Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 488 Three Divisions Trial

Chapter 488 Joint Trial of the Three Divisions

Of course, the most important thing, in fact... is that the Kong family is rich enough!
If it is said that the Kong family is poor, or just generally rich, do you think Emperor Chongzhen would go to war so aggressively!
At this time, when Wang Chengen heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, he quickly replied: "Your maid obeys the order!"

Afterwards, he was still a little hesitant, and finally thought about it, and still reminded: "Long Live Lord, after these three trials, I'm afraid it's the last crime, so there's no way to search the house!"

The biggest possibility, Wang Chengen has already thought of it, changing someone to be Yan Shenggong is probably the result of the three trials.

After arresting those people and putting them in imperial prison, Wang Chengen didn't go to check whether those who said that Emperor Chongzhen was unworthy of virtue and asked the emperor to give up the throne to the crown prince were actually the ones who said it, because he knew very well in his heart that there was no such thing. matter.

Therefore, Wang Chengen tortured him severely, and then seduced him with words, so that several troubled literati put the blame on Kong Yinzhi.

However, if it was a joint trial by the three divisions, under the interrogation of those civil officials, those who insisted that Kong Yinzhi asked them to slander the emperor and related to imperial power would be easily questioned.

At this moment, after Wang Chengen finished speaking, for the sake of the emperor, he proposed to Emperor Chongzhen again: "How about the slaves kill the few people who confessed to Kong Yinzhi?"

In this way, in addition to the previous confessions, it is impossible for those civil servants to obtain other confessions.

But if you do this, it will be easy for the civil servants to know that there is a ghost in it, and it may even cause the Qufu Confucian family to call for grievances, and the pressure on Wang Chengen will be even greater!
Emperor Chongzhen listened, and said with a faint smile: "There is no need for this. Even if they find out the truth and know that Kong Yinzhi did not intend to gather people to rebel, I will not return the money. There will be no more Kong family in Qufu in the future." !"

After a pause, he looked at Wang Chengen and confessed: "But remember, you must discredit the Kong family. Let the world know that the virtues of the Kong family are just ordinary people, even worse than ordinary people. It's just relying on the shadow of our ancestors!"

After hearing this, Wang Chengen didn't understand where did Emperor Chongzhen get his confidence?But in the end, he did what the emperor asked him to do!
On the second day after the three trials were scheduled, Liu Wenxiu escorted the Confucius family from Qufu to the capital.

On this day, scholars from the capital side flocked out of the city to welcome him.Seeing the misery of the Kong family, many literati burst into tears, just like their dead parents!
The literati who escorted the Kong family to the capital were immediately encouraged when they saw the situation in the capital, and they all shouted to give Yan Shenggong justice.The momentum is so great, it is very rare!

It can be seen from this that the Confucian family in Qufu had a profound influence on scholars!
But Liu Wenxiu, who was wearing armor and armor, saw her, but curled her lips and sneered.Based on his experience, he has already determined that if these literati take out knives, there will be no one left among the ten people here.

That is to say, they felt that the imperial court would not do anything to them, so they did this!

On this day, it was natural for everyone in the capital to talk about the Confucius family in Qufu.

For ordinary people, it is more about watching a play; but for scholars, it seems to be a decisive battle.

Everyone is calling Yan Shenggong wronged, and even some people are saying in private that Emperor Chongzhen, the family confiscator, took a fancy to the wealth of the Confucian family in Qufu, and the sages will be so unlucky.

In spite of their anger, they even privately believed that those literati who made troubles were not wrong, and that the imperial edict of guilt was issued by the emperor himself, and there was more than one.Now that the edict of guilt has been issued, why are others not allowed to say it?Under which Ming emperor, there was such a chaos in the world?
Of course, no one dares to say such words, but many people have this idea in their hearts, but it is true.

Unexpectedly, just one day before the much-anticipated third trial, the good news from Nanjing reached the capital.

"What, that big thief Zhang Xianzhong has been wiped out?"

"After so many years, has this thief finally been wiped out by the court?"

"In this way, wouldn't there be only one Li Zicheng left among the world's thieves?"

"Is the world really going to be peaceful?"


When the people in the capital heard the good news, they were overjoyed for a moment.Having experienced the troubled times, they most yearn for the early arrival of peace in the world.

The atmosphere in the capital seems to have returned to the time of the New Year, with the sound of firecrackers and congratulations, one after another.

The Confucian family in Qufu was escorted to the capital, and the atmosphere of grief and indignation created by those scholars was instantly diluted.

The voice of praising the present day suddenly became the mainstream again.Anyone who dares to bring up the crime against himself will definitely be criticized by a group of people.

The corruption of the Ming Dynasty is because the scholars did not learn well, so that the emperor was dragged down and even issued an edict of guilt.But thanks to the emperor's wisdom and martial arts, it finally took seventeen years to turn things around. Seeing that a peaceful and prosperous age is coming, the days to come will definitely get better and better!

Emperor Chongzhen was also very happy to receive the good news.

Zhang Xianzhong's gangsters have plagued the world for so many years, and even set fire to the imperial tomb, but now they are wiped out, and there is only one gangster force in the world.

Aside from being happy, he was also angry at what was reported in several secret notes sent at the same time.

It can be confirmed that Nanjing Xungui must have played the role of internal response in Zhang Xianzhong's breakout.It's just that I don't know, those nobles participated in it.

In the secret memorial, Ma Shiying asked for an order to thoroughly investigate the nobles in Nanjing. Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen agreed without even thinking about it.

Even the Confucian family in Qufu wants to do it. What are those nobles in Nanjing?It's just a royal dog. It's disobedient and dares to bite its own family. If they don't do it, who will they do?

However, after thinking about another matter about Ma Shiying in the secret memorial, Emperor Chongzhen contacted Liu Weichao via video, and asked Liu Weichao: "I want to know, at that time, did you still count military merits by the first rank?"

"Of course not!" Liu Weichao immediately smiled and shook his head when he heard it, "I'll check it out for you, just wait!"

Although he knew it wasn't, he still couldn't tell the specifics. He had to check to find out.

But it was also very fast, and it was found out immediately, and he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "At this time, roughly speaking, we count military merits based on four principles..."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard him speak, he listened carefully.

"1. Count the number of equipment that destroys the enemy's army, such as flying a plane. One shot counts as one!"

"2. Count the representative items captured by the enemy, such as guns, armbands, badges, flags, etc. of the enemy!"

"3. Statistics of combat effects, such as successfully defending a certain position, successfully breaking through a certain line of defense, annihilating which enemies, etc."

"4. Compare the quality of the trophies. For example, if you captured a pistol from the enemy, they captured a cannon, etc."

Speaking of this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "This is a relatively popular term. In fact, if you check the rules and regulations, there are many. I don't think you can understand them."

Emperor Chongzhen really scratched his head when he heard this.

There are disadvantages in counting military merit by the head and receiving silver rewards. This time, the conflict between Liu Liangzuo and Huang Degong originated from this.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about how to improve this.

To be honest, not to mention anything else, just counting the reward based on the head level, he felt a bit at a loss.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen did not understand it carefully.Otherwise, he would know that in Emperor Chengzu's time, there was another calculation for military merit.It's just that the implementation depends on the person.

Thinking that there will be three joint trials tomorrow, Emperor Chongzhen said to Liu Weichao: "I will think about this matter again, and I will deal with the matter of the Kong family first!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he smiled and said, "Remember, don't let others see your video. It will be effective when you use it!"

"I know!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately nodded when he heard this, "This matter is of great importance, how could I not pay attention!"


The next day was the three sessions of the joint trial. Almost all the scholars in the capital, who were qualified to attend, definitely went to listen; those who were not qualified to attend, were also waiting for news nearby.

In addition to the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet and other ministers also attended the meeting.Of course, the eunuch Bingbi was also on the side of the Sili Supervisor. Although Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian were not there, Dongchang and Jinyiwei also participated.

It can be said that this was the most solemn joint trial in the Ming Dynasty.

Everything was as predicted by the Emperor Chongzhen in advance. Those criminals who caused trouble, as well as members of the Kong family, including Kong Yinzhi, were interrogated. the truth.

In other words, Kong Yinzhi did instruct the Kong family to encourage scholars to make trouble on the day of Chunwei, trying to make the emperor clear that science will not be included in the imperial examinations and will not be compared with Confucianism.Other radical statements, such as the abolition of science, saying that Emperor Chongzhen was unworthy of virtue, and asking the emperor to give up the throne to the prince, etc., were made by those literati who were making trouble, and had little to do with Kong Yinzhi.

During this process, Wang Chengen upheld the holy will, gagged, rambling, and revealed the violations of the Kong family, including the materials that Liu Wenxiu brought back against the Kong family, under the attention of all the people.

Not only that, including the previous dynasty changes, the actions of the Confucian family in Qufu, those servile servants, even the servile servants to the barbarians, are all serious and public in full view.

After the three sessions of the joint trial, after the content of the daily joint trial was disseminated, the halo of the Confucian family in Qufu finally faded away.Most people have realized that the Confucian family in Qufu, after the sages, is actually just ordinary people. Even for the sake of glory and wealth, even ordinary people are not worthy of a family. There is no such thing as advocated by Confucius. Spiritual sustenance?
However, no matter what, it is after the sages, and the most important thing in this joint trial is to wash away the charges of rebellion against the Confucian family in Qufu.

Just like that, the results of the interrogation were finally negotiated and reported to Emperor Chongzhen, which took twelve days.

(End of this chapter)

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