Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 450 Proficient in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Chapter 450 Proficient in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
As far as the Hetao area is concerned, there are still many regrets.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was alive during the Hongwu period, he chased the dead and chased the north, and kept chasing and killing the Tartars who fled to the Mongolian grassland. In this Hetao area, which is now the area north of the Great Wall, six guards were set up, namely Dongshengzuo, On the right, Yulin, Yunchuan, Zhenlu, and Xuande Six Guards.

These guards belong to Shanxi Xingdusi. There are 20 guards, 6 guards, 6 guards, 1 guarding thousands of households, and 5 guarding thousands of households in this capital. The military strength is still very strong.

If it continues like this, the Hetao area will become the same as Ningxia and become the important military center of Ming Dynasty in the north!

However, Zhu Di rebelled and moved the capital to the capital after success.In this way, the military strength of the capital must be strengthened.

At that time, because of the rebellion and war, some people who had just recovered in the surrounding areas were wiped out.Therefore, one of Ming Chengzu's methods was to move the guards from various places to the land of Gyeonggi to strengthen the defense of the land of Gyeonggi.

And just at that time, Bei Yuan had already been disabled by Ming, and there were no enemies in the Hetao area at all, and the Tartars did not dare to stay here, so the guards here were moved to the capital by Ming Chengzu.

In this way, the Hetao area lost the military strength of Ming Dynasty, and began to break away from Ming Dynasty's control.

In the mid-Jiajing period, Alta Khan was stationed in Fengzhouchuan, and his adopted son Tuotuo was stationed in Mutuotuo City, also known as Dongsheng City. Hohhot.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty also thought about regaining the Hetao. At that time, the capital was surrounded by Alta Khan. At that time, the Ming Dynasty actually had no power to regain the Hetao.Even if it is recovered, it cannot be held.

If Ming Chengzu hadn't moved all the military guards inland at the beginning, there is a great possibility that Hetao will always belong to Ming Dynasty.The Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty will not be the Great Wall of today, but will be built along the line of Heishan, Daqingshan, and Yinshan Mountains, which is roughly equivalent to the Great Wall of Zhao in the pre-Qin period and the Great Wall of Qin and Han Dynasties.

However, on this plane, Emperor Chongzhen got the golden finger of Liu Weichao and armed Daming with technology, so he had a chance to make up for his regret.

No, in Emperor Chongzhen's mind, after Liu Weichao made such a plan, he was already bound to win the Hetao area.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen quickly turned his thoughts back to the Western Regions, and couldn't help asking Liu Weichao: "How far is the Western Regions, is it really suitable for growing cotton?"

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, outside Jiayuguan, it was considered the Western Regions.The Ming Dynasty had seven guards outside the pass, the most famous of which was the Hami Guard.

But in fact, this is not a serious guard at all, it's just a name.Because the actual ruler over there is still King Hami, who will pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty and be conferred by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

The reason for this is that at this time in the Ming Dynasty, the Silk Road in the Western Regions had actually been cut off, and the livelihood of the people along the way was withered, and there were not many living people at all.

In history, the reason why Hamiwei has many times of contention is not because of how prosperous it is, but because of occupying Hami, it can trade with the Ming Dynasty under the name of Hamiwei, that's all!

At this time, Liu Weichao couldn't answer the question of Emperor Chongzhen for a while, but he remembered a sentence and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I need to check the specifics. But there is a sentence that says, Over there, Northern Xinjiang feeds others. Generally speaking, there are Tianshan Mountains and other things over there, and the snow water brought by the melting snow on the mountains irrigates crops, so it is suitable for planting."

If there were not enough benefits, he probably would have prevented Emperor Chongzhen from thinking of sending troops to the Western Regions.After all, if there is only cotton, the Hetao area, Liaodong, etc., for the Ming Dynasty at this time, are all sparsely populated. After occupation, there will be great development value, which is far less than the cost of developing the Western Regions.

Therefore, Liu Weichao added: "Of course, the most important thing is that you need to use the Western Regions as a springboard to enter Europe, especially the Caucasus region, where there are countless oil fields underground!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen no longer bothered about the desolation of the Western Regions at all, and immediately nodded with a smile and said: "That is, that is, I have to write this down!"

If it is said that in the past, Emperor Chongzhen might not have known about oil.The steam engine has been used for two years, and he already knows that burning fire, a method of converting heat energy into other energy, will be the main method in the future, highlighting the importance of oil!
At any rate, Emperor Chongzhen's conveyance of science over the past few years has been somewhat useful.So, just answer Liu Weichao like that.

This can be regarded as looking forward to the future. Liu Weichao was chatting with Emperor Chongzhen when he heard a knock on the door: "Brother, what are you doing? It's so important, this New Year's Eve, parents are waiting for you !"

As soon as Liu Weichao heard it, he knew it was his younger brother who came, so he replied casually: "We are talking about important national affairs, let's go back later!"

"Tch, who are you lying to? It's a major national issue!" Liu Weiyue didn't enter the door, but said at the door, "Brother, I just came here. If you just fell in love, there must be endless phone calls!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he immediately remembered, yes, on Chinese New Year's Eve, it's time to call Zhang Juan, and forget about it.

"Brother, I'm going down first. Mom said, I want to ask how your relationship is going!" Liu Weiyue didn't wait for any movement, so he yelled at the door, and then went downstairs.

Emperor Chongzhen vaguely heard their conversation on his mobile phone, and smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "It's a big Chinese New Year, and I still drag you to say these things, it's really rude!"

After finishing speaking, he asked a little curiously: "Are there any three media and six hired?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, thinking in his heart, don't you love the country more than the beauty, why worry about it?
But even though he thought so, he finally said to Emperor Chongzhen: "It's still early. I just passed the initial test for the postgraduate exam, and I still have to take the retest. I have to prepare for the retest first. I won't chat with you anymore. I have to deal with my problems." Mom can do it!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen finally hung up the video communication with Liu Weichao, returned to his wives and children, and asked curiously, "Is there anything good about you talking so lively?"

Upon hearing this, Auntie Zhu immediately said excitedly: "Father, we are discussing that we will hold a Spring Festival Gala next year, okay?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, by the time of the new year next year, the general situation in the world should be better. It is also possible to make it more festive! Even in terms of this cost, we still need to control it." Down."

Having said that, he also wants to explain that there are many places to spend money now!
As a result, Concubine Tian Gui, who knew him best, spoke to him at the right time: "Your Majesty, we thought that if we also held such a Spring Festival Gala, and then took a video and sent it to Liu Weichao, he would be very happy, and the help to him would definitely be great." very big!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought in his mind, yes, this is a good idea, and it will definitely attract another wave of fans for Liu Weichao.So, he immediately ordered: "That's right, then this matter should be prepared as soon as possible. In terms of expenses, don't be too economical. You must shock the people over there. This is the card of our Daming royal family!"

He has collaborated with Liu Weichao in so many videos, obviously he already knows some modern terms.

Hearing his change of words, Concubine Tian Gui, Zhu Wei and the others all looked at each other and laughed.

Afterwards, it was Concubine Tian Gui who asked Emperor Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, hasn't this year's Spring Festival Gala started yet?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen took out his mobile phone to look at it, and then replied: "It's not eight o'clock yet, and it hasn't started yet!"

After using the mobile phone for a long time, his concept of time is also based on the hour system of later generations.

"Hehe, even if we start, there is nothing we can do at this time!" Emperor Chongzhen said while lying comfortably on the couch, "Liu Weichao was called by his mother to ask about life-long affairs, and it will take a while before he is free!"

"He is in his late twenties, his parents must be very worried!" Queen Zhou immediately nodded in agreement after hearing this, and then looked at Auntie Zhu and said, "Our daughter is not young anymore, so we should worry about it!"

According to the original historical development, Auntie Zhu should have been engaged, and then when the country was ruined and her family was destroyed, she was married off by Shunzhi the next year, but she died of depression in the next year.

On this plane, because of the butterfly effect, whether it is Emperor Chongzhen or Empress Zhou, they are all greatly influenced by Liu Weichao.After all, Liu Weichao is such an adult, and he hasn't married a wife yet, and he said that they are like this all over there, and it's for the benefit of women.

Because of this, Princess Kunxing's marriage was postponed.

At this time, Auntie Zhu blushed a little after hearing this, but finally summoned up her courage and said, "Father, Queen Mother, my daughter thinks that the future husband must be proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry, okay?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen and others looked at her speechlessly when they heard this.

Proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry?

There must be many such people in Liu Weichao's world.However, in this Ming Dynasty, where can anyone be proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry?
They were in a daze, but the crown prince Zhu Cihong echoed: "Father, queen mother, and sons and ministers agree. From now on, the imperial sister and the son-in-law will be like-minded, and they can work together on the way of science, and the son-in-law will not mind not being an official anymore!" "

According to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, a son-in-law cannot be an official.Therefore, those scholars who are interested in imperial examinations are actually not willing to be son-in-law.

Emperor Chongzhen felt that what his son said made sense.But the key is, where can I find someone who is proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry?
No, Empress Zhou spoke out about this difficult problem.

"Then daughter can wait!" Auntie Zhu said without thinking about it, "Wait until one day such a person will appear. Besides, my daughter is still young, isn't she?"

(End of this chapter)

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