Chapter 452
He's just a martial artist, and he's easy to catch if he is condescended to be coaxed by the dignified Duke of Wei.

First put a thorn in the martial artist's heart, then turn around and continue to fight. When the time comes, he will make a fuss, so how can he investigate?
Hmph, it's hard for a strong dragon to overwhelm a local snake!No, it's just a strong snake, and I am the land dragon!

Thinking of this, Xu Wenjue was complacent for a while and then a little annoyed.If it wasn't for that bitch Ma Shiying who brought the army over, it would be easy to solve it simply by giving him a civil uprising.

Anyway, there are many hidden households, no matter how bad it is, if the various families unite, it will inevitably be a massive civil uprising.Don't talk about Ma Shiying, even if the chief assistant is here, it's useless!

Now in this situation, I can only be wronged, and I have to act on the spot!


Naturally, Xu Wenjue would not have thought that after he left, Huang Degong, who was too drunk to see him off just now, sat up again and began to eat and drink by himself again.

When his personal guard saw him, he said with a smile: "Young Master, you don't even inquire about your lord's drinking capacity, but you want to get your lord drunk, it's really funny!"

Huang Degong was good at drinking since he was a child. It is said that once he stole money from the family to drink. Later, his mother blamed him, so he went to the battlefield with a knife, chopped off his head and received the silver reward and returned it to his mother.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, his drinking capacity is undeniable.

At this time, Huang Degong also sneered when he heard the words of the guard, and then said: "Sure enough, as expected by the governor, he really came to me. This is too underestimating my Huanghu's belly!"

After he finished speaking, he saw the gift list handed over by his personal guard, so he took it casually, looked at it for a while, and sneered again: "This is really a generous move, keep it well, and I will go to the governor's side later. Reported."

"Don't worry, my lord, I've put them all away!" Qin Wei responded quickly after hearing this.

During the Zhengdan Festival, Huang Degong was like this, and other generals, such as Liu Liangzuo and others, were similar.There are all dignitaries in Nanjing, who sent people of similar status to pay New Year's greetings, make friends, and give eye drops.

Of course, just once is definitely useless.

However, it's not just one person who goes to New Year's greetings.For example, on Huang Degong's side, in the next few days, almost every day there were people with smiling faces coming to visit for New Year greetings.There are even a few people a day.

Without exception, these people all have a certain status, and it is difficult to refuse them based on these generals.And then, just like Xu Wenjue, while trying to make friends, he took eye drops.

One person says that your treatment is unfair, and another person says that your treatment is unfair. If there are too many people talking, it means that three people become a tiger, and this is one of the countermeasures that Xu Hongji and others discussed at the beginning.

Since you Ma Shiying came here with the army, it is not easy to use methods such as civil uprisings, so use this kind of dirty trick to make your own internal discord.

Of course, the tricks of these dignitaries are not limited to this one.Ma Shiying has already discovered it.

No, it's Chinese New Year's Eve, but Ma Shiying's side still doesn't see any outsiders, only relevant people are gathered for a meeting.

Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, said with a serious expression: "I have asked someone to investigate. The warehouse where the field records are stored caught fire. It is said that the official on duty accidentally went off fire, and he was burned to death in it together with himself. Jiangnan side Field books and the like, especially those around Yingtianfu in Nanzhili, have not been rescued."

"The ones at the local yamen, did they just happen to disappear, so they couldn't be checked?" Ma Shiying was not surprised at all, but asked calmly.

Li Ruolian listened, nodded and said, "That's right, it's all fire, and the person directly responsible is dead."

Hearing this, Ma Shiying couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: "As your Majesty said, after seeing the Fengyang Mansion re-measure the land, it must be too late for Nanjing to forge the field records, and the only way to do so is to destroy them."

Annex fields and accept donations. If the amount is small, they can be registered at that time.

However, no one has ever checked their records. After a long time, it is bound to be impossible to do everything right from beginning to end.There are even some that can't be done from beginning to end.For example, the garrison of the guards can only be privately occupied.

All of a sudden, it was discovered that the imperial court was really coming, and they were determined to investigate.It is absolutely impossible for them to obediently spit out the grain fields they ate.

Liu Weichao has watched movies, TV shows, and news, and things like this are staged in every dynasty and generation.He reminded Emperor Chongzhen, and Emperor Chongzhen would naturally confess to Ma Shiying.

"Then what should we do next?" Wang Dehua, the admiral of Dongchang heard this, and asked casually, "Do you want Dongchang to arrest people? See if they are tight-lipped or my Dongchang has more means?"

"No, it's not yet time!" Ma Shiying replied quickly after hearing this, "After all, many people are after the founding heroes. They have been here for nearly three hundred years, so it's not easy to mess around. Let's slow down the land first." Slow down, wait for the field books from the capital to arrive."

For such an important thing as the field book, the household department of the capital naturally kept it.

In fact, Wang Dehua also knows this, and Dongchang must not mess around.However, he still wanted to say this to show Dongchang's attitude.

You know, he is not only the admiral of the East Factory, but also the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector, how could he be so reckless!

However, he was not favored by Emperor Chongzhen, and he only acted as a minion to bite people for Emperor Chongzhen, which was still satisfactory to Emperor Chongzhen, so he could always be the admiral of Dongchang.

If he doesn't make a statement, Wang Dehua is afraid that he will be sent to Fengyang to guard the imperial tomb!

At this moment, after he had made his statement, he stopped talking.Because of this matter, he is not in charge.

No, Ma Shiying then turned to look at the first and second in command of the Political Department, and said to them: "The propaganda of the Political Department is not only to be done in Yingtian Mansion, but also to the two nearby prefectures. Just like Fengyang Let more people know that what the imperial court does is actually for their own benefit!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I understand!" Chen Yuanyuan replied immediately after hearing this.

Ruan Dacheng also nodded along.

For him, he was suppressed by the Donglin Party members for a long time before, and now he is a political envoy of Zhengsanpin. What he wants to do most is to return to his hometown in fine clothes, go back to celebrate the New Year, and let everyone see: Now he is not only an official again , and became a high official!
However, he also knew that business was important, so he didn't mention going back to celebrate the New Year.

As for Chen Yuanyuan, her parents died, she was sold to Suzhou Liyuan by her uncle, and she has no relatives and no home. If you really want to say, the palace is her home, and Concubine Tian Gui is her relative, benefactor, and noble person.

Of course, there is another invisible person who is also her noble person and benefactor, that is Liu Weichao.

Generally speaking, the people present, including Ma Shiying, Li Ruolian, Wang Dehua, Ruan Dacheng, and Chen Yuanyuan, were all grateful for the emperor's kindness, but had no affection for the Jiangnan gentry.

Therefore, I heard Ma Shiying say to these people present: "We will follow His Majesty's order, first salute and then fight. If you really want to tear your face, then do it the way you want to tear your face!"

The people present obviously knew what he was referring to, and it was the emperor's intention, so naturally they would not have any objections.

So, just like that, the secret confrontation between Ma Shiying and the dignitaries in Nanjing began in the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.


As for the capital, relatively speaking, there are not so many things.After all, this place is at the foot of the emperor, and Emperor Chongzhen himself sits in town.

But one thing is the same, that is, there is no time to be idle.

Immediately after the Zhengdan Festival, Emperor Chongzhen passed an edict to the Minister of Household Affairs, Ni Yuanlu, to the Wenhua Palace for discussion.

Originally, on the first day of work, it should be to send a red seee, say auspicious words for the new year, and so on.However, Emperor Chongzhen had something to do, so he didn't give Ni Yuanlu any courtesy, and asked straight to the point: "Ni Qing, the new year has begun, and there are many places to spend money. As the secretary of the household department, I don't know if you have any money. What's your suggestion?"

Ni Yuanlu knew that Tianzi was a workaholic and a money fanatic in recent years, so it was not surprising that he asked this question.

However, he was a little troubled by the question of Emperor Chongzhen.

As the main source of court revenue, it is naturally taxation.However, on the northern side, just after the world was peaceful, the emperor exempted him from taxes for two years to recuperate.As for the south, there are still large-scale rebellions, which cannot be subsided for a long time, and taxes cannot be collected.

The source of the imperial court's expenditure, to put it bluntly, was all obtained by the Chongzhen Emperor's shameless raids.Of course, Emperor Taizu also mentioned that he dug a gold mine in Zhangjiakou.

In addition, although there are still some income, such as the glass factory, the railway department, etc., but compared to the tax, those incomes are still too little.

To be honest, Ni Yuanlu couldn't think of any other good way to replace the serious taxes!
But if you say that there is no way, it will appear that he is a little incompetent as the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

All of a sudden, Ni Yuanlu's mind turned sharply, thinking to quickly come up with a way to deal with it.

This is a big Chinese New Year, and this first day of work is asking for money, and there is really no one!

Emperor Chongzhen saw that he didn't answer right away, so he knew he wouldn't have any good ideas.Emperor Chongzhen was actually expecting this, so he didn't wait for Ni Yuanlu to speak, and immediately went on to say: "I'm thinking about setting up more schools so that all the school-age children of the Ming people can go to school for free and learn to read and write." , to educate the world. Do you have any ideas about these expenses?"

It means that I won’t talk about too much, but the cost of setting up some more schools, do you have it?
For Confucianism, educating the people of the world is itself an advocacy and a virtue.Therefore, Ni Yuanlu could not refuse Emperor Chongzhen's request at all.

However, as I said just now, this is to educate all people in the world, even if it is just to open a school and let school-age children read and write for free, that is not a small fee!

This money is not easy to find!
(End of this chapter)

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