Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 453 Welfare Lottery

Chapter 453 Welfare Lottery
In desperation, Ni Yuanlu decided to repeat the same old tune first, saying what to increase income and reduce expenditure!

As for how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, that's another discussion!
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen said to him: "I have a solution here, which should roughly solve this problem!"

When Ni Yuanlu heard this, she couldn't help being overjoyed.It turned out that the emperor had an idea a long time ago, but he was so scared that he was trembling.Say it earlier, okay?

Of course, he didn't dare to express this complaint, but he quickly flattered Emperor Chongzhen and said, "There is nothing more holy than Your Majesty, and my humble minister is dull, please show me your Majesty!"

When he just said this, he suddenly remembered something, and he was shocked.

Emperor Chongzhen sent Ma Shiying to lead the troops into Nanjing to reorganize the place like Fengyang Mansion, check out hidden households, and re-measure the land. The court naturally knew about it.

Even though Emperor Chongzhen didn't say it clearly at all, everyone knew that this kind of thing must be done with the emperor's will.Otherwise, if you offend the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, don't you want to be an official?But there is an emperor standing behind him, so that's another story.

At this moment, Ni Yuanlu thought, maybe the emperor wanted the Ministry of Households to come forward to measure the land again in order to cooperate with Ma Shiying?
It would be fine if this matter is done smoothly, but if there is any repetition, there will be a scapegoat!After all, Nanjing is no better than Fengyang. Since the founding of the country, there have been many nobles, local gentry, and official families. I don’t know how many there are!

With such a huge force, once the emperor retreats, the counterattack will definitely be the most violent.That is, Ma Shiying, Ruan Dacheng and the others dare to touch this matter...

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt himself sweating.This matter is really a bit dangerous, do you want to do it?

Ni Yuanlu was thinking about it when he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him: "I have decided to sell welfare lottery tickets, and the proceeds will be used to help students and set up new schools. This matter will be implemented by the Ministry of Households. Others, if you want to do something similar Everything is illegal, ransacked and exiled!"

At the beginning, Emperor Chongzhen thought that he would sell welfare lottery tickets in the name of the palace.However, he also understands that if he really does this, all localities will follow suit.If he disagrees, it is estimated that the official censor will also play, and he will talk endlessly.

He never thought about using the money from the welfare lottery to subsidize the palace.Instead, I really want to use this money to build a new school so that children of the Ming Dynasty can read and write.

After some final consideration, Emperor Chongzhen still decided that this matter should be done in the name of the court, and personal participation in the name was strictly prohibited.

Anyway, he initiated this matter and asked the Ministry of Accounts to implement it.The resulting reputation is naturally his.

Based on this idea, Emperor Chongzhen called the Hubu Shangshu to the Wenhua Palace on the first day of the new year.

At this time, when Ni Yuanlu heard that Emperor Chongzhen uttered a new word, he knew that it was not something that Emperor Chongzhen came up with himself, but something to do with the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu.

Out of curiosity, he quickly asked, "Your Majesty, what is a welfare lottery?"

According to what the emperor said, it seems that the welfare lottery is very profitable, similar to the salt and iron monopoly. Therefore, if an individual is engaged in this, he will be ransacked and exiled!
Emperor Chongzhen was waiting for him to ask, so he immediately explained to Ni Yuanlu: "Welfare lottery, welfare means that this kind of lottery is the nature of welfare, that is, it is used to build schools and let children of the Ming Dynasty go to school. !"

Hearing this, Ni Yuanlu couldn't help nodding, this is a good deed, you can do it!
But the most important thing should be the word "lottery ticket", can I get money?How much is it?How to do it?

With that in mind, he listened intently.

I only heard Emperor Chongzhen continue to introduce him: "The lottery is actually a lottery ticket. That is to say, if you spend a small amount of money to buy this ticket, you may get a big lottery."

Hearing this, Ni Yuanlu knew that this was what the Welfare Lottery meant.

Once he understood it, he was greatly disappointed, and immediately shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry to say that this is just a small fight, and it may not make money. It is used in my school in the Ming Dynasty to help all children to read and write, I am afraid it will be a drop in the bucket!"

In order to make up for the things that Emperor Chongzhen couldn't answer just now, he explained to Emperor Chongzhen in detail: "Your Majesty, please see, if there are few prizes in this lottery, there must not be many people who buy it, and there will be no money. ; And if the lottery is big, what should I do if I lose money? If it is tampered with, once it is discovered, what is the prestige of the court?"

Speaking of this, he was afraid of making Emperor Chongzhen unhappy, so he comforted him: "However, His Majesty's intention is that all the people admire him, and the humble minister also admires him very much! This matter needs to be discussed in the long run!"

Emperor Chongzhen liked to hear their ignorant thoughts the most, so that after he said it, he would shock them.

Therefore, he was not unhappy at all, and immediately smiled slightly: "Ni Qing's words are wrong! If the welfare lottery does not make money, how can I call you to discuss it?"

"..." Ni Yuanlu was taken aback for a moment, yes, if it doesn't work, the emperor wouldn't tell her this, right?The most important thing is that this is related to the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu, so it is unlikely to be useless!
However, what I should have said is correct, what is it that I didn't expect?

As he was thinking about it, he heard Emperor Chongzhen ask with a hint of complacency: "Does Ni Qing know the branch of my science? Is there a sub-branch of mathematics called probability?"

"..." Upon hearing this, Ni Yuanlu couldn't help being speechless again.I'm so busy every day, I don't have time to study mathematics carefully, so I can't learn any finance, okay?

But at the same time, he was also secretly surprised.Hearing the meaning of the emperor, this kind of probability in this mathematics can also come with money?
Before that, they naturally knew that the steam engine came from physics, and the steam trains, steam ships, etc. invented from this were very profitable.And that cement is actually too.

But now, if the emperor's words are correct, wouldn't it be possible to make money with this math!
From this point of view, His Majesty's science is simply a cornucopia!
Thinking of this, he asked with anticipation, "Your Majesty, is this welfare lottery related to probability?"

"Of course!" Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to be asked, so he smiled and explained patiently, "I will give you a brief explanation. I prepared a set of data, from the first to the ninth, and randomly selected a few from it. Numbers, if the number selected by Qing in advance is some or all of these numbers, they will be different awards. This game involves probability, that is, possibility. It can be calculated in advance, and can What is the probability of winning the lottery? As long as you control this probability, you may not make money once, but if there are many times, you will definitely make money. And the amount of money you make depends on whether there are more or fewer people buying welfare lottery tickets!"

This is the welfare lottery plan that Liu Weichao designed for him, which is the kind of double color ball.As for the scratch cards, there are too many tricks and they are not convincing enough.If the welfare lottery is to be operated for a long time, it needs to be relatively fair, at least in theory.

However, this kind of gameplay has never happened in the Ming Dynasty and before.After hearing this, Ni Yuanlu was actually a little puzzled.However, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was so confident, he didn't dare to question it.

Because it has been proved many times, those seemingly absurd and impossible things were finally proved by Emperor Chongzhen that they have extraordinary uses!
Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about a fire and boiled water. Before changing it, who would have thought that it was just this, that a steam engine could be created, and it could pull such a heavy car!

At this time, Ni Yuanlu already had the idea of ​​lying down, anyway, whatever your Emperor Chongzhen said, he would do it!

Therefore, he didn't question it, and just asked Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty is wise, this method must be very good. I just don't know, when will this matter start?"

"Of course, the sooner the better!" Emperor Chongzhen said without thinking.

Do you want to procrastinate about making money?


I heard him explain to Ni Yuanlu: "I will give you the specific method in a while. The day of the lottery will be on the Lantern Festival! The first lottery, I will be there in person!"

This is the first day after the Zhengdan Festival, and it is still early for the Lantern Festival!
However, since this is the first time it will be held, it should take a little longer to prepare.

But the point is, isn't the Lantern Festival a rest?Emperor Chongzhen, a black-hearted emperor, wants to deprive him of this rest time!
That's what Ni Yuanlu thought in her mind, of course she didn't really care about it, and immediately replied: "My minister obeys the order!"

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen asked his servant to give Ni Yuanlu the welfare lottery plan that he had rewritten by hand.

Ni Yuanlu opened it, and after just looking at it, she was startled and said, "Your Majesty, this...isn't it right?"

"Why not?" Emperor Chongzhen liked to shock these courtiers, seeing his expression, he asked happily.

Ni Yuanlu pointed to a place in the plan in amazement, regardless of whether Emperor Chongzhen could see it or not, and said in a loud voice: "If you buy a welfare lottery ticket for five renminbi, the first prize is as high as one hundred taels of silver. Is there such a loss-making business?"

Don't underestimate one hundred taels of silver. At the end of Ming Dynasty, this one hundred taels of silver could buy a very good courtyard house in the capital.

In other words, as long as you pay five cents, you may get a house. This...isn't this a big loss?

(End of this chapter)

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