Chapter 455

The enthusiasm of the people to buy the welfare lottery for the first time exceeded Emperor Chongzhen's expectations, which made him very happy.

Originally, he estimated that there are more than one million people in the capital. Based on the fact that [-] people will buy lottery tickets, if one person pays five cents, that is five hundred taels of silver in sales. The profit after deducting the cost is at least one hundred taels above.For the first time, he was able to buy a large house and convert it into a school.

The income from selling lottery tickets for the second time can pay teachers' salaries, free books and meals for school-age children, etc.

The subsequent income will be able to radiate the land of Gyeonggi and slowly build up.

As long as this set of methods is effective, the provincial capitals of the two capitals and the thirteen provinces can follow suit and sell welfare lottery tickets so that school-age children in their provincial capitals can have books to read.Then slowly radiate to other places in the province, including school funds at the state and county levels.

But this time the lottery ticket was sold, according to Ni Yuanlu's report, the number of people was lower than expected, but basically no one just bought a welfare lottery ticket.The total amount of lottery tickets sold has reached as much as [-] taels.

Regarding the winning probability of this welfare lottery, he did not tell Ni Yuanlu, but this data has long been available.

The third prize, two red numbers and one blue number, the probability of winning is 648 in 648; if calculated according to 3240 must win one, the amount is 1000 renminbi, and the award is one tael of silver , which is [-] texts; that is a three-fold gap.

The second prize, three red numbers and one blue number, the probability of winning is 4536 in 4536; if calculated according to 22680 must win one, the amount is 10000 renminbi, and the award is ten taels of silver , which is [-] texts; that is more than double the gap.

For the first prize, you need to win four red numbers and one blue number, the probability of winning is 27216 in 27216; if calculated according to 136080 must win one, the amount is 50000 ren, and the award is fifty taels Silver, that is, [-] Wen; that is more than double the gap.

As for the special prize, if you win five red numbers and one blue number, the probability of winning is 136080 in 136080; if calculated according to 680400 must win one, the amount is 100000 coins, and the prize is one hundred taels Silver, that is, [-] Wen; that is a gap of more than six times.

In terms of probability, selling this welfare lottery ticket can earn at least half of the profit after excluding the cost.If the sales volume is [-] taels, then you can earn [-] taels, which is far beyond the estimate of Emperor Chongzhen.

Don't make it sound like two thousand five hundred taels is a lot. In fact, compared to the prices at this time, you can really buy a lot of things.

When I had a video chat with Liu Weichao before, I heard Liu Weichao said that they filmed TV movies that acted in ancient times. For a meal or something, I took out a piece of silver and called the boss to serve a plate of beef. The plot made Emperor Chongzhen laugh out loud.


Secondly, it is impossible to see beef everywhere, because cattle are protected by the imperial court, and cattle that have to be killed can only be sold unless they are confirmed by the government.

Besides, if there is an income of [-] taels this time, there is a high probability that the school-age children in the capital can be settled in one go.

Therefore, how could Emperor Chongzhen be unhappy and not actively do this matter.

At this time, he was glad that he chose this plan.Because Liu Weichao also mentioned at that time that there is another method of selling welfare lottery tickets, which is a sure profit without loss.That is, how much is directly taken out of the proceeds from the sale of lottery tickets, and the remaining cost is deducted and counted as bonuses.More and more, less and less.

If this method was used, Emperor Chongzhen felt at the time that if it was him, he would probably not pay the money after hearing this method. In case no one buys it, or if there are fewer people buying it, the bonus will only be a little bit. , it would be strange to arouse interest!

Of course, it is possible to adopt the second method after the concept of welfare lottery has become popular.Because as long as the sales can go up, the bonus may also be very high.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen appeared on the Meridian Gate tower against the cold wind.The civil and military officials below, including those who came to see the lottery, all shouted long live: Long live my emperor, long live, long live!
With the arrival of peace in the world, these days are getting better day by day. Most of the people sincerely hope that it is like a slogan, so that the days of today will live forever, and the days of Ming Dynasty will be better and better.

As a result, the voice of the mountain shouting long live is extraordinarily loud.

Emperor Chongzhen was full of energy and didn't talk nonsense, so he immediately ordered Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, "Let's start the lottery ceremony!"

"My minister leads the decree!" Ni Yuanlu responded with anticipation and a little apprehension after hearing this.

Afterwards, two yamen servants from the household department moved a glass tank to the downstairs of the Meridian Gate, near the outside, and watched in front of the common people.

I saw this glass jar, which was divided into two, with a blue number ball on one side and a red number ball on the other side.

In addition, this glass jar, except for the transparent side of the onlookers, the other sides are all covered with paper, and the inside of the glass jar cannot be seen.There is a hole in it, just big enough for a hand to reach down to touch the ball.

The onlookers, seeing this posture, knew what kind of ball was touched from inside, and what number it was!

This is the first time the lottery has been drawn, and Ni Yuanlu, as the Minister of the Household Department, is naturally sitting in charge, after all, Emperor Chongzhen is watching.

After the glass jar was set up, one person each from the Household Department, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the East Factory, the West Factory, Jin Yiwei, and the palace eunuch walked to the back of the glass jar.

The onlookers knew that, according to the prior announcement, each of these people from different yamen would draw a ball, that is, a number, and finally combined the numbers for this lottery.

On the household department's side, a yamen servant was arranged to beat the gong.

Under Ni Yuanlu's instruction, the yamen servant struck the gong vigorously, making a loud noise: "Dang!"

After the sound of the gong, he shouted excitedly: "The representative of the household department stepped forward and drew a red ball!"

After all, it was an event at the Yamen of the Ministry of Households, so the opening was given to the Ministry of Households.

The person in the yamen of the Ministry of Household Affairs was a principal. According to the regulations explained in advance, he immediately stepped forward, stood still in front of the glass jar, then turned around and turned his back to the glass jar.

In addition, there was a servant of the household department who was standing by the side of the glass jar. He lifted the glass jar and shook it vigorously, until the ball bones in it rolled around.

The onlookers, whether they could see clearly or not, were all staring at the glass jar.

After shaking it for a while, the servant of the household department put down the glass jar according to the original arrangement.

Then the yamen servant holding the gong knocked the gong again and shouted loudly: "Get the ball!"

Following this cry, the head of the household department, who was preparing, stretched his hand back into the glass jar to fetch the ball.

He didn't delay, he took out the first ball he touched.The whole process can be seen by the onlookers.

As soon as the ball was taken out, he stretched out his hand and showed the number on the ball.People who are nearby can see clearly, but if they are far away, they can't see clearly.

But it doesn't matter, the household servant who rang the gong rang the gong again, and then shouted loudly: "Red ball, the number is 3."

After he shouted, immediately, the Meridian Gate Square began to "buzz".

Those who got the red 3 in the circle were all elated, as if they had already won the special prize; and those who didn't circle the red 3, they all said "ah", the special prize is gone!
However, there was still a first prize waiting, so they weren't too frustrated. They quickly stared at the draw and waited for the announcement of the next number.

Upstairs at the Meridian Gate, Emperor Chongzhen was also nervous!
It's not that he bought lottery tickets, let alone that he cared about whether he won the special prize or not.One hundred taels of silver would certainly not be much joy to him.

The reason why he was nervous was because he was afraid that there would be a lot of special prizes as a result of the lottery.But what was even more nervous was that he was afraid that few people would win the lottery.

Not to mention the special prize, but even the first prize, the result of the first lottery will inevitably affect the sale of subsequent lottery tickets.

Therefore, if he was asked to choose, he would rather have a few more special prizes than no special prizes.

For this reason, he intends to cheat.

How to cheat?

As the emperor, it is very simple.Grab a blank ticket and wait for the results of the draw.

If there is no special prize in the result of the lottery, he immediately asks people to circle a special prize on the spot. As for the promissory note, the promissory note of the first issue is kept by Emperor Chongzhen himself, and will only be given to the Ministry of Households and Metropolitan Government at the beginning of the second issue. The procuratorate and the factory guard jointly keep it.

Of course, if there is a choice, he still doesn't want to do it.

He even thought about how to prevent this kind of cheating after the welfare lottery is in place.

At this time, under the Meridian Gate, with the sound of gongs, the representatives of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dongchang, Xichang, and Jinyiwei all drew out red numbers, which were 5, 6, 8, and 1; The numbers of the red balls all come out.

The people in the officialdom, seeing and hearing what they saw, were busy checking the numbers they circled.With the announcement of each number, some are happy, some are depressed, anyway.

"Haha, okay, okay, I hit two red balls, at least there is hope for the third prize!"

"Bless the ancestors, I hit four red balls, haha!"

"It's over, it's over, the twenty Wen coins have been thrown into the water, why do I carry it like this in my hand!"


On Emperor Chongzhen's side, there were special people reporting to him.Because according to the statistics left at the bottom, he can know immediately how many people have scored and how many balls.

(End of this chapter)

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