Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 482 The situation is serious

Chapter 482 The situation is serious
If it is said that these scholars who went to the Gongyuan to make troubles will gather together to rebel, no one will believe it!
This is the case in the restaurants and teahouses of the capital, and in the private discussions of government officials at all levels.

"Gathering a crowd for rebellion depends on a group of literati, how is this possible?"

"That's right, and no warriors participated in it, it's no wonder they can rebel!"

"That old scholar on the street next door, it's just him, hehe, it's not that I look down on him, it's just that he's so strong, he's even plotting rebellion!"


However, the so-called same rice feeds a hundred kinds of people, and they all have different views on the same thing.Since some people think about problems from the perspective of scholars, there are also people who think about problems from the perspective of the court.

"These literati who made troubles blocked the Tribute Court at the beginning and hindered the holding of the examination. This is a serious crime! However, the emperor actually wanted to punish them lightly. It’s not treason, it’s a felony!”

"That's right, the emperor didn't want to punish them at first. Even if he beat them, it was just to frighten them. In the end, they didn't appreciate it!"

"No, the admiral of Xichang is usually very majestic, but everyone has seen it. At the beginning, he didn't dare to mess around with those literati who made troubles. Why? It's not the emperor's intention to let them know Get out of trouble, don't make trouble. In the end, you don't listen!"

"These are actually not the point. The point is that these people are mentally ill. They dare to say that the emperor is not worthy of virtue, and even want the emperor to abdicate. Isn't this courting death?"

"That's right, it's these things that made the emperor furious. What qualifications do they have to say this? Even the princes in the court don't have the guts! Just a group of scholars dare to dismiss the emperor, are you crazy? ?”

"Look, isn't this just damn! I really thought that the emperor would not dare to do anything to them because of the large number of people. Once it comes to imperial power, let alone more than a thousand people, there are more than a thousand people. That's useless!"

"Normal people can think of this, why don't they have a brain, and dare to shout such words!"

"Actually, they are not brainless! Think about it, why did they gather people to make trouble? Isn't it because science may affect Confucianism? But, who founded science? How could the emperor agree to their request and put Science has been abolished? Isn’t this a fundamental contradiction coming out? It’s only logical for them to say that!”

"Hehe, do they think that the emperor is the former emperor? Now the world is almost at peace. Even Jianlu, who was always invincible, was defeated by the emperor twice and killed two slave chieftains. Under the prestige, he dared to go Squeeze a tiger's beard?"

"That's right, your majesty is wise and mighty, and life is getting better and better these days. Just relying on them, if you dare to say that your majesty, if I see you in the future, I can spit on them!"


As the discussions deepened, the discussions began to diverge due to differences in social classes.On the common people side:
"I really want to talk about this matter. Confucianism and science, I choose science!"

"Yes, I also support science, what is the smell of copper? They are famous, they are all rich people, and they don't care about money, but we are short of money. The way of science is the way to make money, so our life will be easier Get up, I will stand for science!"

"Hehe, don't they care about money? They are the most greedy scholars. They have read the knowledge of sages and sages into their stomachs. What's the use of learning from sages and sages? It's better to just choose science, which is not a study of money What? Thanks to them being against science!"

"That's not true! I'm afraid they are stupid by reading the Four Books and Five Classics? If they can't get into science and can't make money, they will come to oppose science!"

"Hey, don't say it, think about it, these troublemakers are all sour scholars! It's strange that they can study science because of their pedantry. So, they are so against science!"

"They don't even think about it. With the prevalence of science, our life is much better than before, and it is much more convenient. They will also benefit! They are opposed to science, and I give them a face!"


Because of this incident, ordinary people compared Confucianism and science for the first time, and they immediately discovered that the benefits that science brought to them were much higher than Confucianism!Needless to say, based on their respective interests, they have clearly supported science.

Compared with these ordinary people, the key points of the private discussions of those court princes, officials at all levels, etc. are different.

"Who the hell is going to channel these people? This time, I'm afraid it's going to be a disaster!"

"You said there was an organization behind this?"

"Nonsense, so many people are going to make trouble, if there is no one who takes the lead behind it, do you believe it? Anyway, I can't believe it!"

"It's true, these people are usually scattered. If no one is in collusion, there is no way that so many people will go to the Gongyuan to make trouble at the same time!"

"Now that these people have been arrested and sent to the imperial prison, their skin will peel off even if they don't die. With so many people, the leader must not be able to hide!"

"This is a charge of mobilizing a crowd for rebellion. If it involves imperial power, who will be behind it? Stay away, but it must not be..."

"The crime of Zhu Jiu Clan, I don't know how many people will be implicated, it's a damn thing!"


Everyone in the officialdom had already anticipated the bloody storm that was about to begin!
At this time, whoever dares to save someone will have no time to hide!

When it comes to imperial power, no matter how benevolent the emperor is, he will show his bloody mouth. It is absolutely impossible for this matter to end well!
Whoever dares to join in, once the emperor suspects him, not to mention the glory and wealth, it may even affect the family, no, it is the family, even the nine clans!

Some smart people deduced from the beneficiaries of this matter, and vaguely guessed what it was.

It is impossible for ordinary officials to be full enough to oppose the science established by the emperor.Even if the emperor said that science should be included in the imperial examination, it would have no effect on them, because they had already passed the exam.

Moreover, as officials, they have to worry about the firewood, rice, oil and salt under their rule. They were deeply financially stretched before, and it can even be said that they are deeply aware of the chaotic situation.

And the changes that the way of science brought to them also made them very shocked and popular.

Under these circumstances, no official would have opposed the emperor's science so violently!

At most, I feel some objection in my heart, and I may talk about it in private, thinking that science still cannot be compared with Confucianism.However, they will never say it publicly.

Most of the scholars who made troubles were older, most of them were scholars, and some of them were juren.They can understand when these people go to make trouble.

These people have read the Four Books and Five Classics all their lives, but they haven't passed the test yet, and they will have to take the test again in the future.As a result, if science is added to the imperial examination, it is tantamount to adding an extra burden to them.Especially for those who are older, if they learn a new subject, they will feel that they will not be able to compare with those young scholars. Naturally, they will be anxious. It is also natural to oppose the addition of science to the imperial examination.

If we say that behind these people, someone is instigating them to make trouble.As long as you are not stupid, you can think of one or two, that is the Confucius family in Qufu!
Enrolling science in the imperial examinations means putting equal emphasis on science and Confucianism.This is definitely not what the Confucius family in Qufu wanted to see.As a result, they secretly instigated some acid scholars to make trouble, and wanted to abolish science, which also made sense.

However, these troublemakers must be mentally ill. Blocking the door of the Gongyuan is already a felony for the court to investigate.Even occupying the Tribute Court, forget it, and even speak out, and criticize the emperor!They thought they were all Hai Gangfeng?
Hehe, they deserve it?

The more people there are, the greater the possibility of accidents, which can be seen in this matter.

He slandered the emperor with outspokenness, and even asked the emperor to abdicate to the crown prince. Is he trying to kill the crown prince or the people behind it?

When it came to imperial power, no official dared to provoke the emperor about this matter, and they just waited and watched.

Soon, the result of the trial was announced on the West Factory side, and a messenger flew out from the Forbidden City side immediately.

On the side of the capital, there was also movement. The factory guards made a big move and arrested the family members of those troublemakers. The imperial prison will definitely not be closed.

The eyes of the officials in the capital are all bright, knowing that this is for sure.The most important thing for them is, does the emperor know who is behind this disturbance and how they will deal with it?
However, the emperor did not say it publicly, so no one dared to ask the emperor about it.In case the emperor is offended, this is not an ordinary crime!
But a few days later, the capital finally got news.

This news did not come from the palace, but from Shanhaiguan.

Du Yinxi, governor of Jiliao, sent someone back to the capital in an emergency, and found the chief assistant, He Fengsheng. He said that the emperor had sent an order to Liu Wenxiu, who was stationed at Shanhaiguan, to rush to Qufu, Shandong, to catch Yan Shenggong. .

When Du Yinxi heard the news, his face turned pale with shock.How could Yan Shenggong rebel?
But no matter what he thought, he didn't dare to intercept the imperial decree, so he had to ask the chief assistant urgently.As a disciple of Confucianism, it is natural not to sit idly by.

There are factory guards following, and Liu Wenxiu was born as a thief, so he doesn't have a special liking for Yan Shenggong. With the emperor's will in hand, he will not be soft-hearted towards the Confucius family in Qufu.Even if Du Yinxi wanted to stop it, he definitely couldn't stop it.

When He Fengsheng heard the news, he was shocked for a long time and did not recover.

Before changing this, someone told him that the Confucian family in Qufu would rebel, and he would never believe it; someone told him that the emperor would kill the nine families of the Confucian family in Qufu, and he would definitely not believe it.

 There is also an update today

(End of this chapter)

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