Chapter 500 Shock
All these nobles heard clearly just now. When Emperor Taizu appeared, he said that he should not be soft on corrupt officials, he should be killed and hacked.

These words sent chills down the back of their necks.

In fact, they knew very well that if they were to be counted, or in the eyes of Emperor Taizu, those things they did must be attributed to corrupt officials.

Although the iron coupon of the alchemy book in his hand was given by the Emperor Taizu, the Emperor Taizu had already spoken, and he should be killed and hacked. Would anyone think that the Emperor Taizu was just talking!
During the Hongwu period, how many heroes of the founding of the country were killed!
With Emperor Taizu appearing and saying these words, will the emperor still have any scruples when he kills people today?

In the past, wasn't it unlucky for Cheng Guogong?But now that there is an oral order from Emperor Taizu, will today's people still have scruples about Dan Shu iron coupons?

The iron voucher of the alchemy book bestowed by Emperor Taizu definitely has a certain deterrent effect on future emperors.But now, this deterrent power will also disappear with the appearance of Emperor Taizu.

This is really a long time to see you!Well done, old man Taizu, wouldn't it be good to cultivate immortality in the sky?Why do you have to show up?
No, Xu Wenjue was scared.The eyeballs rolled for a while, and suddenly said to the accomplices beside him: "No, I've eaten up my stomach, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Then, he took the plate with the iron coupons of the Dan book, and under the guard of his servants, he ran away directly.

Seeing him like this, the others were not stupid, they continued to stay here, their reputation spread to the capital, and they were the first to act if they annoyed the current emperor.

So, they made excuses one after another.

"I'll come as soon as I go, I'm in a hurry!"

"I remembered I didn't rinse my mouth today, so I'll take my leave first!"

"Ah, I'm wearing the wrong underwear, I have to go back and change!"


With a bunch of weird excuses, or some nobles, they didn't even use excuses at all, and withdrew with the large army.

In the end, Dongning Bojiao Mengxiong and Nanhe Bofang Yiyuan remained on the scene.When the two of them saw that one was about to slip away, they hurriedly shouted "Don't go away", but it was of no use.

In the end, the two of them looked at each other, both wanted to cry without tears!
In this case, it would be useless for the two of them not to leave.

See, there is a fierce light in the eyes of this thief leader.

So, the two of them also slipped away without saying a word.

As for the two family members who were arrested, they had to find another way.

If there is no other way, you can only hold on.Anyway, it was found out by the factory guards, and they instigated trouble behind the scenes, so what, this is not a serious crime!
Seeing all the civil servants and nobles in front of him slip away, Li Dingguo couldn't help being fascinated, wishing that he was in the Golden Luan Hall, so that he could see the demeanor of Emperor Taizu!
Look, just a piece of news scares away so many civil servants and dignitaries!

Thinking of this, he looked to the left and right, and found that the surrounding Nanjing people were all chattering about what he had just heard.

After all, only those who were closer could hear clearly.Those who were far away saw the civil servants who were making such a fuss slip away one by one, and then the nobles also slipped away one by one.

what's going on?They are definitely very curious!Just ask the person in front.

And the people in front, of course, wanted to share the news they heard very much, so they talked about the news they heard.

"It's all gone!" Seeing this, Li Dingguo shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing this yell, the crowd of Nanjing people who had the guts to refuse to listen immediately dispersed.Find relatives and friends, go to other places to continue gossip.

Afterwards, Li Dingguo led his men to the palace of the imperial envoy, and this time the disturbance was over.

Looking at the scene outside, Ma Shiying and the others inside had question marks all over their foreheads, and they didn't know what happened.

Therefore, as soon as they saw Li Dingguo arriving, they rushed over and asked, "Uncle Ning Yuan, why did they leave so suddenly when they made such a fuss just now?"

The scene outside was really strange. Wang Dehua, the admiral of the East Factory, and Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, boasted that they had extraordinary knowledge and experience, but they couldn't figure it out, so they followed behind Ma Shiying, their eyes shining brightly. Staring at Li Dingguo, waiting for his answer.

However, it was Wang Dehua who showed his identity a little bit, holding a small teapot in his hand, the kind that he could take a sip at any time.In this way, it seems that he doesn't care.

They were like this, let alone Ruan Dacheng and Chen Yuanyuan.

They all saw that the end of the crisis was not because of Li Dingguo's troops, but for another reason.

They are all acquaintances here, and they are also their own people. Li Dingguo maintained a serious expression in front of outsiders, but suddenly changed, became very surprised, and said with a little excitement: "The Emperor Taizu has appeared!"

After saying this, he felt that he didn't express his good intentions, so he quickly added: "The emperor Taizu appeared in front of all civil and military officials in the Jinluan Hall, and there was also a holy teacher who sounded like Lao Tzu of the Confucius family in Qufu. , it must be Confucius, the sage of Confucius, who also appeared together!"

The most holy teacher was given by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and scholars naturally know who it is, but Li Dingguo, a rebellious warrior, has never heard of such an elegant name.But he also heard it, and knew who the most holy teacher was probably!

As soon as he finished adding these words, he suddenly heard a "clang".

The timid Chen Yuanyuan, who had just heard about the appearance of the gods, was startled when she heard this movement, and immediately said "ahh".

When everyone heard the sound, they found that it was Wang Dehua's teapot that fell to the ground and was so broken that it couldn't be broken any more.

However, Wang Dehua didn't realize this. He just stared at Li Dingguo and asked, "Really? Who told this news?"

He knew that he suddenly lost the favor, it should be related to Emperor Taizu's apparition, pointing out the present day.It's just that he couldn't confirm it, so he guessed it was the case.

But now, Li Dingguo said that Emperor Taizu actually appeared in front of many civil and military officials.If that's the case, it's a done deal.

The others didn't care about Wang Dehua and Chen Yuanyuan's gaffe, they all stared at Li Dingguo, listening to his answer?

When Li Dingguo saw it, he immediately replied: "It's written in the mansion newspaper!"

Hearing this, Ma Shiying and the others couldn't help but glanced at each other, and they could see that the expressions on each other were full of shock.

The mansion newspaper is the official news of the imperial court, if it is not true, it will never be written on the mansion newspaper.That is to say, it is true that the Emperor Taizu appeared in front of the people, and the most holy teacher appeared in front of the people!
It turned out to be true!

After Li Dingguo finished speaking, the surrounding group of people were all in a daze!

This kind of thing is really unheard of!
It's no wonder that those civil servants immediately dispersed when they heard it; and those nobles came over aggressively to make trouble, but when they encountered the Taizu's apparition, they suddenly stopped their flags and drums, which is also reasonable.

Seeing their stupidity, Li Dingguo said with a little excitement: "The most holy teacher said that the Confucian family in Qufu are all unworthy descendants. They have forgotten their ancestors and are not worthy of enjoying the wealth in the world! And the emperor Taizu told the current emperor that he would treat corrupt officials. Ruinous official, should be killed, should be slashed, don't be soft!"

In this regard, he is deeply convinced: there are too many corrupt officials in the imperial court, so they should follow the instructions of Emperor Taizu, they should be killed, they should be hacked, and they should not be soft-hearted.

If there were not so many corrupt officials in the localities, and so many people would not starve to death, there would be no chaos in the world!
When Ma Shiying and the others heard this detail, they couldn't help being very excited.

They immediately understood that it was useless for the literati to make such a fuss.On the side of the emperor, because of the appearance of the emperor Taizu and the most holy teacher, he has the greatest support at once, and he can let go of many things!
In other words, their future will be bright!
"Good, good, good!" Wang Dehua came back to his senses, and immediately praised repeatedly, "Emperor Taizu said so well, it should be like this, it should be killed, it should be hacked, and the world will be peaceful!"

When he said this, Ma Shiying quickly came back to his senses, and immediately called his personal guards overjoyed, urging him to get the residence newspaper as soon as possible, and he wanted to have a look at it himself.

He was besieged by civil servants and nobles just now, and he didn't know how worried he was. Now that he is better, he can feel proud. Naturally, he must appreciate the contents of the mansion newspaper as soon as possible.

Just like them, the people of Nanjing, up and down, went crazy after hearing the apparition of Emperor Taizu and the most holy teacher.

The news was spread in the first time, and after word of mouth, it was like "gudong" coming, and it changed quickly as it spread.

Some people said that when a group of rebellious ministers were persecuting the current emperor in the Golden Luan Hall, suddenly the sun was shining, and the emperor Taizu descended from the sky, scaring all the rebellious ministers to the ground.Emperor Taizu confessed to kill all these rebellious ministers, and now there are no officials in the capital!
Some people said that it was the most holy master who saw that scholars all over the world made a fuss in the Golden Luan Hall for their unworthy descendants. For fear of Emperor Taizu's anger, he first went to Emperor Taizu to express his position, and then showed his holiness together and passed down the will. .

Some people even said that it was even more outrageous, saying that Emperor Taizu descended from the sky with a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, as well as the founding heroes standing on the left and right.


All these things, anyway, there is one fact that is clear, the Emperor Taizu really had a manifestation, even Kong Sheng had a manifestation.

Those people with ghosts in their hearts, that is, the kind of people who can be classified as corrupt officials in the mouth of Emperor Taizu, became restless.

They can hide their bad deeds from ordinary people, but how can they hide from the emperor Taizu who has become a god?

Emperor Taizu said that corrupt officials should be killed and hacked, how can this be done?
(End of this chapter)

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