Chapter 479

Chunwei, that is, the examination, is hosted by the Ministry of Rites and held in the Gongyuan of the capital.Candidates are candidates from various provinces. If they pass the exam, they are called Gongsheng, and the first place is Huiyuan.

As long as you pass the examination, that is, you become a Gongsheng student, then you must be a Jinshi.Because the palace examination in the next level will not eliminate the candidates, but just rank the tribute students.

Therefore, the general examination can be said to be the most important examination in the imperial examination.People up and down, including the emperor, all attach great importance to it.

In fact, most of the interested people in the capital know about the fact that the scholars are preparing to make trouble.After all, the organization of these people was despised by Wang Chengen, which is the so-called rebellion of scholars, which failed in three years.

Except for the factory guards who are most loyal to the imperial power, the civil servants who were born as scholars actually agree with the scholars in their hearts. manner.

Therefore, for most civil officials, their attitude is to watch the show, not to participate or stop, just to see the development of the situation.

For them, the rise of science lies in the blind spots of their knowledge.The Four Books and Five Classics are the basis for them to be officials. Even if they see the benefits of science, it does not prevent them from resisting the unknown in their hearts.

If it is said that science is advocated by ordinary people, it is estimated that many officials have already called for punishment.Even if one sees the huge benefits that science can bring, at most it is to incorporate science into artisanship, but it cannot be compared with Confucianism.

However, science is advocated by the current emperor.This amount is heavy, and no one has the courage to go against the emperor.Because the truth is that you can't be the emperor, and you can't use your identity and official position to suppress the emperor!

But for scholars who have not yet become officials, especially those scholars, and even some juren, they will be worried that if one day the emperor gets hot-headed and adds science to the imperial examination, in addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, he must also The science test, even to the extreme, abolished the Four Books and Five Classics, and if only science was tested, their hard work in the cold window would be in vain.

Especially for those who are admitted to the scholar and juren at an advanced age, they no longer have the energy to study science.Based on this, Kong Yinzhi's agitation will be responded by scholars.And Wang Cheng'en's fueling the flames is simple, just put out false news, saying that the Four Books and Five Classics will be abolished, and only science will be tested, which can make them lose their minds.

If you really want to say that there are not many scholars who support science, most of them are concentrated among young people.There are also those who are curious about the magic of science. Even if science is not included in the imperial examination, they are very interested in learning it.

The ninth day of February is the first exam of the exam.

Even before the examinees entered the arena, the troubled scholars started to mobilize first!

Everyone seemed to be doing great things, turned into the embodiment of justice, called friends and friends, excited all night, didn't sleep well at all, with dark circles under their eyes, they rushed to the Gongyuan in a mighty way.

Some of them even held up portraits of Confucius, or spirit plaques. Seeing each other, they cheered each other up, and they were so impassioned that they directly blocked the Gongyuan.

As long as they have the status of a scholar, they are people with fame. Seeing that the county master does not worship, if they want to spank their ass, they have to think about their fame.

Therefore, ordinary guards are only there to maintain order, facing such a group of menacing scholars, they dare not go up at all.

People don't pay attention to those who talk nicely.Therefore, the situation can only be reported.

The officials in charge had known about this for a long time, pretended to be anxious, tried to persuade him a few words but failed, and went on to report it.

The weakness of the government has fueled the arrogance of these troublemakers.Originally, some people were observing secretly, and they were a little hesitant to join their ranks.

After seeing the government's attitude, they also joined the ranks of rioting.

There is no other reason, this is a grand event for scholars, and if there is a disturbance, it will be a good opportunity to gain fame.

Anyway, the more people there are, the safer it is. Could it be that the imperial court can still deal with so many scholars?
Based on this kind of thinking, there are at least five hundred famous scholars blocking the gate of the Gongyuan.

Moreover, after the news spread here, more people who looked like scholars came to work here.Most of these people are older.

The examination was organized by the Ministry of Rites, and news of these scholars making trouble was first reported to the Minister of Rites.

Seeing that such a big matter was about to be delayed, the Minister of Rites hurried over.

I don't know whether he was intentional or unintentional. As soon as he came, he immediately scolded these scholars: "The examination is a great ceremony of the country. Don't you know how to write dead words when you hinder the holding of the examination?"

Those who can be encouraged to come here to make trouble, those who are in the lead naturally have the idea of ​​going all out, and how can they shrink back when they are so frightened by him.

Even on the contrary, what he said aroused the anger of these scholars, and they all started shouting and cursing.

"This is defending the Dao for the Holy Learning, what is the crime?"

"The way of sages, have you read it in the stomach of a dog? Are you still a disciple of a sage?"

"A beast in clothes, a generation who has forgotten their ancestors, and Andre comes here to bark?"


If it's just about lip service, then no one can scold a scholar.Among the scholars, there is basically a big advantage in the number of people.After all, those who are like Zhuge Liang fighting against other Confucian scholars are in the minority.

These scholars, you say a word, I say a word, and the mouth is flying, the Minister of Rites can stop it, immediately retreat, and go to report to the Minister of Rites.

As for the president and vice president who originally presided over the examination, they didn't show up for some reason.

Soon, the Minister of Rites arrived in a hurry, and comforted him with kind words: "Everyone, if you have any demands, go to the yamen to talk, and stop here, hindering the test. This is delaying the future of others, and it is not what a gentleman does!"

Too hard, come soft.

However, it would be strange if these scholars could listen!

As soon as the Minister of Rites finished speaking, the group of scholars immediately attacked him.

"My lord's words are very true. What the students condemn is the major event that delays the future of scholars in the world. Let's say it here!"

"Yes, the yamen will listen to what the yamen says? If you want to say it, say it here!"

"My lord, please be considerate of the scholars in the world, report to the emperor, and return my Confucian status!"

"Confucianism is a holy learning for thousands of years. How can science be virtuous and dare to be compared with Confucianism? Students, etc., must seek justice for the holy learning!"

"If we don't settle things today, the students won't leave!"

"For the prosperity of the holy learning, the students are willing to defend the Tao with their lives. If you don't agree, you won't leave!"

"Yes, there is no result today, and the students will complain to the gate of Gongyuan with blood in their stools!"


Under the chatter, the crowd was raging, and the righteous spirit encouraged more scholars who watched the excitement to join.

The Minister of Rites just opened his mouth, and in such a messy situation, he couldn't talk about them at all.Moreover, even if he rarely had the opportunity to speak, it would be a bastard chanting scriptures, and he would not listen to them.

Having already delayed the time for the examination, the Minister of Rites did not dare to neglect them, and immediately appeased them, saying that he would immediately ask the emperor for instructions and see what the emperor had to say.

In fact, there was no need for him to report at all.On the Chongzhen Emperor's side, the farce had already been broadcast live through Wang Chengen's side.

However, when the Minister of Rites came to report to him, he seemed to be unaware of it, and he was furious when he heard it: "What a dare, what are you talking about with me? If you interfere with the trial, you will be put in prison!" "

"Your Majesty, this number is really too many. There are at least seven or eight hundred scholars, and most of them are well-known. If they are all thrown into prison, I'm afraid...someone will criticize Your Majesty!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he didn't seem to expect that there were so many people, and then he frowned, and asked the Minister of Rites, "What do you think?"

"The examination is a major event, so we can't delay it. I believe that the current plan should be to make the big event small, and the small matter should be resolved first, so that the examination will go smoothly!"

Hearing this, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while, and then said to the Minister of Rites: "In this case, then Qing will tell them that I know about their demands, and we will discuss them later. Disperse, I will not blame the past for gathering people to make trouble this time!"

The Minister of Rites actually knew what Emperor Chongzhen's attitude towards science was, and he knew that this was just a tactic to delay the attack.It is estimated that science will be included in the imperial examination in the future, and it is a certainty.

But at this time, he saw that after the emperor finished speaking impatiently, he had already expressed the intention of telling him to get out of here, so he didn't dare to say any more, he could only see if he could temporarily appease the troubled scholars first.

However, it was clear that his expectations were not met.

Those scholars who were excited, when they heard the reply from the Minister of Rites, told them to disperse and discuss it later, they would not know that this was a evasion.Not to mention, there are people who are fueling the flames. Immediately, all these scholars are "filled with righteous indignation". If they don't give a clear answer today, they just won't leave!
The head of the Minister of the Ministry of Rituals had a big head, so he quickly consulted with the chief assistant, and persuaded these scholars together, but it was useless, so he had to enter the palace again to face the saint.

Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen did not get angry anymore, but said that he promised to hold a court meeting on the matter of science after the general examination, and there would be results at that time.

Then, he threatened again, but it seemed that because there were too many people, the threat he gave was also the kind that had no confidence.What do you say, if you continue to make trouble and do not retreat, the person in charge will hit the court stick.

As soon as this word spread, these scholars were not only not afraid, but they were all beaten like chicken blood.

Tingzhang, in this Ming Dynasty, as long as you don't beat him to death, your reputation can reach the top in one fell swoop.Therefore, there is a saying that the officials of the Ming Dynasty even thought of deceiving the imperial staff.

 There is an update today, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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