Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 501 The sudden change of wind direction

Chapter 501 The sudden change of wind direction
In the council hall of Duke Wei's mansion, all the nobles from Nanjing are all sad, worried about their future!
Xu Hongji, lying on the recliner, was reading the mansion newspaper.

For a long time, their nobles didn't care about the affairs of the capital's court at all, so they didn't care about the mansion report at all.

But this time, Xu Hongji was really serious about reading the newspaper, just like the elementary school students in later generations who listened to their teachers and read books most seriously.

The other nobles couldn't wait for him to finish watching, and they were all worried.

"Oh, how can this be done?"

"Yeah, who would have thought that Emperor Taizu, an old man, would even take care of the affairs of the world. Tell me, what kind of thing is this?"

"That's right, isn't it good to be a fairy and be at ease? Why worry about it! I haven't seen other emperors appearing, so it's possible that the Taizu emperor has become a fairy?"

"That's not necessarily the case. The great achievements of Emperor Taizu can be compared with other people? If we say that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty can become a fairy, then Emperor Taizu must be the first one!"

"But... But at the time of Jingnan, why didn't Emperor Taizu appear to save Emperor Jianwen? Now he will appear?"

"It's possible that Emperor Taizu had just become a fairy at that time, and the Taoism was not enough, right? Or maybe Emperor Taizu found that Emperor Chengzu was the most suitable emperor? Or, Jing Nan was given to Emperor Jianwen by Emperor Taizu If you fail the test, you can only blame him for his bad luck, right?"


After all the nobles talk about it, they can find a reason. The matter of the Taizu emperor's appearance is so real that it cannot be truer.

Therefore, after speaking, the voice slowly decreased again, and some people were even full of despair during the words.

On Xu Hongji's side, after carefully reading the mansion newspaper twice, he slowly put down the mansion newspaper.

"Father, how is it?" His son Xu Wenjue asked with expectation when he saw it.

His father is the most cunning and scheming person, and if he can come up with an idea, it must be his father.

Hearing his words, the others immediately looked at Xu Hongji, all of them pitifully, hoping that Xu Hongji could give them an idea and a little confidence.

At this time, Xu Hongji looked gloomy, looked at these people present, and said slowly: "Actually, in my opinion, don't worry too much!"

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed and asked questions quickly.

"Ah, what do you say?"

"I know that the father-in-law has his own opinion, so please tell us the father-in-law?"

"Could it be possible that the father-in-law found out that the residence report is fake?"


Hearing their questions, Xu Hongji stretched out his hand to signal them to be quiet, and then continued: "It is impossible for the mansion report to be false, and there is also a reason for what the old man said, just listen to it! "

"Grandpa, please tell me!" Xungui in the meeting hall responded almost in unison.

Xu Hongji didn't speak immediately, he seemed to have sorted out his thoughts, and then he started to speak: "Look, for so many years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it was only this time that Emperor Taizu had a manifestation. At other times, Emperor Taizu didn't There is no apparition. But you want to say, if there is a sign of national subjugation, is it possible that the change of the Tumubao was also possible. But why didn’t the Emperor Taizu show his apparition at the beginning?"

In the [-]th year of Ming Zhengtong, Ming Yingzong made his fourth Northern Expedition, and the [-] elite army was wiped out in Tumubao. Even Ming Yingzong himself was captured by Mongolian Tartars.This incident was indeed a shocking change, and it threatened to subjugate the country.

But for Xu Hongji's statement, Xungui below can still think of a reason.

"Isn't it all right? Yu Qian, the minister of the Ministry of War at that time, stepped forward. Maybe it was the Emperor Taizu who entrusted him with a dream!"

"It's also possible that Emperor Taizu was in seclusion to cultivate immortals at that time, so he didn't appear!"

"It should be the Emperor Taizu who counted us, Daming, and we must be fine, right?"


Regarding their chatter, Xu Hongji stretched out his hand to stop them from continuing to speak, and then said to them: "No matter what, anyway, there is no such thing as this time, in front of people, like this time. Looking at the past dynasties, there is no such example." Therefore, the old man thought that it might not be easy for Emperor Taizu to show his holiness in front of others! Or, if it is not a very, very important matter, he would not show his holiness in front of others!"

After a pause, he explained again: "This time, it is related to the Confucian family in Qufu. After Confucius, scholars all over the world will make a fuss. This matter is also unprecedented in all dynasties. Therefore, Emperor Taizu and Confucius will appear together. Emperor Taizu didn't bother to take care of ordinary things, or in other words, he wouldn't pay the price of manifesting spirits! Otherwise, Emperor Taizu would often manifest spirits, right?"

After Xu Hongji finished asking, the nobles in the lobby did not respond immediately, but you looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, there was a response.

"I think the father-in-law is right!"

"That's right, if the Emperor Taizu really wanted to manifest easily, we have been in the Ming Dynasty for [-] years, and there have been so many right and wrong, the Emperor Taizu should have manifested many times!"

"Yes, yes, we have done such a little thing, it is not worth worrying about the Emperor Taizu, the Emperor Taizu will not appear!"


When people are in a desperate situation, it is easiest to wishful thinking.Even if they think of other explanations, those that are not beneficial to them, they will hold back and would rather believe those explanations that are beneficial to them.

The atmosphere in the lobby finally became more optimistic because of Xu Hongji's explanation.

Seeing that he had finally boosted their morale, Xu Hongji stretched out his hand again to signal them to be quiet.

Afterwards, he said with a serious expression: "Now at this pass, we really shouldn't have any more conflicts with the factory guards. The general situation is not on our side. Those hidden households should be let go! Otherwise, those factory guards are really There will be no scruples, maybe we can follow the Taizu Emperor's apparition. At that time, even if they are finally cleaned up, we will be unlucky first!"

Upon hearing this, all the nobles present nodded in agreement.It's just that it can be seen that it still hurts to ask them to spit out the hermit.

"For us, the most important thing is the grain field, which is fundamental!" Xu Hongji went on to say, "Fortunately, the imperial court no longer has the Jiangnan farm account book. This is a muddled account, and we can reason Fight!"

They sent people to destroy the account books of the fields. No, he immediately explained: "The pirates, we can no longer let them live. After they are wiped out, this matter will be considered safe. Each of us remembers that the last On the grain field, there is no way to give in. Otherwise, you will really be ashamed of the inheritance left by your ancestors!"

The ancient grain fields, just like the houses of later generations, are the most important fixed assets and the most valued fixed assets.

When people in later generations talk about it, they will ask if there are any houses, how many suites are there, and so on.The same is true for the ancients. When you talk about it, it means how many grain fields your family has!
At this time, hearing Xu Hongji's explanation, all these nobles nodded in agreement.

If possible, they really don't want their hidden households to be cleaned up by the court.Because to a certain extent, hermits are equivalent to their slaves, who are allowed to be exploited by them.

But now, Emperor Taizu showed his spirit and confessed that if he was murderous, he would have to give in more or less. The matter of this hidden household can only be regarded as cutting flesh.

After discussing with each other, these nobles went their separate ways.

As for the civil servants, they are all worried!Especially those who caused a lot of trouble for the Confucian family in Qufu are even more worried.

Among other things, those literati who went to the Gongyuan to make troubles are basically famous. Although they are not as good as these civic officials, the emperor killed more than a thousand literati at one time.

They couldn't help being unafraid of this murderous result!
What should I do?

This is a problem that these troublemakers urgently need to solve!

Needless to say, literati have smarter brains.

After much deliberation, they really came up with an idea.

Why did the Confucian family in Qufu make trouble?
Why did more than a thousand literati block the Gongyuan?
In the final analysis, it is the science founded by the emperor!By the way, it has been written in the Dibao now, and it has been renamed Gewuxue!

The current result is that the emperor has won a big victory.If it is said that at this time, hurry up to flatter the emperor and make the emperor happier, maybe he will not care about things in Nanjing!

Thinking of this, these literati immediately began to write.They wrote memorials one after another, and began to list the benefits that Gewuxue brought to the people of Ming Dynasty. They praised Gewuxue from all aspects, cried and shouted, and asked Gewuxue to join the imperial examination, so that scholars all over the world can learn Gewuxue.

In short, if you want to escape this catastrophe, vigorously support Gewuxue, and become a fan of today's emperor, then it is impossible for today's emperor to shout at them, right?
As for the grievances for the Qufu Confucian family before, this attitude has changed so quickly, so what is there to care about!

Shameless, life is so important!Besides, I have been in the officialdom for a long time, and my skin is thick enough, so what are you afraid of?
That's it, the memorials in support of Gephysics were sent to the capital with great fanfare, just for fear that others would not know.

If someone takes the lead, others will naturally understand the key points and follow up one by one.It's as if the south of the Yangtze River has suddenly become the birthplace of Gewuxue.

On Ma Shiying's side, he was happy.The second stage of the rectification of the place, the investigation of hidden households, suddenly became extremely smooth.There was no one disturbing the publicity of the Secretary of General Administration, and there were more people onlookers, and they all applauded.

However, Ma Shiying still has doubts about the rectification area in the third stage.He still didn't dare to let the factory guard do that, so he wrote a secret note about the situation in Nanjing, and rushed it to the capital to ask the emperor what to do!

(End of this chapter)

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