Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 487 The Abacus of Emperor Chongzhen

Chapter 487 The Abacus of Emperor Chongzhen

Upon hearing this, He Fengsheng quickly asked, "Who?"

The others were also curious, and looked at Zuo Maodi one after another, listening with pricked ears.

Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also reminded: "You have to be in the capital, right?"

After hearing this, Zuo Maodi said in a low voice but confidently: "It's in the capital, Duke Zhongzhen!"

Duke Zhongzhen is Qin Liangyu. After the great victory in Ningyuan, Emperor Chongzhen ordered her to be named Duke Zhongzhen and let her live in the capital for the elderly.

It is said that after living in the capital, he was summoned by the palace every three days, and was very respected by the harem.

And it can also be seen from the title of this title that the emperor does not grant the conventional titles, which must be from Zhongzhenhou to Zhongzhengong. This shows how assured the emperor is of Qin Liangyu and thinks she is the most loyal.

However, Xu Shiqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice heard this, but immediately shook his head and said: "The words of Duke Zhongzhen should indeed have this weight, but Duke Zhongzhen is loyal to His Majesty, so he may not persuade the Emperor!"

Huang Zong was a little unhappy when he heard this on Monday, and immediately retorted: "Are we not loyal to the emperor anymore? We did this for the emperor's benefit!"

Xu Shiqi knew that he had said something wrong, so he was afraid that the matter would reach the emperor's ears, so he quickly explained: "I just want to say that Duke Zhongzhen may not realize that he persuaded the emperor's three divisions to have a joint trial. This is actually for the emperor's good!"

He knew that the factory guards were rampant now, and the emperor would definitely know about what was discussed today.Don't explain one or two, once the emperor remembers it, it's over.

"That's the reason!" Zuo Maodi heard it, and hurriedly said, "We just need to explain to Duke Zhongzhen that this is for the emperor's good, and she will go to persuade the emperor!"

Speaking of this, he paused and then said: "I can go for a walk and explain to Duke Zhongzhen!"

When the other people heard that Zuo Maodi had taken over the matter, they were all happy, so they praised him one after another, and then broke up the meeting.

If Zuo Maodi's words moved Qin Liangyu, then they will follow up together, and the joint trial of the three divisions can basically be foreseen.

On the way back, Xu Shiqi felt a little regretful about what he said wrongly, so he thought about how to make it up.

Not to mention, as he thought and thought, he really reminded him of someone.Although this person is not as prominent as Duke Zhongzhen, he is still very important in the eyes of the emperor.If I put my heart and soul into the emperor's mind and pass it to the emperor's ears through him, it may be able to remedy one or two things.

Thinking of this, he didn't go back home, and immediately turned to get busy.


On Zuo Maodi's side, after coming out of the capital and auxiliary mansion, he went directly to Duke Zhongzhen's mansion and handed over a name card to see him.

It was really lucky, Qin Liangyu was just about to enter the palace at the invitation of Concubine Tian Gui, when he met Minister of the Ministry of Officials for a visit, naturally he received him first.

In the living room, when Qin Liangyu saw Zuo Maodi, he said with a smile: "Heavenly officials will go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but the old woman has stated in advance that if it is about the Kong family, then it will not be discussed!"

Tianguan is the honorific title of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Zuo Maodi was not happy when he heard it.Because he could hear from Qin Liangyu's words that he didn't address Yan Shenggong but only the Confucius family, which meant that the Qufu Confucius family had no weight with Qin Liangyu at all.

Thinking about it, Qin Liangyu is a woman. After marrying the chieftain, she led the army and fought for her whole life. She was finally named Zhongzhen Gong because of her military achievements. Although she has nothing to do with Confucianism, she definitely has no imperial examination background, and Qufu The Kong family has a deep relationship.

It is reasonable for people not to respect the Confucian family in Qufu.

However, since Zuo Maodi took the initiative to accept the job, he naturally came here with some confidence.

Therefore, after hearing Qin Liangyu's words, he also said with a smile: "Mr. Zhongzhen made a mistake. I am here this time because I am really worried that your Majesty will go his own way, which will be detrimental to the country!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Liangyu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked, "How do you say that?"

It can be seen that she is very concerned about the emperor.

When Zuo Maodi saw him, he didn't take a sip of tea, and immediately said while the iron was hot: "In this important case of the Tribute Court, all the troublemakers were arrested and imprisoned, and then it was reported that it was ordered by the Confucius family in Qufu, so the emperor decided to gather a crowd It is a serious crime of treason. If such an important matter does not go through the joint trial of the three divisions, Duke Zhongzhen thinks, how will the people of the world think of it?"

As I said before, according to the usual practice, such an important case needs to be heard by the three divisions.And if it is a joint trial by the three divisions, no matter the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple or the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they have no power to sentence. They can only report the results to the emperor, who has the final say.

This time it was the factory guard who did it directly, which was really not in line with the convention in terms of emotion and reason.

Before Qin Liangyu opened his mouth to speak, Zuo Maodi immediately continued: "I have always respected the Confucian family in Qufu and treated it as the Duke of Yansheng. All the scholars in the world are the children of Confucianism. To the scholars in the world, the Confucian family in Qufu can be said to be The disciples of a benevolent teacher are therefore respected by scholars all over the world. Your Majesty's current actions are really hard to convince the hearts of scholars all over the world. Right and wrong, put it on the bright side, under the joint trial of the three divisions, one is one, two is two, the world Scholars can also obey it!"

"If Ruoyan Shenggong really encouraged those troublemakers to dare to touch the imperial power, I believe I will not tolerate it. But if it is wronged, will the scholars in the world be able to accept it? The world is not peaceful yet, and there are still thieves and captives. Once the world's scholars resent and go to the exiles and captives, the world will be in chaos! Even if the world is peaceful, the world will still be governed by scholars. Once Yan Shenggong is really wronged, it will definitely be detrimental to the country. , is not good for His Majesty!"

"Now His Majesty has sent an army to raid the Confucius family in Qufu, and arrested Yan Shenggong and others to Beijing. Once the decree is really executed to execute Yan Shenggong and the Confucius family in Qufu. Your Majesty's wisdom and martial arts will inevitably suffer from the dust. I wonder if Lord Zhongzhen would like to see this passed down to future generations?"

"To be honest with Mr. Zhongzhen, there are rumors outside that His Majesty's move is to covet the property of the Confucian family in Qufu, so he planted the blame. If such a false name does not pass the trial of the three divisions, it will be convincing to everyone. The truth will definitely spread more and more widely!"


Zuo Maodi was talking earnestly, Qin Liangyu didn't take it seriously at first.But, slowly, her expression finally became serious.

There was no other reason, but she was a little afraid of the rumor Zuo Maodi said!
Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen has confiscated countless homes in the past few years.Although, in Qin Liangyu's view, every person whose house was ransacked deserved to die.However, it was indeed stolen!Even Qin Liangyu has faintly heard of it. There are rumors among the people that today's emperor is the "emperor who copied the family".

This time, if the Confucian family in Qufu were directly ordered to conspire against the Confucian family without going through the three divisions, the people in the world would definitely think wrongly.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a group of scholars to gather together to rebel.

Then the result is a bit obvious, and ransacking the house will become an excuse for the world to attack the current emperor.

The emperor's kindness to him is as great as a mountain, how can the emperor be misunderstood by the world?

Thinking of this, Qin Liangyu waved his hand to Zuo Mao first and said: "Heavenly officials don't need to say any more, I will enter the palace right away, and meet His Majesty, and tell the truth!"

On Zuo Maodi's side, he was talking vigorously, but he didn't expect Qin Liangyu to agree so straightforwardly, and he would go to the palace to talk about it immediately.This made him sigh with emotion, he deserves to be a leader who has fought in battle all his life, and he is very decisive in doing things!
Thinking of this, he quickly thanked Qin Liangyu, saying that everyone was doing it for the emperor's good, and the emperor must not be stigmatized in this matter.

Afterwards, he left in a hurry, and immediately sent someone to contact the cabinet members and the six ministries and nine ministers, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and wrote a letter together, requesting a joint trial by the three divisions.


On Wang Chengen's side, he didn't take it seriously at first.However, he heard that even Duke Zhongzheng persuaded the emperor to have a joint trial by the three divisions, as well as the cabinet, six ministries and nine ministers, and even the scientific and technological masters who have always ignored political affairs and only devoted themselves to various scientific knowledge, all agreed that the three divisions should be interrogated. , he couldn't sit still.

In fact, he thought that no one understood Emperor Chongzhen's thoughts better than him.The reason why he was allowed to add fuel to the flames and finally dragged the Kong family to a desperate situation was because the emperor took a fancy to the wealth of the Kong family.

But now, if the Zhensantang joint trial, the matter of the Confucius family in Qufu may be reversed.If that's the case, he will probably be unlucky!
Sure enough, the Qufu Confucian family cannot be brought down by ordinary people.Even the emperor faced such great resistance.

Of course he didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen had a hole card, so he hurriedly asked to see Emperor Chongzhen, wanting to find out what the emperor meant?
As a result, as soon as Wang Chengen saw the emperor, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him: "I have agreed to the trial in three courts, and my companion will represent the factory guard, and I will watch over it."

In addition to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it was also a common practice for the factory guards to supervise the entire interrogation process in the Ming Dynasty.

Now Wang Dehua, Duke of the East Factory, and Li Ruolian, Commander of Jinyiwei, are not in the capital, so Wang Chengen, Prince of the West Factory, is there.It was also very natural for Emperor Chongzhen to let him go.

As soon as he heard that the emperor had agreed to the three joint trials, Wang Chengen became anxious immediately, and hurriedly played: "Long live Lord, this... this..."

Before he could do anything about it, Emperor Chongzhen said to him with a smile: "Don't worry, buddy, I know your concerns. I can tell you the truth. They won't be able to turn this matter around. What you have to do , It is to make the Kong family stink first, and reveal all the illegal things of the Kong family during the third trial!"

If it's really just a forcible search of the house, there is no problem, just throw the video out.However, if you do that, you may not be able to convince the public.After all, after so many dynasties, the Confucian family in Qufu has become a kind of spiritual sustenance for scholars.

Only under such intense conflicts and under the eyes of all the people, first strip off the Kong family’s underpants, and then take out the video to make a final decision, can this completely destroy the Qufu Confucian family’s sustenance in the hearts of scholars.

From then on, there will only be Confucius, and there will be no Confucius family!

(End of this chapter)

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