Chapter 454
Emperor Chongzhen saw Ni Yuanlu being so surprised, he immediately chuckled and said, "Don't worry, just do it! If Qing thinks it's a good deal, you can also buy lottery tickets. The more the better!"

Speaking of this, he added: "There is no limit to buying this lottery ticket. Anyone can buy it, and they can buy it in any amount. In other words, I hope that as many people buy it as possible! But to avoid suspicion, Hu Those who specialize in selling lottery tickets cannot participate!"

Although Emperor Chongzhen spoke so confidently, Ni Yuanlu still felt unreliable.He wanted to say something, but he found that he could only speak from his imagination, which was not convincing.

Forget it, after doing it once, you will know whether it is a profit or a loss!
So, he bowed to receive the decree and said: "The humble minister receives the decree!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while and then ordered: "On my side, the factory guard will also let the factory guards publicize and let as many people as possible buy lottery tickets."

Even if this matter is settled.

Ni Yuanlu didn't dare to neglect the matter that the emperor personally explained, and hurriedly went to work on it.

There are ready-made rules, and the announcement will be posted quickly.There are stickers everywhere in the streets and alleys of the capital.

Immediately, this announcement quickly attracted the attention of the people in the capital.

"Hey, the announcement of the welfare lottery, what is this?"

"You can win one hundred taels of silver for five cents, isn't that crazy? How is this possible?"

"What, five cents can be exchanged for one hundred taels of silver, isn't it a lie?"


It has to be said that the first prize of the welfare lottery is really the biggest publicity stunt.

How much is five cents?Just buy a few steamed buns!But what about one hundred taels of silver?Enough for the whole family to use for many years!
Let’s talk about military households, it’s about one tael of silver a month, and only twelve taels a year. If it’s a hundred taels, then they have to work hard for nearly nine years without eating or drinking!
This huge difference in the amount immediately attracted the attention of most people in the capital.

Men, women, young and old, when they meet each other, at most, they will talk about it immediately after talking about something serious.

"Have you heard? The emperor decreed that the Ministry of Households will preside over the sale of welfare lottery tickets. A lottery ticket is only five yuan, but the first prize is as much as one hundred taels of silver!"

"Oh, really? Tell me, what's going on with this lottery ticket?"

"It's very simple. There are two groups of one to nine. In the red box, you choose five numbers from one to nine, and in the blue box, you choose one number from one to nine. If you hit all of them, you will be the special prize, one hundred taels of silver what!"

"Wait, what does Quanzhong mean?"

"After the lottery time comes, the Ministry of Household Affairs, Metropolitan Procuratorate, East Factory, West Factory, Jinyiwei, and the Palace will each send one person to a glass cover to select a number. If the selected number is the same as the number you selected in advance, it is Special prize!"

"Really? Then if I'm lucky, wouldn't I be able to get back a hundred taels of silver for five cents?"

"Of course! Also, even if you're not very lucky, only four of the red numbers are correct, and one of the blue numbers is correct. That's the first prize, and there are fifty taels of silver!"

"So good? Is there any more?"

"Also, if there are three red numbers and the blue number is correct, then it is the second prize, and there is also ten taels of silver! In addition, there is a third prize, as long as the red number hits two, of course, the blue number Color numbers must also be won! This is the third prize, one tael of silver!"

"Haha, then I don't ask too much, just win the third prize! Oh, yes, there is another question, what if I win two special prizes?"

"What to do, do the same thing, you can exchange for any prize according to the prize you win in a lottery ticket! If you happen to be a lottery ticket for the special prize, if you buy a hundred tickets, then you will get [-] taels of silver!"

"Five qian silver, that's ten thousand taels, wow wow wow, ok, ok, you can have this!"


For most common people, they just set their sights on the bonus.

And for those who want to be decent, such as scholars, if they just talk about bonuses, it will be too tacky.

"Your Majesty, this is for the purpose of educating all the people in the world, and you have really taken great pains, even thinking about doing this kind of loss-making business!"

"No, if someone wins the special prize, wouldn't it be a big loss!"

"But no matter what, this kind of good thing that is used to build schools so that more people can learn to read and write, I must participate in it just now, and it is definitely not for those rewards!"

"That's right, that's right, this is taught by the sages, we are all scholars, how can we only have money in our eyes!"


Compared with these two classes, those businessmen are more savvy.

"Boss Wang, have you noticed that the most important thing about the court's welfare lottery is the blue number!"

"That's right, Boss Liu, let's add up together and see how to buy this lottery ticket to make money! At least we must make the first prize more hopeful!"


Although there are many smart people who know that the imperial court will not do business at a loss, what if, what if I win the first prize?Even if you don't win, it's just a matter of five cents, and the loss is not too big, so it's a good thing!

With such various thoughts, under the secret encouragement of the factory guard, almost many people are looking forward to the day when they can buy lottery tickets.

On the side of Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, Chongzhen has been busy with this matter since the first day after he went to work in seventeen years, and he is also very busy.It took about three full days to get this thing ready.

This is also thanks to the plan given to him by Emperor Chongzhen. What to do at each step has already been written there, and he doesn't need to think about it.

Of course, the lottery at this time in the Ming Dynasty could not be the same as it was in later generations, because there was no Internet, no TV, etc.

Therefore, Liu Weichao's plan for Emperor Chongzhen was inspired by a tvb TV series "The Heroine of Yihai". There is a plot in it. The point is to check to prevent fraud!
In this era without the Internet and television, the work of checking lottery tickets will be more cumbersome, but it is definitely a profitable business, but it is true.

No, on the day when the lottery tickets were issued, there were ten long queues lined up early in the morning at the office of the household department, where ten windows were opened on the side of the courtyard wall.

During this Spring Festival, the weather in the capital is definitely very cold.On this day, although there was no snow, it was still dripping into ice.

However, the enthusiasm of the people in the queue can melt the ice and snow.Each of them smiled and said happy Chinese New Year to each other, and said a first prize.

"Yeah, old Wangtou, you're here too? How many welfare lottery tickets are you going to buy?"

"Not many, just buy three, and play whatever you want."

"It's only three. I'm afraid you bought it secretly yourself? Look at my house, we have discussed it, so I will buy ten!"


On the other side, there are some people who haven't bought the lottery ticket yet, and are just imagining it!

"Brother Niu, if you win the special prize, should you treat me?"

"That's, absolutely, a treat! How about you?"

"If I win the special prize, I have to change to a better house!"


There are even extreme examples where people in the queue are chatting and waiting.As a result, there was a sudden sound of quarreling in the team, and then two people began to wrestle.

When the yamen servant who maintained order at the household department saw it, he hurried over to scold him, and he couldn't help crying and laughing just for asking.

How do you say?
It turned out that the two were brothers, and they were still waiting in line. They didn't even get the welfare lottery ticket, so they started chatting about how to spend it if they won the special prize.As a result, they disagreed, chatting turned into a quarrel, and the quarrel turned into a quarrel later!

After being criticized by the yamen servants and laughed by the surrounding people, this farce ended without a problem.

Generally speaking, those who line up to buy welfare lottery tickets are harmonious after all.Some people even consult each other to choose a number. Of course, some people are afraid that others will know what they want to choose.

The process of buying lottery tickets is also very simple. There are blank lottery tickets in every window. After you go to get them yourself, choose the number, and then pay the money to keep the deposit. The lottery ticket is considered to be bought.

Perhaps it was too enthusiastic, exceeding Ni Yuanlu's expectations.The welfare lottery tickets prepared for the first time were sold out in less than a day.

So, he hurriedly asked his subordinates to print the lottery tickets!
This situation is actually quite understandable.

In the Ming Dynasty, Jingshi and Nanjing were the two largest cities with a population of one million.

Moreover, the capital is a place where rich people gather in the world. Even ordinary people are richer than ordinary people in other places.

This welfare lottery, for the first time, makes people feel fresh. Not only can you win the big prize, but also the reputation of buying lottery tickets is very good. Welfare lottery, building schools, reading and literacy for school-age children all over the world, this is a good thing!
That's it, the momentum of buying lottery tickets is naturally very strong.

This kind of two-color digital sales, the advantage of the subsequent lottery is that you are not afraid to buy, the more people who buy, the better!

After less than three days of sales, it was time for the Lantern Festival.

Daming's Lantern Festival starts on the [-]th day of the first lunar month. Ni Yuanlu is a little bit hard, and has to work overtime to prepare for the lottery ceremony.

On this day, it was snowing heavily.

Although it is not as heavy as a goose feather, it is snowing after all.

Under normal circumstances, in this kind of weather, few people go out, isn't it warm to hide at home!
But this time, outside the Meridian Gate, it was already crowded with people before noon.

Of course, these people are the ones who bought welfare lottery tickets, even though the notice from the imperial court said that the results of the lottery will be posted and there is a one-month redemption time.However, they still came to the scene.

At noon, the bells of the Bell and Drum Towers rang, and then Emperor Chongzhen arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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