Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 446 Cutting Magnetic Force Lines

Chapter 446 Cutting Magnetic Force Lines

Song Yingxing led the order, smiling, looking at these senior Ming officials who he had to look up to before, but now they were all curiously waiting for his explanation, and said: "This is the application of the physics branch of your majesty's legendary science. The general principle is The coil cuts the lines of force in the magnetic field, creating an electric current, and this electric current..."

"..." He Fengsheng and others heard him talking there, but they had a series of questions.

What is a coil?

What is the cutting magnetic force line?
How can electricity be generated again? What is this electricity?
Are these people intelligent?Do you have a high IQ?Absolutely, absolutely high!Otherwise, it would be impossible to get out of the thousands of troops in the imperial examination, let alone become one of the most senior officials of Ming Dynasty in the officialdom.

However, at this time, they are already old.The so-called living to old age and learning to old age mostly refers to leisurely idlers.

As far as the officialdom system of the Ming Dynasty was concerned, the original designer, Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang, the great cowherd boy, would have wished that one of them could replace the three.The same is true, in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, there are very few officials.

But now it's not a peaceful and prosperous age, and they don't need to deal with too many things, so there is still time to learn the emperor's scientific way.

At most, in order to please the emperor, what is the way of science?But it is a bit unrealistic to ask them to master the way of science.

The content of electromagnetism is beyond the cognition of the ancients. Song Yingxing talks so eloquently, even if they are peerless talents like Zhuge Liang, it is impossible for them to understand!

They only have one feeling, these contents are so profound!
However, when they looked at the lights that were on one by one, they thought it was amazing!

Light, who doesn't like it!

As Song Yingxing was talking, he also realized that he was playing the piano to a cow, so he speeded up, said a few words, roughly explained the principle of the electric light, and said: "In short, this is probably the case."

"..." He Fengsheng, Zuo Maodi and the others were speechless. Although they heard every word in their ears, they still didn't understand what was going on!Very metaphysical!

However, this did not prevent them from saluting to Emperor Chongzhen together, and at the same time said: "Your Majesty's holy learning is truly unprecedented, and there will be no one to come after!"

They are all scholars, afraid of the emperor's flattery, not shabby!

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he really enjoyed it.The originally indifferent expression also turned into a hint of joy, which was clearly seen by his courtiers under the light of the electric lamp.

Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile: "Nowadays, the application cost of this electric light is still very high, the most important thing is the laying of the wiring. I have already prepared to ask people to find a very cheap and better material to replace it. Wait until that At that time, thousands of households in Daming will be able to use this electric light!"

Hearing this, He Fengsheng and the others couldn't help being very surprised again.

This kind of good thing, which looks like a night pearl, can be used by ordinary people?
Doesn't that mean that every household can be so bright at night, wouldn't there be a real city that never sleeps?

For the ancients, the city that never sleeps is only in imagination, if such a situation really happened, it is definitely a symbol of prosperity and prosperity!

The so-called work at sunrise and rest at sunset, a way of life that has been handed down since ancient times, will probably change with this electric light flying into the homes of ordinary people!
In the future, it will be very common for the common people of Ming Dynasty to spend at least twice as much time coming out, at least a few more hours to read, write, or do other things!
These high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty who are busy all day naturally don't know that the popularization of electric lights has actually enriched the night life of human beings, reading and writing, hehe, that can only be a very small part of human activities!

Imagining that night would fall in the future, but the world would be full of light, He Fengsheng and others couldn't help but feel very emotional. The emperor invented another thing that turned the world upside down.

If this kind of thing happened once before, it would be very extraordinary.But now on the current emperor's side, it is as common as eating and drinking. If you say that there is no emperor Taizu or gods to help, who would believe it!

When Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, was in the past, Emperor Chongzhen asked him to read books on the branch of science and finance. To be honest, no one gave him advice, and he had a headache reading it. He was afraid that the emperor would ask him, so he hurriedly played at the right time: "Your Majesty, Although this electric light is not as good as that steam train, the people of Ming Dynasty have benefited a lot, and it can be recorded in the annals of history forever!"

Flattering, let the emperor have an impression that the steam train is the best, maybe he won't care about other things.

In the end, it was okay if he didn’t say anything, but after he said this, Emperor Chongzhen shook his head immediately and said: "The way of science is very important, regardless of each other. The steam engine is, and so is the electricity. By the way, I have to explain to you You have to study hard about your finance, it is the knowledge that can subvert a country without using a sword!"

"..." When Ni Yuanlu heard this, she immediately regretted it. She shot herself in the foot with a stone, and the emperor emphasized that finance can overthrow a country without using swords, so I don't believe it!

When he was worried that the emperor would ask him how he was doing, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him: "If you really want to distinguish between high and low, this electricity is actually more important than that steam engine. To a certain extent, In the future, we can live without steam engines, but we cannot live without electricity!"

Those people in the Wenhua Palace were originally confused about what electricity is, but now hearing Emperor Chongzhen emphasize the importance of electricity, their curiosity has been aroused.

"Your Majesty, steam trains, steam ships, and even steam engines used in many places are obvious to all!" Asked, "This electricity is out of lighting, what else can it do?"

After he asked the question, many people in the hall looked at Song Yingxing, because they felt that there was a high probability that the science and technology experts came to answer their questions.

As soon as Song Yingxing saw their eyes, he understood what they meant, and immediately said with a smile: "Your Majesty hasn't taught you more about electricity, and I don't know either!"

Speaking of this, he also bowed to Emperor Chongzhen and said: "Please ask your Majesty to clarify the confusion!"

After hearing this, the others followed suit one by one: "Your Majesty, please clarify!"

Hearing their request, Emperor Chongzhen was very proud, but on the surface, he said lightly: "Forget it, then I will mention a few!"

In fact, the reason for what he said just now is that Liu Weichao once told him that although the development of human beings began with the age of steam and then the age of electricity; however, the age of electricity does not depend on the age of steam. can be skipped.

He didn't ask the specific reason for this statement, but he remembered this conclusion.

Now, there is no problem in teaching his courtiers about the application of electricity.He remembered a lot, and even saw it through video.

So, he began to talk eloquently: "I have said before about the conversion of energy, and this electricity is actually electrical energy, and it can also be converted into energy, such as converting into mechanical energy, which is to use electricity to make objects move. Now we can see steam trains, but in the future there will be trams, and this kind of tram can be divided into big trams and small trams..."

Originally, He Fengsheng and the others were looking forward to it, hearing that the emperor would have some amazing masterpieces to come out.As a result, after listening to it, they were dumbfounded, or rather, lonely.

What did the emperor say?energy conversion?Electrical energy, mechanical energy?Mechanical ghost!
If he could complain face to face, it is estimated that Emperor Chongzhen might not be able to finish what he wanted to say, and he would be complained by the people below.

However, who told the emperor to speak, he couldn't understand, and he still had to put on that "so powerful" expression!

Emperor Chongzhen was talking vigorously, when he suddenly heard a "grunt" from below, but his stomach protested.

At this time, he came back to his senses, and stopped talking, but said to them: "Zhu Qing may not understand it very well, but it doesn't matter, I will let the technology man show it later, and when the time comes Shi Qing and others will have an intuitive feeling and know how important the application of electricity is!"

"..." Zuo Maodi and the others were speechless. The Emperor Ganqing knew that they didn't understand much, so why did he talk so much?It's past meal time, I'm hungry!

Emperor Chongzhen was not stupid, if he said it first at this time, then the shock would be much less.

So, the matter of showing the electric light is over.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't keep these courtiers for dinner or anything, he just left Song Yingxing and said: "Before the New Year's Eve, how much can be accommodated in the palace!"

The copper wires should be painted with green paint, and then stuffed into the bamboo tubes, and the bamboo tubes are also painted.I don't have time right now, and I'll have to lift the supervisor to a higher place when I turn back, and it's better to have a rain shield. In short, this wiring is quite troublesome, but the light bulbs and the like are much simpler.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen did not force him to do so, nor did he say that he would give light to those ministers he just said!
If the line is pulled out from the palace, I don't know how much it will cost!
Such a costly thing cannot be burned now!
After hearing this, Song Yingxing immediately agreed, and then left.

Emperor Chongzhen looked up at the rows of electric lights, but he was not particularly happy.Because he has seen that this kind of light bulb is not as good as the light bulb at Liu Weichao's side.That's why He Fengsheng and others who have never seen the world will be very surprised!
At this time, Wang Cheng'en reminded him that it was time to eat, and the Emperor Chongzhen would be considered to drive away from the Wenhua Palace.

As for turning off the lights, it doesn't exist.There is no switch at all.

When it gets dark, the generator that works on the steam engine keeps generating electricity. After dawn, the steam engine is allowed to rest for the day.

On the side of the Wenhua Palace, no, the lights will always be on at night in the Forbidden City in the future, so there is still a need for this card.

(End of this chapter)

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