to their boss to report news about Nanjing City, so Li Ruolian said this.

After he said this, if Wang Dehua didn't disclose any news, he would appear a little incompetent, which he was unwilling to do anyway.So, I heard Wang Dehua immediately continue to say: "Also, before we came, there was a large-scale migration of people from Yingtian Mansion. He is a hidden household in the noble mansion of Nanjing."

After hearing this, Ma Shiying said with a serious expression: "It must be very difficult for them to spit out the wealth they ate. However, with the help of you adults, I will definitely be able to complete the tasks assigned by Your Majesty. So confident!"

Accidentally, he flattered two factory guard chiefs.Obviously, he has a very clear understanding of his status, and he is not in a hurry.

The others, who were much inferior to the three of them in status, did not speak.

After Ma Shiying finished speaking, seeing that Li Ruolian and Wang Dehua were really useful, he immediately went on to say: "By the way, all the gifts I received have been registered and compiled, and I will ask the factory owner to help transfer to Jiangnan to purchase the yamen." .”

Wang Dehua, as the representative of the factory guard, also works as a part-time job in Jiangnan's Yamen, but it's just supervision there. In fact, the Zheng family is in charge of everything big and small.

The money received here, including the money for local rectification, will be transferred to Jiangnan to buy yamen later. Therefore, Wang Dehua is not surprised when Ma Shiying said this, so he nodded and said: "My lord governor has this consciousness, long live Grandpa will be very happy."

"..." Ma Shiying was speechless, only thinking of taking the money for herself when her mind was trapped by the door!
Speaking of this, he glanced at the other people present, thought for a while, and then said: "The factory owner is absurd, this is my duty!"

Although he felt that his friend Ruan Dacheng had money in his family, he probably wouldn't have any thoughts, but in the end, he reiterated without any trace, lest those people who give gifts do what they like and hide some of them in private, it will cause big trouble Understand.

Therefore, in his words, when he said "I will wait", an extra point was added.

Afterwards, after discussing for a while, Ma Shiying concluded: "Accept the defense of Yingtian Mansion a few years ago, familiarize yourself with the place, and wait until the next year, before the spring plowing. Let's talk about what's going on during this period!"

There is also the fact that the army has not crossed the river, and it needs to be deployed to other places so that there will be no chaos in the future. There is a lot of preparation work.Others present had no opinion on his decision.So, it was decided.


At the end of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, on the evening of the [-]th day of the Lunar New Year, in the Wenhua Palace, it was already dark in the winter time.

There are no candles in the Wenhua Hall, so it looks a bit dark.

However, there were quite a few people standing in the hall, all of them silent in the dark, just staring at the emperor in front of them.

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen looking at Song Yingxing and nodding his head, he told Wang Chengen next to him with great interest, "Let's get started!"

"Your maid obeys the order!" Wang Chengen responded quickly after hearing this, then turned around, and with a wave of his hand, a waiter who had been waiting for him immediately ran out of the Wenhua Palace.

In the Wenhua Palace, there were quite a few people, but none of them spoke, just waiting quietly.

With the help of the afterglow reflected from the outside, a group of officials in scarlet robes could be seen standing in the main hall.

Those who are qualified to stand here are obviously the most senior officials of Ming Dynasty.

Those of them looked up at the glass cover in the middle of the bamboo tubes in the air, all a little curious.

In the end, it was Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who said: "Your Majesty, what are you waiting for?"

The emperor didn't say anything, but sent an order for them to come, and then a group of people waited here foolishly.

The difference is that the Master of Science and Technology is also here, and in the Wenhua Hall, there are more thin bamboo tubes hanging in the air, and those glass covers.

Of course they can guess, this must be something that the emperor instructed the tech man to come up with.It's just that they can't guess, what is this thing?
It's time for Sanya, and the day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve, so I'm in a hurry to go back.The emperor needs time, so why not talk about it tomorrow?If it was urgent, why didn't you say anything?
However, he is the emperor, even if he has opinions in his heart, there is nothing he can do.However, it is okay to ask.

But who knows, after Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled slightly. Of course, the light was a bit dim, and people might not be able to see clearly: "Your Majesty, wait a little longer and don't be impatient. Wait a moment, and everything will become clear!"

Well, the emperor said so, then we can only wait.

Not long after speaking here, suddenly, a change occurred.

Suddenly there seemed to be light in the glass cover hanging in the air.

Everyone present immediately looked over.

That's right, there is indeed light in the glass cover, but it's not bright, it seems to be the kind that burns red with charcoal.

How is this going?When Zuo Maodi and the others saw it, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

However, they only had one reaction, that's all, what does the emperor want to do?
Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen had already seen it once before, otherwise he would be in a hurry.

At this time, he found that the light bulb did not arouse the amazement of the courtiers, so he was not in a hurry and continued to wait.

Afterwards, the light inside the light bulb became brighter and brighter. Of course, there were also fluctuations in brightness.But in the end, the light inside the bulb was not only as bright as daytime, but at least much brighter than a candle, and the brightness began to stabilize.

On the bamboo tube in the air, there is not just one light bulb, but a row. There are five rows of light bulbs in the entire Wenhua Hall.

After all these bulbs were turned on and the brightness stabilized, the entire Wenhua Hall was suddenly bright.

This brightness is far beyond the comparison of candles.

Immediately, under the light of the electric light, Emperor Chongzhen saw the group of courtiers under him, all of them were very shocked, and felt very proud in his heart, and immediately asked with a smile: "Zhu Qing, how is this electric light?"

"Your Majesty, how did you do this?" He Fengsheng, the chief assistant, couldn't help asking excitedly after hearing this.

For scholars, reading at night is really a waste of eyesight.In fact, many people have problems with their eyes.

If there is such a bright environment, it will definitely be much better when reading a book.Even doing other things at night can be much more convenient.

Of course, they didn't expect that with this electric light, and the first demonstration place is the Wenhua Hall, will this cause them to have to work overtime in the future? This is a question!
At this moment, after hearing Shoufu's words, a group of people stared at the emperor curiously. It was very strange, how did this kind of light come out, like a night pearl, but this is definitely not a night pearl!

Emperor Chongzhen's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. Hearing He Fengsheng's doubts, he just said lightly: "How else can it be done? It's just science!"

After finishing speaking, he motioned to Song Yingxing and said, "Please explain to Zhu Qing!"

Now that Emperor Chongzhen has passed the stage of showing off in person, let Song Yingxing speak.

(End of this chapter)

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