Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 475 If God Gives Another Chance

Chapter 475 If God Gives Another Chance

After hearing this, Huang Degong looked at the two corpses Xu Yixian pointed to.Based on his experience, just by looking at them, he can see that the general situation of these two people should be in line with what Xu Yixian said.

And there are some details, including the armor they wear, which should also match their identities.

There are more than a thousand people in front of you. If you lie, you must have a brain problem!
In other words, the possibility that these two heads are Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang is very high.

Huang Degong couldn't help but feel a little funny when he thought that both of them were dead, and they died from a fight.

It can be regarded as a hero for a lifetime, but the result turned out to be such a way of death!
It can also be seen from this that after the emperor adopted the method of recruiting security against the thieves, it did greatly affect the thieves.If it wasn't for this strategy, not to mention anything else, the two people in front of them would not have died from fighting each other; the two of them might have continued to flee.Once they escaped, how much energy would be spent to destroy them!

Thinking of this, Huang Degong also thought of one person, who was also a big shot among the gangsters like Zhang Xianzhong.If this person is caught again, Zhang Xianzhong's gangsters can be regarded as wiped out.

So, he asked with a cold face, "And that Zhang Nengqi, where did he escape?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity of hunting down, he must catch or kill this person, then even if some thieves escape, they will not have the prestige of these people, and there will be no trouble.

Xu Yixian was a little stunned when he heard this, and then immediately replied: "Zhang Nengqi was captured when he led the elite to attack Liu Dashuai's barracks the day before yesterday, and was tied outside the fence to stop the attack. He was shot to death by Sun Kewang, that is, Zhang Kewang!"

Hearing this, Huang Degong couldn't help but feel happy, very happy.So, he reconfirmed: "Is this true?"

He was somewhat suspicious, because when he met Liu Liangzuo just now, he didn't mention Zhang Nengqi at all.

"Really, criminals must not lie to the commander in chief!" Xu Yixian replied respectfully after hearing this.

For this kind of thing, you have to see people when you are born, and you have to see corpses when you die.After hearing this, Huang Degong wanted to check the situation in his heart, so he turned around and told his subordinates to let some of the cavalry continue to chase the escaped thieves, while he himself took the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang first, and then turned to look for them. Liu Liangzuo verified the situation.

But before he left, he naturally took Xu Yixian with him. Not only was Xu Yixian the military advisor of Zhang Xianzhong's bandits, but he could also let him confront Liu Liangzuo, so that it would be convenient to verify Zhang Nengqi's situation.

After hearing this, Xu Yixian was eager to go together.Follow Huang Degong's side, catch his eyes, perform better, and look back at the crime and punishment, all of which may be greatly improved because of Huang Degong's words.

If it is disposed of together with the public, then it is really resigned to fate!

Seeing that he was going to leave, those guards who were persuaded by him were all reluctant. Didn't they agree to take them to a future together?

In the end, he followed Dashuai Huang by himself?
However, although they had opinions, they didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Huang Degong. They just watched Xu Yixian follow Huang Degong away.

Vaguely, they suddenly had a feeling that they were cheated by this scholar!

On Liu Liangzuo's side, he picked up sesame seeds all the way, and the military merit he had accumulated was also his greatest military merit.At least [-] people were captured, and some were killed while defending the barracks. This battle was fought against the elite of Zhang Xianzhong's troops. Not bad, not bad!
He was in the right mood when he saw Huang Degong return.

So, Liu Liangzuo greeted him in a good mood, and asked loudly: "Old Huang, what's the matter, did you not catch up? I just said, that Zhang Xianzhong is a thief, and it was so easy to catch up!" "

While speaking, Huang Degong and his group had already arrived in front of him. Hearing what he said, they casually pointed to the two heads of the guards and said, "I didn't run away, here are the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang! People beat each other to death not far ahead!"

"..." Upon hearing these words, Liu Liangzuo's smile immediately froze on his face.If the jaw can fall to the ground, it must have fallen to the ground.

Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang, these two big men, actually fought each other to death not far in front?

Then Huang Degong picked up the body?
I... I fucking... I...

For a while, Liu Liangzuo didn't know how to scold him!
No matter how many thieves are captured, is it important to have these two thieves?

To be honest, at this very moment, Liu Liangzuo can't wait to slap himself twice, to make you greedy for small profits, to make you pick up sesame seeds...

Later, he fell in love with the dead Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang: Isn't it hard to escape usually?Why not run away?What do you mean by fighting each other?
Just as Liu Liangzuo expected, he ran away when he escaped. Fortunately, he didn't escape, and they fought each other not far in front of him. What he didn't expect was that Huang Degong took advantage of it. This...

At this moment, Liu Liangzuo felt regret in his heart!

In the past, God gave a great credit, which was placed in front of him, but he missed it; if he could do it again, he would never pick sesame seeds again, and he would definitely pursue it to the end...

After Huang Degong finished speaking, he found that Liu Liangzuo was stupid there.Of course he knew why Liu Liangzuo was dumbfounded!

However, he didn't intend to give these two heads to Liu Liangzuo. Even if he didn't value this credit very much, he still has subordinates!
At this time, Huang Degong didn't think about letting Liu Liangzuo continue to stand there in a daze, so he immediately asked loudly: "Are you sure, Zhang Nengqi is dead?"

After being called out by him, Liu Liangzuo came back to his senses, a little depressed and a little surprised, and immediately replied: "How do I know?"

When he captured the captives who stole the camp, there was no time for interrogation, and Sun Kewang's cavalry arrived, so he tied them all to the fence of the camp.

Of course, Zhang Nengqi would not be so stupid as to take the initiative to reveal his identity, and he would definitely hide it if he could, unless there was a suitable opportunity, otherwise he would not reveal it.

When Sun Kewang led the army to arrive, although he had shouted to Sun Kewang, all the thieves who were tied up at that meeting followed his example and shouted to the opposite party.

He is a "can be amazing", and he is far less powerful than those "Deceptics".

On Liu Liangzuo's side, all the attention was on Sun Kewang's cavalry side, so he also took into account what these thieves were shouting.

Even if someone had heard the word "Neng Qi", no one would have thought that the third person among the thieves under Zhang Xianzhong would personally lead people to steal the camp and be caught by them.

After the war started, Liu Liangzuo didn't care about the thieves who were tied to the fence at all.

Therefore, until this time, Liu Liangzuo did not know about Zhang Nengqi.

At this time, when Huang Degong heard his answer, his face darkened, and he immediately turned his head and asked Xu Yixian who followed him, "How dare you lie to me?"

When Xu Yixian heard this, he quickly replied: "No, no, no, criminals dare not, criminals absolutely dare not!"

After answering a sentence, he looked suspiciously at Liu Liangzuo, who was also looking at him, and then he understood a little, and quickly said to Huang Degong: "I'm afraid that Marshal Liu doesn't know the inside story!"

When Huang Degong heard this, he was anxious to check whether Zhang Nengqi was dead, so he immediately shouted: "Then take me to check!"

"Yes, yes, yes, the criminals will go immediately!" Xu Yixian heard this, and quickly agreed, and hurriedly patted his horse and left.

Those thieves tied to the fence, during the two days when they attacked Liu Liangzuo's barracks, no one cared about them at all.Therefore, Xu Yixian hurried, he should be able to identify a corpse.

Huang Degong saw him, so naturally he followed closely, and went to check Zhang Nengqi's situation first.

Liu Liangzuo was depressed. Hearing what he just said, not only did he miss the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang, but he even missed the head of Zhang Nengqi?

Thinking of this, looking at Huang Degong's back, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped himself on the mouth, and then immediately rode to follow.No matter what, the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang are gone, and there is Zhang Nengqi's head, so we must see clearly!
Quickly chased after a few steps, after catching up with Huang Degong, he asked Huang Degong a little curiously: "Old Huang, who is this person?"

After hearing this, Huang Degong turned to look at him and said, "Xu Yixian, Zhang Xianzhong's dog-headed military advisor!"

"..." Liu Liangzuo was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Zhang Xianzhong's military adviser, the status can be considered high, and he is still alive, this credit is not small.

If I keep chasing after him, all the credit will be my own!

Fortunately, these credits are in vain, Huang Degong!

Liu Liangzuo at this moment really wants to cry but has no tears!

The speed of the cavalry is still very fast.In less than half an hour, they returned to Liu Liangzuo's barracks.

At this time, Huang Degong's infantry had arrived.The infantry on Liu Liangzuo's side watched the prisoners and guarded against Huang Degong, just like guarding against thieves.

Huang Degong didn't care about these things, he just followed Xu Yixian and verified Zhang Nengqi's affairs, which was what he cared most about.

Xu Yixian patted his horse and went straight to the outside of Liu Liangzuo's barracks. Because of the two days of beating, there were still corpses strewn all over the field, and there was still time to clean it up.

Fortunately, it's not long after the new year, even in the south of the Yangtze River, it's still a bit cold.Otherwise, if it is summer, it will definitely stink.

The corpses tied to the fence are still easy to find after all, even if many fences have been pulled down.

Seeing Xu Yixian identifying the corpse on the fence, Liu Liangzuo came back to his senses.Dare Zhang Nengqi to be caught by himself first, and then tied to the fence by someone?
This time, Liu Liangzuo almost scolded his mother again, another great contribution was placed in front of him, and he almost missed it.

So, he didn't care about anything, and hurried to Huang Degong who was following Xu Yixian, and said with a smile: "Old Huang, I have something to discuss with you!"

 In fact, Zhang Xianzhong had a wife and children, and other military advisers, but they were too incompetent. Historically, he was killed by the four adopted sons after his death. In this novel, I will ignore them.

(End of this chapter)

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