Chapter 481
At this time in the late Ming Dynasty, there were not only cliques, but also associations, and this association was a very common phenomenon.

It can be said that as long as there are scholars, there must be associations.

At the beginning, this association might just be about poetry and songs, or discussing imperial examination articles.However, during the reign of Chongzhen, these associations began to slowly change and put forward their political ideas.

Especially in these associations, after those officials from the opposition joined, the tendency to point out current affairs is even greater.

The most famous one in the late Ming Dynasty was Fushe.

In fact, this Fushe is a collection of many local associations and has become a huge association organization.At this time in the late Ming Dynasty, making waves not only controlled the imperial examinations at the bottom, but could even influence the court, and even the chief assistant was able to operate, which shows how powerful it is.

However, in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, with the infighting among the leaders of Fushe, it has already begun to go downhill.In particular, Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, was poisoned to death, and Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant of their operation, was dismissed from his job and ransacked his home and exiled.

However, no matter what, among the literati in the late Ming Dynasty, the atmosphere of high-spirited talk, unrealistic, and rhetorical phenomena abound!

Now in this tribute courtyard, thousands of literati gather and watch the eunuchs "fight and win".

Of course, their current topic is naturally inseparable from their goal of struggle, asking the court to take Confucianism as its orthodoxy and abolish science.

"If you want me to say, this science is full of copper smell, how can it be compared with my holy science!"

"Yes, that's right. Sacred learning is the learning of saints, to educate all peoples; what science is, you know money and money. That is the way of profiteers. Learning this thing is simply an insult to us scholars!"

"Well said! Look who is learning this science? Isn't it craftsmen, court ladies, eunuchs, etc.? What kind of virtue do they have?"

"Don't talk about these people, even if they are the pioneers of science, how can they be better? You said, how many times has he issued an edict of guilt?"


When spraying here, some people dare not speak up.Craftsmen, court ladies, eunuchs, etc., they have no scruples when they spray.However, this time it was sprayed and sprayed on the current emperor. Without the courage, I really dare not spray it.

However, the person who sprayed it first saw that his companions did not dare to spray it anymore, so he looked down on them a bit and said, "What's the matter, isn't it true? This is my own crime, and I didn't make it up?"

"Besides, during the Jiajing Dynasty, Haigangfeng dared to write a letter, and the world has not been straight for a long time, Your Majesty! With the ancestors in front, don't people in my generation even have the courage to say a word?"

With what he said, how could other people be despised at such a time, so they began to express their opinions one after another.

Of course, the biggest reason is that even if Hai Rui scolded the emperor face to face, Hai Rui was fine in the end!And after the death of Emperor Jiajing, it was reused.

High reputation, the first person in the Ming Dynasty!

And this reputation, it was obtained by brushing the emperor, who can compare with it?
If you want to be able to compare with it, the best way is to brush the emperor!

That's right, there are more people spanking these days, so it's not uncommon. If you want to be famous, you have to find another shortcut!
So, these few people began to spray the Emperor Chongzhen who pioneered science, and the people around heard it and followed suit.

After spraying, a small half of the thousand or so troublemakers were spraying.

Of course, when they sprayed at the beginning, they were still somewhat measured, not daring to spray too much.

After spraying for an afternoon, they found no response, so they became bolder again.They don't believe that no one will report to the emperor when there is such a disturbance here in the Gongyuan?

And the reason why the emperor didn't respond was not because there were too many scholars making troubles and it was difficult to deal with them!

In the evening, Emperor Chongzhen sent eunuchs to negotiate again, telling them not to make trouble anymore.

Naturally, the softer Emperor Chongzhen became, the more violent they became.

On the morning of the third day, Emperor Chongzhen sent Wang Chengen to announce that science is a science that benefits the country and the people, and it is absolutely impossible to abolish it. Let them die and go back immediately. You are welcome.

When these literati heard that the emperor finally refused to agree, they dared to feel that they had been starving and freezing in vain for a few days.

Anyway, in their consciousness, they felt that the emperor dared not do anything to them. The experience of the past few days has proved this point.

Not only did Wang Chengen be kicked out of the Tribute Court, but someone even shouted slogans, saying that the emperor insisted on science and insulted the holy learning. The emperor issued several edicts of guilt, explaining that virtue was not worthy, and asked the emperor to abdicate and let the prince succession.

Under the turmoil of the crowd, some people got excited and shouted out, some followed up, and some felt it was inappropriate.But after all, it is too shocking, and there are still few people clamoring about it.

However, someone is indeed shouting.

After hearing this, Wang Chengen immediately returned to the palace.

Zuo Maodi sent someone to inquire about the news at the Gong Yuan, and after getting the news back, he immediately knew that things were going to get worse.Sure enough, they were making a fuss, and when they made a fuss, something happened.

For the emperor, no matter how magnanimous he is, once the imperial power is involved, it is an untouchable scale.

These troublesome scholars, whose heads were caught by the door, actually shouted such things.

No, he wasn't wrong at all.

Soon, Wang Chengen came again aggressively. This time, he brought not only a few factory guards, but a large group, and he also brought soldiers from the Beijing camp.

Watching the excitement at the entrance of the Gongyuan, seeing the large group of people approaching aggressively, it was completely different from before, and suddenly came back to their senses, this is Xichang!

Immediately, almost everyone dispersed.Some of the more courageous ones hid far away and watched curiously.

The people from Xichang broke into the Gongyuan first.

The literati inside who were talking loudly saw the people from the West Factory come again, they didn't care at first, and even prepared to continue spraying.

However, this time, the people from Xichang were not polite to them at all.

He rushed forward, punched him one by one, knocked him to the ground first, and then locked him with a chain.

All of a sudden, the inside of the Gongyuan was in chaos.

At the beginning, they hadn't recovered yet, and wanted to fight and show their integrity.

As a result, these people from the West Factory, just like before, completely changed their personalities. They didn't hold back at all, they were impolite, and those who dared to talk too much were just slapped away.Fame or not, in front of their West Factory, they are all bullshit!

At this moment, they finally experienced for themselves what the factory guard was like!
However, there are about a thousand of these literati after all. Although most of them are older, there are also a small number of young people who, upon hearing the commotion, flocked to the front to see the factory guards beating people. He put down his sleeves and wanted to call back.

When the people from the West Factory saw them, they all sneered, so they were asked to scratch a few times, and then hit them back with greater force, making them run away with their heads in their arms. Do it.

So much so that when the soldiers of the Beijing camp at the back entered, they saw the scholar lying on the ground in front of him, howling.

They came here on order, and without saying much, they immediately began to pick up people on the ground, locked them all up and took them out.

About half an hour later, the literati who caused trouble were wiped out, and they were escorted outside the Gongyuan with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Wang Chengen rode on a tall horse, looked down at these troubled literati with a sneer, and shouted sharply: "Come on, take these rebels to the Dongchang and Jinyiwei prisons, take good care of them in our family, and ask who is the mastermind behind their mass rebellion! "

Xichang doesn’t have a prison of its own, so they can only use those from Dongchang and Jinyiwei.With so many people, there is no room for one place to be closed, so both places have to be closed.

"Obey!" The people under him, after being angry with Wang Chengen for two days, were already full of anger, and when they heard Wang Chengen's order, they responded loudly.

Those literati who were close to Wang Chengen naturally heard what Wang Chengen said, and all of them were shocked.

If it was just a crime of mobilizing a crowd to make trouble, they would not be too afraid.However, what Wang Chengen said now is true, they are gathering people to rebel, this is the crime of punishing the nine clans, who can bear it?

So, they quickly shouted for injustice!
How can Wang Chengen be the one to reason with them, or in other words, how can Xichang be the one to reason with them.

When the factory was established according to the decree, the purpose was set: in the East Factory, the cases that the Jinyiwei cannot solve will be solved by the West Factory; Factory management; in a word, the East Factory and the West Factory that Jinyiwei can manage should be managed, and the East Factory and the West Factory that Jinyiwei can’t manage should be managed even more.

Whoever complained, didn't need Wang Cheng'en's order, just beat him first.The behavior of wolf and tiger frightened and paralyzed a lot of people.

In the end, it was the soldiers of the Beijing camp, two of whom supported each other and dragged away.

With a thousand people dragging away one by one, the team will grow and become very spectacular!

This posture stunned all the onlookers.

Among them, quite a few were servants or family members of these troubled literati. After seeing this scene, they all rushed back to report the news in shock.

Needless to say, it must be to find a way to save people, to find connections for those who seek connections, and for those who raise money to raise money.As for whether it works, you have to try it to know.

These people haven't been detained in the imperial prison yet, the news has already spread all over the large and small yamen of the capital.

All the officials immediately realized sensitively that Longyan was absolutely furious at such a big battle for the emperor, and this matter would never end well.

The emperor used the charge of gathering crowds for rebellion. In the Chongzhen Dynasty, Cheng Guogong was the only one. Is this going to be so unlucky again?

(End of this chapter)

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