Chapter 480 Introducing the King into the Urn

Of course, what if he was killed?
If you really want to die, no matter how high your prestige is, it will be a loss-making business!

Therefore, after the Emperor Chongzhen's will to spank his butt if he made trouble, most people chose to wait and see, but there were a few hard-headed ones who were still yelling there, not retreating a step.

What the emperor said couldn't be a fart!
Wang Cheng'en, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies and the admiral of the West Factory, went out in person and led a large group of people to the gate of the Gongyuan. He delivered an order in a high-profile manner, arrested the leaders who made the most trouble, and spanked them in public.

In the past two years since the establishment of the West Factory, there has been a lot of work done. It is considered prestigious. In addition to the reputation bonus from the time when the West Factory was established in the previous dynasty, it really shocked the scene and made these scholars who were raging. Turned off quite a bit.

"Clap clap clap..."

The sound of spanking, performed in public, and very loudly, scared some scholars to involuntarily clutch their buttocks, feeling a little pain.

However, what they never expected was that there was just such a big "crackling" beating. After the beating was over, Wang Chengen scolded them for retreating. Under the background board, the beaten people not only did not die, but were still alive. Energy shouted out there, expressing that he would not retreat unless he gave an explanation!

This time, these scholars came back to their senses.

It turns out that they carried out the sacred teachings, and the current emperor dare not really mess around.Loud thunder, little rain, just trying to scare them away!

On the emperor's side, it's just the outsiders who are strong in the middle!

Thinking about it, this is going against scholars all over the world. Even the emperor might not have the guts to do so, right?

Thinking about it this way, scholars who wanted to earn their reputation began to hate Wang Chengen.

For them, for their era, it is politically correct for scholars to hate eunuchs!It is something that everyone will praise when they hear it.

Anyway, after seeing through the emperor's dog, he didn't dare to do anything to them, so he rushed to attack them one by one.Those who are "filled with righteous indignation" are as if Wang Chengen has become a heinous villain.

"You guys are enough, you still dare to gather crowds to make trouble, aren't you afraid of death?" Faced with all this, Wang Chengen pretended to be surprised and angry and shouted.

To be honest, his acting skills can indeed be developed after staying in the palace for so long.

As soon as those scholars saw it, they felt that Wang Chengen really lacked confidence and dared not do anything to them.

In this way, they will push their noses even more!
"Holy learning is the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, and there must be no change!"

"If we don't give an explanation to the scholars in the world today, we won't leave!"

"The sage has a saying, mighty can't be subdued, come on, beat me to death if you have the ability!"

"You eunuch, my generation of scholars is ashamed to be with you, get out!"

"Yes, we don't talk to eunuchs, get out!"


Wang Chengen was startled and angry at their attacks, but he really didn't dare to resort to violence, and finally left with his Xichang subordinates in despair.

Before leaving, based on his status, of course he also spoke harshly.Say something like "you wait, our family will play the emperor and beat you all to death".

Wang Chengen's external strength and middle performance were well conveyed to these scholars, making them feel that Wang Chengen's defeat gave them a big victory: look, the eunuch, who was afraid of even high-ranking officials, suffered from them. Big loss!

They also became more and more convinced that this world, after all, is the world of scholars!Even if he is a high-ranking emperor, so what, can he rule the country without scholars?

So, this time, they have a lot of confidence!

Sure enough, after the admiral of Xichang went back in embarrassment, another eunuch came to pass the decree, announcing that the exam would be postponed for one day. Kong Hong didn't care about the troubled scholars, and hoped that they would stop making trouble and delay the exam.

Upon hearing this, these scholars not only did not retreat with gratitude, but became even more outraged, shouting one after another, and they would never retreat until they came to a conclusion.

Sit quietly, go on a hunger strike, and get up!
There were even some onlookers who saw this scene and felt that it was profitable, so they joined in one after another.

The number of scholars at the gate of the Gongyuan reached as many as a thousand in the afternoon.

As the saying goes, there are many people who are bold.Seeing more and more people meditating and blocking the door, each and every one of them is like a chicken blood, if they can retreat consciously, there will be ghosts!
The officials in the court were naturally paying attention to this scene.

On the responsible side of the Ministry of Rites, they tried to persuade them but were sprayed by these scholars.More officials, who had nothing to do with themselves, hung up high and watched the excitement from the sidelines.

Among them, those who were familiar with Emperor Chongzhen and knew a lot, smelled something unusual.

It's not that there must be someone instigating behind these scholars, this is for sure, otherwise it would not be possible to make such a big fuss.It is the practice of the current emperor, which seems wrong.

One who felt this was Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Back then, because of official corruption, Emperor Chongzhen was so ruthless that all the yamen in the capital were shut down.This is not comparable to these scholars making trouble in front of them.

If it is said that the Emperor Chongzhen in the past few years may have been scruples in doing things, he would look forward and backward, and hesitate, but since the beginning of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, when the emperor seemed to have obtained the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu, the methods were decisive and ruthless. Spicy, not comparable to before!
Shoufu, who ransacked the house; Minister of the Ministry of War, who ransacked the house; Cheng Guogong, this was passed down from the time of Emperor Chengzu, and he was trusted before. They all ransacked the family and exterminated the family, and even the vassal kings were unlucky.

After becoming such an emperor, among these scholars, even if most of them are famous people who make troubles, they will definitely not be so lenient, hesitant!
Although it is said that these scholars are using holy learning as an excuse, the troubles at the gate of the Gongyuan, hindering the progress of the examination, are all big things!With the decisiveness of the emperor after he changed his temper, how could he behave like this?
Besides, the courtiers of Emperor Chongzhen's attitude towards science could not be more clear, and they would definitely not compromise.But judging from today's handling, it seems that the emperor is a little hesitant, giving them hope for these troubles!
Thinking of this, Zuo Maodi was a little shocked, because he thought of a possibility, the emperor didn't change his temper again, but did it on purpose, waiting for them to continue to make trouble?


To deal with these scholars, the dignified emperor, as for doing this?
Behind this, there must be an unusual inside story.

Soon, Zuo Maodi came to such a conclusion.However, for a while, he didn't know all the information, so he couldn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Emperor Chongzhen's gourd?

This incident, he felt, was likely to become another major event in the Chongzhen Dynasty.However, he couldn't understand the joints, so he didn't dare to act rashly. At most, he would look at his nephews and acquaintances, and it was strictly forbidden to participate in this matter.

As night fell, these scholars had no intention of leaving at all, and still blocked the entrance of the Gongyuan and sat quietly.

During this period, people came to the palace again, advising them to be obedient and leave as soon as possible.

However, it was definitely useless, and instead they scolded them back.

From the beginning to the end, the servants and soldiers who maintained order in the Gongyuan hid far away, and there were more places to watch the theater.

This also let these troubled scholars know that although the princes in the court did not show up, they still supported them, otherwise this would not be the case.

In this way, they will be more motivated.

However, what they didn't expect was that it was still the beginning of February, and after nightfall, it was still very cold.Sitting quietly at the gate of the Gongyuan is also a serious crime.

But fortunately, someone sent a cotton blanket and secretly brought some food, so that they wouldn't really go on a hunger strike and could persevere.

However, even so, by the next day, most of the spirits were sluggish.

One is that most of the scholars who make trouble like them are older; the other is that the scholars of this era are already the kind who only study and do not strengthen their bodies. Even if they are wrapped in cotton blankets, spending a night in such a wild place is very harmful to their health.

Under such circumstances, Wang Chengen led people again.Seeing their appearance, they were triumphant, and they looked like a villain. Tell them to get out of here quickly, and stop obstructing the holding of the test, otherwise they will have to spank their buttocks.

It has to be said that Wang Chengen's appearance is particularly unbearable. These scholars were in a bad mood after being blown by the cold wind all night, and with yesterday's experience, they felt that the emperor dared not do anything to them. It aroused their anger.

Scholars scolding people, that is, without using a dirty word, they can scold their ancestors for eighteen generations, and they can bring the dead back to life!
Wang Chengen became angry from embarrassment, and immediately arrested those scholars who made a fuss, and began to spank their buttocks in public again.

But just like before, I didn't dare to fight to death, but it was heavier than yesterday's.

After the fight, he still managed to drink and asked, "Who else?"

Seeing that no one was dead, Wang Chengen's arrogance was so arrogant, and immediately, more of these people rushed out to take the attack.

Wang Chengen was really good at the beginning, he came and beat one another, but after beating one after another, after beating more than a dozen people, he was obviously timid, and after uttering harsh words, he ran away in despair.

This is the battle to win!
This time, the emotions of these troublesome scholars rose again, and they felt that if they persisted, they would definitely win.

Some people even started to suggest that it would be better to occupy the Gongyuan instead of drinking northwest wind at the door.

Although it didn't say clearly that it could shelter from the wind and rain, everyone could understand what it meant, and it was unknown who took the lead first, and the others followed, broke into the Gongyuan, and occupied the Gongyuan.

In this way, the test will definitely not be held again.

Some scholars who made trouble felt that something was wrong. At the beginning, they never thought about occupying the Gongyuan.There is a difference between this blocked door and Zhangong courtyard.However, under the outrage, no one dared to speak.

Things are getting bigger and bigger step by step.

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(End of this chapter)

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