Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 477 What is the Evidence

Chapter 477 What is the Evidence

"Oh, what's the matter?" Ma Shiying immediately asked with a serious expression upon hearing this.

He knew that if Huang Degong said all the important things, it would not be easy.

However, after Ma Shiying asked, Huang Degong did not answer immediately, but waved to the outside of the lobby and said, "Come in!"

Hearing this, Ma Shiying looked towards the entrance of the lobby.

I saw a man dressed as a literati, with that cautious expression, enter lightly, and then seeing Ma Shiying on the main seat, he quickly knelt down and saluted: "Criminal Xu Yixian, I have seen the governor!"

When Huang Degong saw him, he introduced to Ma Shiying: "He is Zhang Xianzhong's military adviser, he gathered up the defeated soldiers, and took the heads of Zhang Xianzhong and Zhang Kewang to demote him to the last general."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xu Yixian again, and said with a serious expression: "Report what you told me to the Governor!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" After hearing this, Xu Yixian agreed repeatedly, but did not dare to get up, so he raised his head and reported to Ma Shiying: "The reason why Zhang Xianzhong put all his eggs in one basket this time and wanted to break out from Dashuai Liu's side was because he had obtained the support of Dashuai Liu in advance." The news from the side, I also got the government's official document on food delivery, and even know..."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Huang Degong, and then turned to Ma Shiying and continued to report: "...I also know that Marshal Huang is dissatisfied with the Governor, because of the matter of Nanjing's defense, he feels that Marshal Huang will not go to rescue Marshal Liu so quickly. ..."

Ma Shiying was shocked when he heard that, it turned out that behind Zhang Xianzhong's sudden abnormal behavior, there was such an inside story!
He quickly understood the key point, and quickly stared at Xu Yixian and asked, "Where did the news about Zhang Xianzhong come from?"

After just listening to it, he knew that it would definitely not be ordinary people who could provide such information.

When Xu Yixian was about to continue to report, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind, so he didn't continue to speak, because he didn't know who it was.

Ma Shiying could see clearly, when he heard the movement, he immediately smiled and said: "It turns out that the factory owner and commander have arrived, please sit down, please sit down!"

While speaking, he quickly added: "There just happened to be something here, and I might need the help of the two of you. Let's listen together?"

After hearing this, Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian glanced at each other, then at the back of Xu Yixian who was kneeling there, and then, without speaking, went to sit on the left and right respectively.

When the two of them were seated, Ma Shiying took the initiative to tell the two of them about Xu Yixian's identity and what he said just now.

After both Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian understood, he told Xu Yixian, "Go ahead!"

When Xu Yixian heard Ma Shiying's words just now, he knew that the two newcomers were probably the well-known Admiral of Dongchang and Commander of Jinyiwei, because these two were on the Jiangnan side.

Thinking about the identities of these two people, what he said, as long as it is important, will definitely be heard by Datian.

Thinking of this, Xu Yixian became even more careful, and hurriedly continued to report: "This news was first discovered by Zhang Nengqi..."

This is a matter involving Nanjing Xungui, and it is no small matter.After hearing this, Ma Shiying couldn't believe his one-sided words, so he immediately sent an order to send someone to pass on Liu Liangzuo.

Afterwards, he asked Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian: "This matter is no small matter, but Zhang Nengqi is dead, and the clues have been broken, so there is no way to find out who did it. What do you two think about this matter?"

Wang Dehua glanced at Li Ruolian on the opposite side, with a look of no surprise on his face, and replied lightly: "Our family has long thought about what kind of trick they will use? It is not unusual to think about it. Huang Houye's side I believe that many people will take it seriously. From this point of view, their plan, in their opinion, will succeed in all likelihood!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Li Ruolian.

Li Ruolian received his signal, so he also opened his mouth and said to Ma Shiying: "We sent people down to investigate, and the reports from various places that the thieves were aggressively attacking and asking for reinforcements were all exaggerations. Those places were not received decently at all. Attacking, the thief is just showing his head, he is about to die! It’s just one place, it can be said that the local officials are greedy for life and afraid of death! But everywhere is like this, and this thing..."

Speaking of this, he pointed to Xu Yixian who was kneeling there, and then continued: "That's weird!"

Ma Shiying couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Judging from these signs, there must be a conspiracy behind him.However, without evidence, it is very difficult to catch specific people.

In his mind, he naturally knew it well.What did he come for, and someone's interests were harmed, so the people who came to him were probably some of those people.

At this moment, Liu Liangzuo rushed over, and when he saw Huang Degong there, he looked unnatural and angry, and seemed to want to shout again.

But when he saw Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian were there, he didn't dare to act presumptuously.

Even if he could make a fuss in front of Ma Shiying, but in front of these two, especially in front of Wang Dehua, the admiral of Dongchang, he would never dare.

This eggless person used to be the number one person in the palace. He captured the first assistant in the capital, the minister of the Ministry of war, and so on. He ran to Yangzhou and ransacked the homes of the top ten salt merchants up.

Who is the most feared person in the Chongzhen Dynasty?It is definitely the admiral of the East Factory!
Seeing him coming in, Ma Shiying didn't wait for him to salute, and asked directly: "That Zhang Nengqi tried to steal your camp, official documents, etc., is there a verification to confirm whether there is any problem?"

Hearing this, Liu Liangzuo was slightly taken aback, but immediately took out a piece of paper from his bosom, put it on with both hands, and said, "My lord, the general will also report this matter, this is the official document used by the thief at that time, my lord." Take a look!"

At that time, the camp was almost stolen. Even if it was handled slowly, if it was picked up by the follow-up bandit cavalry, the situation of the battle might be rewritten.

For this reason, Liu Liangzuo was not stupid, so he naturally found his subordinates, checked the situation, and knew the importance of this official document, so he could exonerate him from some charges of lax control.I deliberately brought this official document with me, and I was thinking of finding an opportunity to talk about it.

On Ma Shiying's side, he immediately checked the official document transferred to him by the guard, and after reading it, he showed it to Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian.

At the same time, he said to the two of them seriously: "It is indeed not a forged official document."

Both Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian checked carefully, and then both agreed with Ma Shiying's conclusion.

However, even so, it is still very troublesome.

These already known things can only prove that someone may be behind the scenes. At most, the person in charge of the official documents will be arrested. It is believed that there are sufficient reasons for the loss of official documents.

Thinking of this, Ma Shiying frowned tightly, and said with a bit of a headache: "The parties involved are already dead, so it is difficult to investigate this matter!"

Wang Dehua heard this, and immediately said lightly: "If there is anything difficult to investigate, just arrest people!"

"But, who are we going to arrest?" Ma Shiying shook his head after hearing this and said, "There is no evidence yet?"

When Wang Dehua heard this, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, as if he had sneered, and then he said, "When does the East Factory arrest people, when do we need evidence?"

"..." When Ma Shiying heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

According to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, if Jin Yiwei arrests someone, he needs a driving sticker. It is a bit like the arrest warrant of later generations.Otherwise, it is illegal.

But when Jin Yiwei was arrogant, even if they didn't have a driver's sticker, if they took someone, there was nothing they could do!
However, in any case, this procedure is not normal.

But Dongchang's arrest is not so particular.Compared with Jin Yiwei, Dongchang is closer to the imperial power, and he has no fear of arresting people according to the order.

But generally speaking, if the emperor is reasonable, he will let Jin Yiwei arrest people; if the emperor is unreasonable, he will directly send Dongchang.

But then again.

If it was not the emperor's order to arrest people in the East Factory, but to arrest the court officials privately, the emperor would know, without a sufficient reason, then the position of the factory owner would be bad.

At this time, Wang Dehua had already figured out the character of Emperor Chongzhen after the great change, and he knew who he was going to deal with and what he should do.

Even at this time, he already knew what the emperor had said to Wang Cheng'en when he wanted to set up the West Factory.

Cases that the East Factory and the Jinyiwei cannot solve will be solved by the West Factory. Also, the East Factory and the Jinyiwei dare not kill those who the West Factory does not dare to kill. The West Factory has to be managed, and the East Factory and the West Factory that cannot be managed by Jinyiwei have to be managed even more. First catch and then play, imperial power franchise, this is the West Factory.

After Wang Dehua knew this passage, he suddenly realized why he was dismissed from the position of eunuch in charge of ceremonies.

In the past, he was too close to civil servants.I think you are good, I am good, everyone is good, and everyone will make a fortune together.This is because the emperor is evil, so many things happen.

The Chongzhen Emperor after his personality changed drastically, and the Chongzhen Emperor who had just ascended the throne, his perception of the factory guards has completely changed!
Therefore, at this time, he dared to say this in front of Ma Shiying.

Nanjing Xungui is a fart, as long as the emperor wants to deal with it, there is no need to talk about evidence, and it doesn't matter whether it is iron or not, that's it!
However, Li Ruolian is more refined, not as domineering as Wang Dehua. After Wang Dehua finished speaking, he said to Ma Shiying: "This matter, let's make a total calculation, first set a goal, and you can also startle the snake, and by the way, also explain the errand that His Majesty gave to you." It's done!"

After hearing this, Ma Shiying breathed a sigh of relief.He felt that working with Wang Dehua was a bit frightening, but the Commander of Jin Yiwei was a little bit more normal.Perhaps, this is the reason why the eunuch is more hostile because of the lack of things?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked Li Ruolian for advice.

 It's a high-quality product, but the badge said it was delayed for a few days, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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