Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 499 Dumbfounded

Chapter 499 Dumbfounded

When Ma Shiying and others saw it, they immediately turned their heads to look, and sure enough, they found something wrong.

However, they couldn't figure out what was going on?

And outside, one minute earlier, the civil servants were still with Xungui, blocking Li Dingguo's way to death, and he knew that Li Dingguo didn't dare to make any mistakes in the face of the iron coupon of the Danshu given by Emperor Taizu. , and then bombarded Li Dingguo with his mouth.

But at this moment, a man like a slave squeezed into the crowd, rushed to the head of a civil servant, and said eagerly: "My lord, my son wants you to go home quickly!"

When the civil servant heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

What do you mean?
In front of so many colleagues, they are all complaining for the Confucian family in Qufu. In front of such a zz correct thing, do you want to go back?

Those who know it will think that there must be something wrong in their house, and those who don't know it will think that they are afraid of the martial artist in front of them!
But he was not happy at all, knowing that his son sent someone to come must be something important in the mansion, so he asked loudly: "What happened in the mansion?"

He just wanted everyone to know that he was not afraid of Li Dingguo, but that he really had to leave because of urgent matters in the mansion.Of course, if there is no urgent matter, he will also yell loudly in public, saying that for the sake of the Confucius family in Qufu, he will never leave!
Hearing such a loud shout from him, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at him.

Although it is said that whether there is anything in his house is a private matter, and few people will care about it, but he can't help shouting!Shouting in front of the two phalanxes, it's hard not to care.

That Hao Nu listened, looked at the environment he was in, and was a little embarrassed.

When the civil servant saw it, he immediately became even more unhappy, thinking that he said it so loudly that he wanted you to speak out in public so that he could leave or not!

So, he yelled again, "Say!"

When other people saw it, they didn't want to worry about it.From the looks of it, it's probably a shady private matter.For example, go to the place of fireworks and be known by the wife!
So, they turned their heads and wanted to continue to hate Li Dingguo.This thief made him arrogant just now, and he couldn't kill him!
But at this moment, the slave was so yelled at by his master that he dared not stop talking. When he was about to speak, he heard his master yell again: "Speak up, speak up!"

Seeing this, Hao Nu had no choice but to reply loudly: "The capital's mansion has reported, the young master asked the master to go back quickly, and don't get involved in the affairs here!"

Although the officials in Nanjing are all pensioners, this does not mean that they really have to be willing to retire.Those who dare to take the lead to make trouble are of this type.Thinking of brushing up his reputation, maybe he will be able to regain real power in the future.

Because of this, they are very concerned about the affairs of the capital, and Di Bao must pay attention to it immediately. This is their first-hand information about the trends in the court.

At this time, when Hao Nu answered so loudly, it immediately attracted a lot of curious questioning voices.



"What happened?"


The civil servants immediately ignored Li Dingguo, and turned their heads to look at the slave.

Don't get involved in the matter here, it means that the emperor should have made the final conclusion on the matter of the Confucius family in Qufu, and it is in conflict with what they are doing.Otherwise, this side would not say that they should not be allowed to get involved in this matter.

Thinking of this, many civil servants asked again.

"Is the matter of the Confucius family in Qufu settled?"

"Could it be that the emperor insisted on confiscating the family of the Confucius family in Qufu?"

"It's okay, what are those sages and sages in the capital doing? They allowed the emperor to do such a willful thing! This matter must not be compromised!"

"Yes, this matter must not be compromised. Those sages in the capital are not worthy of being sages. The emperor treats the Confucian family in Qufu like this. After the sages, we must seek justice!"


In their minds, this must be the case.

Compared with the civil servants in the capital, they belong to two types: barefoot and wearing shoes. Those officials who hold real power are afraid that they will lose their power, so they dare not fight with the emperor; Anyway, it's just a idle job, if you hate it, you'll get it, at worst, you won't be an official. Once this wave of prestige is brushed up, you will be more recognized by scholars than those officials with real power in the capital.

No, the master of the slave heard this, and he also shouted his opinion in public: "Zhuzi knows something, it is my job to avenge the sages and sages. Go, call him, and let's fight for the sages together." Then cry for injustice!"

After hearing this, the nobles who were among them were all happy to join in.

Their affairs are superimposed on the affairs of the Confucius family in Qufu, just to make it easier.

Let's make a fuss!
Make it bigger!
However, what they didn't expect was that after hearing his master's words, Hao Nu didn't seem to want to say it in such a public.But at this moment, I couldn't do it anymore if I didn't want to say it, so I yelled and answered his master: "It is said in the residence newspaper that the Emperor Taizu and the most holy master appeared in the Golden Luan Hall, and the current emperor is acting according to the order..."

As soon as he said these words, the noisy scene immediately became quiet.Everyone who heard the words of Hao Nu clearly had expressions of astonishment on their faces, as if they had seen a ghost.

But they reacted quickly, and before the Haonu finished speaking, they immediately started asking questions.

"What's the situation, you don't talk nonsense and blame God, don't talk nonsense!"

"Would you be able to tell such outrageous things about the apparition in the Jinluan Hall?"

"What the hell is going on? The Emperor Taizu really appeared? Also, why did the most holy master also appear?"


The scene suddenly became chaotic, and even the master Haonu wanted to ask questions, but was covered up by the noise of the vegetable market.

It is really astonishing what this Hao Nu said.

In the past, there have been rumors in the capital that Emperor Taizu appeared, and Emperor Taizu bestowed a treasure on the current emperor.However, after all, no one has ever seen the emperor Taizu really appear in public. All he knows is that since then, the current emperor has a sachet on his chest, and the emperor really looks like a different person.

But now, Emperor Taizu actually appeared in the Golden Luan Hall. If this is true, they will really explode!
Compared with them, the apparition of the most holy teacher is not as much concerned as the apparition of the emperor Taizu.

Of course, they are the most holy teachers after all, and there are people who care about them.

With such a rush of questions, it means that no one can ask anything.

As for those nobles, they were also very concerned after looking at each other. What did the Emperor Taizu say when he appeared?
So, they also joined the ranks of questioning, and for a while, no one cared about Li Dingguo.

Li Dingguo, who was sitting on the horse, was a little dumbfounded. What's going on?He had never seen such a scene, nor had he thought about it.

Fortunately, when the slave saw this situation, he took out a piece of paper from his bosom, handed it to his master and said, "Master, read it for yourself, and you will know whether the master will believe it or not!"

When the civil official saw it, he immediately reached out to take it.

But at the same time, the civil servants around him also stretched out their hands, wanting to see for themselves what was written in the mansion newspaper as soon as possible!
That's it, a copy of the residence newspaper, many hands are holding it.Then, the owner of these hands, you look at me, I look at you, it seems a little embarrassing!

On Xungui's side, he was also anxious to know what was written in the mansion newspaper.But helplessly, they have precious things in their hands, so it's not easy to rush over to grab them.

Therefore, after seeing this situation, I shouted loudly: "Don't rush, just read it out, louder, everyone can hear it!"

Huh, that seems like a good idea!

As a result, several civil officials withdrew their hands, and the slave handed over the mansion newspaper to his master.

The civil servant had no choice but to read the mansion newspaper in public according to everyone's wishes.

There is no need to look for content, because this is the biggest thing, and it is printed in the most conspicuous place.

"...At the Golden Luan Hall, Your Majesty showed the treasures bestowed by the Emperor Taizu in public, and respectfully asked the Emperor Taizu to manifest his spirit, but the treasure was lit up, and the Emperor Taizu appeared..."

Dibao is somewhat similar to the newspapers of later generations. It is an official document issued by the Department of Political Affairs and Communications to all parts of the country about current affairs.After Liu Weichao influenced Emperor Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen naturally also influenced the Department of Political Affairs and Communications, and Dibao tended to write in vernacular.

Therefore, the civil official read it out in public, and everyone listened without any hindrance.

The scene that happened in the Golden Luan Hall that day was presented to everyone through the mansion newspaper and read aloud by the official.

Civil and military officials were all in the Golden Luan Hall. The emperor Taizu, who became immortal, appeared in front of everyone, and also got the opinion of the most holy teacher on the Confucian family in Qufu, saying that the descendants have forgotten their ancestors and are not worthy of enjoying the wealth and honor in the world... …

This scene really made everyone dumbfounded.Including Li Dingguo on horseback, as well as those soldiers waiting in full force, were all dumbfounded!

After reading the newspaper about the residence of the Confucian family in Qufu, don't look at how noisy it was before, but at this moment, it is as quiet as possible.

At this time, everyone also understood, why not get involved in this matter, this was dealt with by Emperor Taizu according to the opinion of the most holy teacher, who can refuse to accept it?Who dares to refuse?

I don't know who came to his senses first, oiled the soles of his feet, and started to slip.

The Confucian family in Qufu is an unfilial son, a generation who has forgotten their ancestors, and they help themselves, that is a fool who does not distinguish between right and wrong, and whoever participates is a fool!

At this moment, these civil servants wished they hadn't been here.Seeing that someone was about to dodge, other people immediately followed suit, and it was still the same, as fast as they could dodge, I hope no one will remember that they have been here!
The dignitaries were immediately dumbfounded. The civil servants wiped the soles of their feet with oil, and the number of people was reduced by more than half. They were all exposed to the public at once, which was very conspicuous.

The most important thing is that at this time, they are also intimidated!
(End of this chapter)

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