Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 451 New Year's Eve

Chapter 451 New Year's Eve
After the thirty-first day of the new year, it is the Zhengdan Festival of the Ming Dynasty, and all civil and military officials are in rest.

According to the custom, this is the time to pay New Year's greetings.Needless to say, New Year's greetings between relatives, there will also be visits between bosses and close friends.

For the rich and powerful here in Nanjing, it is a busy Zhengdan Festival.

Years ago, all the troops led by the imperial envoy Ma Shiying had crossed the Yangtze River and were placed in Yingtian Mansion and the surrounding Taiping Mansion and Zhenjiang Mansion, which no one expected.

Originally, they thought that Ma Shiying's attention would be mainly focused on Nanjing, at most Yingtianfu.Unexpectedly, even the neighboring Taiping Mansion and Zhenjiang Mansion sent garrisons.

Of course, theoretically speaking, there is no problem at all. After all, Ma Shiying came here to exterminate the thieves and defend Nanjing's safety.

However, in the eyes of the dignitaries in Nanjing, Ma Shiying is actually here to deal with them!Shouldn't his power be in Nanjing, at most Ying Tianfu?
For this reason, with this in mind, when they secretly transferred the hidden households in various mansions, they also transferred them to the two neighboring mansions, namely Taiping Mansion and Zhenjiang Mansion.

After all, it would be too troublesome and costly to move further away!
They naturally didn't know that no matter how far they moved, such a big movement would definitely be detected by the factory guards arranged in advance in Nanjing.When Ma Shiying found out, he would definitely send troops further afield.

During the Chinese New Year, although Ma Shiying did not immediately start to rectify the place like Luzhou Mansion, the dignitaries in Nanjing were living like a year and began to seek solutions.

One of the ways is to take advantage of the New Year's greetings to start walking with Ma Shiying.

But on Ma Shiying's side, they used the excuse of catching up with the wind to clean up the dust years ago, and they fired a sugar-coated cannonball first, but it didn't have any effect.

Therefore, during the New Year's greetings on the Zhengdan Festival, their spearheads were mainly aimed at Ma Shiying's generals stationed in various places.

Among Ma Shiying's subordinates, the most important one was of course Uncle Ningyuan Li Dingguo who had just temporarily defended Nanjing.

However, when Li Dingguo took over the power of Nanjing's defense with the assistance of Nanjing's eunuch Lu Jiude years ago, he showed his unkind side.

There was no rest at all, but as soon as he took over the post of Nanjing defense, he inspected the Nanjing city defense and checked the situation of Nanjing's military equipment.

Needless to say, Nanjing has been peaceful for hundreds of years, so it goes without saying that the military equipment is slack.

During the Jiajing period, they were killed by a few Japanese pirates to the foot of the city of Nanjing, but the defenders at the top of the city were panicked but did not dare to move. In the end, these Japanese pirates swaggered away again. This shows how bad the military equipment in charge of these nobles in Nanjing up.

Li Dingguo is really not polite at all. He inspected a place and found a problem, and immediately punished him severely. Those who should be hit with a military stick will be beaten with a military stick, and those who should be dismissed will be dismissed. He doesn't care whether you are behind you.

Anyway, he took his own army to take office. After punishing people, he replaced his own men, and then began to weed out the weak and retain the strong in the army.

In just a few days ago, the military equipment of Nanjing City was basically reorganized.

This aggressive approach made all the dignitaries in Nanjing realize that this Li Dingguo is a stunned young man, and it is impossible to cooperate with them.

In addition, Li Dingguo was born as a thief, and he was despised by these hereditary nobles, so he naturally gave up the idea of ​​​​continuing to attack Li Dingguo with sugar-coated shells.

On the surface, they couldn't find Li Dingguo's fault, because Li Dingguo did things in a rigid manner, and he did everything according to the rules.Moreover, military control is also imposed on his subordinates, and they do not leave the barracks at all. At least in the short term, there is no chance of making mistakes.

Therefore, Nanjing dignitaries can only endure the resentment towards Li Dingguo.

Li Dingguo had no choice for the time being, so they pointed the finger at other people, such as Huang Degong.

Of course, Wei Guogong and others will not come forward in person, their identities are not equal.But, they will send someone there!
No, Xu Wenjue, the son of Wei Guogong, went to pay New Year's greetings to Huang Degong very low-key.

Under normal circumstances, this is not possible.Although Xu Wenjue doesn't have a title yet, he is sure to inherit Wei Guogong. This status is very high, at least more prominent than Huang Degong.

However, Xu Wenjue didn't have this kind of self-awareness. He said "Brother Huang" as if they had a good relationship.

Huang Degong seemed a little flattered that Wei Guogong's son could take the initiative to give him New Year's greetings. He not only met him, but also hosted a banquet for him.

After a few glasses of rice wine, there was a lot of talking, as if the two of them were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Come, come, brother Huang, I'd like to toast you again!" Xu Wenjue raised his glass very enthusiastically and said, "Among the most capable generals in our Ming Dynasty, my little brother won't accept anything else but Brother Huang alone." !"

Upon hearing this, Huang Degong happily raised his glass in response.

"If you want to say that you have made great military exploits, it must be brother Huang!" Xu Wenjue said with admiration, "Killing Jian captives and killing thieves is like killing chickens. It is the most powerful! Brother, do it first to respect !"

After finishing speaking, he drank it all in one gulp, and then lit the bottom of the cup!
When Huang Degong saw it, he drank it happily, and also lit the bottom of the cup.

When Xu Wenjue saw it, he immediately burst out laughing, filled the wine for the two of them himself, and then said with emotion: "To tell you the truth, Brother Huang, although the military exploits of my younger brother's ancestors are famous, it has been passed down to my generation. After coming down, I have long been unfamiliar with fighting. Now that the bandits are in chaos, my younger brother is determined to serve the country. I don’t care if I don’t talk about my skills on the battlefield. I wonder if Brother Huang can teach my younger brother some skills? One day it will be useful on the battlefield!"

This scratched Huang Degong's itch, and he immediately said with a smile: "This is simple!"

Then, perhaps under the stimulation of alcohol, he immediately started talking eloquently, starting from all aspects of marching and fighting, the eloquence was like the continuous water of the Yellow River!

As for Xu Wenjue, he listened with admiration, and from time to time exaggeratedly exclaimed such words as "so it is", "wonderful, really wonderful" to cater to Huang Degong.

All of a sudden, at the banquet, the host and guest enjoyed themselves!

I don't know how long after drinking, suddenly, Xu Wenjue let out a long sigh, which seemed very abrupt.

In this case, it would be abnormal for Huang Degong to turn a blind eye.

Therefore, Huang Degong naturally asked strangely: "Brother Xu, what's the matter with you, why are you sighing? It's Chinese New Year, if there is any embarrassment, just tell me, brother, I will make the decision for you!"

When Xu Wenjue heard this, his face was a little sad, and he replied to Huang Degong, "What can I do? I'm just messing around anyway. Who can do anything to me?"

"Then why are you sighing?" Huang Degong became even more surprised when he heard this.

Seeing his expression, Xu Wenjue felt that the heat was almost ready, so he sighed again and said, "Little brother, I am sighing for my brother! Just now I heard brother Huang talking eloquently. I admire this ability so much, I have to say Brother Huang is the most powerful general in the Ming Dynasty. As a result... as a result..."

When it came to the latter, he seemed to have something to hide, and he was about to say it.

This made Huang Degong very upset, and immediately yelled at Xu Wenjue: "You are a big man, you can't talk to Nini, can you speak more bluntly? Ge Laozi!"

As he spoke, he picked up his wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Xu Wenjue was very upset when Huang Degong scolded him.However, seeing that Huang Degong seemed to be drinking too much, he suppressed his unhappiness, and quickly went to fill up the wine with Huang Degong, and then said to Huang Degong: "Little brother, I don't want to say it, but I'm afraid that it will make Brother Huang drink it." If you are angry, just let yourself feel it."

"How the hell are you like women?" Huang Degong pointed at Xu Wenjue's nose and shouted, "If you don't say this, then don't say it!"

Xu Wenjue was secretly angry when he heard that, he is the dignified son of Wei Guogong, who would dare to scold him face to face?Even his father never scolded him like that, and now it's enough to be scolded like this by such a vulgar warrior!

So, he stopped acting, and said directly to Huang Degong: "Originally, we always thought that Brother Huang should be the one who guards Nanjing. But I didn't expect that Brother Huang was not the one who defended Nanjing in the end. This is really unreasonable! Based on seniority, military exploits, ability, the order of titles, the iron certificate in Huang's hands, etc., it should be Huang who is here to defend Nanjing!"

Speaking of this, he exaggeratedly sighed and said: "Even if it's a bystander like my younger brother, I will avenge Brother Huang's injustice! To be honest, I don't have a title yet, and I don't have the qualifications. Otherwise, I must write a letter." To avenge brother Huang's injustice. People fight for breath, and Buddha fights for incense, right?"

Huang Degong seemed to be taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect Xu Wenjue's sigh to be for this matter.

After he came back to his senses, he didn't answer the words, but picked up the wine glass again, drank it down, and then slapped it heavily on the table.Fortunately, this wine glass is really strong, otherwise it will definitely break.

"Come, come, drink, drink!" Afterwards, he seemed to ignore it, and just greeted Xu Wenjue, "Today, if you have wine, you will be drunk today. It's Chinese New Year, what nonsense, drink!"

"Okay, drink, drink!" Seeing him like this, Xu Wenjue didn't continue to talk about it, but echoed him, and the two started drinking again.

I don't know how much time passed, both of them were drunk, and finally they couldn't drink any more.

However, when Xu Wenjue was helped into the carriage by his servant and left, he who was drowsy suddenly opened his eyes.It could be seen that he was not completely drunk, with a sneer on his face, and then he smiled smugly there.

 Add more next Thursday, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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