Chapter 476
Huang Degong heard it, turned his head to look at him, but didn't speak, but the doubt in his eyes still showed: What's the matter?

When Liu Liangzuo saw him, he hurriedly said to Huang Degong: "You don't need to look for it any more. How about if Zhang Nengqi's head belongs to me?"

Speaking of this, he quickly explained: "Look, I killed all the people here, and I also killed the bandits under Zhang Xianzhong this time. Now you have picked up the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang. You don't have any intention of returning it to me, so you can't have Zhang Nengqi's head again?"

As soon as Liu Liangzuo said this, before Huang Degong could speak, Xu Yixian shouted with joy, "I found it. This is Zhang Nengqi, who was shot to death by Sun Kewang with two arrows!"

As soon as Liu Liangzuo heard this, he rushed over at a very fast speed, and arrived at Xu Yixian's side in no time. After seeing the corpse Xu Yixian pointed to, he stopped Zhang Nengqi's corpse behind him like an old hen guarding its chicks. To Huang Degong who came over, his expression changed: "You have already snatched my two most important heads. If you still want to snatch this head, then I will turn my face!"

When Huang Degong first started, he didn't think about grabbing the first rank at all. He just wanted to check whether the last prestige leader among Zhang Xianzhong's thieves was dead.
Unexpectedly, this Liu Liangzuo kept his mouth shut, saying that Huang Degong had robbed him of Liu Liangzuo's head, and he was immediately annoyed.

So, he sneered and said, "Come on, show me your face!"

Whether it is military merit, seniority, or title, Huang Degong is higher than Liu Liangzuo.

He dared to threaten him without saying a word. Could it be that Huang Degong was afraid that he would turn his face?

As soon as Liu Liangzuo heard this, he felt that Huang Degong was unwilling to let the leader, and immediately his face darkened and said: "Don't bully people too much!"

"I deceived others too much?" Huang Degong couldn't help but almost laughed angrily when he heard it, and immediately asked, "Isn't it you who insulted me too much?"

When Xu Yixian heard that something was wrong, he immediately retreated without any trace, so as not to hurt Chi Yu.

When Huang Degong and Liu Liangzuo's personal guards saw each other, they all became alert.

On Liu Liangzuo's side, when he heard Huang Degong's rhetorical question, he sneered and said, "Why did I insult you? You came here without fighting any battles, and even snatched the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang, and now you come here again Snatching Zhang Nengqi's head, is this true?"

People have different perspectives and ideas, and what I say is right anyway.

Hearing his words, Huang Degong couldn't help laughing out of anger, he didn't expect that Liu Liangzuo would call him a villain.

His temper is not the kind of person who would compromise, so he didn't make much excuses, and immediately sternly shouted: "I just robbed it, how do you treat it?"

Huang Degong didn't bother to explain, why didn't you say that I would support you? Didn't the bandits run away because I led the troops to arrive?If I hadn't led the army to come to support you at the first time, would you not even know if you could persevere?Originally, I didn't think about Zhang Nengqi's head, so you slander me like that?

His personality is to eat the soft and not the hard, and he will not explain it that way at all.

Liu Liangzuo didn't talk to him well, and treated a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, so talking about him made him angry.

At this time, when Liu Liangzuo heard his words, he was extremely angry, pointed at Huang Degong and said, "You..."

However, suddenly, he really didn't dare to tear himself apart with Huang Degong.

After all, not to mention Huang Degong is a marquis, the most important thing is that he has won the trust of Emperor Chongzhen, which can be seen with a little vision.And if you really want to tear your face into a fight, Huang Degong's prestige is also there.

If he softened at this moment and said a good word to Huang Degong to make an apology, and let Huang Degong calm down, maybe he can get his wish in the end.

But at this time, he had already missed Zhang Xianzhong, Zhang Kewang, and Xu Yixian, and he didn't have any important captives or heads. Zhang Nengqi's head, he was bound to get.

Therefore, although Liu Liangzuo didn't dare to confront Huang Degong face to face, he also said to Huang Degong: "If you want to be so arrogant and unreasonable, I will complain to the governor!"

"I'm afraid you'll throw a ball!" Huang Degong almost spat when he heard it, and replied with a mocking look on his face.

At this time, the two of them fought for Zhang Nengqi's head.

In fact, this is a defect of the first-level military merit calculation. This problem has always existed since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods.

It is not uncommon to chop off the heads of civilians, which is the so-called killing of good deeds; it is also not uncommon to snatch heads with colleagues and kill each other if they disagree.All of these are the flaws of the first-level merit calculation.

At this time, Huang Degong stepped forward, pushed Liu Liangzuo away, and chopped off Zhang Nengqi's head with his own hands.

When Liu Liangzuo saw him, he dared not speak out, and he dared not fight Huang Degong.This is not only because Huang Degong has more personal guards, but also because Huang Degong is a marquis, and because he is not Huang Degong's opponent.

Seeing Huang Degong's arrogance, he shouted there: "I will definitely go to the governor to file a complaint, you wait, this matter, even if it goes to the emperor, I am justified!"

After hearing this, Huang Degong didn't say harsh words, just sneered and said with contempt: "I'll wait!"

After finishing speaking, he took his subordinates and Xu Yixian who was stunned by the side, and walked away.

No one expected that such a big conflict would suddenly arise between the two chief soldiers.

Liu Liangzuo didn't bother to care about the next thing, angrily led the guards directly, and rushed to Nanjing to complain first.


Ma Shiying was worried about the Nanjing imperial envoy, and received a report from the fast horse on the front line, saying that Huang Degong had already led his troops to reinforce, and Zhang Xianzhong's bandits fled and failed to break through.

Hearing this news, he was all smiles, a crisis became invisible, and he even praised Liu Liangzuo as an iron locker in Hengjiang, who was good at guarding;

This side is boasting, Liu Liangzuo has arrived.

When Ma Shiying heard the report, he went out to meet him in person.

This is a hero, if Zhang Xianzhong really wants to break out from him, then even if the emperor is satisfied with him, he will definitely be punished.Not to mention, he also offended so many nobles, Nanjing officials and squires.

What he didn't expect was that Ma Shiying came to cry and sue. Once he explained the situation, he said that Huang Degong bullied others, took all his credit, and asked him, the governor, to make the decision.

This time, Ma Shiying was dumbfounded.

Why did the two heroes of this battle quarrel?Such a happy thing, how can it be so embarrassing!

The same goes for Huang Degong, isn't it a little too much?
But of course Ma Shiying would not express his opinion immediately. After all, this was just Liu Liangzuo's one-sided opinion. He also wanted to listen to what Huang Degong said.

After all, Huang Degong was more valued by the emperor, not to mention that he had never heard of him stealing merit before.Whether there will be any secrets in the middle, it is also necessary to find out.

Therefore, Ma Shiying first comforted Liu Liangzuo with good words, saying that he blocked Zhang Xianzhong's breakout, and the credit must not be lost, so he was relieved, and he would definitely record it in the victory memorial.

While waiting for news from Huang Degong, Ma Shiying was actually very happy.

Therefore, he had already confirmed that Zhang Xianzhong was dead, and his two most famous thieves were also dead.It can be said that after this battle, Li Zicheng is the only one of the most powerful thieves left in the world!

But looking back, he was also a little worried.

He actually has two main tasks, one is of course to suppress thieves, but the more important one is to rectify the place.

And the rectification on Nanjing's side is the top priority, and the emperor's side is focusing on it.

However, one of the excuses for rectifying the place is to prevent and suppress thieves, so he can use the army to suppress the place at any time.

But now, Zhang Xianzhong has been wiped out, and the excuse of preventing and suppressing thieves is gone. How can the rectification of the local area be further promoted?

A little sad!
After waiting for two days, Huang Degong finally came to Nanjing to report the situation to him.

Ma Shiying was not so reckless, as if he had not received Liu Liangzuo's complaint, he received Huang Degong very kindly, and after hearing Huang Degong's complaint, he praised him again.

Then, he began to understand Liu Liangzuo's complaint in a roundabout way.

It has to be said that literati are better at dealing with interpersonal relationships than Wufu.

Under Ma Shiying's guidance, Huang Degong didn't want to hide anything, so he told the truth about the situation.

After Ma Shiying listened to it, he finally understood that Huang Degong didn't even think about taking credit or taking all the credit for himself. It was just that Liu Liangzuo thought Huang Degong would do that in his own mind, and ended up talking about the matter. !
So, he comforted Huang Degong, first calmed his emotions, and then from the perspective of the overall situation, colleagues, etc., he put forward his idea in accordance with Huang Degong's temper, that is, let Liu Liangzuo make an apology to Huang Degong After apologizing, Huang Degong attributed Zhang Nengqi's head to Liu Liangzuo.

Ma Shiying's appearance like this, Huang Degong naturally wants to give face, the most important thing is, who is Huang Degong, he doesn't even bother to ask for Zhang Nengqi's head!
Seeing this, Ma Shiying felt relieved, as he had settled the matter.But he didn't dare to hide it, after all, it was the two chief soldiers who had a disagreement, which was definitely a big deal.Therefore, he decided to report this matter in a secret memorial to Emperor Chongzhen.

Because, he also knew that even if he didn't report it, the two factory guard leaders beside him would report it to Emperor Chongzhen.

While he was thinking about this matter, he heard Huang Degong say to him again: "My lord, it is very important for the general to learn about it."

 Both ordered 2998

(End of this chapter)

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