Chapter 474

The two people in front of him, one is the head of the bandit, who claimed to be the king of Daxi, who had burned the imperial tombs and killed the princes; the other was the number one general under the bandit head.The heads of these two people are definitely expensive in the imperial court!
Since the best way out right now is to surrender to the imperial court, then these two heads are the best meeting gift!

There is not only one person who has this idea.

Even at the beginning, in order to get the head first, some people impatiently walked towards Zhang Xianzhong holding a knife.

Their expressions, their eyes, and their actions, needless to say, anyone who sees this situation can guess what they want to do!
Zhang Kewang, who was bleeding profusely and had no strength to speak, no, he is now called Sun Kewang. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help laughing again, pointing at Zhang Xianzhong, and mockingly said, "Look, I'm not the only one who wants to Want your head, haha, damn it, go to hell!"

Of course Zhang Xianzhong also saw it, but he also saw it. Someone also fell in love with Sun Kewang's head. Even at this time, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, but he did not show any weakness. He laughed and mocked: "You think you Will it end well? Look at your own personal guards, hahaha..."

When Sun Kewang heard this, he turned his head and saw several of his personal guards, also holding knives, surrounding him.Immediately, his face turned pale.

But he soon realized that he couldn't survive, so why should he care about it?
As for betrayal, isn't he betraying himself first?Then what is there to complain about his personal guards imitating others?
The people on the side saw that many people were eyeing the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang. Although they wanted it too, they felt that they couldn't beat these people. They turned their heads and saw that there was another person present. , the target is shifted.

The military advisor Xu Yixian originally saw that Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang were about to be decapitated by his own guards, and couldn't help but feel very emotional. He didn't know what to say, and suddenly felt something was wrong. When he looked up, he saw someone holding a knife, When he walked towards him with a fierce look in his eyes, he immediately understood that these people were coming for him!

Could it be that the old man is dying and will not see the sun of tomorrow?

No, never!

Xu Yixian hadn't looked down on death for his career, but at this moment, a strong desire to survive suddenly burst out, his mind turned sharply, and he immediately said: "Brothers, listen to Xiaosheng!"

Hearing his sudden words, these murderers were a little curious, and immediately looked at him.Even the dying Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang couldn't help looking at him.

When Xu Yixian saw it, he hurriedly said loudly: "Xiaosheng understands what you guys think. But there are only two heads, and even counting Xiaosheng, there are only three. Is it enough for you?"

Not daring to wait for their answer, he quickly continued: "It's definitely not enough. In this case, if you brothers trust Xiaosheng and think that Xiaosheng's brain is better, then Xiaosheng will take the lead in this matter, and we will take these two together. The leader surrendered to the imperial court, Xiaosheng dared to say a word here, you brothers have found your own way out, absolutely did not listen to Xiaosheng, it would be better to surrender to the imperial court together!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xianzhong laughed out of anger.

Of the four generals under his command, two defected to the imperial court, and one was captured by the imperial court. It is estimated that he also wanted to defect to the imperial court but was killed by the other; and the last one wanted his own head; now, even the gentle military adviser, He even wants to take his head to the court.

Unexpectedly, now I have tasted the betrayal of all relatives!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Amidst the laughter, the blood in the mouth kept gushing out, looking at it like this, it must be the flash of light.

Hearing his laughter, everyone turned to look at him.Seeing him like this, no one spoke for a while.

I saw Zhang Xianzhong pointing at Xu Yixian with his bleeding finger, as if he wanted to say something.

As a result, blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and after a few grunts, suddenly, he tilted his head, fell to the ground, kicked up a little dust, and remained motionless.

The hero of a generation, Zhang Xianzhong, the eighth king, died just now!
Seeing this scene, Sun Kewang wiped his mouth, but he couldn't wipe away a mouthful of blood. He looked down at the wound on his abdomen, feeling the disappearance of his own life, with a wry smile on his face, and muttered to himself: "The snipe and the clam are fighting each other!" , The snipe and the clam are fighting! Just... so dead, I... I don't... reconcile..."

Before he could finish speaking, he fell backwards and landed heavily on the ground, kicking up a lot of dust.But in the end, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Sun Kewang, who was going to stir up wind and rain, called an early curtain call due to the butterfly effect. After chasing after Zhang Xianzhong, he died!
Seeing these two people die in front of them, no matter what the thoughts of those present were, they were all silent for a while.


Besides, Liu Liangzuo led the troops to chase Zhang Xianzhong's troops who had fled. They had long since lost their formation and organizational system.

Liu Liangzuo looked at this scene, although he wanted to chase Zhang Xianzhong, but the military order could not be handed down, and he also had scruples, he was afraid that Zhang Xianzhong would jump over the wall in a hurry and fight back when he was dying, which would cause heavy losses to his unorganized army , Therefore, in the end he chose to capture as many prisoners as he could, and capture as many as he could.After all, what you eat in your stomach is your own.

Just following Zhang Xianzhong's fleeing thieves, Liu Liangzuo was very satisfied with seeing a great military exploit, Huang Degong had already received the report of not accepting at night, and personally led the [-] cavalry to catch up.

Seeing Liu Liangzuo's banner, he immediately went over and asked loudly, "Where's that bandit Zhang Xianzhong?"

"Haha, Old Huang!" Liu Liangzuo was in a good mood, and immediately replied loudly, "I ran away at the first time, and I probably won't be able to catch up!"

That Zhang Xianzhong, old and cunning, would be so easy to catch!
Hearing his words, Huang Degong didn't get upset, he just waved his hand and shouted to his subordinates: "Chasing!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead, and immediately chased after Zhang Xianzhong's bandits in the direction they were fleeing.

Although his cavalry soldiers saw that Liu Liangzuo's troops were full of food, but in the end, they were from the Yongwei Battalion, and they had won many battles, and even had the experience of the great victory in Jizhou. The stricter military discipline of the troops did not follow Liu Liangzuo's troops, who disobeyed orders and took credit.

After Huang Degong gave an order, they immediately followed Huang Degong and left without a trace.

When Liu Liangzuo saw him, he didn't take it seriously either. He looked at the back of Huang Degong's cavalry, and thought with a smile: I just want a big one, can it be so easy?It's better to pick up the sesame seeds all the way, pick him all the way, it's better than not picking up the watermelon, and I'll pick up all the sesame seeds later!
Thinking of this, he just laughed!

Liu Liangzuo at this time never expected it, and he would regret it later!

But Huang Degong led his cavalry to chase all the way, regardless of the infantry, kneeling on the side of the road, just chasing all the way.

After chasing for a while, he suddenly found that there were thousands of bandit cavalry standing in front of the road, holding the reins, and of course, there were also many infantry.

Just looking at them, I can see that they stand clearly and seem to be organized.

Instead of running away, just standing like this, what is this for?This was Huang Degong's first thought.

When he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw all these thieves kneeling down, and then, about a dozen people knelt in front of these people, obviously the leader.

Looking carefully, I found that the two people in front of me were still holding two heads and holding them up high. I was afraid that Huang Degong wouldn't be able to see the same.

This means that it is already obvious that they are going to surrender, and those two heads that are held high should be the heads of some important person, the more important one.

So, Huang Degong reined in his horse and stopped, wanting to see the situation.

His personal guard, of course, came out first, went to ask about the situation, and then immediately turned around, already holding the two heads in his hand, and reported to Huang Degong with joy: "Marshal, this is the head of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang." !"

While talking, they held the head in front of Huang Degong so that Huang Degong could verify his function.

Of course Huang Degong knew Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang, they were old rivals.After taking a closer look, I found that it was similar to what I remembered, so I was also delighted, and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

If Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang were really the heads, then Zhang Xianzhong, a branch of thieves, even if it was over, was only Zhang Nengqi, and he needed special attention.

At this time, he naturally didn't know that Zhang Nengqi, also known as Ai Nengqi, had been killed by Sun Kewang!
"Back to Commander, there is Zhang Xianzhong's rogue strategist Xu Yixian, who surrendered to the court!" The guard immediately replied after hearing this.

Hearing this, Huang Degong immediately drove his horse forward, and came to a man dressed as a literati, that is, the military adviser of the thief, and asked immediately: "How did these two people die?"

Although he had seen the head, he still had to confirm it while being cautious.

After Xu Yixian heard this, he didn't dare to be negligent, because through the banner, he already knew that the person in front of him was Huang Degong, so he quickly replied: "These two thieves fought each other, and the villain cut off their heads when they turned their backs to the light, and gathered the defeated soldiers." , willing to surrender, obey the adults!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the corpses of Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang to show that what he said was true.

The truth of the matter, so many people have seen it, it is impossible to hide it for a long time.Instead of doing this, it's better to tell the truth, or if you turn around and reveal the truth, you will hate Huang Degong instead.Xu Yixian thought about this very clearly.

Anyway, he was the one who presented two heads in the end, but this credit cannot be lost.

 Now the average order is 2984, let me go to 3000, and I will update it after I get the high-quality goods!
(End of this chapter)

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